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Bangladesh Army confirmed purchasing of Chinese made VT-5 Light Tanks and kasirga T-300 MLRS


Feb 3, 2015
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Such purchases clearly show where our priority lies and proves that we know our strength very well.

For a country like ours, agility and riverine capabilities are the key. That's why high focus on purchasing light-weight and amphibious tanks that can quickly change position and be deployed in times of engagement.

Add to it, few days ago we had military exercise solely based on conducting an amphibious attack.

As I said, clearly indicates towards our strategy in times of possible war.
army has a plan to buy atleast 130-140 more tanks for light and amphibious role....so kaplan also has a chance i think..

Kaplan won't come, confirmed by a guy in army. superior armor won against superior gun system. And amphibious tanks are included in that number.

It's an old video. They used the same video last year to calim VT-5 will be delivered this year. Then changed to Kaplan MT. Moron doesn't know what he is talking about.

ও ভাই!! কি হইল ভাই?! :lol::omghaha: That's why i stopped saying anything about SAK. :lol:
few days ago we had military exercise solely based on conducting an amphibious attack.
This is like every year. This year it was beach landings. But I wonder if d day style landings that we see are efficient at all in modern context
Excellent news in both front. Karisga is an offensive weapon. Do we know how many systems we have bought?

This is the first system that we have that can be effectively used in the chicken neck.... we need to get TOT for this. 100km range of the Karisga will effectively create strategic depth for BA beyond our border if we can combine them with air defense batteries.

In the current scenario karisgas brings many of the indian airbases in range which is great. I am glad to see BA taking these progressive steps.

As far as the tanks are concerned... i assume these will be primarily used as infantry support. Good going .... again BA should consider TOT. These agile tanks offer BA options against both foes.
This is like every year. This year it was beach landings. But I wonder if d day style landings that we see are efficient at all in modern context

Good point but I reckon such landing dont apply in our case. We dont really need 'beach landings' as we will be on defensive positions. The only 'beach' we will ever invade probably is our river banks. :lol:

But its good to know that they are doing it for a while now. We need to concentrate on where our strength lies.
Excellent news in both front. Karisga is an offensive weapon. Do we know how many systems we have bought?

1 regiment.

100km range of the Karisga



Could any Bangladesh members confirmed that VT5 light tank is aquired by Bangladesh army?

Check this thread.

How can this tank have better armor than the Kaplan (like some are saying)?

But at 33 tonnes, it weighs even less than the Durjoy

Look at both tank's armor and you will see the difference. Although they look same, there's a little bit difference. Kaplan looks like an IFV with turret.

According FNSS CEO, the MMWT provides ballistic and mine protection Level 4 (STANAG 4569) firing of small arms 14.5 mm AP caliber on 360°, 155mm shell splinter at 30 m and mine explosion of 10 kg TNT under the track and the floor. It can be fitted with add-on armour to increase protection to Level 5 (STANAG 4569) protection against 25mm APDS-T (Armor Piercing Discarding Sabot - Tracer) ammunition.

The VT5 can be fitted with two different armor configurations. The hull and the turret of the VT5 is made with all-welded steel armour which provides stand protection against firing of small arms and shell splinters. To increase the protection, the VT5 can be equipped with advanced composite armour and/or explosive reactive armour (ERA). At AirShow China 2016, the VT5 was also fitted with slat armour (wire cage armour) on the turret sides and either side of the hull to increase protection against rocket-propelled grenades (RPG) and anti-tank guided missiles.



Both tanks have similar specification. But the possible reason for VT-5 to win the tender could be the more powerful engine pack, RWS and 40mm grenade launcher. It can be fitted with an APS too. Besides all of our tanks are Chinese. @Michael Corleone might be able to explain better.

And Type-59 is an MBT which had originally 36 ton weight until it's been upgraded with new wielded turret, gun, armor etc.







We dont really need 'beach landings' as we will be on defensive positions. The only 'beach' we will ever invade probably is our river banks. :lol:

And what gave you the impression army will never go for beach landing to push enemy inside their territory as counter-attack?
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The technical architecture of Kasirga(Hurricane) system has changed into a new system, called Kaplan (Tiger). Both are separated from each other as Block 1 and Block 2.

TRG-300 KAPLAN is an artillery/guided MLRS system with advanced Anti Jamming / Anti Spoofing countermeasure capability and rapid reaction time (Shoot and Scoot), capable of destroying the target within a few meters CEP range of approximately 90 km. Turkish army uses these artillery/Guided MLRS systems with tactical UAVs.

Roketsan has also developed a flexible carrying platform for these artillery systems. Multi-Purpose Multi Barrel Rocket Launcher (MBRL) System is capable of providing precise fire on critical targets between 16 - 280 km range. Multi-Purpose MBRL is a highly maneuverable fire support system that can fire TR-122, TRB-122, TRG-122, TRG-230, TRG-300, TRGK-300 and KHAN Rockets and Missiles. The battery is composed of Command & Control Vehicle, Launchers, Ammo Supply Vehicles, Meteorology Vehicle and Maintenance & Repair Vehicle, as well as other mission vehicles needed.

product catalog (its old but will give an idea in general terms): http://www.roketsan.com.tr/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/ARTILLERY-ROCKETS-ENG-1.pdf
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