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Bangladesh- Another Taliban in making?

This does not wash the crime of Killing over 3000 Sikhs in 1984 by Hindu fanatics, about 5000 Muslims killed by Hindu fanatics and hundreds of Christians killed and burnt alive by Hindu fanatics in India.

Atleast there's free media and judiciary in India, because of which we are able to hold these Idiot's, unlike in Pakistan where its citizens advocate killings of 'Kafir' to gain Objective. We've seen how Intolerant Islamic countries are towards their minorities. Parachinar is something that no one could imagine happening in an Islamic state?

above post was to point out the tolerance in Indian society, in spite of unfortunate incidents in India the fanatic population remains in small numbers as reflected in the elections.
The story is, she was not allowed to be sworn in. Also Mr. Singh got the premiership by the blessing of Sonia not by himself. Anyways, Its all good.

she was not allowed to sworn in:undecided:? says who mate?
the only brand ambassador that congress party had in 2004 was Sonia Gandhi. she got an mandate by Indians, no one had balls even to criticize her after elections. she didn't opt for PM post because of her personal choice.

Rape and Abduction of Jumma Women by holy army of BD

This 13 years old Chakma girl was gang raped by the members of the Bangladesh Army on 19 December 1986. About 20 personnel of the Bangladesh Army from the army camp at Viswa Ram Karbari Para of Dighinala, raided the Jumma village of Nuaram Karbari Para, at such a time in the morning when all the male inhabitants of the village were taken by force to cut the jungle surrounding the army camp. The soldiers of the Bangladesh Army encircled the village at 11:00 a.m. and on the pretext of making searches entered the houses. All the women and the girls who were in their houses, were stripped by the soldiers and were subjected to gang rape. Even the minors were not spared.

The Bangladeshi security personnel have been inflicting rape upon the Jumma women since the conflict started in the mid 1970s. The Bangladesh military systematically use rape as a deliberate tactic to destroy or damage the Jumma nation. Women are targeted by the military for two objectives: as a member of the 'enemy' and as a female individual. By raping a woman the oppressor does not just aim at hurting her personally, he takes what's a woman's private possession and at the same time tramples and humiliates the identity of the Jumma people as a whole. Jumma women are made pregnant by the Bangladesh military and thus are forced to give birth to children of the enemy. According to the Hill Women's Federation (HWF), there have been 47 reported cases of rapes between January 1991 and June 1992, five in 1993, four in 1994 and twelve in 1995. The HWF maintains that there have been many more such instances, but due to social taboos and fear of reprisals, the victims or their families do not come forward with this kind of information. The Jumma women are especially attractive and exotic to the Bangladeshis. They move around more freely and are not bound by the same cultural and religious impositions that restrict the freedom of movement of Muslim women. These cultural differences combined with the military presence and the increasing domination of Bengali Muslim culture in the CHT have made the Jumma women more exposed to sexual attacks and harassment. The CHT Commission interviewed some rape victims in the refugee camps of Tripura, India. A woman told the CHT Commission:

"About 50 army personnel came in the night and rounded up the whole village and gathered us in one place. In the morning all the men were arrested. I was tied up hands and legs, naked. They raped me. There were three women there. They raped me in front of my father-in-law. After that we were tied up together, naked, facing each other. Then they left. Three other girls were raped in front of me. This happened in the month of Ashar (June/July) of 1985."

Another refugee woman from Dighinala told in Tripura:

"In the early morning 5 to 6 groups of soldiers encircled the village and some entered the huts. They caught all men and brought them to the fields and tied them with rope. My husband had his teeth beaten out of him, all blood. My son ran to his father and he was thrown to one side. The army ordered me to go into my hut and pointed guns at me. One grabbed me by the neck. My husband was near. My husband was almost beaten to death. I was raped by three soldiers in the room. After this I didn't want to live anymore, but what am I to do? I am still suffering from it. My husband is still injured in the lungs and can't work. I want to go back if there is peace, otherwise not. I want medical treatment as I am still suffering from the rape. I am still afraid of Muslims. My ribs were broken and my skin burns there. This happened in June 1986. I am still like mad, disturbed."

A woman from Matiranga told what happened to her in April 1986:

"They (the army) surrounded the village early in the morning, we had not yet got up. Then they shouted to come out of the houses and concentrated all the people in one place. Then they started asking whether we had helped the SB (Shanti Bahini). All of us kept silent. ...Then they started beating the men and the women. One girl was taken by three soldiers. I don't know where she was taken. Then it was my turn. Two soldiers took me and subjected me to abuse. I was fully naked, they harassed me, they even poked me with a bayonet. I was left alone. I didn't know what to do. Somehow I managed to cover my body with some cloth and went to the jungle and kept walking till I reached India."

Life in the cluster villages is not safe, especially for women. Women in cluster villages are more vulnerable to rape by Bangladesh Army personnel and are often forced to spend the night with their rapist. A man in one of the refugee camps explained:

"I was forced to live in a cluster village. We had to come here because we have a teenage daughter and we were afraid that she would be raped by the army. ...A woman neighbor was raped in 1989 after the cluster village was established. She then fled to India, together with 22 other families."

Sometimes educated women are specifically targeted by the military. Recounting an army attack on her village, one woman who worked in a rubber plantation told the CHT Commission:

"The army raped some of the women, especially college students and women working in offices. Many girls were taken to the army camp. After this incident (1989), intellectuals of the village were arrested by the army so as to prevent them from taking shelter in India. ...The girls who were taken away to the army camps were released after one week. In the camp the army raped them repeatedly."

Forced itermarriage is one way in which women are used as an instrument to integrate the Jumma people into Islamic Bangladeshi society and to alter the demographic profile in the area. Many Jumma women had been kidnapped, forcibly converted to Islam and married. Jumma women were murdered who refused to be converted and married. A woman who came to Tripura in July 1990 told the Commission:

"I was walking along the road to go to the fields with my six-year old niece to plant some seeds. A man appeared before us, bound my mouth with a piece of cloth and took me away on his scooter. . .I was kept for three months. I was forcibly converted to Islam and married."

Rape is used systematically as a weapon against Jumma women in the CHT. Rape is a recurring characteristics of attacks by the Bangladesh military and by the BD settlers on Jumma villages. Many women were gang raped by the soldiers of the Bangladesh Army, often in front of their children. Women live in continuous fear of rape. Women who have been raped may be rejected by their husbands or their families, or may not be able to get married. If they become pregnant they have to conceal this fact and must try to have an abortion. If a child is born it is impossible for the woman to stay in her community as the situation is not accepted and she is ostracized. For these reasons women who have been raped hesitate to talk about it at all because they are scared or worried about the social stigma. This makes it difficult to collect information on such sensitive issue. The trauma of rape remains with these women form years, and many of them are still suffering from its repercussions years later.
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Well I saw your whole BJP, Bajrang threatened to boycott the sworn in ceremony and also widespread criticism which let her not to sworn in. Afterall she is european and she kept her honor instead of opting for it anymore.
Atleast there's free media and judiciary in India, because of which we are able to hold these Idiot's, unlike in Pakistan where its citizens advocate killings of 'Kafir' to gain Objective. We've seen how Intolerant Islamic countries are towards their minorities. Parachinar is something that no one could imagine happening in an Islamic state?

above post was to point out the tolerance in Indian society, in spite of unfortunate incidents in India the fanatic population remains in small numbers as reflected in the elections.

First of all keep Pakistan out of your BS here in this thread.

On the other hand as far as your free judiciary is concerned just last month you have observed the death aniversary of Indira Gandhi but still Sikhs are waiting for justice.

Gujrat and Orrisa are black spots on Indian face. The killings of Muslims and Christians speaks volum for your Indian tolerence.

And how come you are talking about tolerence when there is no tolerence towards your own Low Cast Hindus in your hinudism??
American Chronicle | Fresh news of minority persecution in Bangladesh

Advocate Robindra Ghosh, President-Bangladesh Minority Watch [BDMW] sent a number of informative reports on fresh persecution of religious minorities in Bangladesh.

Abduction of a Christian girl:

Silvia Sarker [Merry], aged about 12 and a student of 8th grade was abducted on July 30, 2009 on her way to home from school in Barisal district [southern part of Bangladesh] by a group of armed youths. Silvia Sarker is a student of local Sreemati Matrimongal Girls High School.

BDMW informs that a group of culprits named Al-Amin Faria [24], Shamim Faria [22], Shahadat Faria [20] amd Sattar Faria [50] of the locality abducted Silvia Sarker at around 1:00 pm from a place which is two kilometer away from the local police station. A first information report [formal case] was lodged on August 2, 2009 by Julian Sarker, father of the Christian school girl, under section 7/30 of the Women and Children Repression Act. Case number 3. In the first information report, it was alleged that the victim was abducted for forceful conversion to Islam and was forced to marry a Muslim boy. She was subsequently raped by her abducter. Local newspapers carried news of this abduction. Police failed to rescue the girl from the captivity of the abducters.

Though police arrested two of the accuseds, but they later were released on bail from the court and started giving threats of dire consequence to family members of the abducted girl.

Attack on Hindu temple:

A group of influential locals under the leadership of one Ibrahim attacked ´Lord Shiva Temple´ at Dhamrai sub-district, under Dhaka district of October 8, 2009. Attackers demolished deities, looted valuables and injured 10 Hindus including the priest of the temple. Subsequently a case was lodged with the local police station by the priest Mongal Chandra Mondal [a local Hindu], but police did not arrest any of the attackers for reason unknown.

Forceful conversion of a Hindu girl:

The Trend of fraudulent conversion by Muslims personifying Hindu adolescent girls increased abnormally at Joypurhat [northern part of the country] in Bangladesh. In those areas, a sense of insecurity prevails amongst the Hindu communities due to such unabated trend. The local administration also failed to provide adequate protection to victim families of Hindu communities.

Purnima Rani – daughter of Dulal Roy of Chitra Para-Joypurhat town was missing for weeks. She was not rescued by police as her abducters were patronized by local leaders of the ruling party. In this area, police regularly deny to register complaints of abduction and forceful conversion.

Another Hindu girl named Nabami Sarkar – daughter of Akhil Sarkar as well Krishna Rani, Mina Debnath, Shikha Debnath and Prativa Rani [all Hindu girls] were forcefully abducted for conversion into Islam by influential locals.

At the frantic bid of the human rights and minority rights groups, local police rescued Purnima Roy daughter of Dulal Roy on October 9, 2009 and produced her before the court. The court sent her to judicial custody.

In another incident, a Hindu girl named Krishna was abducted by a Muslim boy and later was raped in captivity. Local finally were able to rescue the girl in a critical condition. Though a case was lodged, there was no action by the police against the perpetrators. It is alleged that, local politicians belonging to the ruling party are putting pressure on police in remaining silent on such cases of abduction and conversion, as many Muslims consider conversions as a ´Holy task´.

Most of the Hindu parents of girl children are in serious fear, as such abduction and forceful conversion may happen with their girls any moment.

Trend of forceful conversion of religious minorities to Islam is increasing in Bangladesh especially after the increase of activities of Tablighi jamaat as well as provocative sermons by Muslim clergies in the mosques. These clergies and Tablighis offer heaven for the person and his parents and fore-parents for a successful conversion of a religious minority girl or boy into Islam.

According to Bangladesh law, abduction and forceful conversion is a criminal offense. But, none were ever convicted by any courts of law in the country for forcefully converting any minority girl into Islam. In most cases, the abducted girls are converted into Islam and subsquently married to a Muslim boy. Before trial starts, these abducted girls mostly become pregnant. So, they fail to speak out against such crime, fearing finally being abandoned both by her ´husband´ as well members of her family and community. Several females, who were victims of such notoriety finally ended up in local brothels, being totally abandoned by everyone.

Establishment of a rehabilitation center for such minority girls, who are abducted, violated and finally rescued but abandoned by the families and societies should be established in Bangladesh for the greater cause of humanity.

On the other hand, Bangladeshi government should also introduce strict law for the incidents of attack on religious temples or worship places by any citizen of the country.
Well I saw your whole BJP, Bajrang threatened to boycott the sworn in ceremony and also widespread criticism which let her not to sworn in. Afterall she is european and she kept her honor instead of opting for it anymore.

Yes the fundamentalists have called her Christian and an outsider hence she was not allowed to become the PM
Well I saw your whole BJP, Bajrang threatened to boycott the sworn in ceremony and also widespread criticism which let her not to sworn in. Afterall she is european and she kept her honor instead of opting for it anymore.

Your desperate attempt to give it a communal view failed. The comparison is not apt as she is NOT indian citizen by BIRTH whereas this thread is about prosecution of citizens BORN in BD.

India even considered her for PM which no nation could have. Even US elected first black president in 2009, so does it mean US is more ethnically unfair?
Your desperate attempt to give it a communal view failed. The comparison is not apt as she is NOT indian citizen by BIRTH whereas this thread is about prosecution of citizens BORN in BD.

India even considered her for PM which no nation could have. Even US elected first black president in 2009, so does it mean US is more ethnically unfair?

I am not attempting to do anything here just stating some facts. thats all. Nothing to do with US here, thats a non communal society even though it took them 300 years to elect a non white.
First of all keep Pakistan out of your BS here in this thread.

On the other hand as far as your free judiciary is concerned just last month you have observed the death aniversary of Indira Gandhi but still Sikhs are waiting for justice.

Gujrat and Orrisa are black spots on Indian face. The killings of Muslims and Christians speaks volum for your Indian tolerence.

And how come you are talking about tolerence when there is no tolerence towards your own Low Cast Hindus in your hinudism??

blah..blah..blah fckin :blah:

Does killing of Christians and Hindu's dont happen in Pak? As i said earlier

> Fact remains, minority population is increasing in India and no one would like to approach Pak or BD for asylum. Whereas Pak hindus/ Sikhs and BD hindus are migrating to India en masses. That's not a black spot, its a slap on your face.

> We have discussed MILLION if not billion times that how EVIL this India is. I guess everybody knows that in pakistan defense forums. What we are discussing here is minority treatment of BD which always take moral highground against India.


Since 1980, the Bangladesh military and the Bangladeshi settlers had committed 13 major massacres in the Chittgong Hill Tracts (hereafter CHT). Even then massacres were not new in the CHT by then. During the Bangladesh's liberation war against Pakistan, in 1971 the Mukti Bahini (freedom fighters of Bangladesh) perpetrated 3 massacres against the Jumma civilians in the CHT. But it was during the war against Shanti Bahini (the armed resistance of the Jumma people), the Bangladesh Army and the Bangladesh Government stepped up the frequency and intensity of mass murders against innocent civilians. These massacres are executed by systematic planning of the Bangladesh military, often in collaboration with the Bangladeshi settlers to uproot and wipe out the Jumma people from their land. These massacres include only the incidents where large number of people are killed in a single day at a single spot. Large number of People are also killed in military operations of extensive periods in wide areas, those are included in 'Reprisal Attacks' of 'Genocide' section.

1.Kaukhali Massacre, 25/03/1980:
There have been numerous attacks on the Jumma people by the settlers and the Bangladesh Army. But the massacre of Kaukhali Bazaar of Kalampati on 25th March 1980 stands out, because it was the first massacre in which indigenous people were killed in their hundreds. 300 Jummas were killed in this massacre and many more were injured.

On that they the Bangladesh military had asked the Jumma people to gather in the bazaar on the pretext holding a meeting for the reconstruction of a Buddhist Temple. Following the gathering the military suddenly encircled the area and opened fired on the unarmed Jumma civilians. The innocent Jumma people were completely caught by surprise. The Bangladesh military beforehand had informed and armed the Bangladeshi settlers for the massacres. The the Bangladeshi settlers assisted the Bangladesh Army by axing the injured men, women, and children, whom the military had hidden in the background for the massacre. Buddhist temples and religious images had been destroyed by the Bangladesh Army and the Bangladeshi settlers.
Thousands of Jummas took refuge in the Indian state of Tripura. Later on they were repatriated on an agreement between the Tripura government and the Bangladesh Army, and on the promise that things like that would not happen again.A parliamentary investigation team was formed by then Ziaur Rahman Government, but the report never saw the daylight. The military officers who engineered the killings not only were never punished, they were promoted in the ranks of the Bangladesh Army.

2.Banraibari-Beltali-Belchari Massacre, 26/06/1981:
The Bangladeshi settlers, under the protection of the Bangladesh army, invaded the Jumma area in the vicinity of Banraibari, Beltali and Belchari, murdered 500 Jumma men, women and children, and occupied their villages and farmlands. Thousands of Jumma people fled to the nearby forests and 5,000 of them managed to seek refuge in the Tripura State of India

Massacre, 19/09/1981:

The Bangladesh army and the Bangladeshi settlers made co-ordinated attacks on 35 Jumma villages including Telafang, Ashalong, Gurangapara, Tabalchari, Barnala etc. in the Feni valley of the CHT, plundered and burned the villages, and killed many thousand men, women and children. Thousands of Jumma people died as a direct and indirect result of these attacks.

The surviving villagers fled to the Indian State of Tripura and to the adjacent forests. Although the Bangladeshi regime had denied that these refugees were from the CHT, it was forced by the international community to repatriate them. These Jumma people were met at the border by hostile Bangladeshi officials and were given the equivalent of $18 and were left to their fate. Return to their native villages was impossible because their homes and possessions had been appropriated by the Bangladeshi settlers. Many of them died of starvation and of diseases.

Massacre, June-August 1983:

On 26 June, 11,26,27 July and 9,10,11 August 1983, the Bangladesh armed forces and the Bangladeshi immigrants massacred the Jumma people of the villages of Golakpatimachara, Machyachara, Tarabanchari, Logang, Tarabanya, Maramachyachara, Jedamachyachara etc. Hundreds of houses were looted and burned, and 800 people were murdered. Most of the victims were old men, women and children. After clearing the area of the Jumma people the government settled Bangladeshi families there.

5.Bhusanchara Massacre, 31/05/1984:

In the early morning of 31 May 1984, the Shanti Bahini guerillas attacked the settlements of the Bangladeshi settlers at Gorosthan, Bhusanchara and Chota Harina of Barkal Upazilla (Sub District). About 100 Bangladeshi settlers were reported killed, their homes burned down in the attack. Three BDR (Bangladesh Rifles) camps in the locality were also simultaneously attacked so that the BDR personnel could not intervene. Bhusanchara was the village most severely affected. The attack was given extensive coverage in the Bangladesh news media and President Ershad visited the affected area on 5 June 1984. No publicity was given, however, to the reprisals taken against the Jumma population by the Bangladeshi security personnel immediately after the assaults on the Bangladeshi settlements.

Some of the Jumma people, apparently anticipating retaliatory raids, left their homes at once and sought to hide in the surrounding forests. Others remained in their villages. Later on 31 May and the following day, the Bangladesh Army personnel, from the 305th brigade of the 26th Bengal Regiment, and members of the 17th battalion of the Bangladesh Rifles, accompanied by the Bangladeshi settlers, attacked the Jumma villages in the area, principally Het Baria, Suguri Para, Gorosthan, Tarengya Ghat, Bhusanchara and Bhusan Bagh. A total of 400 Jumma people including children and women were killed. Many women were gang raped and later shot dead. Seven thousand Jummas crossed the border into the Indian state of Mizoram.

A Jumma villager from Het Baria gave the following account of his experience to the Amnesty International:

"My village falls in the Barkal rehabilitation zone where large number of Muslims have settled over the years. There is thus continuous tension between the two communities. In the summer of 1984 there were frequent clashes and the Muslims often used to threaten us saying that the army will come and teach us a lesson. The army came on May 31, accompanied by a large group of Muslims some of whom were armed. They destroyed our village, raped women and killed people. I saw two women getting raped and then killed by bayonets. One Aroti, who is my distant cousin, was also raped by several soldiers and her body was disfigured with bayonets. Several people, including children, were thrown into burning huts. I was among the people singled out for torture in public. Five or six of us were hung upside down on a tree and beaten. Perhaps I was given up for dead and thus survived. The memories of that day are still a nightmare for me. Even now I sometimes wake up in a cold sweat remembering the sight of the soldiers thrusting bayonets into private parts of our women. They were all screaming 'No Chakmas will be born in Bangladesh".

6.Panchari Massacre, 1/05/1986:
On April 29th, 1986, the Shanti Bahini (resistance of the Jummas) simultaneously attacked the BDR border outposts at Assalong, Chota Assalong and Taidong of Khagrachari District and followed it up with swoops on new settlements of the Bangladeshi settlers. Reprisals by the Bangladesh army, BDR, Ansars (Islamic Guard) and the Bangladeshi settlers, began immediately after 29 April.

On 1 May and the following days, law enforcement personnel, together with Bangladeshi settlers, entered a number of Jumma villages in the Panchari-Khagrachari area and arbitrarily killed the Jumma inhabitants. The villages included Golakpratimachara, Kalanal, Soto Karmapara, Shantipur, Mirjibil, Hetarachara (also known as Khedarachara Mukhpara), Pujgang, Laogang, Hathimuktipara, Sarveswarpara, Napidapara and Dewan Bazar. After entering the Jumma villages, The Bangladeshi security personnel ordered the inhabitants to assemble on open ground, men separate from women, away from the villagers' huts. While the villagers were held in this way their settlements were set on fire by the Bangladeshi settlers. The Bangladeshi security personnel then opened fire randomly on the groups of villagers who were assembled, killing hundreds of Jumma men, women and children

Part of this process was described to the Amnesty International by a woman from Mirjibil, about a mile from Panchari, who was witness to the killing of another woman, aged in her 70s:

"As soon as the raid on my village began, people (other villagers) began to shout asking everybody to leave the village. But before most people could gather their senses the soldiers and the Ansars had come. They were followed by several hundred Muslim settlers.... They immediately began to ransack the village."

"The soldiers asked the men and the women to stand separately.... One old woman, Phoidebi, had trouble getting up and joining the group outside. A soldier shot her at close range."

7.Matiranga Massacre, May 1986:
Following the Bangladesh military atrocities described above many people from the affected areas sought refuge in the forests away from their homes. A few hundred people from several different villages gathered during the first week of May between the villages of Sarveswarpara and Manudaspara, in the Matiranga area. One night, probably that of 1/2 May although the precise date is not known, while they were trying to reach the Indian border, they were ambushed by a detachment of Bangladeshi soldiers. The soldiers opened fire without warning and shot at them randomly, without provocation. Over 70 Jumma people were killed.

8.Comillatialla-Taindong Massacre, 18-19/05/1986:
After the Matiranga massacre a large group of Jumma people fleeing from their homes, numbering over 200, most of whom were of the Tripura nationality, were moving towards the Indian border at Silachari in southern Tripura in mid May. Their presence in the area appears, to had been known for some time to the Bangladeshi security personnel. They were eventually discovered, by the troops of the 31st battalion of the Banglaesh Rifles (BDR), who surrounded them and made them walk into a narrow valley between the villages of Comillatilla and Taidong. In the restricted space of this valley, the soldiers fired indiscriminately at the group, killing most of the people. Once the firing had ceased, a number of Bangladeshi settlers further attacked the group with machete to kill the injured men, women and children.

. The massacre was described to the Amnesty International by a survivor and refugee in India:

"I am chief of a large colony of Tripuri tribals and we used to live a little outside Matiranga. Around the end of April and early May, when the Shanti Bahini began raids on the BDR, army and Muslims, the soldiers began to come and bother us. We told them we were not even Chakmas and had thus nothing to do with the Shanti Bahini. But they harassed us."

"Later, on 8 May, they came in strength and began to burn our village. The officer-in-charge said you Hindus have no place in Bangladesh and asked us to run away. We decided to flee along with some Chakma families in our neighbourhood. But the soldiers did not even let us run away in peace. They chased us and we hid in the jungles in the day, making some progress by night."

"Last Sunday (18 May) we were approaching the border when a large group of soldiers caught us. The officer said that we would be treated nicely and settled back. He asked us to walk back. The soldiers were around us."

"They took us to a narrow valley between Taidong and Comillatilla and there suddenly we heard thousands of bullets and shrieks and screams of our people. At least 200 of our people, mainly Tripuris, died. I do not even have any trace of my family. I do not know whether my family members are still in hiding somewhere or if they got killed."

"As bullets rained from all sides the Muslims too descended on the valley, raping women and killing people with swords, spears and knives; we all ran for our lives in (the) direction of India."

Massacres, 8,9,10 August, 1988:

The Bangladesh Army along with the aid of the Bangladeshi settlers killed hundreds of the Jumma people(actual number not known, figures based on the eye witness report) in the above areas. Many women were gang raped by the Bangladesh Army and the settlers.

10.Longadu Massacre, 4/05/1989:

Abdur Rashid, a Bangladeshi community leader was gunned down by an un-identified gunman. The Bangladesh authority and the Bangladeshi settlers suspect that he was gunned down by the Shanti Bahini, due to his involvement in the racially motivated crimes against the Jumma people, though Shanti Bahini denies the claims.In reprisal to Abdur Rashid's killing the Bangladesh Army, the Village Defense Party (armed group formed by the Bangladeshi settlers) and the settlers carried out this gruesome massacre. 40 Jumma people were killed, there dead bodies never returned to the relatives. Their houses were burnt down and Buddhist temples in the area were destroyed. Among the fallen victims were the wife, children and grand-children of the former chairman of the local council Mr. Anil Bikash Chakma. The Bangladesh Army had grabbed his land and settled the Bangladeshi settlers around his homestead. Mr. A.B. Chakma's friends and relatives had warned him of the potential danger of living so close to the Bangladeshi settlers. But he had no where else to go. On that day he was not in home, and that saved his life. Later on even after repeated appeal to the Bangladesh military authority, the dead bodies were never returned for Buddhist religous rites and cremation.

11.Malya Massacre, 2/02/1992:
On 2 February 1992 two bombs exploded on a passenger boat at Malya. The boat was on its way from Marishya to Rangamati. Malya is now inhabited by the Bengali settlers from the plain. The explosion killed one passenger and seriously injured the driver of the boat. The survivors swam ashore, but the armed Bengali settlers were waiting for them. The settlers attacked the Jumma passengers- men, women and children. About 30 of them were killed. Fourteen bodies were recovered, the others were lost in the water.Some representatives of the Jumma people were supposed to board the boat on their way to Rangamati and Dhaka to protest against recent army atrocities in the area: Captain Masiur Rahman of Bangladesh army had tortured a student Mr. Biswamuni Chakma and a Buddhist monk (the Rev. Bodhimitra Bhikkhu) and had treated some female students indecently. Moreover three Buddhist Viharas (monasteries) had been desecrated by the army. According to an eye-witness account, two members of the security forces boarded the boat at Dulachari carrying two kerosene tins. They disembarked at the next stop, leaving the tins. These exploded shortly afterwards. The Bangladesh media reported that the explosion was caused by the Shanti Bahini.

12.Logang Massacre, 10/04/1992:

On 10 April 1992 the biggest massacre in a single day, at single place, in the history of the CHT took place at Logang cluster village in Khagrachari District, perpetrated by the Bangladeshi security forces and the Bangladeshi settlers.

The military forces forcibly relocated some fifteen hundred Jumma families from the surrounding Jumma villages to the Logang cluster village, which is nothing but a concentration camp, and distributed their ancestral villages and farmlands to the Bangladeshi infiltrators free of cost. Then they hatched a plot to find an excuse to get rid of those Jumma prisoners. On 10 April, 1992, the military authorities sent two Bangladeshis, armed with machete, to rape some Jumma women who were grazing their cattle at their Logang cluster village. The Jumma women tried to defend themselves and at the same time they cried for help. A Jumma gentleman came to their rescue and asked the Bangladeshi rapists to leave the Jumma women alone. Instead of going away, the rapists attacked the Jumma gentleman and hacked him to death. During the attack, one of the rapists was also injured. After killing the Jumma gentleman, the rapists went straight to the camp of the Bangla Desh Rifles (BDR). The military authorities found the excuse they were looking for and used the injured rapist as a victim of the Shanti Bahini (SB) attack. On the pretext of searching out the SB, the military forces and the Bangladeshi settlers combinedly attacked the Logang cluster village immediately after the arrival of the two rapists at the BDR camp. They hacked many Jummas to death and shot dead those who tried to flee. Then the invaders forced the old people, women and children into their homes and burnt them alive by setting their homes on fire.

The exact number of the Jumma people killed at Logang will never be known, as many of the dead bodies had been removed by the military immediately after the massacre. According to several eye-witness reports the number must be well over 400. Some 800 houses were burnt down and more than 2000 people fled across the border to Tripura of India after the massacre.

13.Naniachar Massacre, 17/11/1993:
On 17 November 1993 at least 29 Jumma people were killed and more than a hundred wounded when Bangladeshi settlers, supported by the Bangladesh Army, attacked a peaceful rally of Jumma people in Naniarchar Bazzar. The rally was organized by the Greater Chittagong Hill Tracts Hill Students' Council, with the advance permission from the local authorities, and was part of a campaign against the use of the only waiting shed for motor-lauch passengers as an army check post. The reports about the massacre which the CHT Commission has received from various Bangladeshi and Jumma peoples' organizations and individuals all draw roughly the same picture of the cause of events. Naniarchar is surrounded on three sides by the Kaptai Lake, so people travel mostly by boat. People arriving and departing from Naniarchar are regularly questioned and harassed by the army personnel from the checkpoint. There was widespread resentment among the local residents against the army checkpost.On 17 November, soon after the students had held their meeting and rally, Bangladeshi settlers led by Union Council member Ahmed Miah held a counter demonstration, for which they had obtained permission on the same day. There were joined by a few hundred settlers from adjacent villages, led by Md. Ayub Hossain, president of Parbatya Gana Parishad (Hill Tracts Peoples' Council, an organization of the Bangladeshi settlers, not to be confused with the Hill Peoples' Council of the Jumma people), and Abdul Latif, chairman of Burighat Union Council. They arrived on boats, armed with iron rods, sticks and machete. Surprisingly, the settlers were not disarmed by the army personnel at the check post. Tension rose and at one point the settlers started attacking the Jumma people. Even the Jumma people who tried to escape by jumping into the lake were hacked to death. It was reported that the law enforcing agencies did not try very hard to stop the attack and observed impassively. Students defended themselves with firewood and sticks which they collected from tea shops. Then the settlers were already retreating, there was a whistle from the army camp and the army opened fire on the students.

Most of the massacres of the Jumma people, have never been investigated by the Bangladesh Government. After a few massacres the government did set up an investigation committee, but never to much effect. The report of the inquiry committee set up after the Logang massacre in April 1992 in which few hundred Jumma people were killed by the Bangladeshi security forces and the Bangladeshi settlers, was made public. However it largely projected the Bangladesh Army version of the event. The report of the Naniarchar Massacre in November 1993 has never been made public. Moreover, never have persons responsible for any massacre or other human rights violations been tried in court. At the most a few of the army officers have been transferred or given early retirement.

I guess now BD members wont mention justice given to sikh riot victims if they have any shame left
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Better you check the truth of your one sided stories of Muslim settlers plundering the locals. There is another side, whereby the Paharis attack muslim settlers with modern weapons and kill. The reporters have very conveniently avoided saying this side of the story. Muslims, sometimes, have to act in self-defence against the Pahari rebels, who are armed with Indian weapons supplied by your BSF. So, in essence it is an Indian ploy to disturb the peace among the population of BD. It is also an Indian proxy war against our people and land. We reserve the right to protect our citizens.
Better you check the truth of your one sided stories of Muslim settlers plundering the locals. There is another side, whereby the Paharis attack muslim settlers with modern weapons and kill. The reporters have very conveniently avoided saying this side of the story. Muslims, sometimes, have to act in self-defence against the Pahari rebels, who are armed with Indian weapons supplied by your BSF. So, in essence it is an Indian ploy to disturb the peace among the population of BD. It is also an Indian proxy war against our people and land. We reserve the right to protect our citizens.

Have you even read the links which i posted? It hurts right? Data is from Amnesty international and UN. Seems like everytime RAW or Indian stooge govt is responsible for your misery. Your kind must be more pious than pope with respect for others religion. This all BS i posted is part of conspiracy by evil hindus and jews :devil:

Almost every thread on this BD forums starts with India bashing and ends with India bashing. Read my last post, BD army has killed 10x more BD citizens than BSF who were targeting illegal immigrants and smugglers. But not even a single thread was opened for discussing this massacre.

My point here is that i can be idune or al-jakir or mbi for one day and can bash BD to my heart's content. Your esteemed BD members are more concerned about Caste system and poverty in India whereas conveniently ignoring massacre by their armed forces in their backyard . Accept it, you hate India because you perceive it as a hindu nation, its a communal hatred- nothing else. You are also annoyed with India's rise in world stage as well as economically.
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Rapes and Attempted Rapes

The Bangladeshi security personnel have been inflicting rape upon the Jumma women since the conflict started in the mid 1970s. The Bangladesh military systematically use rape as a deliberate tactic to destroy or damage the Jumma nation. The following information is just a small fraction of the Bangladesh military perpetrated rapes committed against the Jumma women of the CHT. There have been many more such instances, but due to social taboos and fear of reprisals, the victims or their families do not come forward with this kind of information.

4 August 2008

Around 2 pm a group of Bangladesh army personnel led by Captain Tanvir from Merangchara camp raided Nuopara village in Belaichari. The soldiers met Mrs. Shanti Devi Chakma (40) wife of Lakshmi Chakma near the village and raped her. They also beat her two sons Ranjan Chakma (20) and Rubel Chakma (11).

19 July 2008

A group of Bangladesh army personnel led by a warrant officer raided the village of Magainpara under Ghilachari Union. An army man attempted to rape Ms Jika Rani Tonchongya (15) when he found her alone in the house. The army man asked her to un-dress and grabbed her. She screamed, freed herself and ran out of the house.

23 June 2008

At about 8 am, Miss. Ruma Chakma (13) of Nalkata, Baghaichari went to a nearby stream to fetch water. An unidentified settler (35 to 40 years of age) grabbed her and attempted to rape her. As she screamed for help, the settler struck her with his machete leaving a few centimeters deep cut-wound in her right elbow. The settler had run away before the villagers reached the scene. The girl could not tell his name. Ruma Chakma was then admitted to Baghaihat Health Complex.

8 September 2006

At about 4:00 p.m. Santosh Das son of late Man Mohan Das raped Nima Marma (11) daughter of Uching Mong Marma of Mrodong Para of Bangalhalia, Rajasthali under Rangamati district. Santosh Das first took away the girl to nearby jungle by alluring her with money and chickpea (Chanachur) and then raped her.

2 September 2006

Muslim settlers in Dighinala area raped and murdered Ms. Runa Chakma (15) daughter of Gyanajyoti Chakma of Hajachara, Dighinala. She was a student of grade nine at Chhota Merung High School in Dighinala. That morning she went to school to sit for examination, but she did not return home that day. Next day (3 September) at the evening around 6:30 pm her naked body was found at Merung creek near Number 10 sentry post of Ansar (Islamic Guard) and half kilometer from the Bara Merung Bridge. One of perpetrators was identified as Monowar Hossain son of Joynal of Khejur Bagan village of Merung.

22 August 2006

Two Muslim settlers attempted to rape Ms. Samapudi Chakma (16) daughter of Aongla Chakma of Falitangyachug under Barkal in Rangamati district. On that day at 2.00 pm the victim went to the adjacent creek to fetch water for her cows. Mohammed Maznu and Mohammed Bazlu both of whom work at a local BDR camp assaulted to rape her. Samapudi Chakma screamed and hearing her scream, a villager Manu Mohan Chakma rushed to the scene to rescue her.
30 June 2006

A group of Muslim settlers raped a Miss. Nunu Marma daughter of Felang Marma of Bara Kheda Para under Ramgarh in Khagrachari district. She was visiting her relative Mr. Jatin Mohan Tripura of Bara Tali Para. At around 1.30 pm a group of Muslim settlers raided the home, tied up Jatin Mohan Tripura and his wife and then kidnapped Nunu Marma. The miscreants told Jatin Mohan Tripura that the Chairman of Patachara Union Momin Habilder had ordered them to pick her up. The next day, some villagers along with Jatin Mohan Tripura met the Chairman and asked about Nunu Marma. The Chairman denied any involvement. However he asked two people to trace Miss. Nunu Marma. Then they informed that Nunu Marma was gang raped by following miscreants and left her after she became senseless.

1. Mohammed Abdul Kader (30) son of Sayem Uddin Munsi, of Nakapa Cluster Village
2. Mohammed Shahajahan Miyan (35) son of Ahamudur Rahman, of Nakapa Cluster Village
3. Mohammed Jakir Hossain (26) son of Bacchchu Miyan, Nakapa Cluster Village.

17 April 2006

A group of Muslim settlers at Taindong, Matiranga of Khagrachari abducted Ms Jamuna Tripura (14) daughter of Krisna Dayal Tripura in broad daylight. The police refused to take action against the Muslim settlers. The victim had not been rescued till writing this report. The following culprits were identified.

1. Mohammed Abul Kalam of DB Para under Matranga
2. Mohammed Abdul Haque, son of Chan Miyan of DB Para under Matranga
3. Mohammed Manir, son of Farid Miyan of DB Para under Matranga

10 April 2006

At around 11.30 am Subedar Kobad Ali, a non-commissioned officer of Duitila army camp under Baghaihat army zone raped a widow named Rupali Chakma (26 years) w/o late Dhana Bikash Chakma of Hazachari, Baghaihat. The victim was returning home from Baghaichari by a public bus. When the bus reached Duitila army camp, the military personnel ordered all the Jumma passengers including the victim to alight from the bus. During search, the military personnel found the victims widow allowance book and detained her on the passenger shed. They ordered the bus driver to leave the place along with other passengers. Two Ansar (Islamic Guard) personnel were also present during the search. No sooner had the bus left with other passengers, Subedar Kobad Ali ordered the Ansar personnel to leave the place. Few minutes later, Subedar Kobad Ali forcibly took the victim to a room of the camp and raped her. After an hour, the Subedar boarded her in a passenger jeep. The victim was threatened that she would be killed if she disclosed the incident to other.

The victim filed a case at the Rangamati police station. She applied for medical test to Rangamati hospital. But medical test was done almost 72 hours after the rape and result was reported negative. On the other, the security intelligence personnel kept continuous vigilance upon her during her stay at Rangamati hospital. They tried to harass and interrogate her in the hospital. Due to military interference, the medical test was delayed and the result was reported negative.

7 April 2006

At 4.00 p.m. Mohammed Alamgir, a Muslim settler of Manikchari raped Domra Ching Marama (16) d/o Mong Chai Marma, of Badnatali under Manikchari upazila in Khagrachari district while she was collecting drinking water from a well near the village. A case was filed against the rapist at the Manikchari police station. But the police did not take any action. Reliable sources alleged that Dr. Tozammel Haque Zoarder, Resident Medical Officer of Khagrachari hospital intentionally destroyed some symptoms of raping.

3 April 2006

Muslim settlers raped two Jumma women named Ms. Thuimrajai Marma (16) d/o Mamong Marma and Ms. Krajaima Marma (20) d/o Riprue Marma at Maischari under Khagrachari district during the communal attack against Jummas. The attack occurred when Muslim settlers tried to grab Jumma land. Medical test was done at the Khagrachari hospital two days after the incident and result was reported negative. But the doctors mentioned that they found injuries on different parts of their bodies. The victim's relatives alleged that the military applied tremendous pressure on the doctors to create negative report.

20 February 2006

Ms. King Chaiye Marma (14) d/o late Kyafa Marma of Nakkhyangchari under Bandarban district was raped and killed by Muslim settlers named (1) Belal Ahmad, (2) Joynal Ahmad, (3) Mohamed Kamal, (4) Mohamed Abdullah, (5) Mohamed Akhter, (6) Shah Alam, (7) Mohamed Alam. On that day at 5.00 p.m. Ms. King Chaiye Marma was returning home from Magya Para of Lama. When she reached the the Humayan Jabir Chowdhury Rubber Factory, she was kidnapped by the culprits mentioned above. In connection with this kidnapping and disappearance, the victim's uncle Mr. Mong Owang Marma filed a case at Nakkhyangchari police station on 27/02/2006. Later main culprit Belal Ahmad was arrested by the police and according to his confession, the dead body of victim was recovered on 15 March 2006 at 3.00 p.m. from Humayan Jabir Chowdhury's rubber plantation area. On 16 March her dead body was taken to Bandarban town for post mortem.

06 February 2006

An army Subedar (non-commissioned officer, name was not available) of Bagchari camp of 28 Bengal under Naniarchar zone tried to rape Ms. Kalindi Rani Chakma (19) d/o Mano Ranjan Chakma of Bagchari Jouta Khamar village in Rangamati district.

25 May 2003

Mr. Riaz Mahmud Hira, son of Aziz attempted to rape an adolescent children named Sima Chakma (10), daughter of Annanda Chakma of Patachari village under Bagaichari. While Sima Chakma was going to market for buying kerosene, the culprit attacked her. Fortunately, her younger sister Ruma Chakma was with her and they vigorously fought the attacker. The victim's father Mr. Annanda Chakma filed a case against the culprit to the Upazilla Mahila Officer on 1 June 2003. But he was forced to withdraw the case due to pressure from the Bagaichari Police.
25 April 2002

A Jumma woman named Jyotika Chakma wife of Mr. Ramanya Chakma of Pablakhali village under Bagaichari was abducted by Mohammed Mojammel of Bhangamura village. Her whereabouts are still unknown.

13 March 2002

A group of Muslim settlers abducted Miss Kalpana Chakma (16) from Alikadam town of Bandarban, took her to East Feroz Shah Colony of Pahartali, Chittagong and gang raped her for several days. However due to the vehement protest of the Jummas, the local authorities ordered the Police to take action. The Police rescued the girl and arrested i) Mohammad Ruhul Amin and ii) Mohammad Fazal Kader. Later the Police released the rapists without trial or punishment.
5 March 2002

Miss Lita Marma (16), the daughter of Mr. Shwi Chen Marma of Dulupara, Kaptai and a student of Class 10 of Chandraghona Paharika High School, was kidnapped by a group of Muslim settlers in broad daylight in the presence of Police. Her brother, Mr. Shai Chen Marma filed a case with the Chandraghona Police Station against the Muslim abductors. The Police rescued the girl from a Muslim home in the area but they did not arrest the kidnappers. Miss Lita Marma was traumatised and gang raped for 14 days.

22 December 2001

At 12.30 a.m, 5 Muslim settlers led by Mohammad Khokan, the son of Mohammad Motaleb Mistri, attacked Mrs. Hla Mra Ching Marma, the wife of Mr. Mong Hla Ching Marma of Bhedbhedi, Rangamati, and gang raped her. She was seriously injured when the rapists hit her with sticks while she was fighting tooth and nail to resist the attack. Mrs. Marma was taken to the Rangamati General Hospital for treatment. She lodged a case against the rapists with the Rangamati Police. Needless to say, the Police did not take any action.

21 May 2001

A group of Bangladesh army personnel raided a Jumma village namely Bara Chandra Karbari Para at Matiranga at midnight and raped 3 Jumma women. They mercilessly beat the villagers and injured 13 Jumma civilians including an one year old baby girl. The Jumma women were identified as (a) Mrs. Pubali Tripura (22) wife of Bata Roy Tripura, (b) Ms.Sanita Tripura (15) and (c) Ms. Karandi Tripura, daughter of Hari Mohan Tripura. The one year old minor child of Mrs. Pubali Tripura was seriously injured when the army personnel chopped the child with sharp knife during the gruesome incident. Three Jumma women and the minor child were admitted to Khagra Chari Sadar Hospital. One Jogendra Tripura of the same village was arrested by the army and later sent to Khagra Chari court hazat on next day.

13 August 2000

At mid-night a group of Bengali youths led by Ali Ajgar (18) of Hafchari mouza, Guimara, Khagrachari tried to kidnap Mallika Tripura (13) of the same village. Mallika's brother, helped by a Bengali, could catch Ali Ajgar and handed him over to local Bengali leaders. The latter then proposed to Mallika's guardians to marry her to Ali Ajgar, which they refused. Mallika's sister filed a case against Ali Ajgar (18) and 10 associates. When a local Awami League leader was killed by dacoits in the following days a false case was filed against Mallika's guardians and the Bengali who had helped them and they were arrested by the police. Mallika went in hiding.

24 April 2000

Miss. Nidra Kusum Talukdar (12), daughter of Doyal Kanti Talukdar, a student of Shantipur Junior High School, Dighinala was sexually harassed and attempted to rape by a Muslim settler named Saheb Ali, son of Malek of Milanpur Guchha Gram (culster village) of Dighinala. This incident took place at a shop of Dighinala town.

23 March 2000

Miss. Chunio Marma (13), daughter of Aoung Fu Marma of Daijja Para, Manikchari, Khagrachari was gang raped by a group of Muslim youths namely 1) Mohammad Jahangir, 2) Mohammad Samshul Islam, 3) Rafique Mian, 4) Mohammad Mizan and 5) an unidentified bus driver from Tintahari Bazaar of Manikchari, Khagrachari. The victim was admitted to Khagrachari Sadar Hospital and was declared by the doctors to had been raped. Although the case was filed, but none of the rapists were arrested.

18 March 2000

Five Marma people were returning from Chitmoram Buddhist Temple at Kaptai. When they reached Tin Tehari, Manikchhari thana, Khagrachhari district, a cluster village of Muslim settlers, a group of settlers robbed them of their money and gold ornaments. The robbers also kidnapped Chunew Marma (13) and raped her. According to the victims, the following settlers were involved: 1) Mohammad Aziz, 2) Jamal, 3) Mohammad Ershad, 4) Mohammad Sirajul, 5) Mohammad Mofazzal, 6) Mohammad Jahangir, 7) Mohammad Shamsul Islam (all from Tin Tehari cluster village), 8) Mohammad Khorshed from Debpoa 9) Mohammad Rafiq Mia, Jahangir's relative 10) Mohammad Mizan, and 11) a friend of Jahangir known as Lal Boarder Driver.

22 April 1999

At about 12 noon i) Miss Boalbin Bawm 18, the daughter of Mr. Dalbin Bawm of Malfipara village in Bandarban District, and ii) Mrs. Bomsiar Bawm 21, the wife of Mr. Pankhum Bawm of the same address, were fishing in the nearby Palichara rivulet. At that time, the Bangladesh Army directed several members of a Foreign Armed Group (Rohinga Muslims from Burma) to rape those Jumma ladies. In compliance with the instructions of the Bangladesh Army Commander, those Foreign Terrorists gang raped both the ladies at gun-point till they became unconscious. They also shot dead Miss Boalbin Bawm after gang raping her.

17 April 1999

At about 12 p.m, 2 Bangladesh Police personnel i) Mohamed Noman and ii) Mohamed Masud - of Ghilachari Police Camp under the jurisdiction of Rangamati District raided the home of Miss Sonabala Chakma and tried to rape her at gun-point. On hearing her scream for help, her Jumma neighbours rushed into her home, rescued her from the hands of the rapists, caught the culprits red-handed, and handed them over to the Commander of the said Police Camp. Needless to say, the BD rapists were not punished.

March 4 1999

Lance Nayek Muzibar from the Engineering Corps (16 East Bengal), engaged in the construction of the Chimbuk-Thanchi road, attempted to rape Songtal Murang (13) near Empo Para, Bandarban district, when she went to a nearby spring to fetch water. The girl was able to run away. The Chimbuk -Thanchi road is being constructed by the army and Jummas living in that area, mainly Mru, have been harassed in many different ways by the military.

5 January 1999

Miss Momota Devi Tripura (14) of Alutila, Matiranga Thana, Khagrachari District was travelling by bus to Matiranga town. On the way, a Muslim driver, whose name was not known, molested her in front of many Muslims and some Jumma passengers. When the helpless Jumma girl screamed for help, the Jumma passengers attempted to free her from the hands of the rapist. But the Muslim passengers took the side of the rapist, pushed the Jumma passengers away from him and allowed him to continue the molestation. When the Jumma passengers and the Jumma victim reported the matter to the Police, the Police Authorities ignored the First Information Report.

1 January 1999

A 12-year-old girl, Beshbala Tripura (alias Maya Rani), of Bailyachhara Joutha Khamar (collective farm) in Matiranga thana, Khagrachhari district, was raped by Banar Ali, a settler, when she was alone at home.

4 July 1998

Mrs. Kanjuri Marma and her brother of Deppyo Para, Manikchari, Khagrachari District were coming out of a cinema hall. At that time, Mohammad Mahfuj from Champrue Para, Manikchari attacked Mrs. Marma to rape her in front of many Muslim settlers and some Police personnel. When her brother tried to free her from the grip the rapist, the other Muslim settlers beat him up injuring him seriously on his head. The Police did not intervene in the attack.

24 June 1998

Mohammad Mamunul Haque, a teacher of Rangamati Technical Training Centre, attempted to rape Miss Manju Rani Chakma (15), a student of the said centre, while teaching her at his home. But her screaming and loud cry for help forced the rapist to let her go. Then she wen to Rangamati Police Headquarters to submit the first information report. But the Police refused to record it showing that the BSF have ordered them not to accept any complaints from the Jumma People. Then the Hill Student Council brought out a procession at Rangamati to demand the trial and
punishment of the rapist. Thus they compelled the Police to file a case against Mohammad Haque and arrest him. The rapist has not yet been tried and punished.

14 June 1998

A minor Jumma girl, Miss Khucharung Tripura, the daughter of Mr. Manikjan Tripura of Pan Bazar village in Alikadam Thana area within Bandarban District, was kidnapped by three Muslim settlers i) Mohamed Abdul Khaleque, ii) Mohamed Hamidullah, and iii) Mohamed Salamat Ullah. Miss Tripura is still missing. It is feared that she was kidnapped, gang raped, murdered and buried in a secret place.

28 May 1998

At midnight the Police of Dighinala Police Station and the local Muslim settlers raided the home of Mrs. Nandi Bala Dewan, the wife of Mr. Jyotishwar Dewan of Kalachand Mohajan Para, Dighinala, looted all valuable goods including her ornaments, and attempted to rape her. Fortunately the neighbours heard of her loud scream and cry for help, rushed to her home and saved her from being raped.

22 May 1998

Miss Kanika Tripura, the daughter of Mr. Atal Tripura of Sinaipara, Rowangchari, Bandarban, was raped by 2 Police personnel i) Mohammad Sadeq and ii) Bapar Barua of the nearby Police checkpost. The local Police authorities did not take any actions against the rapists.

28 April 1998

Konika Tripura and Resmaiti Tripura were both raped by two policemen, Baper Barua and Sadeq Ali, while they were collecting firewood in the jungle at Rowangchhari thana, Bandarban district. After the HWF Bandarban branch filed a case, the policemen were suspended from service but not tried in court. The girls were given compensation of Tk 10,000 each.

28 April 1998

A minor Jumma girl named Miss Mahalaxmi Tripura, the daughter of Mr. Sarani Kumar Tripura of Chinachari Para, Ramgarh, was raped by a Bangladesh Rifles man named Mohammad Mahbub from the local sentry post when she went to collect fire wood from the nearby forest.

21 March 1998

A Muslim settler raped a Chakma woman at Madhya Boalkhali village in Dighinala.

20 March 1998

Mrs. Jayanti Prabha Chakma (32), the wife of Mr. Padma Sen Chakma, a repatriated Jumma refugee of Madhya Boalkhali, Dighinala was working alone in the field. Then a Muslim settler Mohammad Abdul, the son of Mohammad Mozaffar of Boalkhali attacked and raped her at knife point. Although she sued him, the Bangladesh Government simply ignored the case.

28 February 1998

The personnel of the Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) from the BDR camp at Guimara raped two Jumma women at Matiranga, Khagrachari.

23 February 1998

The Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) personnel of Guimara camp raped two Jumma women near the Matiranga Police Headquarters.

14 May 1996

Under the instructions of the Bangladeshi Security Forces, a member of the Ansar (Islamic Guards) from Kukichara Ansar Camp, attacked the house of Mr. Halendra Tripura of Kukichara village under the jurisdiction of Khagrachari Police Headquarters within Khagrachari District and raped his daughter, Miss Rajanika Tripura (13), at gunpoint. The Ansar rapist was Mohammad Sayed Ali.

18 January, 1996

Two members of the VDP (Village Defence Party = a Muslim militia) Mohammad Mosaraf (22) and Mohammad Rafiq (l6), attacked and attempted to rape i) Miss Rupika Chakma (16), and ii)Miss Shukramita Chakma (l7), both students of Pujgang High School, while they vere returning from school. These bold Jumma girls resisted the attack with all their might and at the same time cried out loudly for help. Having heard of their distressful scream, the nearby Jummas came to their help and rescued them from the hands of the VDP rapists.

11 November 1995

Havildar Makbul of the No. 13 Ansar (Islamic Guard) Battalion was on duty at Golanda Sentry Post. At that time, Miss Ranika Debi Chakma (9), the daughter of Mr. Shashi Mohan Chakma, was going to fetch water. Then Havilder Makbul molested her, touched her private parts and attempted to rape her. But he had to let her go as she was able to draw the attention of the villagers by crying and screaming loudly.

31 October 1995

A group of Muslim settlers led by Mohammad Nobya of Boalkhali cluster village and Mohammad Kasem of Rashik Nagar cluster village went to the home of Mrs. Tungobi Chakma (45), the wife of Mr. Bulu Chakma of Hachinsanpur village in Tarabanya Mouza, Dighinala, presented her and her daughter, Miss Mallika Chakma (21) with Fanta (a soft drink) mixed with sleeping drug, and repeatedly requested them to drink although they initially refused to accept the present. However, after repeated request by the Muslim settlers, Mrs. Chakma and her daughter were beguiled into drinking the Fanta and very soon they fell asleep. Then, the Muslim settlers gang raped them. They were so heavily drugged that they were found unconscious even the following morning. Fortunately, Mrs. Chakma and her daughter came back to their senses after treatment at Khagrachari Hospital and were able to reveal the crime in detail. Needless to say, the local authorities refused to bring the Muslim settlers to justice.

15 October 1995

Leut. Zia and his soldiers of the 15 EBR from Barmachari Army Camp under the control of the Lakshmichari Military Zone were patrolling the surrounding areas. At that time, Miss Shanti Lata Chakma (15), the daughter of Mr. Hari Mohan Chakma of Marachengi, Lakshmichari Union Council, Khagrachari and her nephew were returning home after shopping at the local bazaar. Then in the presence of Lt. Zia and other soldiers, a soldier attacked Miss Shanti Lata Chakma to rape her. But this bold Jumma girl fought back tooth and nail and screamed loudly till the military rapist released her. Although the soldier could not rape her, he molested her, touched her private parts and tried to strip her. Perhaps, it is worth noting that Lt. Zia had neither stopped his soldier from attacking the helpless Jumma girl nor had taken any actions against the military rapist.

11 October, 1995

A group of Muslim settlers attacked the home of Mr. Chandra Kumar Chakma, a repatriated Jumma refugee of Aparup Headman Para of Dighinala, to abduct his granddaughter, Miss Ringu Chakma (15). At the time of her kidnapping, she cried out loudly and screamed to alarm her neibours. Alarmed by her helpless cry, the villagers rushed to her rescue and released her from the grip of the kidnappers. The rescuers were able to identify some of the culprits namely, i) Mohammad Alam, ii) Mohammad Shahabuddin, iii) Mohammad Sukkur Ali, iv) Mohammad Ali Azam, v) Mohammad Abu Taher, vi) Mohammad Hanif.

9 September 1995

A member of the VDP (Village Defence Party = a Muslim militia) attempted to rape Miss Priti Rani Tripura (14), a student of class VII and the daughter of Mr. Barendra Tripura of Kumindra Karbari Para of Matiranga while she was going to school. Then she cried for help. Fortunately, Mr. Shanti Mohan Tripura heard of her screaming, rushed to the scene, and rescued the girl from the hands of the VDP rapist.

12 July 1995

Three Jumma girls of Ahjachara village - i) Miss Surekha Chakma (l7), ii) Miss Punangalata Chakma (16), the daughters of Mr. Amar Dhan Chakma, and iii) Miss Suralata Chakma (18), the daughter of Mr. Ananda Mohan Chakma - were going to Kasalong Mukh by boat. When they arrived at Baranachari Mukh they were attacked and raped by three Muslim settlers- i) Mohammad Nazrul Islam, the son of Mohammad Maksud Ali, ii) Mohammad Sirajul Islam, the son of Mohammad Samsher Ali, and iii) Mohammad Habibur Rahman, the son of Mohammad Solaiman.

9 July 1995

Capt. Imdad and his troops of the 17 East Bengal Regiment from Sarbuatali Bangladesh Army camp raided the house of Mr. Arun Prakash Chakma of Lalit Mohan Karbari Para village of Madhya Pablakhali area at about 2 a.m. They forced him and Mr. Shyam Chakma to come out of their home, interrogated and harassed them. During the interrogation, Capt. Imdad entered the home, and attacked Mrs. Basana Chakma, the wife of Mr. Shyam Chakma, with an aim of raping her. But Mrs. Chakma screamed and fought tooth and nail until the military rapist stopped the attack.

15 June 1995

Three Muslim settlers gang raped Miss Kalpana Chakma (16), daughter of Mr. Sadhan Mani Chakma of Manikjor Chara village of the Tintilya area under the jurisdiction of Longadu Upazilla, while she was returning home from Maini Mukh Bazaar after shopping.

12 June 1995

At about 9 p.m. 10 Muslim settlers namely, i) Mohammad Baliya, ii) Mohammad Nur Alam, and iii) Mohammad Rahim, and so on from the Sijak area attacked the farm house of Mr. Harish Chandra Chakma of Khagrachari village of Baghaichari Upazilla, gang raped his daughter, Mrs. Swapna Devi Chakma.

8 June 1995

A Bangladeshi Settler Mohammad Ataul Haque Talukder, son of Mohammad Abul Kasem Talukder, raped a Jumma housewife, Mrs. Surjya Mukhi Chakma (35), the wife of Mr. Chandra Mohan Chakma of No. 1 Rubber Plantation village of Baghaichari Upazilla.

2 May 1995

A Bangladeshi Settler, Mohammad Saidul Islam, who was working at the construction site of Hazachari Primary School under the jurisdiction of Baghaichari Upazilla attacked Miss Mongala Rani Chakma, attempted to rape her while she was returning home after shopping at Karengatali Bazaar. She resisted the rapist's attack and screamed for help. Some Jummas heard her cry for help, rescued her from the grip of the Bangladeshi rapist.

25 March 1995

Subedar Akbar and his soldiers of the 52 East Bengal Regiment from Naraichari Bangladesh Army Camp raided the home of Mr. Biraj Mohan Chakma of the neighbouring village, searched his house and harassed him during the interrogation. After finding no arms and ammunitions in the house, the Bangladesh military raiders molested his daughter, Miss Snehalata Chakma (17), touched her private parts, and tried to strip her in order to rape her in the name of searching her body despite her vigorous oojection and resistance. But she fought tooth and nail till she was released by the Bangladesh military rapists.

23 March l995

A Bangladeshi businessman attacked and molested Miss Runa Chakma (13) at Ghilachari Bazaar under the jurisdiction of Naniachar Upazilla in front of many Jumma shoppers, Muslim settlers and Bangladeshi military personnel. Naturally, the Jumma people came to the rescue the Jumma girl, who was crying for help, and tried to restrain the Bangladeshi molester. But the Muslim settlers and the Bangladedshi security personnel took the side of the Muslim settlers and threatened the innocent Jummas with shooting in stead of restraining the Muslim settlers.
6 February 1995

A Habildar Major and his armymen of the 52 East Bengal Regiment from the Naraichari Bangladesh Army Camp raided the houses of Mr. Binanda Joy Chakma (35), Mr. Indra Lal Chakma (50) and Mr. Kegera Chakma (35), of Naraichari village and thoroughly searched the houses. Having found no arms and ammunitions in the houses, they searched all the women and girls very indecently touching their private parts, attempting to strip them and trying to rape them. The Bangladesh Military criminals released them only after they screamed and cried loudly and resisted attacks vigorously.

10 October 1994

Nepali Chakma was raped by several members of the BDR (Bangladesh Rifles) at the Rubber Plantation Area in Baghaichari, Rangamati district.

5 September 1994

Kajoli Chakma and Sunita Chakma (aged 16), were raped at gunpoint in Lallyaghona village by a commander and two soldiers of the Ugalchari Army Camp of the 46 East Bengal Regiment (EBR) of the Bangladesh Army.

28 August 1994

Jitendra Chakma was raped (homosexual rape) by personnel of the 40 EBR (East Bengal Regiment) of the Bangladesh Army from the Naniachar Military Zone during a raid on Djuapara village, Rangamati

23 January 1994

Ms. Jotika Chakma was raped by Lance Nayak Nurul Islam and others from Indra Singh Para Bangladesh Army camp (26th East Bengal Regiment).
2 October 1993

Ms. Angelika Chakma was raped by Havildar Major Kalam, 3 Ansar (Islamic Guard) Battalion. She was raped in her house after her husband had failed to supply milk to the commander.
5 September 1993

Koika Chakma was raped by Bangladeshi settler Mohammad Jamir Uddin, a rickshaw puller in Dighinala.

10 August 1993

A 13 year old girl, Sumita Chakma, was raped by a member of paramilitary group Ansar (Islamic Guard) at Guimara.

13 July 1993

Juddha Pudi Chakma was raped by Mohammad Nukab Ali, Havildar Major of 26th East Bengal Regiment, Ultachari army camp, Laxmichari zone.

29 June 1993

Retma Marma was raped by Bangladeshi settler Mohammad Rafique of Block no.11 of Gacchabil Bangladeshi cluster village, Manikchari thana.

26 September 1992

Four army men of 40th East Bengal Regiment from Chowdhurychara camp, Naniachar zone gang raped two young Jumma women.

31 May 1992

A Bangladesh Army unit under the command of Major Khorshed from 8th Engg. Corps, Betchari Ganiapara army camp, raided Betchari Dajarapara. Seven women were gang raped, 11 villagers tortured, their houses were set fire, and valuables were looted.

18 December 1985

Captain Khaleque of the Bangladesh Army (14th Bengal) from Panchari army camp and his troops raided the house of Mr. Inanta Chakma of Ratna Mohan Para (presently Jitendra Lal Karbari Para) village and raped his daughter Miss Shanti Prabha Chakma, 16.

16 August 1985

The soldiers of the Bangladesh Army (305 BDE) led by Naib Subedar Tofazzal Hossain of Zaksha Bazar army camp, made an attack on the house of Mr. Jarip Mohan Chakma of Dhebachari village in Zaksha Bazar Upazilla, and raped his daughter, Miss Jalanga Rani Chakma, 16, in front of her parents. On 17 August 1985, Naib Subedar Tofazzal Hossain raped Miss L'orbi Chakma,, 16, daughter of Mr. Kalabua Chakma of Chokpati Ghat village in Zaksha Bazar Upazilla.

13 August 1985

The members of the Bangladesh Army (203 BDE) from Panchari army camp carried out a raid on the house of Mr. Bidhu Moni Tripura of a Jumma village in No. 245 Bara Panchari Mouza within Panchari Upazilla, raped his daughter, Miss Sambhuri Tripura, 15, and left her unconscious in bleeding condition.

1 July 1985

Captain Sajjad Hossain of the Bangladesh Army (13th Bengal) from Mohal Chari army camp and his troops launched an attack on the house of Mr. Binode Bihari Khisa of Khularampara village in Mohal Cha ri Upazilla. They took away his wife by force to Khularam para Primary School where she was raped by Captain Sajjad Hossain.

Rapes and Attempted Rapes
Muslim Thugs Attacked ex-Muslim Journalist, and Human Rights Activist - Worldnews.com

William Gomes, a Bangladeshi ex-Muslim and contributor to Islam-watch, attacked by thugs of pro-Islam Bangladesh Nationlist Party activists, while police play silent spectators...

I am William Gomes from Dhaka, Bangladesh. I am former Muslim, now a Christian. I work as a freelance journalist and human rights activist. I monitor incidents of violence on minorities in Bangladesh, and work toward protection of their human rights.

On Wednesday evening, 23 September 2009, the local leader of pro-Islam Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) suddenly attacked my cousin Mohammed Faruk, who came to visit us with his wife. When my father and mother ran to save him, they hurt them as well.

When I ran to the place, they started threatening me that since I have converted to Christianity, I cannot live in that place; I must leave the area now; otherwise, they will kill me. Before for my conversion to Christianity, the people were telling around that they would to kill me if I converted.

I ran from there to my house, and called the local police. The police came to my place. And within a moment, more than 100 thugs came with the local BNP leaders, Mohammed Mijan Bandari and Mohammed Mojibar, and entered my house. I urged the police to make them leave my house, but they ignored my request. The crowd stood their ground in my house, and continued threatening me.

Finally, to save myself from the angry crowd, I followed the police to police station. There I filed a general diary (G.D.). Later on, the perpetrators came with a huge crowd threatening my parents, and forced them to file a memorandum saying that everything has been settled.

The police played a silent spectator in this incident. My family and I remain in fear of persecution and violence by the local Muslim thugs. We feel helpless.

I appeal to Bangladesh government and international community to work toward protection of minorities in Bangladesh, and ensure their human rights.
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