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Ban on Kurdish letters to be lifted with democracy package

Iran treats the Kurds the best way if compared to other countries in the region like Syria Turkey or Iraq. Kurds are Iranic people they are always welcome in there homeland Iran as long as they dont promote seperatism. Iranian peoples should be united not divided over foolish thoughts of nationalism.

By the way are you a Kord?

Iran is no angel when it comes to this mate. And that is also what surprises me because Kurds have more in common with other Iranic people than with Semitic and Turkic people. I hope that the Kurdish question in Iran can be solved by democratic means but that will also need for Iran to become more democratic and allow political differences aside from the Mullah regime.

Yes I am a Kurd.
Iran is no angel when it comes to this mate. And that is also what surprises me because Kurds have more in common with other Iranic people than with Semitic and Turkic people. I hope that the Kurdish question in Iran can be solved by democratic means but that will also need for Iran to become more democratic and allow political differences aside from the Mullah regime.

Yes I am a Kurd.

Are you a Iraqi Kurd? Also as a Kurd are you personally in favour of a separate country known as Kurdistan or just more language/political freedom for Kurds in current countries?
Are you a Iraqi Kurd? Also as a Kurd are you personally in favour of a separate country known as Kurdistan or just more language/political freedom for Kurds in current countries?

He's Kurd from Europe... and i think he thinks Kurds should have a seperate country. That said it's best to hear from him.
I meant originally which country he is from, not where he is currently living.

We can say he is originally from Turkey. Well i don't discriminate any race in Turkey, but i would die before calling him my countrymen.

Democracy package unveiled today. Kurdish boys will not chant "I'm Turk, i'm just, i'm hard-working" anymore are you happy ?
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I am a Kurd from Kurdistan first and foremost. I do not want to go into a discussion but let us just regard it as a geographical area where Kurds form the majority and have formed the majority for many centuries. If you ask about which country I am originally from then that would be Turkey.

I would be lying if I said that I do not support an independant Kurdistan as a nation. That being said, I would not be against Kurds being part of a bigger federation. You could say that if Kurds could govern themselves and gain more autonomy then I do not mind if it is called Turkey, Iran or Kurdistan or whatever. The key thing here is Kurds being able to govern themselves like any other ethnicity in the world. The key thing here is not being a country on a world map or the name of a specific region.

For example, both during the Safavid and Ottoman empire there were regions known as Kurdistan. In Iran, there still is a region called Kurdistan. During Ottoman empire, this elayet had an autonomous status. It is not a foreign or alien region.

Also, Sinan, no, I am far from happy. What? Should I be happy that Kurds are given their human rights after 80 years of oppression? Unbanning X,Q,W... How ridiculous is that? They should not have been banned in the first place, so of course I am not happy. You as a Turk should be more happy than I am because your country is actually showing signs of becoming a little more humane than it has ever been. As a Kurd, it has practically done nothing.

Changing the names of cities back to their original Kurdish names... Again, in the first place, they should not have been changed to Turkish.

As I have said many times before ( and Erdogan is well aware of this. Even alot of AKP Kurds want this); mother tongue education in elementary school is a red line. Kurds are not going to stop their struggle until this has been reached. I am very disappointed at the so called democracy package. Erdogan obviously does not understand the seriousness of the situation > he has no solution to the Kurdish question. He has no solution on the Alevi question either. I mean, he made bigger efforts for the Romani people than the Kurdish and Alevi people in this package. What AKP fails to understand is that you can not give the rights of one people one day and the rights of another people the next. Democracy has to be available for all people. Say for instance that AKP made a 'Ministry of minority languages' instead of the current ' Ministry of Romani Language and Culture'.

The best part of the democracy package is actually not even a Kurdish right part. The best part is the normalization os the election threshold. That was actually the point that surprised me the most. That the threshold might be dropped to some 5-7% is a very positive step.
Iran treats the Kurds the best way if compared to other countries in the region like Syria Turkey or Iraq. Kurds are Iranic people they are always welcome in there homeland Iran as long as they dont promote seperatism. Iranian peoples should be united not divided over foolish thoughts of nationalism.

By the way are you a Kord?



Jamshid Dehgani, his younger brother, Jahangir Dehgani, Hamed Ahmadi and Kamal Molayee were arrested in 2009. They were accused along with six others of involvement in the assassination of a senior Sunni cleric with ties to the Iranian authorities. They have denied any involvement, saying that their arrest and detention preceded the assassination by several months. They were sentenced to death after being convicted of the vaguely-worded offences including “enmity against God” and “corruption on earth”. Their death sentences have recently been upheld by the Supreme Court and a prison official at Ghezel Hesar Prison, near Tehran, where they are held, has told them informally that their executions will be carried out in a matter of days.
We can say he is originally from Turkey. Well i don't discriminate any race in Turkey, but i would die before calling him my countrymen.

Fair enough, it is good to see that Turkey is giving rights to Kurds. I personally am against giving Kurds autonomy or political concessions, but believe they should be allowed to speak their language at a national level as well as have proper names for their areas and children.
Fair enough, it is good to see that Turkey is giving rights to Kurds. I personally am against giving Kurds autonomy or political concessions, but believe they should be allowed to speak their language at a national level as well as have proper names for their areas and children.

Same with me here too. Seems like we gonna get along well.

But exception with one thing....State schools can have "Kurdish Classes" where they can learn Kurdish. Private schools can have entire Kurdish education. But no to Kurdish education in state schools.

I am a Kurd from Kurdistan first and foremost. I do not want to go into a discussion but let us just regard it as a geographical area where Kurds form the majority and have formed the majority for many centuries. If you ask about which country I am originally from then that would be Turkey.

So you included Konya in your Kurdish region recently..... which other cities you would like to have. You want Izmir ? It has beautiful sunsets.
Same with me here too. Seems like we gonna get along well.

But exception with one thing....State schools can have "Kurdish Classes" where they can learn Kurdish. Private schools can have entire Kurdish education. But no to Kurdish education in state schools.

What do you mean by Kurdish education? Do you mean language or Kurdish history? Also why are you against it being taught in public schools?
What do you mean by Kurdish education? Do you mean language or Kurdish history? Also why are you against it being taught in public schools?

Nope by Kurdish education i mean all the classes. Math, Science, Physics, all the other classes they want it to be Kurdish. Imagine how would that be. After high school there should be Kurdish Universities, National Exams should be in Kurdish, Job applications should be in Kurdish.......No to that.

If Kurds see this as their red-line, so the Turks.
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Nope by Kurdish education i mean all the classes. Math, Science, Physics, all the other classes they want it to be Kurdish. Imagine how would that be. After high school there should be Kurdish Universities, National Exams should be in Kurdish, Job applications should be in Kurdish.......No to that.

If Kurds see this as their red-line, so the Turks.

I see, well in that case I agree with you.
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Same with me here too. Seems like we gonna get along well.

But exception with one thing....State schools can have "Kurdish Classes" where they can learn Kurdish. Private schools can have entire Kurdish education. But no to Kurdish education in state schools.

So you included Konya in your Kurdish region recently..... which other cities you would like to have. You want Izmir ? It has beautiful sunsets.

My ancestral lines go back to the Adiyaman and Kahraman Maras areas which are usually regarded as part of a Northern Kurdistan geographic area. Most Kurds who today live in Central Anatolia have their roots in the areas in and around Adiyaman and Kahraman Maras. Of course I would not include Konya in a Kurdistan region.
Nope by Kurdish education i mean all the classes. Math, Science, Physics, all the other classes they want it to be Kurdish. Imagine how would that be. After high school there should be Kurdish Universities, National Exams should be in Kurdish, Job applications should be in Kurdish.......No to that.

If Kurds see this as their red-line, so the Turks.

I see no problems in having Kurdish language classes as an elementary part of school in the Kurdish areas just like Turkish is today. Many places in the world have a bilingual education system. I see no problem in having a bilingual language education system.

I do not believe Turks see the prevention of Kurdish language education as a red line. Otherwise they would have been on the streets already demanding an end to the reforms that are taking place. Kurds have been on the streets for months now in their thousands demanding Kurdish language education. They even boycotted the schools for a week just to mark their protests. It is a red line for us and we are willing to go all the way. I do not believe the majority of Turks actually will go all the way for the prevention of this right. Yes, some of them might vote for parties that will forbid Kurdish language education but that is about it when it comes to the political will and activity of these people.

What have you done to prevent Kurdish language education in Turkish schools? If it is a red line for you then surely you must have actively worked for it.
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What have you done to prevent Kurdish language education in Turkish schools? If it is a red line for you then surely you must have actively worked for it.

I did nothing ? Turkish is language of Turkey, that's all.
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