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Ballistic missile Nasr: A bigger threat from Pakistan

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Aug 30, 2010
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Ballistic missile Nasr: A bigger threat from Pakistan : Manoj Joshi, News - India Today


In all the tumult and alarums of the last three months in Pakistan, a grave and threatening development seems to have slipped under our radar screens. Ordinarily, the ballistic missile called Nasr, with a range of 60 kilometres, would not be particularly threatening considering Pakistan's multilayered missile arsenal that covers most of India and beyond. Indeed, in terms of range it is much like our own Russian-supplied Smerch.But that is where the comparisons end.

As the Pakistani Inter-Services Public Relations press release put it: "Nasr, with a range of 60 km, carries nuclear warheads of appropriate yield with high accuracy, shoot and scoot attributes. This quick response system addresses the need to deter evolving threats." In strategic literature, short-range tactical nuclear weapons have been considered particularly destabilising. "A quick response system" is not something you talk about when you discuss nuclear weapons which ought never be used, and if they are, should be employed only in the gravest of national emergencies.


Weapons of such range are held at the level of a Corps which is a large battlefield formation. Many situations can arise at a Corps level battle which may appear to be dire emergencies, but are not so when viewed at a higher level. No doubt the Nasr's employment will be controlled by Pakistan's national command authority, but given their range, they would have to be deployed in the forward edge of battle where the fog of war is thick and the chance of miscalculation high.

Whatever be the case India must confront the issue because it poses a major challenge to how it views nuclear deterrence.India conducted five nuclear tests between May 11 and 13th 1999. On the first day it tested a thermonuclear device, a boosted fission bomb and a 0.2 kiloton device. The thermo-nuclear test seems to have failed and this leaves India with a successful fission bomb design which can, perhaps, be scaled up to 200 kilotons.

Though it does appear that India may have tested a tactical nuclear warhead, subsequently, the official doctrine has decried the idea of tactical nukes.The Indian doctrine, adumbrated through a Cabinet Committee on Security decision on January 4, 2003 noted that India would build and maintain "a credible minimum deterrent" and adopt a "no first use" posture where nuclear weapons would be "used only in retaliation against a nuclear attack on Indian territory or on Indian forces anywhere.

This retaliation would be massive and designed to inflict unacceptable damage." Clearly, what India is talking about is what is called a counter value strike to hit at industrial and transportation hubs and possibly population centres.This is why the Nasr is such a grave development. Islamabad has categorically rejected the idea of "no first use" of nuclear weapons because of its concerns over Indian conventional superiority.

There has been considerable debate as to its "red lines"- the point beyond which it would not hesitate to use nuclear weapons. Needless to say, Islamabad has carefully avoided spelling them out.Many have assumed that the red lines would be the threat of our Strike Corps - each with three to four divisions - striking deep into Pakistan cutting its north-south communications links, or endangering a major city. To avoid this, as well as to deal with the kind of challenge the country confronted with the attack on the Parliament House in 2001 and on Mumbai in 2008, the army began talking of a Cold Start doctrine.

In analysing this doctrine, Gurmeet Kanwal has argued that shallow division-sized attacks across the international boundary, with the aim of luring the Pakistan Army and degrading it with massive " ground based aerially delivered" fire power would not cross any red line. However, if Pakistan fields tactical nuclear weapons to counter this, the very definition of red lines would change and, by threatening their use, it would ensure that the Indian army does not mass its firepower for the purpose intended.

The Pakistani determination to field tactical nuclear weapons imposes a huge burden on the Indian nuclear strategy, especially since the country has adopted an ostrich-like approach towards meshing nuclear weapons into our national security strategy. Our nuclear doctrine and posture seems to be more of a PR statement, rather than a strategic position. Its key principle - "no first use" was announced by Prime Minister Vajpayee within weeks of the nuclear tests in 1998. The rest of it, the idea of massive retaliation, development of a triad of forces and so on, was virtually scissored and pasted into a draft doctrine for the benefit of the world community .


Just how inadequate it was became apparent in the post Parliament attack confrontation between India and Pakistan, now called Op Parakram. The doctrine had not catered for the simple contingency-Indian forces being struck by nuclear weapons in Pakistani territory. It was for this reason that after the Op Parakaram was called off, the Cabinet Committee on Security met, and the press release issued thereafter constitutes the public statement of our doctrine as of now: that an attack on India or Indian forces anywhere by chemical, nuclear or biological weapons would involve a massive nuclear retaliation.

In 1993, Mumbai was struck by a series of devastating bomb blasts and, more recently, in 2008, the city faced a murderous commando raid. Not only were these some of the deadliest terrorist strikes anywhere in the world, but in both cases India quickly had detailed evidence of official Pakistani involvement, and yet it chose to do nothing.Flowing from this, then, is the obvious question. Would India really destroy Lahore and Karachi if two of its divisions that had invaded Pakistan were subjected to tactical nuclear weapon strikes? Something tells me that we would not. Restraint is a much more enduring feature of the Indian strategic culture than our nuclear doctrine assumes.


Till now there was an assumption that Pakistan would be a nuclear weapons state like India, China, Russia or the United States had been- seeking stability at the strategic level, even while allowing some instability at a lower level. But, as Professor Shaun Gregory pointed out in an important article this March, Pakistan is not your usual nuclear state.He noted that it differed from other nuclear weapons states in three key ways-first, it is the military and not the civilians who control its nuclear weapons. Second, it is the only such state that backs subnational terrorists and insurgents as a matter of state policy.

And third, and most important, Pakistan was "a revisionist and irredentist state". So, while other states sought nuclear weapons to maintain stability, Pakistan wanted to use them as a tool to generate instability which went against the status quo. So while states have gone out of their way to promote stability after achieving nuclear parity, Pakistan seems to be accumulating nuclear weapons at a rate which bears no relation to the programme of its sole adversary, India. Its weapons holdings have already outpaced India's and will soon approach the level of France and UK. This, then is the challenge India faces.

Islamabad's motive in deploying tactical nuclear weapons is not so much the strategic defence of the country, but a means of preventing India from punishing Pakistan for carrying out acts of terrorism. It already has the weapons and the reach to deter any putative use of nuclear weapons.Unfortunately, New Delhi has been strangely negligent in responding to the rapidly changing nuclear dynamics relating to Pakistan. We have been focusing on terrorism and have ignored the steadily increasing danger of Pakistani nuclear adventurism. Terrorism can kill people by the hundreds, but a nuclear strike's consequences are something else altogether.
manoj. joshi@ mailtoday. in

Read more at: Ballistic missile Nasr: A bigger threat from Pakistan : Manoj Joshi, News - India Today
The retaliation to terror attack is not starting a war but funding similar attack on a larger scale in pakistan but instead of targetting low value civilian, we should target high value assets.
Size is on India's side so is amount of money we can spend on such operations, why would you push India to war(even if pakistan did not posses nuclear weapon) when we need economic prosperity to remove large number of Indian out of poverty. Winning a war wont guarantee that, but forcing pakistan to come to negotiation (without open humiliation but rather due to their own reason) will.
What is the use of this small range nuke capable missile ??

Use of nuke in any form (even on these missile ) will lead to full responce from Indian Agni series

What you say ????
What is the use of this small range nuke capable missile ??

Use of nuke in any form (even on these missile ) will lead to full responce from Indian Agni series

What you say ????

Nasr is for use inside Pakistani territory.If India advances inside Pakistan and Pakistani forces are overwhelmed,it may be used..
Use "Inside Pakistani territory" isnt the same as used on Indian territory...
Nasr is for use inside Pakistani territory.If India advances inside Pakistan and Pakistani forces are overwhelmed,it may be used..
Use "Inside Pakistani territory" isnt the same as used on Indian territory...

Still you can use them without nuclear bomb
^^^^that does not matter if you nuke inside your country as long as Indians get killed, you will get a retaliatory response.
New Year, New Problem? Pakistan's Tactical Nukes - The Diplomat

There is also a second, more serious concern. Pakistan is developing a new generation of tactical nuclear weapons (TNWs) that target not Indian cities, but Indian military formations on the battlefield. The purpose of these, as former Pakistani Ambassador to the United States Maleeha Lodhi explained in November, is “to counterbalance India’s move to bring conventional military offensives to a tactical level.” The idea is that smaller nuclear weapons, used on Pakistani soil, would stop invading Indian forces in their tracks.
I feel very disturb when our enemy over estimates our abilities. And even more disturb when we take that to be true.

The idea is that smaller nuclear weapons, used on Pakistani soil, would stop invading Indian forces in their tracks

The idea was kargil will remain localized battle,
The idea was PA will out-maneuver IA to siachin heights
The idea was will PA will over run MB, and IA would stand still
The idea was safety of east lies in the west.
The idea was India will not respond to gibraltor by a full scale attack....

I find it ridiculous that Pakistani establishment thinks they would evaporate Indian forces dead in it's tracks and not expect retaliation where IA's strengths lie.... as the saying goes appreciate the situation and not situate the appreciation
Sometimes i feel suprised by the media potral of a comparative fear psycosis....When your opponent has an atomb bomb...can anything be more dangerous than that? Once both has the nuclear power...the threshhold is now crossed to comparatively analyze who is superior...Because...although India might have conventional superiority as claimed by many...but this is of no value as long both nations are equally capable of using nuclear bomb when their national integrity is threatened....So rest of the developments is just becomes secondary.....
Don't invade us there will be no Nasr flying. Plain & Simple
The idea is that smaller nuclear weapons, used on Pakistani soil, would stop invading Indian forces in their tracks

The idea was kargil will remain localized battle,
Kargil did remain a localized battle,i dont remember an all out attack by India.
The idea was PA will out-maneuver IA to siachin heights
India encroached on Siachen and there was an element of surprise for Pakistan.It was never a victory,still a dead lock
The idea was India will PA will over run MB

Whats MB?

The idea was India will not respond to gibraltor by a full scale attack....

Operation Gibraltar never stopped.Pakistan still sends Infiltrators into Kashmir,albeit local volunteers From Kashmir..
So what's your point?

I find it ridiculous that Pakistani establishment thinks they would evaporate Indian forces dead in it's tracks and not expect retaliation where IA's strengths lie.... as the saying goes appreciate the situation and not situate the appreciation

On contrary to Internet war,a real war does not work like that...An escalation from tactical to strategic has to be thought over many times...
Kargil did remain a localized battle,i dont remember an all out attack by India.
Your army didn't expect the big guns to be pulled out did they... and if they did, then sure fighting air strikes and 155 mm arty with small arms and subsequently evacuating thier positions does look like a brilliant "idea"

India encroached on Siachen and there was an element of surprise for Pakistan.It was never a victory,still a dead lock
Element of surprise when GHQ was already warned of Indian expeditions and written complaint was file by the company commandor... and the position of the great zai was "we dont care, not a blade of grass grows there"

Whats MB?
Mukti bahini

Operation Gibraltar never stopped.Pakistan still sends Infiltrators into Kashmir,albeit local volunteers From Kashmir..
So what's your point?
dude, cmon! how many generals of your own army have on record stated this was a gross miscalculation and a blunder (including FM Ayub Khan)

On contrary to Internet war,a real war does not work like that...An escalation from tactical to strategic has to be thought over many times...

Thats a very valid point, tactical to strategic has to be thought over many time, hence pakistani solution is to bring in a battle field Nuke, so that the tactical decision made by a company commander or a brigadier, will ensure a strategic response from the enemy....

Does the company commander on the battle field make the decision that the threshold of IA is breach in pakistan should be 1inch or 100 km...

From the prior dealing or pak army, it is evident that military leader are often absolved from any responsibility of thier blunders throughout the history, instead in some cases rewarded. In such environment giving the nuke trigger in the hand local battlefield commander is indeed brilliant "IDEA"

Don't invade us there will be no Nasr flying. Plain & Simple

No one is invading anyone, for a region that swings on pendulum of peace deal and nuke flash point, Deploying battle field nukes may not be a very good Idea.

Pakistan has often misread the Indian response to stimulus.
Don't invade us there will be no Nasr flying. Plain & Simple

You know when India reserves the right to retaliate in nuclear terms ? A nuclear/biological/chemical attack on indian soil or it's TROOPS ANYWHERE will suffer permanent annhilation through a full scale nuclear response !!

btw, definitions and technicalities apart, if pakistan uses nuclear attack on it's own soil, lets say killing 20000 IA soldiers, then ? Since Pak would have already used nuclear weapons on pak soil ( rendering the notion useless that pakistanis were dying cause their nukes would have already killed thousands of their own citizens ) and also the fact that IA soldiers are killed will have no incentive for india to hold back.. India will nuke every corner of pakistan. PERIOD !

International community will not say anything believe me nothing cause INDIA would have crossed the threashold... a line which even US/China woudn't have crossed.. They wouldn't know if INDIA would not nuke them back if crippling sanctions come into play... So apart from a diplomatic sh!tstorm in UN, which INdian diplomats can handle, I see no problem for India..

ANd, even if this doesn't suffice, then also, we have the final card. We will permanently move to US camp guaranteeing to them that every defense purchase India would make would be from a US entity for next decade..

Imagine a 40BN$ cheque.. any country would shut up !

My entire post sounds jingoistic but I am just thinking it through what options India would have !
But options ahead of pakistan is only TWO options ...

Use nukes and all of them dies or don't use nukes in which case only most will die .. atleast some would survive !!
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