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Azim Premji pledges $2bn to foundation


Feb 21, 2010
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Azim Premji pledges $2bn to foundation - The Times of India

BANGALORE: In the largest act of philanthropy by an Indian, Wipro chairman Azim Premji will give about Rs 8,846 crore ($2 billion) to improve school education in India. Other donations to charitable institutions by any person or corporation in India pale in comparison to this massive endowment. It effectively silences critics who say Indian billionaires are measly donors compared to foreign counterparts, and that they focus on big-name western universities rather than addressing India's problems.

Premji, India's third richest man with a net worth of $18 billion, will transfer 213 million equity shares of Wipro Ltd, held by a few entities controlled by him, to the Azim Premji Trust. It will fund educational activities of the Azim Premji Foundation (APF) which works mainly with schools in rural India. He had previously transferred over Rs 700 crore to the APF.

Premji said more may come in future. ``I'm completely committed to supporting the larger ambition of creating the required social change.''

The money will be transferred to the trust by next Tuesday and Wipro's former strategy chief K R Lakshminarayana will be its chief endowment officer. A $2-billion endowment even at a conservative return of 8%-12% should generate annual returns of $160-250 million (Rs 750-1,150 crore), which will be used to run APF initiatives, including the Bangalore-based Azim Premji University.

``We believe that good education is crucial to building a just, equitable, humane and sustainable society. We want to contribute significantly towards improvement of education in India, and through that towards building a better society,'' he said.

``All our efforts, including the university we are setting up, are focused on the under-privileged and disadvantaged sections of our society. Our experience of the past 10 years has motivated us to significantly scale up our initiatives, across multiple relevant dimensions.''

So far, the nine-year-old APF has worked extensively in six districts -- two in Uttarakhand, two in Rajasthan and two in Karnataka.

Dileep Ranjekar, co-CEO of APF called this the beginning of APF's second life. ``The current phase we're launching is based on 10 years of experience wherein we realized what needs to be done to scale this in a concrete manner.'' His co-CEO Anurag Behar said, ``The aim is to increase the deep focus to 50 more districts across India.''

Such a huge financial commitment has been made mainly because a university cannot be run without a large endowment. For example, if AP University were to follow the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) model which meets just 14%-15% of its costs from student fees, the AP University will need to meet 85% of costs from non-fee based resources.

``The foundation's significant increase in scale and its clear focus on social purposes will require a substantial long-term financial commitment, which is the purpose this endowment will serve,'' Premji said.

The university, offering post-graduate courses in education and development, will start with 200 students in 2011 and scale to 2,000 in 4-5 years.

The foundation will also create district-level institutions with 50-70 people in each and these state and district resource centres will support improvement in education, especially in disadvantaged areas.

The APF said it will continue to partner state governments (including continuing with its existing programmes), institutions, NGOs and individuals.

Will others follow suit?
Will Premji inspire rich Indians to part with their wealth? That's a billion-dollar question but the American example may have the answer. Microsoft chairman Bill Gates and Warren Buffett of Berkshire Hathway are persuading wealthy Americans to give at least 50% of their wealth to charity. They're even asking people to take a pledge they will do so, and with considerable success.

In India, the tech sector has led the way in giving away some of its wealth. All Infosys co-founders have charitable arms mainly in education but also in water management, health, etc.

Read more: Azim Premji pledges $2bn to foundation - The Times of India Azim Premji pledges $2bn to foundation - The Times of India
Premji to dilute his Wipro holding, invest in social work - Hindustan Times

India's third-richest man, Wipro chairman Azim Premji, announced on Wednesday plans to invest substantial amounts of his money in social work. He plans to reduce his stake in the company by 8.7% by transferring 213 million shares to a trust for about Rs 8,846 crore. The trust has been created to

fund various social and charity initiatives that are expected to increase significantly over the next few years, a Wipro statement said. It will work in the area of elementary education and focuses on rural areas.
Premji is the chairman of the trust.

The transfer, which will be completed by December 7, will effectively bring down Premji's share in India's third-largest software services company to 70.6% from the current 79.4%.

"The trust (Azim Premji Foundation) is controlled by Premji and he will continue to retain voting rights of the transferred shares," said the statement.

This means the shares transferred continue to be defined as 'promoter's holding'. Premji's promoter control will fall only if the shares are liquidated.

Experts ruled out any immediate shortfall of liquidity in the market following the share transfer as Premji was be transferring the money to a trust that will sell shares only when funds are needed.
wat will happen to Wipro?????????????????????
Isn't he concerned about the company???
I was going through the comments section of this news on msn site. There are few interesting one, I present here for you guys.
Every one has his/her own way to say something!


Thursday, 02 December 2010 13:35:59


Dr. Avdhesh Mathur#26
Thursday, 02 December 2010 13:24:14
Your parents must have had great intuition to give you name Azim Premji which has come true this day ; 'Prem' (love) for elementary education and young children at level which is 'Azim' (great).

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Scorpio II#27
Thursday, 02 December 2010 13:21:15
Very good social initiative and we Indians are proud of you Premji Sir for this cause.
Ambani brothers should take lesson from this , No they might not because they are Gujju. Otherwise today's government is collecting toll for using any road apart from road tax.

Thursday, 02 December 2010 12:50:38
What a noble thought !!! Am moved. Sincerely hope other industrialists like Ambanis, Agarwals, Thaper etc. will follow suit.

Salam to Mr. Azim Premji. We are proud of you.

Thursday, 02 December 2010 12:49:59
This is a great gesture on Azim Premji's part.Don't forget he's a muslim,and now a muslim has become the largest donater in India for a good cause,unlike many rich people who only donate to political parties.I wonder what politicians like Narendra Modi have to say about it,since he only shouts about bad points of the muslims of India.

Thursday, 02 December 2010 15:31:21
Respected Premji;

This much money for our national development from you?!!

I am very disappointed after reading this news. Because donations and gifts are applicable only those groups whose identity is different as others. I think you are not serious about the following needy and most remarkable groups, who are awaiting each and every rupees from your pocket.
a) all political party of India
b) bribe beggers federation of India ( CPWD, income tax, PWD, sales tax,irrigation and each and every wing of the government system incorporated)
c) Scam master's association of India etc.

Anis Ahmad#4
Thursday, 02 December 2010 15:23:46
If it is true it is great..... no doubt....Are they really doing so??....... from their own earnings. I am afraid if people of India know their sources of income. About Robert Vadera (the husband of Priyenka) people know that he is a businessman but about Rahul Gandhi, Priyenka Gandhi and Soniaji nobody knows.

It is good if they declare their sources of income and then donate for charitable projects. They should lead from the front..... It will be good example of True leadership if they do so and people of India will love them. India needs such leaders/statesmen.

Here the question is not of naming a few leaders but in general most of the leaders are concerned only about their selfish interests. We can see what is happening in Parliament. Crore & crores of rupees have been wasted without doing anything.The Parliament is not functioning, No decision is taken in past so many days but the leaders will get their allowances. I know some Congress leaders declared they won't take their allowances then what about opposition. They started blaming that this declaration is just a game of Congress to gain cheap popularity....Horrible leaders.....

May Almighty Bless these leaders with some sense of charity!! Amen

Thursday, 02 December 2010 13:41:49
Vis-a-vis "Azim Premji" Chairman of Wipro Industries' gesture of donating Rs.8846 crores towards Educational Facilities in Bangalore,I have my reservations about the ulterior motives notwithstanding the good that his donation is supposed to do to children.

Is this unprecedented amount some kind of "give-n-take" especially taking into account the recent spate of SCAMS by Yedyurappa family and the Spectrum Scam and the CWG Scams.

Secondly,if Mr.Azim Premji has had so much "Surplus" does it not look like "rob Peter and Pay Paul"?? Why the hell Mr.Premji took pride in "over-charging" on his Wipro Products?? Why didn't he reduce the prices of the products he sold? The same goes to Bill Gates the other "Philanthrophist" of repute world-wide.

Thirdly,is there any "TAx-Benefits" that Wipro is utilizing for this magnanimous amount of "gift"??

Maybe a Ms Niira Radia will reveal in her "tapes"??

Thursday, 02 December 2010 13:59:41
Mr.Intensiveks. We should be thankful atleast he is donating even if it is ROB PETER PAY PAUL OR TAX INCENTIVES OR POLITICAL CONNECTIONS. If u can sell a product costing Re.1 at Rs.1000 or even more , its ur talent. U r not cheating anybody. The buyers buy it bcoz they need it and they can afford it. People are cheating to the tune of Lakhs of rupees and r not even donating a single paisa. THINK ABOUT IT. Any way we r grateful to oyu MR.PERMJI

Thursday, 02 December 2010 12:40:28
Its a great initiative by Mr Aziz Premji. What's about Abanibhai.............they should also some lesson from him...just accumulating wealth is not a life........they should also set example like this...................

Many many wishes to Mr. Aziz Premji......please keep it and.......Indian society needs such industrialist. .................May God fulfil your unfinished assignments.....................

Future Indian#38
Thursday, 02 December 2010 12:37:02
Mr. Azim Premji's action of gifting INR 8,846 crore from his personal wealth to Azim Premji Foundation for a noble cause of improving elementary education in our country is indeed very commendable. It is perhaps not that easy for people to part with their personal wealth, unless they have a large heart and a philanthropic attitude. Hats off to him for such a huge contribution!

There are a lot more industrialists in our country who have created huge personal wealth by running large business empires successfully and hope they take a hint from Mr. Premji's act and do something in return for a noble cause within our country.

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Thursday, 02 December 2010 12:35:55
Azim Premji, Sir you dont need any more comments or praises to applaud for this gesture as you are already on the highest notes. If people buying Jaguar & Range Rovers n expanding their so called "treasures" for fame or building Ant (homes)illa or politicians dogs piling their hord is all their can do, then here comes an angel for the people as the saying goes GOD IS ALWYS AROUND. Paying in tons for 2G scam to ladies like Radiia use this money for a better cause so atleast your soul rest in peace. Wake up ypu wealthy HORDS and follow this little giant you came from behind in the race like a Tortoise and has won it. LOSERS can only build name and highrise fame **** POTS.

A CONCERNED CITIZEN . HATS OFF TO Mr.Azim Premji Allah Bless You

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Thursday, 02 December 2010 12:35:26
Dear Premji,

We salute you for this great kindhearted attempt .You are like a Silver Line in the brown cloud .May God blesses you with good health and wealth to serve mankind .May this be a league that every corporate house wanted to participate in. Since India is having major share of Young population of the world needless to say affordable education is inevitable to uplift our society.



Thanks for posting those tributes. Mr. Azim Premji deserves every bit of it. I'm specially touched by his gesture of deciding to spend this huge sum through his own charity organization rather then giving it to bribe & sponsore begging and scame master politicians/ babus of India.
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