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Azeri Turk football fans in Iran

Why are you ashamed to be Armenia's brother?:frown:

Our relations are strategic and our cultures are historically intertwined. In fact, religion and geography are the only two things separating our people.
To me, I don't see any difference between Azaris and Armenians, apart from the fact that the aliyev worshippers in the republic seem to be following the Turkish example of fighting with their neighbors. Turkey has picked a fight with half a dozen countries, all in the region and they're even having issues with Aliyev Republic over the whole Israeli issue.

Anyway, Parsis, Kurds, Armenians, Azaris... all have had a shared past and we've all went our own ways over the years thanks to our differences in religion. At one point in time we were all Zoroastrians, then Armenians became Christians and later on we became muslims etc... When you dig deep and look at the music, the food and the culture as a whole, you can easily see the obvious similarities that we have.

Aliyev Republic can follow the Turkish example of picking a fight with all its neighbors and see where it will get it. You can fight the Kurds, Persians, Armenians, Greeks, jews, Martians, moon people, green people, yellow people... and see where it will get you.
Why are you ashamed to be Armenia's brother?:frown:

Our relations are strategic and our cultures are historically intertwined. In fact, religion and geography are the only two things separating our people.

We are not ashamed of being Armenia's brother, Armenia is very close to us like Azerbaijan and Iranian-Armenians are one of the most respected minorities in Iran since they have helped Iran very much in art, science, sports. Our national football team had several good Armenian players (Edmund Bezik, Andranik Teimuriyan (who was the captain of the team for a period), etc), our national basketball team has had several Armenian players like Oshin Sahakian, we have great Armenian music composers like Varozhan, great Armenian singers, great Armenian chefs, etc... Armenians are good friends of us Iranians historically and culturally and has been that way for several centuries.

The thing is unlike what the Azerbaijanis claim we never helped Armenia like Turkey helps Azerbaijan. Our stance on the Karabakh situation is based on our friendship with Armenia and Aliyev anti-Iran stance, not an enmity between Iranians and people of republic of Azerbaijan. But these people want to claim the otherwise.

Hey Arian, do you now understand what i mean? When we all started to think that its over...

This is what i was talking about.

Edit: Check his second post too.

It's easy to finish it really. The topic should be closed and same topic shouldn't be allowed. Just as simple as that. And if people like ASQ-1918 have questions about Iran, they could come ask them in the Iranian defense forum politely and seriously.
To me, I don't see any difference between Azaris and Armenians, apart from the fact that the aliyev worshippers in the republic seem to be following the Turkish example of fighting with their neighbors. Turkey has picked a fight with half a dozen countries, all in the region and they're even having issues with Aliyev Republic over the whole Israeli issue.

Anyway, Parsis, Kurds, Armenians, Azaris... all have had a shared past and we've all went our own ways over the years thanks to our differences in religion. At one point in time we were all Zoroastrians, then Armenians became Christians and later on we became muslims etc... When you dig deep and look at the music, the food and the culture as a whole, you can easily see the obvious similarities that we have.

Aliyev Republic can follow the Turkish example of picking a fight with all its neighbors and see where it will get it. You can fight the Kurds, Persians, Armenians, Greeks, jews, Martians, moon people, green people, yellow people... and see where it will get you.

Your intentions are good, but you are very misinformed.

Armenian and Iranian people are both the descendents of Aryans:-)D). You will notice that "Iran" actually means "Land of the Aryans." There is also good reason to believe that Hayk, the founder of Armenia, was himself an Aryan. Armenians and Iranians trace origin to Nackchivan (in Armenian "the place in which we first descended). You are right, both Iranians and Armenians were Zoroastrian at one point, but even before then Armenians followed Hellenistic religion (we have a fire temple in Garni:D).

Azeris are Turkic people (genetically confirmed) that contain Persian synchretic elements (in religion and culture) because of their proximity to the neighbor to the south. All Turks trace origin to Altai mountains in Central Asia. They came to Anatolia/Caucasus at least 1000 years after Armenians and Iranians. Azeris were NEVER Zoroastrian. The initially followed shamanistic religions, and then converted to Islam.

Kurds are a mixture of Semitic, Iranian, Armenian, and Turkic cultures. Because of the latter, there origin can be traced to no earlier that 12th-13th century AD.

We are not ashamed of being Armenia's brother, Armenia is very close to us like Azerbaijan and Iranian-Armenians are one of the most respected minorities in Iran since they have helped Iran very much in art, science, sports. Our national football team had several good Armenian players (Edmund Bezik, Andranik Teimuriyan (who was the captain of the team for a period), etc), our national basketball team has had several Armenian players like Oshin Sahakian, we have great Armenian music composers like Varozhan, great Armenian singers, great Armenian chefs, etc... Armenians are good friends of us Iranians historically and culturally and has been that way for several centuries.

The thing is unlike what the Azerbaijanis claim we never helped Armenia like Turkey helps Azerbaijan. Our stance on the Karabakh situation is based on our friendship with Armenia and Aliyev anti-Iran stance, not an enmity between Iranians and people of republic of Azerbaijan. But these people want to claim the otherwise.

It's easy to finish it really. The topic should be closed and same topic shouldn't be allowed. Just as simple as that. And if people like ASQ-1918 have questions about Iran, they could come ask them in the Iranian defense forum politely and seriously.

You would be surprised as to how much Iran helps Armenia. Our trade is operating at high level, and Iran provides nearly all electricity and energy needs to the Artsakh residents. There are also clues that there is military help (the Armenian KRUNK UAV has clear inspirations from Iranian projects). Finally, and this is just a theory but plausible nonetheless, Iran may be sending Armenia missiles and SAM systems. It has done so in the past and ifit helps Syria, then why not Armenia. Again just a theory. (Regardless, this will be very hard to prove or disprove because Armenian Defense Ministry operates in complete secrecy).

Generally speaking, I have nothing against the people of Azerbaijan or Turkey. My only reservation is against those who subscribe to Kemalist Pan-Turkic nationalism, which includes falsification of history among other things.
both azeris and armenians are lovely people.
i lived in a district which hosts both azeris and armenians(narmak tehran).also ahmadinejad grew up therelol
also my best friend's name is argisht musakhanian.

but i have a question.why dont you wanne buy our weapons?you can buy ft-110 missiles which its CEP is lower than 10 metres!
or karrar UAVs which can carry two cruise missiles and its range is about 1200 km?
both azeris and armenians are lovely people.
i lived in a district which hosts both azeris and armenians(narmak tehran).also ahmadinejad grew up therelol
also my best friend's name is argisht musakhanian.

but i have a question.why dont you wanne buy our weapons?you can buy ft-110 missiles which its CEP is lower than 10 metres!
or karrar UAVs which can carry two cruise missiles and its range is about 1200 km?

Because Armenia doesn't have any money:hitwall:

Actually, we have no idea if Iran has been transferring ordnance. A while back, a secret arms deal between Moldova was only uncovered because of a leak. Armenia hardly every publicizes its decisions regarding defense.
Since when football-supporters represent an whole people? Here in Holland we have supporters who chant: Hamas, Hamas, gas the Jews!. Do you think most Dutch people think we should gas the Jews? No country (or people) in the world is represent by their football fans. A great portion of football fans are short minded idiots who come to football matches to fight or to be rebellious. So these Azeri supporters doesn't represent the Azeri population in Iran and most of the Azeri's consider themselves as Iranian and no Turk can change that.

Besides that, I feel more connection with Armenians than with Azerbaijani's. It seems like the Azerbaijani's have been influenced by this Turkish attitude by claiming many cultural elements of other people and label them as Azeri. Ýou don't have that tender approach like we Iranians, but more of that rough Turkish approach. Despite some cultural and religious similarities, I don't feel any connection with them.
Since when football-supporters represent an whole people? Here in Holland we have supporters who chant: Hamas, Hamas, gas the Jews!. Do you think most Dutch people think we should gas the Jews? No country (or people) in the world is represent by their football fans. A great portion of football fans are short minded idiots who come to football matches to fight or to be rebellious. So these Azeri supporters doesn't represent the Azeri population in Iran and most of the Azeri's consider themselves as Iranian and no Turk can change that.

Besides that, I feel more connection with Armenians than with Azerbaijani's. It seems like the Azerbaijani's have been influenced by this Turkish attitude by claiming many cultural elements of other people and label them as Azeri. Ýou don't have that tender approach like we Iranians, but more of that rough Turkish approach. Despite some cultural and religious similarities, I don't feel any connection with them.

your two paragraphs are contradicting each other very much, and it seems you have not seen that; that confusion is not only in you but also nearly in all persian mullahs; just read what you write, and thanks to your comment, i would not make more as a turk, but ironically you did it as an iranian, thanks a lot!
your two paragraphs are contradicting each other very much, and it seems you have not seen that; that confusion is not only in you but also nearly in all persian mullahs; just read what you write, and thanks to your comment, i would not make more as a turk, but ironically you did it as an iranian, thanks a lot!

I don't feel any connection with the people in Azerbaijan, while I do feel connection with Azeri's in Iran. Can you understand the difference? In my last paragraph I'm talking about the Azeri population in Azerbaijan (country). No contradiction here.
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