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Azeri Turk football fans in Iran

As long as you act civil, i welcome it if you start threads about Kurds.

I'm a Turk and defending Turkish peoples rights. Is thare something wrong with that? I'm asking a legitimate question, is there any discrimination towards Azeri Turks in Iran? you can either answer it or ignore it. You don't have troll. Right?

Other than that, if you do not like Turk's behaviour, you are free to leave. No one holding you here by force.
It depends on what you mean by acting civil. Do you consider some Turkish members' insulting posts as civil?

Correction. You're a Turk and you could defend the rights of Turkish people, but Azeris aren't Turkish, they are Turkic. That means they are not from the country of Turkey, but they are ethnically related to Turks. Kurds are also Iranic people and I'm from Iran, but I don't think it means that I should put my nose somewhere that it doesn't belong to. About trolling, the whole purpose of this thread is trolling. The OP doesn't ask about the discrimination against Azeri Turks in Iran, that's not the question here. You know the difference. right?

I'd like to leave, but as long as you continue with your anti-Iran posts, I feel a duty to come and defend my nation.
It depends on what you mean by acting civil. Do you consider some Turkish members' insulting posts as civil?

Correction. You're a Turk and you could defend the rights of Turkish people, but Azeris aren't Turkish, they are Turkic. That means they are not from the country of Turkey, but they are ethnically related to Turks. Kurds are also Iranic people and I'm from Iran, but I don't think it means that I should put my nose somewhere that it doesn't belong to. About trolling, the whole purpose of this thread is trolling. The OP doesn't ask about the discrimination against Azeri Turks in Iran, that's not the question here. You know the difference. right?

I'd like to leave, but as long as you continue with your anti-Iran posts, I feel a duty to come and defend my nation.

There is a reason for that "report post" button. If you see someone insulting you, report him. Do not answer him.

Azeris are Turks, i'm Turk. It doesn't matter which country we are living in.

Yes this thread is not about that question, but 3 threads has closed because of your troll friends. Thats why i'm saying go and check those threads. Read the posts.

Defending your nation is not a problem, but while defending it, do not insult to other nations.
What about the insulting posts of Persians ? it was several Persians who started to insult first, and rest is followed, everybody trolling and insulting now.

Nobody was asking for seperation or something like that in the first place, there is nothing wrong with talking about basic human rights.
There is a reason for that "report post" button. If you see someone insulting you, report him. Do not answer him.

Yes this thread is not about that question, but 3 threads has closed because of your troll friends. Thats why i'm saying go and check those threads. Read the posts.

Defending your nation is not a problem, but while defending it, do not insult to other nations.

I once did when axa- started to cuss at others' mothers which was a wrong act and he got banned for it. So can you report insulting posts instead of replying back to them. Can't you?

I don't know about those 3 threads, but if you want to know about the situation of Azeris in Iran, come to the Iranian section and ask it in a serious and polite manner and you'll get serious responses. Opening flame threads in Turkish section will result in negative reactions.

I haven't insulted other nations. and as you yourself said earlier, if anyone did, that's why there's a 'report post' button here.

What about the insulting posts of Persians ? it was several Persians who started to insult first, and rest is followed, everybody trolling and insulting now.

Nobody was asking for seperation or something like that in the first place, there is nothing wrong with talking about basic human rights.

I guess we all agree that the 'report post' button is there for the purpose of reporting insulting posts to the mods. They'll take care of the insulting posts themselves.

If you want to talk about basic human rights, come to the Iranian section and ask it politely and seriously. Have some serious questions prepared and then you'll get your answers. But when you start flame threads like this in Turkish defense then you shouldn't expect any positive reaction from Iranians since you're interfering in their national affairs and it's not welcomed. Just like any other country that doesn't welcome the intereference of a neighbor in its affairs.
I once did when axa- started to cuss at others' mothers which was a wrong act and he got banned for it. So can you report insulting posts instead of replying back to them. Can't you?

I don't know about those 3 threads, but if you want to know about the situation of Azeris in Iran, come to the Iranian section and ask it in a serious and polite manner and you'll get serious responses. Opening flame threads in Turkish section will result in negative reactions.

I haven't insulted other nations. and as you yourself said earlier, if anyone did, that's why there's a 'report post' button here.

Don't worry, i'm using that button a lot. PGK and iajj trolls probably banned as a result of my reports.

Those questions already asked with a serious and polite manner. We all saw what happened. So i don't think you guys can answer our questions without turning it to another flame fest.
Don't worry, i'm using that button a lot. PGK and iajj trolls probably banned as a result of my reports.

Those questions already asked with a serious and polite manner. We all saw what happened. So i don't think you guys can answer our questions without turning it to another flame fest.

Iajj isn't Iranian as far as I'm aware.

Think of it this way TurAr. Suppose that a Kurdish separatist comes to Iranian forum, starts anti-Turkey posts on putpodr and posts any irrelevant topic like football fans in Iranian 'defense' forum, then Iranians come and defend that guy for no good reason. What do you guys will think? It won't give a good image I think, it will send the wrong signal. The path you've taken is completely wrong. If you have serious questions in mind regarding Iranian Azeris come to Iranian section and ask them there. Not in a way that is like you wanna provoke us. But in a way that you would like to know about the situation. If you provoke us, we'll respond back accordingly and it's very natural and normal I think.
Opening them here was pointless but there was no insult or threat againts Iran, and its not justifies the Persian trolling on that section for days, insults were flying on the air.

Looks like a serious cleaning started, its started late.
Opening them here was pointless but there was no insult or threat againts Iran, and its not justifies the Persian trolling on that section for days, insults were flying on the air.

Glad that you agree with me that it was pointless.
Yea, and insults are still flying on the air. In this situation, instead of talking rationally, opening new threads or provoking others will be just like adding fuel to the fire. Just in the last posts I've been here, 3 people have gotten banned. Axa-, Ottoman-Turk and Shahin Vatani. And it all started when a pointless thread started.

Here is a defense forum, people in here are capabale of thinking critically. We shouldn't turn here into another youtube where some clueless guys or paid agents or advertising robots spread hate on youtube video comments. We should know the difference and try to think critically and act professionally.
It seems that mods decided to take a swift action now. Thus, i don't think we'll have any further problems.
Yea. Well, I think we need to ask moderators to close this thread and also open a thread to let everyone know that the mess is now over and things could be like several days ago.
100% Nonsense. The people that write posts like this are MOSTLY NOT IRANIANS.

They are confused mongols, Jewish-Turks, and paid bloggers of the Republic of Israel-baijan (which is a Crypto-Jew hijacking of the government of Shia people in the Republic of Azerbaijan).
Hey Arian, do you now understand what i mean? When we all started to think that its over...

This is what i was talking about.

Edit: Check his second post too.
"Tabriz Azari"

A fake account probably by some of these banned ones.

Azərbaycanlısansa onda öz dilimizdə yaz görüm...If your an Azeri, then please prove it.
We already have two Azaris, IR Tab and Soheil. Any reason why you've decided to exclude those two?

and lol @ blackfinch thanking your posts. Like fly around a stinking pile of you know what lol.
We haven't really supported Armenia, I mean it's not like Iran has armed or given money to Armenia to fight against Azerbaijan. All we have done is that we haven't supported Azerbaijan against Armenia and the reason is clear. Also, there are reports from within the Azerbaijani government that Iran helped Azerbaijan equally as well in the last war. But it's clear why we don't support Azerbaijan. It's because Aliyev is an irrational guy with expansionist mentalities which is not good for the Caucasus region in our neighborhood.
To say the last word, we have no moral obligations to support any one. We choose what we do and who we support and how we support based on our national interests and that's an internal matter I think. We don't need to be answering any questions on that I guess. We're after a balance of power in the Caucasus for our own sake I think. National interests play the main role here, the second reason is that we don't like Aliyev. Why don't you talk about Azerbaijan-Israeli relations then?

Why are you ashamed to be Armenia's brother?:frown:

Our relations are strategic and our cultures are historically intertwined. In fact, religion and geography are the only two things separating our people.
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