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Axis of Evil together with Russia could be a force to be reckoned with against US sanctions


Jun 26, 2012
Reaction score
Russian Federation
Poll: Russia joins Americans’ axis of evil - The Washington Post


in comparison european union

Population = 502 Million

GDP PPP = 17403 Billion $

GDP PPP per capita = 34,344 $

EU is barley double richer than us, they arent developed as people think despite being open to the whole world and having zero sanctions. We are rich and strong countries but problem is we think too much in isolated terms, America was succeeding in isolating every country letting them think for themselves instead seeing the whole picture.

Its natural that sanctioned countries should cooperate against the offenders and open trade with each other, together we are equal to America what do you think?
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Poll: Russia joins Americans’ axis of evil - The Washington Post


in comparison european union

Population = 502 Million

GDP PPP = 17403 Billion $

GDP PPP per capita = 34,344 $

EU is barley double richer than us, they arent developed as people think despite being open to the whole world and having zero sanctions. We are rich and strong countries but problem is we think too much in isolated terms, America was succeeding in isolating every country letting them think for themselves instead seeing the whole picture.

Its natural that sanctioned countries should cooperate against the offenders and open trade with each other, together we are equal to America what do you think?

Yes, the EU is double as rich...and technological lightyears ahead of russia. :D We created you. We are your gods. :)
Europe vs Russia, Iran, cuba, belarus, north korea, syria and zimbabwe yet you are only twice richer than us.

How low must you be to put yourself in one list with Zimbabwe and North Korea? This women:


Would spit in your face.
cuba is richer than you my friend. Fact is the data i showed is real gdp per capita would be higher than romania

I wonder why you russians always bash romania? Sure romania is poor...because it had to suffer almost 60 years under russian mismanagement and occupation. Now they recover.

Your poverty and low level disgusts me senni. You can´t even produce antimatter. You have not one project in nuclear fusion. You have not one spacecraft beyond earth orbit. You can´t even build trains and airplanes and have to import them.

If you keep disappointing us, we should decide if we send you to the hades.
I wonder why you russians always bash romania? Sure romania is poor...because it had to suffer almost 60 years under russian mismanagement and occupation. Now they recover.

Your poverty and low level disgusts me senni. You can´t even produce antimatter. You have not one project in nuclear fusion. You have not one spacecraft beyond earth orbit. You can´t even build trains and airplanes and have to import them.

If you keep disappointing us, we should decide if we send you to the hades.
cuba is richer than you my friend. Fact is the data i showed is real gdp per capita would be higher than romania

Than me, personally? Yeah, Cuba is richer :(
If you mean my country, Romania has 3 x the GDP of Cuba..not that it matters.

@MarkusS they're buthurt that we don't want want to have anything in common with them. Besides, it's relative. Romania is in a relative bad position comparing to the EU, not with the world
Than me, personally? Yeah, Cuba is richer :(
If you mean my country, Romania has 3 x the GDP of Cuba..not that it matters.

@MarkusS they're buthurt that we don't want want to have anything in common with them. Besides, it's relative. Romania is in a relative bad position comparing to the EU, not with the world
I love how you got rid of the russian puppet. Romania in the EU is a sucess story. It is still a long way. But it is normal that you cant repair in just a few years what russia destroyed in 60 years.

yes, thats what you are. Good that you finally managed to admit this. :)
Poll: Russia joins Americans’ axis of evil - The Washington Post


in comparison european union

Population = 502 Million

GDP PPP = 17403 Billion $

GDP PPP per capita = 34,344 $

EU is barley double richer than us, they arent developed as people think despite being open to the whole world and having zero sanctions. We are rich and strong countries but problem is we think too much in isolated terms, America was succeeding in isolating every country letting them think for themselves instead seeing the whole picture.

Its natural that sanctioned countries should cooperate against the offenders and open trade with each other, together we are equal to America what do you think?
Bro . The prob is that we are NOT united . If we were , it would have made a heck lot of difference

This is hilarious :))))

Senheiser, go home, you're drunk. (and if you're not, get drunk)
Bet northkorea can bomb your country into oblivion ? Lol

Bet they can conquere it in less than a week ? Sadly bloated ego is one of the unwanted features of EU syndrome
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EU is barley double richer than us, they arent developed as people think despite being open to the whole world and having zero sanctions. We are rich and strong countries but problem is we think too much in isolated terms, America was succeeding in isolating every country letting them think for themselves instead seeing the whole picture.

Its natural that sanctioned countries should cooperate against the offenders and open trade with each other, together we are equal to America what do you think?

Just because the US has sanctions against a country doesn't mean everybody (or ANYBODY) in the rest of the world does. For instance Cuba has had sanctions by the US since the early 1960's but is pretty much open to the rest of the world.

United States embargo against Cuba - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Iran has had sanctions since 1979...but it was only in the last few years with their nuclear program that the EU joined in.
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