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Awww! No Fried Chicken For US Soldiers In Afghanistan?



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Jun 3, 2011
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Awww! No Fried Chicken For US Soldiers In Afghanistan?

US government is using the media to downplay the affect of Pakistani blockade. But the G.I.s want their fried chicken, Mr. Panetta.

SPECIAL REPORT | Friday | 16 December 2011

KABUL, Afghanistan—The US military is doing its best to downplay the effect of Pakistani blockade on US and NATO supplies bound for Afghanistan. You can see Pentagon spokespersons almost every day using a variation of the same theme: ‘Oh it doesn’t affect us’, or ‘we’ve made arrangements’ or ‘important supplies don’t go through that route.’

The truth is that more than half of US supplies, everything from Special-Ops gear to ammunition to French fries, pass through the critical Pakistani supply line.

While US military and CIA won’t reveal how much they are hurting because of the Pakistani blockade, which came into effect after a deliberate US attack killed 24 Pakistani soldiers, there are signs that US soldiers are beginning to feel the pinch.

US soldiers can stay quiet over shortages in fuel and ammunition [it’s good since they don’t have to go out fight as often], they can’t stand that fried chicken and French fries are fast disappearing from the menus on American bases in Afghanistan.

Some US soldiers who completed their tour of duty and left Afghanistan but remain in touch with colleagues are reporting some minor hardships. Some of them are servicemen who are opposed to the US war in Afghanistan. Almost all of them are using social media to get the message out.

Twitter is abuzz with messages from soldiers who served in Afghanistan recounting how tough it was for them when Islamabad blocked supplies in October 2010 after an earlier deliberate US attack killed Pakistani soldiers at a border post.

And now comes this picture.

Awww! No Fried Chicken For US Soldiers In Afghanistan? | PakNationalists.com | Home Of Pakistani Nationalists Online

It’s not clear where or when it was taken but it shows a Popeye’s fried chicken outlet at a US base in Afghanistan giving a shutdown notice due to the blockade.

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That's prove one point. Ahmed Quraishi is another Zaid Hamid in making. :argh:

Right now, 60% of food supply of NATO troops come through Russia through Northern Distribution Network which still 1/10 the cost of airlift from Turkey to Afghanistan. They will starve for fried chicken only if Russia will close their routes and in this regard Pakistan's importance is useless.
chicken are not being supplied to afghanistan lol

i wonder what is there in afghanistan besides the great afghan drugs??

---------- Post added at 12:23 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:22 AM ----------

That's prove one point. Ahmed Quraishi is another Zaid Hamid in making. :argh:

Right now, 60% of food supply of NATO troops come through Russia through Northern Distribution Network which still 1/10 the cost of airlift from Turkey to Afghanistan. They will starve for fried chicken only if Russia will close their routes and in this regard Pakistan's importance is useless.

yeah right :lol:

bickering is only thing u can do
That's prove one point. Ahmed Quraishi is another Zaid Hamid in making. :argh:

Right now, 60% of food supply of NATO troops come through Russia through Northern Distribution Network which still 1/10 the cost of airlift from Turkey to Afghanistan. They will starve for fried chicken only if Russia will close their routes and in this regard Pakistan's importance is useless.

well photo proves contradicts what you say
chicken are not being supplied to afghanistan lol

i wonder what is there in afghanistan besides the great afghan drugs??

---------- Post added at 12:23 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:22 AM ----------

yeah right :lol:

bickering is only thing u can do

Thank you for the complement. But right now they must be enjoying chicken & chilled beer with their colleagues in Kabul.
To US Soldiers

That's prove one point. Ahmed Quraishi is another Zaid Hamid in making. :argh:

Right now, 60% of food supply of NATO troops come through Russia through Northern Distribution Network which still 1/10 the cost of airlift from Turkey to Afghanistan. They will starve for fried chicken only if Russia will close their routes and in this regard Pakistan's importance is useless.
A gaey US say wafadari nibhanay :blah:
That's prove one point. Ahmed Quraishi is another Zaid Hamid in making. :argh:

Right now, 60% of food supply of NATO troops come through Russia through Northern Distribution Network which still 1/10 the cost of airlift from Turkey to Afghanistan. They will starve for fried chicken only if Russia will close their routes and in this regard Pakistan's importance is useless.

I think you will find your stats are from planet mars - their supplies are crippled at the moment. The NDN are providing about 10% and its too expensive and they cant airlift stuff off over in particular fuel. If you chaps want to believe the closing of border and not allowing supplies to get through is not having the effect it is then feel free. The fact of the matter is they need the supplies to resume and i reckon they have a week left - lets see what happens!!!!
I think you will find your stats are from planet mars - their supplies are crippled at the moment. The NDN are providing about 10% and its too expensive and they cant airlift stuff off over in particular fuel. If you chaps want to believe the closing of border and not allowing supplies to get through is not having the effect it is then feel free. The fact of the matter is they need the supplies to resume and i reckon they have a week left - lets see what happens!!!!

Ultimate choice is opium
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