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Australia lawyer 'smokes' Koran, Bible pages

hey don't get personal ok...this is not bharat raksha or what ever.... go and see your history too... aur han don't forget Babri Masjid and hindu extremist and Muslim roits...ok

Sure, I won't forget. And you don't forget the genocide against Bengalis, the daily attacks against Ahmadiyas, the weekly attacks on Christians, etc. There are websites decicated to exposing these things and more than 500 instances will be obtained within a few minutes with a simple search.

And by the way: I (and most Indians) have nothing against Muslims. We do however have a problem with those Pakistanis who hypocritically keep pointing out the same things about India. In reality, India protects its minorities much better than Pakistan does. For every link or instance you post, I can post two, so remember that.
Sure, I won't forget. And you don't forget the genocide against Bengalis, the daily attacks against Ahmadiyas, the weekly attacks on Christians, etc. There are websites decicated to exposing these things and more than 500 instances will be obtained within a few minutes with a simple search.

And by the way: I (and most Indians) have nothing against Muslims. We do however have a problem with those Pakistanis who hypocritically keep pointing out the same things about India. In reality, India protects its minorities much better than Pakistan does. For every link or instance you post, I can post two, so remember that.

lolzzz that was proved by hindu Muslim roits too.... everyone thinks he is the best.....

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And here we go again from australia to india vs pakistan
@anonymous clown ignore quadirs post.no need to vomit more hate,there's enough present already.
And here we go again from australia to india vs pakistan
@anonymous clown ignore quadirs post.no need to vomit more hate,there's enough present already.

Yes, I suppose I won't post the links right here. I will create a new thread for the same. In fact, if people like Qadri simply read more international websites (I am not even posting the links here), they will realize what the world thinks of their country.

People like Qadri can scream all they want against "Hindu losers", but the world has stopped listening to them.
Yes, I have seen some members here throwing expletives to Darwin just because theory of evolution doesn't align with their respective faith. While they have every right to do so, why, Insulting Darwin should be considered fairer than insulting Ram, Muhammad or Jesus?

You my friend have fallen into the trap that the Christian Fundys have set in the evolution vs intelligent design debate.

Darwin's theory of evolution is not a religion, it is not an optional set of spiritual belief that rely on faith, it is an attempt to make sense of the facts about life as they have been presented thus far.The Creationists here in North America, have insidiously tried to cast Darwinism as a religion and thus unfit to be taught in schools unless their theory of intelligent design is given fair time. Not to pick on you but it's pretty depressing that you'd fall for something so transparently a trap.
Yes, I suppose I won't post the links right here. I will create a new thread for the same. In fact, if people like Qadri simply read more international websites (I am not even posting the links here), they will realize what the world thinks of their country.

People like Qadri can scream all they want against "Hindu losers", but the world has stopped listening to them.

ya i am also thinking to stop screaming and start crying like india, then world could hear us...lolz
ya i am also thinking to stop screaming and start crying like india, then world could hear us...lolz

Remember - countries who beg for a living will never be heard and respected by the world. This isn't your school where people cry to get heard. The world listens to India not because we "cry", but because the world is fed up of terror sponsored by Pakistan, and everyone has seen through the Pakistani leadership's lies and deceit.

From American politicians to the UK Prime Minister to Afghan PM, everyone has seen through the Pakistani regime. And slowly, the Western public is beginning to hate you too. Read some recent articles on Yahoo news w.r.t. Kashmir protests - pay special attention to the comments. You will have a lot of fun.
Remember - countries who beg for a living will never be heard and respected by the world. This isn't your school where people cry to get heard. The world listens to India not because we "cry", but because the world is fed up of terror sponsored by Pakistan, and everyone has seen through the Pakistani leadership's lies and deceit.

From American politicians to the UK Prime Minister to Afghan PM, everyone has seen through the Pakistani regime. And slowly, the Western public is beginning to hate you too. Read some recent articles on Yahoo news w.r.t. Kashmir protests - pay special attention to the comments. You will have a lot of fun.

lolz...then go and teach yourself the same thing...
lolz...then go and teach yourself the same thing...

"Lolz, lolz, lolz". HAH.

We already know this, and this is the prime reason why we look at attracting investment instead of asking for aid.

Going way off-topic, but my basic point is, in threads totally unrelated to India, if you keep harping on past riots in India (where both Hindus and Muslims were killed in large numbers by the way - crimes and murders have been committed by both sides in equal measure, there was never total genocide of minorities by the majority), you can be sure that we will bring up minority persecution in Pakistan too.

And yes, India protects its minorities better than Pakistan. Not as well as modern West Europe, but certainly much better than Pakistan.
Free speech.

Do people honestly want governments to limit free speech even more?

The point the guy was making by burning the koran and the bible is that they are just two books and people can do whatever they like, it's free speech.

You have lunatics in this thread saying "OMG HE HATES ISLAM OMG" missing the point he was trying to make. Did you not see him burning the bible too?

They are just two books, nothing more.

May be they r just books for u, but for billions of practicing Muslims and Christians, they r way of life which there creator ask them to follow.

Iam a muslim but if a muslim tries to burn or urinate on Bible in front of me, i wont tolerate that at all, his freedom of speech will hit the wall that day.
May be they r just books for u, but for billions of practicing Muslims and Christians, they r way of life which there creator ask them to follow.

Iam a muslim but if a muslim tries to burn or urinate on Bible in front of me, i wont tolerate that at all, his freedom of speech will hit the wall that day.
Thanks much for your view and the confirmation...:D
What do your words of divine wrath, creation and fear mean to a person who does not believe Allah exists?

Now I hope you are calm enough to answer this,

I'm amazed by some people who are from an English speaking country who can not grasp comprehension
Americans do speak Englisg right ?
THen get an education ! Now there is where I refuse to be calm about.
I'm amazed by some people who are from an English speaking country who can not grasp comprehension. Americans do speak English right ?
THen get an education ! Now there is where I refuse to be calm about.

This response doesn't make sense to me. Where is the lack of comprehension?
Arsenal you have said: you should be afraid of Allah, not of people,
and Anon45 asked: that if a person doesn't believe in Allah (or any god), what is there for him to be afraid of?

Can you answer Anon's question without resorting to insults?
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