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Atrocities committed by Korean troops in vietnam war


Dec 18, 2010
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Atrocities committed by Korean troops in Vietnam war

Some reports say that Koreans are the worst war crime perpetrators in Vietnam war and at least 8,000 Vietnamese civilians perished to Korean troops war atrocity.
In the 1960s and 1970s, South Korea dispatched 300,000 combat troops, the second largest foreign force, to the American effort in South Vietnam. Although international reporters tended to focus on US atrocities, among the Vietnamese, Korea’s soldiers earned a reputation as the war’s most ruthless.

Korean forces massacred inhabitants of several villages in the central highlands in the mid- to late 1960s, the height of foreign intervention. Under orders from commanders, the young conscripts followed a take-no-prisoners playbook. In one massacre, in Binh Tai, they warned all inhabitants to flee the hamlet, then set homes ablaze and opened fire indiscriminately on the residents who tried to escape, according to Korean veterans and Vietnamese survivors. In other instances, such as in Son Tinh and Tay Vinh, villagers were rounded up and executed.

(Historians agree that Korean troops fathered a large number of mixed Korean-Vietnamese children called Lai Dai Han. But it remains unclear the extent to which this was battlefield rape versus prostitution.)

The vicious tactics kept the troops safe from Communist insurgents, who, dressed like civilians, could launch sneak attacks and secretly influence entire villages. Tens to hundreds of villagers perished in each episode.
This is true. The Koreans are the most wicked but gungho units in Vietnam, while the USA army are being viewed as pussy for being too "merciful".

Not too long ago when I visited Vietnam , the South Vietnamese veterans I met (not Viet Cong or Ho Chi Minh's gang) keep fxxxing their Koreans ally. These are mofos who committed rape, murder, torture, burn horse, and whatever nonsense you can think off.

The area under them were reputed to be more pacified than the USA zone because any Vietcong guerrilla activities will be followed by genocide of civilians. (Forgive me for the strong words)

Other than that, the Koreans serving in WW2 Japanese imperial army were some of the most wicked units in China that brought untold sufferings to many Chinese. China paid back in the most unexpected ways.

When I see China sabotage Koreans by supporting Fat Kim dynasty, I wonder if Karma at work.

More Koreans dirt got to be digged out.

Battle of the dueling war crimes | GlobalPost

In the 1960s and 1970s, South Korea dispatched 300,000 combat troops, the second largest foreign force, to the American effort in South Vietnam. Although international reporters tended to focus on US atrocities, among the Vietnamese, Korea’s soldiers earned a reputation as the war’s most ruthless.

Korean forces massacred inhabitants of several villages in the central highlands in the mid- to late 1960s, the height of foreign intervention. Under orders from commanders, the young conscripts followed a take-no-prisoners playbook. In one massacre, in Binh Tai, they warned all inhabitants to flee the hamlet, then set homes ablaze and opened fire indiscriminately on the residents who tried to escape, according to Korean veterans and Vietnamese survivors. In other instances, such as in Son Tinh and Tay Vinh, villagers were rounded up and executed.
...and the Korean government wants to celebrate the 50th anniversary of troop deployment to Vietnam. cool.
but many Korean posters seem to dislike the idea after Vietnam protests.


South Korea sent eight combat units, for a total of 312,853 personnel, to the Vietnam War for eight and a half years between 1964 and 1973. 4,960 South Korean soldiers were killed and 10,962 wounded in Vietnam.
Vietnam Asks Korea to Cancel Vietnam War Celebrations - koreaBANG

This is true. The Koreans are the most wicked but gungho units in Vietnam, while the USA army are being viewed as pussy for being too "merciful".

Not too long ago when I visited Vietnam , the South Vietnamese veterans I met (not Viet Cong or Ho Chi Minh's gang) keep fxxxing their Koreans ally. These are mofos who committed rape, murder, torture, burn horse, and whatever nonsense you can think off.

The area under them were reputed to be more pacified than the USA zone because any Vietcong guerrilla activities will be followed by genocide of civilians. (Forgive me for the strong words)

Other than that, the Koreans serving in WW2 Japanese imperial army were some of the most wicked units in China that brought untold sufferings to many Chinese. China paid back in the most unexpected ways.

When I see China sabotage Koreans by supporting Fat Kim dynasty, I wonder if Karma at work.

More Koreans dirt got to be digged out.
the koreans soldiers in VN wanted to prove to their US master that they were tough.
South Korea sent eight combat units, for a total of 312,853 personnel, to the Vietnam War for eight and a half years between 1964 and 1973. 4,960 South Korean soldiers were killed and 10,962 wounded in Vietnam.

How many local people did they kill?
The Koreans were bunch of racists, the poor little dude is also facing racism in his homeland of because of his Vietnamese mother.

This is true. The Koreans are the most wicked but gungho units in Vietnam, while the USA army are being viewed as pussy for being too "merciful".

No. Japanese did much more worse in Vietnam

as WWII drew to a close, Japanese rice acquisitions, in combination with floods and breaches in the dikes, caused a horrific famine in which two million of North Vietnam’s 10 million people starved to death.
Many Korean feel guilty for what their soldiers did in Vietnam during the war.
We forgive them already.

Now Vietnam is the most favorite place of Korean investors in ASEAN.

Japan paid by cash ( we donot ask for blood ) for their destruction in Vietnam during WW2 as the condition to normalize the relation from 1973-1975, and is one of the first countries to create diplomat relation with the reunited Vietnam.
Millions Vietnamese perished during Japanese occupation. What Vietnamese think about Yasukuni Shrine? Those war criminals worshiped in the shrine were also responsible for millions of Vietnamese deaths.
The Koreans were bunch of racists, the poor little dude is also facing racism in his homeland of because of his Vietnamese mother.


The Chinese Korean are model minorities in PRC, who are able to better the Han Chinese, in scholastic activities-- around 70% (hope I do not remember the number wrongly, and should be a recent event) went university, better than Han. Not an easy task considering Han are among the world best exam takers. At a time, China started opening up and Chinese Korean started to migrate South Korea.

The South Korean shitt on Chinese Koren hard. The Chinese Koreans realize that South Koreans are not brother and Han Chinese + PRC are better. They start to identify themselves with China and rather than North or South Korea.

South Korea is a fool. If South Koreans have treated Chinese Korean better, today Yanbian may be another place for independent and separatist trouble in China.

Sometimes, when I read chat forums or article discussing whether Chinese Korean will fight for independent, I really want to laugh. But I refrain from commenting too much because my opinions often make people angry.

The Manchus, despite given a "independent Manchuria" by Japanese and suffering some racial slur from Sun Yat-sen and gang 驅除韃虜, never identify with "Manchuria". They completely identify with Han Chines.

I would say, Han Chinese's non racist nature is what make minority integrate.

http://isdpr.org/isdpr/publication/journal/30-1/5Choi Woo-Gil.pdf

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No. Japanese did much more worse in Vietnam

This is the first time I read about it. Before I am not aware of this event. Thanks

Many Korean feel guilty for what their soldiers did in Vietnam during the war.
We forgive them already.

Now Vietnam is the most favorite place of Korean investors in ASEAN.

Japan paid by cash ( we donot ask for blood ) for their destruction in Vietnam during WW2 as the condition to normalize the relation from 1973-1975, and is one of the first countries to create diplomat relation with the reunited Vietnam.

The Koreans don't care what Vietnamese think. Also most Vietnamese remembers more vividly PRC 1979 war, Paracels, Spratley against China...etc

Those days, Samsung get a lot of $$$ from South Korean government. The $$$ comes from USA for thanking South Korean sending troops to Vietnam.

Ironically Samsung is today the biggest single foreign investor in Vietnam. Not sure if Samsung want to redeem herself.

This is really karma.
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No. Japanese did much more worse in Vietnam
the Japanese needed foods for their fighting troops. hence they robbed from the Vietnamese. so between 400,000 and 2 million Vietnamese are estimated to have starved to death due to famine during the Japanese occupation.

The Koreans don't care what Vietnamese think. Also most Vietnamese remembers more vividly PRC 1979 war, Paracels, Spratley against China...etc

Those days, Samsung get a lot of $$$ from South Korean government. The $$$ comes from USA for thanking South Korean sending troops to Vietnam.

Ironically Samsung is today the biggest single foreign investor in Vietnam. Not sure if Samsung want to redeem herself.

This is really karma.
whatever. even if they think bad of Vietnam. who cares? business matters. Today 100,000 Vietnamese live and work in S Korea, while 100,000 S Koreans live and work in Vietnam, mostly in Saigon.
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the Japanese needed foods for their fighting troops. hence they robbed from the Vietnamese. so between 400,000 and 2 million Vietnamese are estimated to have starved to death due to famine during the Japanese occupation.

whatever. even if they think bad of Vietnam. who cares? business matters. Today 100,000 Vietnamese live and work in S Korea, while 100,000 S Koreans live and work in Vietnam, mostly in Saigon.

Not hostile tone. That is what I get from Korean engineers involved in Samsung work. They just do not know their fathers are SOB. I mentioned to them about Korean troop sucks, they told me Vietnamese resent Chinese.

Basically the Koreans are also brainwash and they do not know history. But I am sure their elites are aware.
how do Europa people look at Germany people now ?

S Korean, Filipinos, Australian joined in Vietnam war. They were slaves of USA, no more.
Sự thật phải được phơi bày. Nếu tôi là Tổng thống thì tôi có thể hứa với mọi người rằng chính quyền của tôi sẽ đi đến cùng sự việc. Đó là tuyên bố của TNS J. Kerry trước vụ điều tra tội ác về vụ thảm sát của lực lượng Mãnh Hổ (Tiger Force) gây cho dân lành Quảng Ngãi năm 1967.
Ngoại trưởng John Kerry đang ngồi kia... | Phóng sự | Báo điện tử Tiền Phong
" The truth must be exposed. If I were President, I can promise everyone that my administration will investigate till the end of this case". It was stated by Senator J. Kerry before the criminal investigation of the massacre caused by Tiger Force (S.Korean troop) to civilians in 1967 in Quang Ngai.

Ngoại trưởng Mỹ John Kerry tiếp Thủ tướng Nguyễn Tấn Dũng. Ảnh: Đức Tám (TTXVN).
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