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At U.N., Trump warns U.S. may have to 'totally destroy' North Korea

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its not going to happen overnight. the major powers are fighting proxy wars in middle east for the sake of oil.iraq war, creation of ISIS, civil war in syria, killing of qaddafi , russian support for assad in syria are all for one reason and that is to secure and control the oil supplies.

Robert fisk wrote this article back in 2009.


Chinese financial sources believe President Barack Obama is too busy fixing the US economy to concentrate on the extraordinary implications of the transition from the dollar in nine years' time. The current deadline for the currency transition is 2018.


This happened few days ago at Shanghai stock exchange.


September 14, 2017 10:00 am JST
China aims for dollar-free oil trade
Yuan-denominated futures would allow crude exporters to dodge US sanctions

Also, three days ago:


Venezuela publishes oil prices in Chinese currency to shun U.S. dollar

And I am sure you aware that Venezuela is a opec member.

Listen, I am not here to argue with you on what I wish for or my personal preference. These are news of recent past. FACTS. There is a clear shift in geopolitics and geo economics and it is not headed by some tin pot Arab fiefdoms like Iraq and Libya. China and Russia are behind this open war against dollar. And yes west may come together to protect the dollar BUT when world biggest oild consumer and oil producers are not dealing in dollars, that means a lot of dollar will be come back to federal reserves which in turn will devalue the dollar a LOT. This will have a snowball effect.

North Korea is a punching bag for America to express it frustration over losing this economic war.
I am not making predictions.

Just referring to recent news. In case you missed it, or unaware, this is a week old news:


September 14, 2017 10:00 am JST
China aims for dollar-free oil trade
Yuan-denominated futures would allow crude exporters to dodge US sanctions

Expect tons of dollars coming back to your federal reserves in future. Hence the need for war right next to China and Russia.
another news
US Threatens To Cut Off China From SWIFT
Currency war is real war.
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LOL someone pass on the popcorn...

This is even better than I could have ever imagined. Trump you beauty! You are going to set the record straight. Trump, the angel from America has descended folks. The angel known as Donald J. Trump is going to send the rogue and evil nations to hell LMAO
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You are witnessing your soft power eroding in front of your eyes. Thank you for helping Pakistan out, because this is an outcome that could not have been achieved through a million speeches by hardliner maulvi types. People will be paying more attention to Imran Khan when he tells the U.S. to keep its money to itself.

In Syria, U.S. has lost the battle of wits and Electro-magnetism against Russia. At least for now.

Please...the US has total air superiority over Syria, and operates ground forces when and where it wants to in Syria.
F-22's have been operating over Syria for 3 years unabated. If we chose, we'd make quick work of Russian forces in Syria.
I actually don't think he's bluffing. People thought he wouldn't attack Syria and he did. Wouldn't surprise me at all to see the US attack North Korea's nuclear and missile launch facilities as a "warning" to Kim, and any further escalation from Kim would equal the regimes destruction.

There is a very different ground reality here, first of all North Korea is no Syria, it will fight back and it will fight back hard. Secondly, China and Russia will never allow the US to go to war in their neighborhood and will VETO any UN Security Council vote for a military action which means that US would have to go to war alone and that too without UN Umbrella. And Finally, where are the US Jets that were bombing the shit out of Syrian civilians after deployment of Russian S-400 systems????

In all honesty, I have yet to see the US take on an enemy that can actually fight back and inflict pain on the US. Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria were all ready to rollover which they did. And the US had the back and support of dozens of other countries. Alone, I would love to see the US go to war against an enemy the caliber of NK. I mean imagine the body bags returning back home to continental US.
There is a very different ground reality here, first of all North Korea is no Syria, it will fight back and it will fight back hard. Secondly, China and Russia will never allow the US to go to war in their neighborhood and will VETO any UN Security Council vote for a military action which means that US would have to go to war alone and that too without UN Umbrella. And Finally, where are the US Jets that were bombing the shit out of Syrian civilians after deployment of Russian S-400 systems????

In all honesty, I have yet to see the US take on an enemy that can actually fight back and inflict pain on the US. Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria were all ready to rollover which they did. And the US had the back and support of dozens of other countries. Alone, I would love to see the US go to war against an enemy the caliber of NK. I mean imagine the body bags returning back home to continental US.

North Korea's defense would go about as well as Iraq's, in other words total defeat. Defense Sec. Mattis has made that abundantly clear.

As for Syria, apparently you didn't get the memo. The US dropped over 5,000 bombs on ISIS in Iraq and Syria in August alone. US ground forces also operate in Syria conducting artillery strikes and special forces raids.
A flash in the pan. You think the US never had any setback in the international front ?
The list is little long as far as opposing China is concerned - Korea, Vietnam, Trade with China, OBOR, India-China standoff etc...
If NK was nuked and totally destroyed...wouldn't this kill south koreans, Chinese and Russians etc too?

How would they respond?
If NK was nuked and totally destroyed...wouldn't this kill south koreans, Chinese and Russians etc too?

How would they respond?

This orange baboon talks a lot. This fool is in for a brutally rude awakening. Not a leaf moves in NK without Russian and Chinese approval.

Their response to Trump's rhetoric would be a big middle finger. Not a thing will change. Trump had his two minutes of fame. Now it is back to business as usual.

On to the next missile test we go...
North Korea's defense would go about as well as Iraq's, in other words total defeat. Defense Sec. Mattis has made that abundantly clear.

As for Syria, apparently you didn't get the memo. The US dropped over 5,000 bombs on ISIS in Iraq and Syria in August alone. US ground forces also operate in Syria conducting artillery strikes and special forces raids.

Those bombs were dropped only when both US and Russia had consensus.

Russia's ace in Syria isn't S-400 but A-50U. You can run, but you can't hide.
War is inevitable unless kim backs down.I fear south korea might be devastated in the process with damage on japan also possible.We have around 1 year,unless kim backs down north korea will be attacked.USA will never accept NK regime having ability to strike US mainland.China or Russia may back NK by proxy,but none of them will fight the US military directly.(unless us ground troops invade NK and try to annex it which will not happen)
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