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At least 12 shot during Mother’s Day parade in New Orleans

One fact remain, many gun used in crime in this world (Not just United States) are obtain illegally, same as almost every case of get away car after a bank robbery is coming from a illegal way. You have to be an idiot to think you can get away with a crime you commit with your own firearm.

You not getting the bigger picture.

If the country's law states "home owners can obtain a fire arm to protect their family and home" - this means that the majority of households will have one.


US has 10 million people, 9.5mil have guns. Of course, in a house robbery or whatever robbery these guns will be stolen.

UK has 10million also, but only 100,000 have firearms including police. Now since the UK households have very little to no firearms, in a robbery there isnt a fire arm to steal.

Now if the majority of houses have a gun then that increases the chances of that gun being obtained and used, whether illegally or not.

The problem has to be looked from the bigger picture. Not from the smaller spectrum.
You not getting the bigger picture.

If the country's law states "home owners can obtain a fire arm to protect their family and home" - this means that the majority of households will have one.


US has 10 million people, 9.5mil have guns. Of course, in a house robbery or whatever robbery these guns will be stolen.

UK has 10million also, but only 100,000 have firearms including police. Now since the UK households have very little to no firearms, in a robbery there isnt a fire arm to steal.

Now if the majority of houses have a gun then that increases the chances of that gun being obtained and used, whether illegally or not.

The problem has to be looked from the bigger picture. Not from the smaller spectrum.

Your assumption is good, but only with one flaw, US does not only have 10 millions people US had 330 millions.

And majority of Gun owner will not put their firearms on the floor so any dumb-toothless hillbilly who B&E in could get their hand on the Firearms. I got a gun locker and a separate safe for ammunition, when you get a gun legally in the US, you are require to get them (Locker, Safe), you don't literally sleep with your gun under the pillow. If you think we do, then you probably watched too many movie.

And if the person who B&E had firearms in the first place, why would they break in a home and steal another piece of firearms?

What people refuse to see is, Gun Control only put the "Good People" in line, but Gun Control cannot do jack shiite to people who have illegal intention in mind. If you needed to get an illegal gun, chances are you will get it regardless what is the level of Gun Control your country have.
Oh please monsieur, never ever compare Canada to your Yank Land and Beaver is one of our national symbols and Justin beiber aside from being a popular super star is a Canadien at heart whether you agree or disagree with him. Attacking him personally as a national problem is pretty pathetic especially after all the humanitarian work he does in the communitie, while I do not appreciate his music on the contrary, I do not blindly bash him like an idiot.

Americanne laundry list= Keystone pipeline, terrible human rights record, smuggling weapons to Canada, inferiority complex(probably due to 1812 defeat ;) ), Windsor bridge, NAFTA and disrespect of our troops's sacrifises in your media and massive shooting every other day due to lack of gun control or any kind of registry.

Sounds like a broken nation mon ami but hey you are welcome to come over as long as you do not support the Bruins! :)

Lmaooo bro we don't respect you guys because it's like we are Batman and you are Robin, you guys are the graduation ceremony we are the after party, fine your soldiers fought but they did just enough to get by while ours did the heavy lifting but hey just send some waffles with Canadian syrup down south and we will reconsider aye. :azn:

Don't get me started on 1812 we did not lose and even if we did your Canada ain't exist back then so it would be to the English. :rolleyes:
@jhungary, just in case you were serious some link from trusted news networks!

Gun laws in Canada help counter U.S.-style massacres - British Columbia - CBC News

Coalition for Gun Control - An Overview of Gun Control in US, Canada and Globally

Kash Heed: No Place For Ambiguity In Aftermath Of School Shooting

Also the third link is an excellent piece by Kash heed in the aftermath of the school shooting and keep in mind he is a former police superintendent + soliciter general and furthermore an elected Member of parliament as far as credibility is concerned.

Brotha most crimes when it come to gun violence here in the states are done by guns that are bought illegally, heck where I live I can get a gun tomorrow if I wanted to illegally.
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Its not about guns? Mabe you should go to Specsavers and get glasses mate, this topic is about 19 people being shot. You are shot with a gun, not with a fist...

Rich coming from you, when you come out with a load of bonkers and dont have a "source".

No one mentioned the US but funny how you do... I smell a rat here. :smart:
Here is what you said...

2) The US has many more prisons and majority of prisoners in there are there cos of gun related crime or the crime they committed involved a gun.
The majority of prisoners are from gun violence. MAJORITY.

So show us a source that says so.
Your assumption is good, but only with one flaw, US does not only have 10 millions people US had 330 millions.

You know why I give up with people on here? Because your all retarded, blind and uneducated.

IF you read my post CORRECTLY it said "For example" - the figures given where an example.

And yet your response is "but only with one flaw, US does not only have 10 millions people US had 330 millions."


Here is what you said...

The majority of prisoners are from gun violence. MAJORITY.

So show us a source that says so.

I am THE source.

For all you know I could be a reporter...

Funny thing is, you people believe in "sources" but these "sources" are created by someone or a group of people.

Ever thought of doing your own research? Maybe if you got a degree which involves doing research then you wont sit on your far american *** gaining 5 stones a month and maybe you would. But you americans are always used to being spoon fed and believing anything.
This shooting was a bunch of home boys taking out other gang members while people in the parade were caught up in the cross fire.

Same thing happened in Toronto at the Caribbean Parade.
You know why I give up with people on here? Because your all retarded, blind and uneducated.

IF you read my post CORRECTLY it said "For example" - the figures given where an example.

And yet your response is "but only with one flaw, US does not only have 10 millions people US had 330 millions."


US have 330 Million resident, and yes, the UK does not only have 10 Millions resident, but they only have 63 millions and counting.

The sheer number of people is different, you cannot go back to when they all have 10 millions. If you want to make an assumption of the UK having 10 millions people only, then you need to make an example of US only have 50 millions.

Otherwise your example will NEVER reflect the true situation. If you fail to understand this, then it's of no use we keep arguing.
I am THE source.

For all you know I could be a reporter...

Funny thing is, you people believe in "sources" but these "sources" are created by someone or a group of people.

Ever thought of doing your own research? Maybe if you got a degree which involves doing research then you wont sit on your far american *** gaining 5 stones a month and maybe you would. But you americans are always used to being spoon fed and believing anything.
And you are wrong. The majority of prisoners in the US are for NON-VIOLENT CRIMES. Gun related crimes falls under violent crimes.

Violent crime was not responsible for the quadrupling of the incarcerated population in the United States from 1980 to 2003. Violent crime rates had been relatively constant or declining over those decades. The prison population was increased primarily by public policy changes causing more prison sentences and lengthening time served, e.g. through mandatory minimum sentencing, "three strikes" laws, and reductions in the availability of parole or early release. These policies were championed as protecting the public from serious and violent offenders, but instead yielded high rates of confinement for nonviolent offenders. Nearly three quarters of new admissions to state prison were convicted of nonviolent crimes. 49 percent of sentenced state inmates were held for violent offenses. Perhaps the single greatest force behind the growth of the prison population has been the national "war on drugs." The number of incarcerated drug offenders has increased twelvefold since 1980. In 2000, 22 percent of those in federal and state prisons were convicted on drug charges.
This information is not state secret.

So for you to say this...

2) The US has many more prisons and majority of prisoners in there are there cos of gun related crime or the crime they committed involved a gun.
...Makes you a liar. If you are a reporter, then you are a sh1tty reporter working for a sh1tty newspaper where people cannot do even basic research.

You are either a 12 yr old trying to play in an adult playground, or not a very smart adult. Which is it?
US have 330 Million resident, and yes, the UK does not only have 10 Millions resident, but they only have 63 millions and counting.

The sheer number of people is different, you cannot go back to when they all have 10 millions. If you want to make an assumption of the UK having 10 millions people only, then you need to make an example of US only have 50 millions.

Otherwise your example will NEVER reflect the true situation. If you fail to understand this, then it's of no use we keep arguing.

You stil failed to grasp the incident.

Regardless of how many numbers I used in the fcuking EXAMPLE, the point am making is the UK gun law does not allow home owners to own a gun, even if I said 100 mil in UK and 10mil in US, the amount of homeowners having a gun in US would still be higher.

You people seem to very sensitive about your "US" no wonder you fail to debate, just look at you crying over the figures used in an example.

I cannot be bothered to debate with idiotic fools. If you fail to understand something so simple no wonder you listen to your government like a puppet.

You keep begging me for sources.

Yet you find Wikipedia a reliable source?? A site that can be edited. All I know the information in there has been edited by you.

Not a credible "source", you failed 0%.

Trying fooling someone else.

And for the idiot that said "US gun law is strict, you need lockers to own a gun" dont think the homeowner would by a gun to keep in a bloody locker.

In an attempt to "save" his house when he is robbed is he going to find the key or enter the code for the locker? :what:

Dont think so. :no:
You stil failed to grasp the incident.

Regardless of how many numbers I used in the fcuking EXAMPLE, the point am making is the UK gun law does not allow home owners to own a gun, even if I said 100 mil in UK and 10mil in US, the amount of homeowners having a gun in US would still be higher.

You people seem to very sensitive about your "US" no wonder you fail to debate, just look at you crying over the figures used in an example.

I cannot be bothered to debate with idiotic fools. If you fail to understand something so simple no wonder you listen to your government like a puppet.

You keep begging me for sources.

Yet you find Wikipedia a reliable source?? A site that can be edited. All I know the information in there has been edited by you.

Not a credible "source", you failed 0%.

Trying fooling someone else.

And for the idiot that said "US gun law is strict, you need lockers to own a gun" dont think the homeowner would by a gun to keep in a bloody locker.

In an attempt to "save" his house when he is robbed is he going to find the key or enter the code for the locker? :what:

Dont think so. :no:
Yeah...Am definitely debating with a 12 yr old on this subject. Making up lies now trying to weasel out of it.
You stil failed to grasp the incident.

Regardless of how many numbers I used in the fcuking EXAMPLE, the point am making is the UK gun law does not allow home owners to own a gun, even if I said 100 mil in UK and 10mil in US, the amount of homeowners having a gun in US would still be higher.

You people seem to very sensitive about your "US" no wonder you fail to debate, just look at you crying over the figures used in an example.

I cannot be bothered to debate with idiotic fools. If you fail to understand something so simple no wonder you listen to your government like a puppet.

No, it's you are the one who fail to grasp the situation.

The fact is US have 5 times the population than in the UK, they would have and should have five time more of whatever, regardless if you are talking about GDP, Hospital and yes, Crime Rate. If the probability to commit a crime is the same in both places, then a country have 5 times the population will have 5 times more crime than the country only have 1/5 of its population. This is the golden rules.

SO, if you say both US and UK have 10 millions people, then either you should take in to the fact that there are 5 times likely to have a crime than in UK in the US, or you need to multiply the number of the United States by 5 times.

the same 10 millions American and British having the same crime rate does not appear in the real world, reality is, crimes are 5 times more likely to happen in the US than in the UK, you fail to see or say this, thus rendering your "Example" inaccurate.

Again, if you fail to see this, then I can't help you lol

And dude, have you ever lived in America, then how do you know American do not have a bloody locker?? or to some extend, you know they don't keep in one??

lol, I have no interest on debating to you anymore, you don't need to reply me

Yeah...Am definitely debating with a 12 yr old on this subject. Making up lies now trying to weasel out of it.

lol, this guy got busted as with another "Think Tank" for fabricating source without support, is it really wise to argue with such member? :lol:

let him live in his dream land. The fact remain, HE KNOW NOTHING ABOUT THE UNITED STATES. That explain all.

All his word are simply and utterly, Bullshit
No, it's you are the one who fail to grasp the situation.

The fact is US have 5 times the population than in the UK, they would have and should have five time more of whatever, regardless if you are talking about GDP, Hospital and yes, Crime Rate. If the probability to commit a crime is the same in both places, then a country have 5 times the population will have 5 times more crime than the country only have 1/5 of its population. This is the golden rules.

SO, if you say both US and UK have 10 millions people, then either you should take in to the fact that there are 5 times likely to have a crime than in UK in the US, or you need to multiply the number of the United States by 5 times.

the same 10 millions American and British having the same crime rate does not appear in the real world, reality is, crimes are 5 times more likely to happen in the US than in the UK, you fail to see or say this, thus rendering your "Example" inaccurate.

Again, if you fail to see this, then I can't help you lol

And dude, have you ever lived in America, then how do you know American do not have a bloody locker?? or to some extend, you know they don't keep in one??

lol, I have no interest on debating to you anymore, you don't need to reply me

lol, this guy got busted as with another "Think Tank" for fabricating source without support, is it really wise to argue with such member? :lol:

let him live in his dream land. The fact remain, HE KNOW NOTHING ABOUT THE UNITED STATES. That explain all.

All his word are simply and utterly, Bullshit

No, no one knows anything about the US do they? ONLY you do. The US is very nice and peaceful your children are safe at school arent they? When pyschos walk in with guns and shoot their heads off. The streets are safe arent they? The fat Homer Simpson wont come out and shoot you - this topic is false news aint it?! Keep dreaming son.

But you all know what the UK is like since you have all "lived" here.

You need common sense about the guns in locker son - something that you lack.

You still fail to understand, regardless of how many people are mentioned in any one example in gun crime, the fact is there will be more guns in homeowners which = more illegal guns i.e. stolen, theft by finding etc etc so = more guns in US civilians.

Nothing to do with 5 x more this and 5 x more that. You just on here trying to make the US look like "God power" yet its a failing economy full of peadophiles, rapists, murderers.

It calls other countries backwards yet:

It has the death penality - it can make reasonable "grounds" to have and use it - BBC News - Jodi Arias can face death penalty, jury rules

Your government and agencies "won't lie" to their own people, this is why the IRS has been conning you? BBC News - IRS commissioner quits over conservative tax scrutiny

Keep the **** up and wake the fcuk up, stupid ignorant fools.

Well done to the IRS - even still you fools wont believe it. HAHA
And for the record if anyone cant debate with me because you lack common sense then dont bother. Dont say to me "dont reply" because I will. If you cant face the truth YOU dont reply.

End of.
And for the record if anyone cant debate with me because you lack common sense then dont bother. Dont say to me "dont reply" because I will. If you cant face the truth YOU dont reply.

End of.
Go flatter yourself...

2) The US has many more prisons and majority of prisoners in there are there cos of gun related crime or the crime they committed involved a gun.

...Because the only who will believe that lie is you. Plenty of your fellow Pakistanis lives in the US and they know what a liar you are about US.

So where is your source that says the majority of the prison population in the US is from gun related crime?
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