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Assam, Meghalaya aim to boost trade with Bangladesh

Relevant because there's not enough land for every group of people to have a country of their own... This is my understanding anyway.
Agreed. But his point was more about the influx of migrants in general, not about establishing 7 separate countries.
Multi-culturalism is good... Sad to see NE people have fascist and racist tendancies.
Yes, but they have the right to speak out against migrants from other countries. Coming in legally with proper visa is another matter but coming in illegally doesn't help in establishing cordial relations between the indigenous people and the migrants. I think that BD should recognize that there's a problem, that a lot of people are migrating to India illegally and should try to stem it. It doesn't improve relations between the two countries.
Yes, but they have the right to speak out against migrants from other countries. Coming in legally with proper visa is another matter but coming in illegally doesn't help in establishing cordial relations between the indigenous people and the migrants. I think that BD should recognize that there's a problem, that a lot of people are migrating to India illegally and should try to stem it. It doesn't improve relations between the two countries.

There is no illegal migration from BD to India now, hasn't been there for atleast the past 12/13 years
Y'all don't get anything at all,for past half a century the priority of those region,especially nagaland,manipur,mizoram in NE,isn't mere economic development ,it's the protection of their native land,native culture and native demography against the backdrop of an unnatural merger with world's second most population nation. Economic development was the last thing in mind under the circumstances those regions were in. And against the backdrop of Indian gov restriction of foreign investment in those region and strict entry rules for foreigners. While china creates free economic zone ,former nation like MANIPUR had to live under The draconian law, AFSPA ?

I assume you are from one of the North Eastern states. I admit I have limited understanding of situation there, but I am ready to be educated from someone belonging to that place.

I assume AFSPA is only in places where insurgency is going on. Places like Assam, Tripura, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh etc do not have AFSPA. Please correct me if I am wrong.

North East is a sensitivity area from security standpoint as it is connected only by a thin corridor with mainland and it is close to China and BD. Hence, also there is a huge demand for not letting in people from other areas. May be that is the reason the govt is cautious about allowing foreign investment there. Happy to know more though.

You are saying unnatural merger. May I know why do you feel so and what is the alternative as per you?
Multi-culturalism is good... Sad to see NE people have fascist and racist tendancies.
They are so few in number that if they are forced to mix with other communities, their indegenous culture, language and traditions may die out. Hence, it makes sense to preserve what they have.
Multi-culturalism is good... Sad to see NE people have fascist and racist tendancies.
Sorry to butt in,I'm personally all in for some flare of multiculturalism,infact NE india is more multicultural than many parts of the world I 've been,but multiculturalism will never be accepted in any place where there's no security for local tradition,culture and populace. In France ,the "multicultural"people follow french,they face no risk for extinction,culturally,traditionally or politically.
Which isn't the case in NE region,the immigrants can overwhelm in seer population ,and can outbreed too in just one generation,and based on Indian majoritarian based political system ,they can hijack political control .

You don't want immigrants to be more in population than the indigenous.

can they protect our indigenous religion?

The Symbol of Sanamahism (Source:Wakoklon Heelel Thilen Salai Amailon Pukok Puya)

We have our own food
EntireMart | Simplified E-Retail

Meitei Mayek alphabet – cbkwgl

The Game Of Polo Was Born In Manipur Before The Britishers Influenced It

martial arts

social & traditional attire

Meitei woman.jpeg

and a lot more to protect,promote and preserve.We were a nation for a thousand till half a century ago, the natives are not simply against immigrants for no reason, when Manipur was a nation,it showed great magnanimity to BD war captives ,which were allowed to settle in Imphal now they are called Pangal,they speak in Meitei-lon and now has a population of 120k,8% population of the state,and we have accepted them as indigenous,but it's different now .Manipur isn't a nation with total control of its political affairs,it can't create or lift laws to safeguard its interest,so people have to realize what's at stake here.

They are so few in number that if they are forced to mix with other communities, their indegenous culture, language and traditions may die out. Hence, it makes sense to preserve what they have.
Thanks for the undestanding.
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Majority of Tripura,you mean Bengali? even they are this religious group called 'hindu" and they despise Bangladesh which is associated with Muslim. Tripura's royal which is actually more of pro -indigenous ,and stout Hindu and they would 've no interest in associating with so-called east Pakistan.
It is the history when I said about Tripura Maharani visited Dhaka and waited for a long one week in 1947 to talk about a merger with east Pakistan, Khwaja Nazimuddin being a hard-line Muslim Leaguer did not meet her. Finally, Tripura decided to merge with India.

This is all history and you are denying it for the sake of pointing out that Tripura people despise BD people. By the way, do you even know that young Tripura guys depend upon BD for their survival. They come and work during harvest time.

So, you have no point of arguing with the love-hate matter between BD and Tripura.
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Multi-culturalism is good... Sad to see NE people have fascist and racist tendancies.

Fascism and racism happens when you mix lack of education and laziness.

They did fine being lazy and hogging all jobs and business until smarter/educated people from other regions came in and provided educated competition. Same reason US is seeing fascism today. Local uneducated US farm boys can't stand the educated immigrant competition and are blaming 'globalization'. So on to the store to buy more guns and Klan dresses.

NE tribals are not only racist against Bangladeshis, they are racist against any Indian not from their area. Including WB folks. Being a part of India was their decision, you can't go 'all in' and not agree with the conditionality - on whatever flimsy excuse.

If they don't want to merge with India any longer, then declare independence and ask for seaport access from us. This will be the only way these states develop. Can't have it both ways, being part of the union and being hostile to settlers from other regions.

All this is strange because the tribals themselves (and Assamese as well) are recent immigrants and settlers in the last 500 years. Most tribal groups came in from Myanmar. Assamese are descendants of a Chinese tribe in North Myanmar.
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They are so few in number that if they are forced to mix with other communities, their indegenous culture, language and traditions may die out. Hence, it makes sense to preserve what they have.

This kind of narrow mentality is not good.

Preserving culture is one thing. Attacking people of another ethnicity is another.

If you are racist to others, others can be racist back to you.

The tribes in that area themselves are settlers from another area, probably Myanmar.

Where does it all end?

That is part of the reason that region is so backward...
Sorry to butt in,I'm personally all in for some flare of multiculturalism,infact NE india is more multicultural than many parts of the world I 've been,but multiculturalism will never be accepted in any place where there's no security for local tradition,culture and populace. In France ,the "multicultural"people follow french,they face no risk for extinction,culturally,traditionally or politically.
Which isn't the case in NE region,the immigrants can overwhelm in seer population ,and can outbreed too in just one generation,and based on Indian majoritarian based political system ,they can hijack political control .

You don't want immigrants to be more in population than the indigenous.

can they protect our indigenous religion?

The Symbol of Sanamahism (Source:Wakoklon Heelel Thilen Salai Amailon Pukok Puya)
View attachment 722340

We have our own food
EntireMart | Simplified E-Retail

Meitei Mayek alphabet – cbkwgl

The Game Of Polo Was Born In Manipur Before The Britishers Influenced It

martial arts

social & traditional attire

Meitei woman.jpeg

and a lot more to protect,promote and preserve.We were a nation for a thousand till half a century ago, the natives are not simply against immigrants for no reason, when Manipur was a nation,it showed great magnanimity to BD war captives ,which were allowed to settle in Imphal now they are called Pangal,they speak in Meitei-lon and now has a population of 120k,8% population of the state,and we have accepted them as indigenous,but it's different now .Manipur isn't a nation with total control of its political affairs,it can't create or lift laws to safeguard its interest,so people have to realize what's at stake here.

Thanks for the undestanding.

You can make tall arguments but hardly people in the world knows your tribe and you have any significant history. You are not much different than tribes in Sub Saharan Africa. You can have your own thoughts and claim but realistically that doesn’t have any validity.

You said Bangladesh is a poster boy of poverty in the world. This is not a lie if you look from 1970s or 1980s perspective.

Now Bangladesh is set to overtake India in per capita gdp. India has many developed and underdeveloped region. Your one falls in the later group. So don’t compare story of Mumbai, Delhi or Bangalore with yourselves.

If you are from Manipur you are among the bottom 4-5 states of India and living standard is half that of Bangladesh. By saying you tribal lot don’t touch anything related to Bengali you are just making yourself a laughing stock.

In a decade or so we will employ you guys to do our menial works like we let the Tripura and Assam people do these work now. We can do now as well but demand for labor will increase significantly in near future. We promise will give your tribe a priority at that time.
You can make tall arguments but hardly people in the world knows your tribe and you have any significant history. You are not much different than tribes in Sub Saharan Africa. You can have your own thoughts and claim but realistically that doesn’t have any validity.

You said Bangladesh is a poster boy of poverty in the world. This is not a lie if you look from 1970s or 1980s perspective.

Now Bangladesh is set to overtake India in per capita gdp. India has many developed and underdeveloped region. Your one falls in the later group. So don’t compare story of Mumbai, Delhi or Bangalore with yourselves.

If you are from Manipur you are among the bottom 4-5 states of India and living standard is half that of Bangladesh. By saying you tribal lot don’t touch anything related to Bengali you are just making yourself a laughing stock.

In a decade or so we will employ you guys to do our menial works like we let the Tripura and Assam people do these work now. We can do now as well but demand for labor will increase significantly in near future. We promise will give your tribe a priority at that time.

You can make tall arguments but hardly people in the world knows your tribe and you have any significant history. You are not much different than tribes in Sub Saharan Africa. You can have your own thoughts and claim but realistically that doesn’t have any validity.
Why not? the sub sharan African tribes do have legitimacy over their own land,it's not still a forced colony of foreign nation.

Secondly,the region is not Africa, it's the region right in between India and china ,it has great geopolitical implication and historically not even a colony of the British,but a princely state.The people aren't sub saharan african they sub Saharan Semites/austroasiatic negrito has more in common in gene with bangladeshi and share genetic traits.

You said Bangladesh is a poster boy of poverty in the world. This is not a lie if you look from 1970s or 1980s perspective.

Now Bangladesh is set to overtake India in per capita gdp. India has many developed and underdeveloped region. Your one falls in the later group. So don’t compare story of Mumbai, Delhi or Bangalore with yourselves.

It must feel nice living in a bubble,keep telling yourself Bangladesh was a poster boy of poverty in 1970s or 1980s perspective,I and much of the world that commentary on Bangladesh poverty weren't even born back then.

Bd has a population of 160 million + it's larger than Russia, it should have had great political and economic implication yet it have almost nothing in world scene but here's pompous Bangladehi,gloating about high per capita gdp compared to few states of India,which is also very misleading ;with such billions in investment from countries like china and trade freedom ,the per capita income is so low despite the figure being boosted by billionaires created from foreign investment. Yet the seer number of poor people from BD surpass the the natives of NE but 100s of times in seer number. Hence the influx of immigrants to india.

If you are from Manipur you are among the bottom 4-5 states of India and living standard is half that of Bangladesh. By saying you tribal lot don’t touch anything related to Bengali you are just making yourself a laughing stock.
FYI Manipur has higher human development Index than bangladesh, and also twice a lower infant mortality rate (one of the lowest in India) than bd(25-26) .

Despite that,it's the region that has ban on various foreign investment(while bd receives billions in aid and investment)and entry of foreigners and has no railway network( this one blocked by locals due to lack of indigenous protection laws,now fixed with Inner Line Permit) ,it wasn't a region that had any form of trade and commerce due to state policy,despite all that anti-economic policies in the state,the poverty percentage is lower than the percentage of non-indigenous, there's ZERO beggars in the state, everyone makes their own living through their own effort. No thieves,mugger,rapists,slums . The average people lead a very comfortable life in a safe, pristine environment; all these are far cry from a our concerned region ,teeming with poverty,filth,criminals .So,no wonder they don't want immigrants.

In a decade or so we will employ you guys to do our menial works like we let the Tripura and Assam people do these work now. We can do now as well but demand for labor will increase significantly in near future. We promise will give your tribe a priority at that time.
Lol have you seen yourself? You talk about future,but as of current the immigrants like your kin are doing menial jobs(Because the average pay is a lot higher due to lack of menial workers and maids in manipur) in Manipur there's hardly anyindigenous menial laborer and never seen even one maid from indigenous native like meitei in Manipur itself . These folks aren't like your kind that go all over the world doing the lowest of menial works in subhuman condition. These folk are nothing like your bangladeshi,Filipino,indo etc immigrant workers.
You have no idea about the mentality and cultural norm of these folk and the taits of this race stock.
Fascism and racism happens when you mix lack of education and laziness.

They did fine being lazy and hogging all jobs and business until smarter/educated people from other regions came in and provided educated competition. Same reason US is seeing fascism today. Local uneducated farm boys can't stand the competition and are blaming 'globalization'. So on to the store to buy more guns and clan dresses.

NE tribals are not only racist against Bangladeshis, they are racist against any Indian not from their area. Including WB folks. Being a part of India was their decision, you can't go 'all in' and not agree with the conditionality - on whatever flimsy excuse.

If they don't want to merge with India any longer, then declare independence and ask for seaport access from us. This will be the only way these states develop.

All this is strange because the tribals themselves (and Assamese as well) are recent immigrants and settlers in the last 500 years. Most tribal groups came in from Myanmar. Assamese are descendants of a Chinese tribe in North Myanmar.

lol, our kind(metei) are labeled as "general " under Indian constitution,and receives zero advantage and privileges from the constitution ,and they have been directly competing with non- ST for everything( btw ST=SCHEDULED TRIBE) for everything ever since being a part of the union(btw ,majority of ST are in mainland India). Our people are all over in Indian inner sphere working mechanism,from ISRO to top tier general ranks in Indian army. And consistently produces near top 20 ranker in all India UPSC ,despite school remaining closed for 2/3 school days of the year in the state due to political reason. Even though people don't feel they are a part of the union's matters which discourages more full-hearted participation,they can produce more results under favourable condition.

Manipur with like 2 million people,has the highest overall medal count among Indian states in national games history,,other indians states has 100 times the population , multifolds the investment and opportunity,and the tiny state still dominates the over all tally despite its shortcomings. BD with 162 million has not produced a single olympic medalist in history yet Manipur with just 2 million population produced olympic medal for India .And they achieved under hellish geopolitical condition .

Based on these stats ,one with brain cell will see them as far valuable in human resources and culture than many cockroaches that encroach their land.

This kind of narrow mentality is not good.

Preserving culture is one thing. Attacking people of another ethnicity is another.

If you are racist to others, others can be racist back to you.

The tribes in that area themselves are settlers from another area, probably Myanmar.

Where does it all end?

That is part of the reason that region is so backward...
Do you mean attack literally? No nobody gets attacked therein,unlike in mainland India,you will never find any tourist and such getting attacked, mugged or assaulted .

You are implying that the tribes are some myanmarese folk, which by itself depends upon the kind of Myanmarese you ar talking about,indigenous burmese above the red line that converges with lowest point of south china are tibeto burman and anything lower than that tends to be austronesian,though demography changed there right now due to internal immigration in modern age.

There are atifacts found in manipur which are thousands of years old and you are talking like the people are some recent burmese immigrants.https://www.internationalseminar.org/XXI_AIC/TS5F/MsKhullakpamSapana.pdf
And also British Major General Sir James Johnstone who was responsible for East India company's affairs in manipur made a note about the distinction for the indigenous of manipur from the Burmese.


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Why not? the sub sharan African tribes do have legitimacy over their own land,it's not still a forced colony of foreign nation.

Secondly,the region is not Africa, it's the region right in between India and china ,it has great geopolitical implication and historically not even a colony of the British,but a princely state.The people aren't sub saharan african they sub Saharan Semites/austroasiatic negrito has more in common in gene with bangladeshi and share genetic traits.

It must feel nice living in a bubble,keep telling yourself Bangladesh was a poster boy of poverty in 1970s or 1980s perspective,I and much of the world that commentary on Bangladesh poverty weren't even born back then.

Bd has a population of 160 million + it's larger than Russia, it should have had great political and economic implication yet it have almost nothing in world scene but here's pompous Bangladehi,gloating about high per capita gdp compared to few states of India,which is also very misleading ;with such billions in investment from countries like china and trade freedom ,the per capita income is so low despite the figure being boosted by billionaires created from foreign investment. Yet the seer number of poor people from BD surpass the the natives of NE but 100s of times in seer number. Hence the influx of immigrants to india.

FYI Manipur has higher human development Index than bangladesh, and also twice a lower infant mortality rate (one of the lowest in India) than bd(25-26) .
View attachment 722439

Despite that,it's the region that has ban on various foreign investment(while bd receives billions in aid and investment)and entry of foreigners and has no railway network( this one blocked by locals due to lack of indigenous protection laws,now fixed with Inner Line Permit) ,it wasn't a region that had any form of trade and commerce due to state policy,despite all that anti-economic policies in the state,the poverty percentage is lower than the percentage of non-indigenous, there's ZERO beggars in the state, everyone makes their own living through their own effort. No thieves,mugger,rapists,slums . The average people lead a very comfortable life in a safe, pristine environment; all these are far cry from a our concerned region ,teeming with poverty,filth,criminals .So,no wonder they don't want immigrants.

Lol have you seen yourself? You talk about future,but as of current the immigrants like your kin are doing menial jobs(Because the average pay is a lot higher due to lack of menial workers and maids in manipur) in Manipur there's hardly anyindigenous menial laborer and never seen even one maid from indigenous native like meitei in Manipur itself . These folks aren't like your kind that go all over the world doing the lowest of menial works in subhuman condition. These folk are nothing like your bangladeshi,Filipino,indo etc immigrant workers.
You have no idea about the mentality and cultural norm of these folk and the taits of this race stock.

lol, our kind(metei) are labeled as "general " under Indian constitution,and receives zero advantage and privileges from the constitution ,and they have been directly competing with non- ST for everything( btw ST=SCHEDULED TRIBE) for everything ever since being a part of the union(btw ,majority of ST are in mainland India). Our people are all over in Indian inner sphere working mechanism,from ISRO to top tier general ranks in Indian army. And consistently produces near top 20 ranker in all India UPSC ,despite school remaining closed for 2/3 school days of the year in the state due to political reason. Even though people don't feel they are a part of the union's matters which discourages more full-hearted participation,they can produce more results under favourable condition.

Manipur with like 2 million people,has the highest overall medal count among Indian states in national games history,,other indians states has 100 times the population , multifolds the investment and opportunity,and the tiny state still dominates the over all tally despite its shortcomings. BD with 162 million has not produced a single olympic medalist in history yet Manipur with just 2 million population produced olympic medal for India .And they achieved under hellish geopolitical condition .

Based on these stats ,one with brain cell will see them as far valuable in human resources and culture than many cockroaches that encroach their land.

Do you mean attack literally? No nobody gets attacked therein,unlike in mainland India,you will never find any tourist and such getting attacked, mugged or assaulted .

You are implying that the tribes are some myanmarese folk, which by itself depends upon the kind of Myanmarese you ar talking about,indigenous burmese above the red line that converges with lowest point of south china are tibeto burman and anything lower than that tends to be austronesian,though demography changed there right now due to internal immigration in modern age.
View attachment 722458

There are atifacts found in manipur which are thousands of years old and you are talking like the people are some recent burmese immigrants.https://www.internationalseminar.org/XXI_AIC/TS5F/MsKhullakpamSapana.pdf
And also British Major General Sir James Johnstone who was responsible for East India company's affairs in manipur made a note about the distinction for the indigenous of manipur from the Burmese.

You are blabbering same thing again and again. There is no comparison between a country with 160 million and primitive tribal of 1 million or 2 whose living standard has not been changed for ages and unlikely will be changed in near future.

What do you want to mean by poor people? Don’t you understand average of 160 million people’s living standard is twice that of your tribes? Even in big cities like New York and London has plenty of poor and homeless people. Even Mumbai’s 60% people lives in slum. Now will you compare your tribe to that of these cities?

Plus from where you have got the idea Bangladeshis are going to India illegally for better living standard? Do you have any stat to support your claim? We have discussed in detail in this forum numerous time. There are no such proof. This is just a BJP/RSS propaganda during election time.

Bottom line is your tribe and your kingdom was always remained as a backwater state of Bengal Sultanat and now as well. The difference will only increase over time. Plus don’t forget you are just a landlocked region. Without cooperation with Bangladesh you don’t have much scope for progress.
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