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Assam, Meghalaya aim to boost trade with Bangladesh

It started in 2017 so you took some time but atleast you started that.
We too provide education in the local languages in the respective states so your allegations in the previous post are wrong.

Read my friend,

Read my friend,

My friend, the fact is that what politicians talk and what the reality is totally different. As I mentioned earlier, every state decides the language of education on their own.
The article is good but you can't say that we are imposing Hindi on others. By the way, my mother tongue is not Hindi.
My friend, the fact is that what politicians talk and what the reality is totally different. As I mentioned earlier, every state decides the language of education on their own.
The article is good but you can't say that we are imposing Hindi on others. By the way, my mother tongue is not Hindi.

OK - fair enough. There is an anti-Hindi Backlash going on in WB. Hindi Imperialism is part of cow-belt Sanghi movement as is perceived in WB.

And in the South (Kerala, TN and also most of Deccan) this backlash has been there for a while...
Hi Saudang,
Bangladesh is doing much better than NE in terms of economic development. Are the illegal immigrants in NE for better economic future or any other reason? If the former, then it does not make sense for them to stay on now.

..... is historically a backward and piss poor region and will always remain as such. Only Bangladesh can lift the condition through trade, import of mineral resources and tourism.

Autonomy or merging with Bangladesh is the only best hope for NE to prosper. Economically remaining in the union doesn’t have much prospect for NE.
Regarding merger Bangladesh won’t do anything from their end. It’s the people of NE India to decide. In next 10 year Bangladesh will have s.......o much that it will no longer be comparable which will burry the illegal immigration myth to rest.
But reality is there are not much viable economy exist in the NE. So when there will be no more illegal migration propaganda to feed what will happen next?
Y'all don't get anything at all,for past half a century the priority of those region,especially nagaland,manipur,mizoram in NE,isn't mere economic development ,it's the protection of their native land,native culture and native demography against the backdrop of an unnatural merger with world's second most population nation. Economic development was the last thing in mind under the circumstances those regions were in. And against the backdrop of Indian gov restriction of foreign investment in those region and strict entry rules for foreigners. While china creates free economic zone ,former nation like MANIPUR had to live under The draconian law, AFSPA ?

Yes,Population boom can have grave effect on economic vitality .
China plunged their billions of civilians into outrageous 1 child policy just to avert their nation from economic crisis due to population boom and here's someone pretending mass immigration from BD post 1971 event and beyond ,had no effect, especially in those politically fragile and newly merged regions as part of some new country that has totally different in culture and trait.
So do you think ,millions of poor immigrants post 1971 didn't add economic restrainst?

Bangladesh should lift itself out of poverty,it's one of the poster boy of poverty of the world,it sounds ridiculous when outsiders hear Bangladeshi talking about lifting others out of poverty.

And I got aware of some asinine notion of NE merger with Bangladesh only in this forum,in NE states ,especially in Nagaland,Mizoram & Manipur where the indigenous still controls ,they wouldn't touch any thing with "bangla..." with a ten ft. pole.

To them Bd immigrants are what Rohyngya are to Myanmar folk.

In state like Manipur the native folk had blocked Indian national railways till date due to lack of legislative mechanism so as to protect the region from influx of immigrants from mainland India that would inbound onboard those trains,and to see people here talking about merger with BD seems nothing but ludicrous.

Yeah I am sure the boogeyman is also there draining resources.

One doesn't need to be an expert on Indian sociocultural norms to understand how North East Indians are looked down on by the rest of the country.

But you keep telling yourselves the boogeyman stories. Whatever makes you sleep better and hide your incompetence.
TBH,NE folks especially in Manipur,nagaland,mizoram,arunachal think Indians and south asians as whole are subclasses of human so does it changes anything? and on the other hand whole world look down on Indians?
While Indians believe their greatest species on planet with 82 iq and even tell themselves they are better than East Asians like Chinese. It's the trait of those indians to be ignorant and live in their own bubble ,as long as they are in their backyard .So does it really changes ?

North East part's indigenous population is very small compared to the south asian population of the nearby region . But the main priority for the people there is to safeguard their native land ,culture and identity,that is far more important to them than low-level economic activity in exchange for their homeland to foreigner which simply multiply like animals. What's the point of it when you risk control of your own homeland against the influx of immigrants?

The GDP per capita for Bangladesh is now double or more that of WB and Assam, probably more than that of Nagaland and Manipur as well.

Are the people and their leaders in Dispur, Shillong, Imphal and Kohima happy with this economic state of affairs? Are they happy with their land being simple backward picturesque touristy backwaters and live off the measly few tourist Dollars/Rupees dispersed by kanjoos cow belt tourists every year? So be it.

It'd seem however that the people of the seven sisters would like to improve their economic lot by trade with Bangladesh and have their eyes on a better future. Forestry. agricultural and mining raw materials and products are just the tip of the iceberg. The train is leaving at the station, get on board now.

Your GDP per capita in comparison to x ,y state is dumb,tell when BD actually gets developed . The pompousness is obvious after receiving some chinese and other foreign investment for some bridge and such in exchange for some slave labor . There are many states where gdp per capita is higher than BD in NE.
BD has more population than russia,if NE region was didn't had restriction on chinese and other foreign investment and had gov subsidies for investment ,it would easily surpass the BD pps by some margin,considering it's well balanced population of the indigenous that don't breed like rats .

My dear @Saudang, note that this thread is all about your NE seeking larger trade with BD. However, you are claiming that no need to pursue this. Are you sure you are telling the truth?

So, autonomy would be good. Let Delhi tackle the foreign and financial policies and let NE states take their individual trade decision without Delhi interfering in between.

We will make NE fill up with our high-quality goods and in exchange, we will purchase many raw materials from those states. Win-win.
I see you made some decent points this time,yes delhi should give more autonomy to those region,as of now let alone autonomy ,some major foreign investment nation are banned from investing and has strict restriction for foreigner's entry,any one with brain cell will tell you ,this's a kind of state sponsored economic suicide.

. NE is more focused in SEA and EA trade.it borders myanmar/china and has easy access to sea via roads, all the way to Thailand ,Vietnam, Though it's good to trade on both side .

You are living in the fantasy. Take a referendum and you will see the majority in Tripura wants to be with Bangladesh. Tripura people are basically from our land and its Maharani wanted it to be a part of east Pakistan in 1947. Only our Chief Minister Khwaja Nazimuddin did not want that way. He did not give her an audition and she left Dhaka after about one week. Tripura people still want it that way.
So, please be practical!!
Majority of Tripura,you mean Bengali? even they are this religious group called 'hindu" and they despise Bangladesh which is associated with Muslim. Tripura's royal which is actually more of pro -indigenous ,and stout Hindu and they would 've no interest in associating with so-called east Pakistan.
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Y'all don't get anything at all,for past half a century the priority of those region,especially nagaland,manipur,mizoram in NE,isn't mere economic development ,it's the protection of their native land,native culture and native demography against the backdrop of an unnatural merger with world's second most population nation. Economic development was the last thing in mind under the circumstances those regions were in. And against the backdrop of Indian gov restriction of foreign investment in those region and strict entry rules for foreigners. While china creates free economic zone ,former nation like MANIPUR had to live under The draconian law, AFSPA ?

Yes,Population boom can have grave effect on economic vitality .
China plunged their billions of civilians into outrageous 1 child policy just to avert their nation from economic crisis due to population boom and here's someone pretending mass immigration from BD post 1971 event and beyond ,had no effect, especially in those politically fragile and newly merged regions as part of some new country that has totally different in culture and trait.
So do you think ,millions of poor immigrants post 1971 didn't add economic restrainst?

Bangladesh should lift itself out of poverty,it's one of the poster boy of poverty of the world,it sounds ridiculous when outsiders hear Bangladeshi talking about lifting others out of poverty.

And I got aware of some asinine notion of NE merger with Bangladesh only in this forum,in NE states ,especially in Nagaland,Mizoram & Manipur where the indigenous still controls ,they wouldn't touch any thing with "bangla..." with a ten ft. pole.

To them Bd immigrants are what Rohyngya are to Myanmar folk.

In state like manipur the native folk in manipur has blocked Indian national railways till date due to lack legislative mechanism to protect the region from influx of immigrants from mainland india that would inbound abroad those trains,and to see people talking about merger with BD seems nothing but ludicrous.

TBH,NE folks especially in Manipur,nagaland,mizoram,arunachal think Indians and south asians as whole are subclasses of human so does it changes anything? and on the other hand whole world look down on Indians?
While Indians believe their greatest species on planet with 82 iq and even tell themselves they are better than East Asians like Chinese. It's the trait of those indians to be ignorant and live in their own bubble ,as long as they are in their backyard .So does it really matter ?

North East part's indigenous population is very small compared to the south asian population of the nearby region . But the main priority for the people there is to safeguard their native land ,culture and identity,that is far more important to them than low-level economic activity in exchange for their homeland to foreigner which simply multiply like animals. What's the point of it when you risk control of your own homeland against the influx of immigrants?

Your GDP per capita in comparison to x ,y state is dumb,tell when BD actually gets developed . The pompousness is obvious after receiving some chinese and other foreign investment for some bridge in exchange for some slave labor . There are many states where gdp per capita is higher than BD in NE.
BD has more population than russia,if NE region was didn't had restriction on chinese and other foreign investment and had gov subsidies for investment ,it would easily surpass the BD pps by some margin,considering it's well balanced population of the indigenous that don't breed like rats .

I see you made some decent points this time,yes delhi should give more autonomy to those region,as of now let alone autonomy ,some major foreign investment nation are banned from investing and has strict restriction for foreigner's entry,any one with brain cell will tell you ,this's a kind of state sponsored economic suicide.

. NE is more focused in SEA and EA trade.it borders myanmar/china and has easy access to sea via roads, all the way to Thailand ,Vietnam, Though it's good to trade on both side .

Majority of Tripura,you mean Bengali? even they are this religious group called 'hindu" and they despise Bangladesh which is associated with Muslim. Tripura's oral which is actually more of pro -indigenous ,and stout Hindu and they would 've no interest in associating with so-called east Pakistan.

What is this native land crap ? I don't understand you tribals, the land belongs to the government... You don't own anything unless you buy it...

50 years and all this tribal rights stuff will be in the bin... Modernize people..

I want to know more about why you think a group of people can claim a piece of land all to themselves...
What is this native land crap ? I don't understand you tribals, the land belongs to the government... You don't own anything unless you buy it...

50 years and all this tribal rights stuff will be in the bin... Modernize people..

I want to know more about why you think a group of people can claim a piece of land all to themselves...
I'm not a tribal on the Indian constitution,my community is demanding that status though.Our's has been a nation before the union and thus lost out on the status and privileges of ST status in India.

Not that I expected y'all to know ,but there's this UN resolution for indigenous,it's our land and we control it and our struggle is to keep it that way. Thanks for your needless concern. And yes people do own land like every other place,that was basis of the deal for being in the Union.

Oh and y'all don't worry, the world(at least whoever been to India or met them abroad) sees NE folks as the most modern and progressive from South Asia.

Funny coming from a randian whose people take a dump on the beaches and public roads
Whatever,I wasn't the one gloating about lifting others out of poverty while myself living on pennies.
Then it makes no sense for you to speak on the matter at all


I'm not a tribal on the Indian constitution,my community is demanding that status though.Our's has been a nation before the union and thus lost out on the status and privileges of ST status in India.

Not that I expected y'all to know ,but there's this UN resolution for indigenous,it's our land and we control it and our struggle is to keep it that way. Thanks for your needless concern. And yes people do own land like every other place,that was basis of the deal for being in the Union.

Oh and y'all don't worry, the world(at least whoever been to India or met them abroad) sees NE folks as the most modern and progressive from South Asia.

Whatever,I wasn't the one gloating about lifting others out of poverty while myself living on pennies.

Which is why I ask, what makes you so special ? In that case, I should claim some lands for my family too and expect others to stay off our lands for centuries, just because we said so.
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Which is why I ask, what makes you so special ? In that case, I should claim some lands for my family too and expect others to stay off our lands for centuries, just because we said so.
But you Bangladeshi already have your nation,so what the hell are you even talking about?
Nagas are indigenous of nagaland and,meiteis of manipur,mizos of mizoram ,if humans were an animal mizos are the species who always lived in mizoram and only found in mizoram.

Please educate yourself with indigenous rights and protection law,and basic world political behaviour and norms which are universal.


Do they look native of manipur to you?
But you bangladeshi already have your nations what the hell are you even talking about?
Nagas are indigenous of nagaland and,meiteis of manipur,mizos of mizoram ,if humans were an animal mizos are the species who always lived in mizoram and only found in mizoram.

Please educate yourself with indigenous rights and protection law,and basic world political behaviour and norms which are universal.


Do they look native of manipur to you?

We have 165 million people... Do you even have 15 million?

Looks like an Everyday Indian to me.
What is this native land crap ? I don't understand you tribals, the land belongs to the government... You don't own anything unless you buy it...

50 years and all this tribal rights stuff will be in the bin... Modernize people..

I want to know more about why you think a group of people can claim a piece of land all to themselves...
Funny you said that when your people actually separated from West Pakistan based on that very theory of 'native land', 'indigenuous people', 'Bengalis', etc
We have 165 million people... Do you even have 15 million?

Looks like an Everyday Indian to me.
How is this relevant?
We have 165 million people... Do you even have 15 million?

Looks like an Everyday Indian to me.

These are all Bengali immigrants they definitely aren't indigenous nor even legally arrived in
M a nipur,where do you think they are originally from?they have already captured a municipal council electoral quota in jiribam district ,animportant part of manipur was taken over using mass breeding and mass importing of vote ballot immigrants.This changed everything for the state and are all in to protect each sq of land from such immigrants now.This happened bc there were lax laws protecting land of indigenous against backdrop of large immigrants .
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These are all Bengali + Muslim immigrants they definitely aren't indigenous nor even legally arrived in
M a nipur,where do you think they are originally from?they have already captured a municipal council electoral quota in jiribam district ,a very large and important part of manipur was taken over using mass breeding and mass importing of vote ballot immigrants.

Jail them.
Funny you said that when your people actually separated from West Pakistan based on that very theory of 'native land', 'indigenuous people', 'Bengalis', etc

How is this relevant?

Relevant because there's not enough land for every group of people to have a country of their own... This is my understanding anyway.
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