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Assam, Meghalaya aim to boost trade with Bangladesh

I am from North East and we don't need Bangladesh's support for our survival or need special autonomy for economic development.

One of the core reasons for the region being poor is because its infested by millions of illegal Bangladeshis draining the resources. Getting them back into Bangladesh is the best thing Bangladesh can do to support.

Is there any statistics to know the utilization of the hydrocarbon and mineral resources of Assam? How much of it are spent within Assam or even the Northeast? Or the illegal Bangladeshis are also draining these mineral resources too?

Also, what's the per capita income of India and Assam at the moment? I know that Assam's per capita income was quite higher than India's national average at the time independence from the British.
Yes nation was formed based on religion as Muslims found themselves under poor economic condition under Hindu zamindars and British Raj. In reality it was economics. So is the case with Pakistan. We all live with harmony with all religion in Bangladesh.

Regarding merger Bangladesh won’t do anything from their end. It’s the people of NE India to decide. In next 10 year Bangladesh will have significant economic development and the economic difference between Bangladesh and NE will be so much that it will no longer be comparable which will burry the illegal immigration myth to rest.

I am confident enough at that point people of NE will start asking question what they have got from the union and participating in the communal politics. They are fed with the lie that due to illegal migration from Bangladesh they are poor as you can see from the above post. But reality is there are not much viable economy exist in the NE. So when there will be no more illegal migration propaganda to feed what will happen next?
Got it. I cannot say whether NE India would want to merge with BD or not in future, but definitely ppl from BD should refrain such talk. If we can achieve better connectivity through BD and better trade ties (something like an EU), we will not need any formal political merger. Talking of merging NE India with BD would unnecessarily lead to distrust between BD and India which will not be good for both countries.
Let us calmly understand both sides and come up with a mutually acceptable solution. Name calling is neither good for India nor BD.
I am for all better trade ties with BD, but why do you talk about merger. I thought you wanted a nation based on religion, then why do you now want non-Muslim North east region of India?

There are non-Muslims living in Bangladesh and they are a significant portion of our citizenry.

However we are all Bangladeshis at the end of the day.

Bangladesh govt. encourages and preserves cultural heritages/languages of the non-Muslims such as Chakma, Garo, Mro, Khasi and Tenchangya peoples. These populations are taught using their own languages and alphabets. There also job and educational quotas for non-Muslims and non-Bengali speaking folks.

But the overwhelming trends are clear. Folks sitting in Delhi some thousand miles away cannot decide what is better for those in Seven sisters region. No one is suggesting the breakup of the Indian union at this time, but being part of the Union must be moderated by economic uplift. It cannot be simply one way.

Pumping oil in Assam and lifting of 'faida' by the Indian central administration has to BENEFIT Assam in real tangible ways and not just the center only. There is a reason why groups like ULFA. KLNLF and NDFB got popular support. The root reason was perceived uprooting of indigenous populations by economic means by Hindi speakers. See it for what it is and move on to benefit your indigenous peoples.

Stop listening to dhokeybaaji propaganda by Central Govt. Sanghis - Bangladeshis or Muslims are not your problems or enemies, they are not in your region to uproot your tribal and indigenous populations. It is the Hindi speaker Sanghi @$$holes who are trying to populate your region with Hindi speakers.


The GDP per capita for Bangladesh is now double or more that of WB and Assam, probably more than that of Nagaland and Manipur as well.

Are the people and their leaders in Dispur, Shillong, Imphal and Kohima happy with this economic state of affairs? Are they happy with their land being simple backward picturesque touristy backwaters and live off the measly few tourist Dollars/Rupees dispersed by kanjoos cow belt tourists every year? So be it.

It'd seem however that the people of the seven sisters would like to improve their economic lot by trade with Bangladesh and have their eyes on a better future. Forestry. agricultural and mining raw materials and products are just the tip of the iceberg. The train is leaving at the station, get on board now.
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I am from North East and we don't need Bangladesh's support for our survival or need special autonomy for economic development.

One of the core reasons for the region being poor is because its infested by millions of illegal Bangladeshis draining the resources. Getting them back into Bangladesh is the best thing Bangladesh can do to support.

Your region will get nowhere unless you can get over your collective delusions. No Bangladeshi would be stupid enough to migrate to NE India. You lot are so deluded, you cannot tell the difference between Indians and Bangladeshis.
There is absolutely no point in belabouring this nonsense.

I would let them get on with their wet dreams of the NE merging with Bangladesh.

So yes carry on. NE will merge with Bangladesh and the Indian Union will wilt at the ferocious Bangladeshi economy currently sustained by Least Developed Country tariffs given in kindness by the West.
No doubt since , as Bilal says, every Bangladeshi drives a Lamborghini or a Porcha these days, I am sure the NE will be envious of Bangladeshi riches and plead to join it. Bangladeshi after a great deal of reluctance in accepting such poor backward people will out of generosity accept their poor NE compatriots.

There you have it, by fellow Indians, the future is thus writ and there aint notin yous can do about it.

Oh by the way the Bangladeshi economy is smaller than the economy of a few states in India.
There are non-Muslims living in Bangladesh and they are a significant portion of our citizenry.

However we are all Bangladeshis at the end of the day.

Bangladesh govt. encourages and preserves cultural heritages/languages of the non-Muslims such as Chakma, Garo, Mro, Khasi and Tenchangya peoples. These populations are taught using their own languages and alphabets. There also job and educational quotas for non-Muslims and non-Bengali speaking folks.

But the overwhelming trends are clear. Folks sitting in Delhi some thousand miles away cannot decide what is better for those in Seven sisters region. No one is suggesting the breakup of the Indian union at this time, but being part of the Union must be moderated by economic uplift. It cannot be simply one way.

Pumping oil in Assam and lifting of 'faida' by the Indian central administration has to BENEFIT Assam in real tangible ways and not just the center only. There is a reason why groups like ULFA. KLNLF and NDFB got popular support. The root reason was perceived uprooting of indigenous populations by economic means by Hindi speakers. See it for what it is and move on to benefit your indigenous peoples.

Stop listening to dhokeybaaji propaganda by Central Govt. Sanghis - Bangladeshis or Muslims are not your problems or enemies, they are not in your region to uproot your tribal and indigenous populations. It is the Hindi speaker Sanghi @$$holes who are trying to populate your region with Hindi speakers.


The GDP per capita for Bangladesh is now double or more that of WB and Assam, probably more than that of Nagaland and Manipur as well.

Are the people and their leaders in Dispur, Shillong, Imphal and Kohima happy with this economic state of affairs? Are they happy with their land being simple backward picturesque touristy backwaters and live off the measly few tourist Dollars/Rupees dispersed by kanjoos cow belt tourists every year? So be it.

It'd seem however that the people of the seven sisters would like to improve their economic lot by trade with Bangladesh and have their eyes on a better future. Forestry. agricultural and mining raw materials and products are just the tip of the iceberg. The train is leaving at the station, get on board now.
If what you say is true, I would want to hear this from my countrymen in North eastern states and not from you. I hope you do not mind me requesting you to not interfere in our internal affairs.
Your complaint is valid when we use your excuse for our issues.
There is absolutely no point in belabouring this nonsense.

I would let them get on with their wet dreams of the NE merging with Bangladesh.

So yes carry on. NE will merge with Bangladesh and the Indian Union will wilt at the ferocious Bangladeshi economy currently sustained by Least Developed Country tariffs given in kindness by the West.
No doubt since , as Bilal says, every Bangladeshi drives a Lamborghini or a Porcha these days, I am sure the NE will be envious of Bangladeshi riches and plead to join it. Bangladeshi after a great deal of reluctance in accepting such poor backward people will out of generosity accept their poor NE compatriots.

There you have it, by fellow Indians, the future is thus writ and there aint notin yous can do about it.

Oh by the way the Bangladeshi economy is smaller than the economy of a few states in India.

Lol Indian per capita gdp is going to be lower than Bangladesh within months. The difference will only increase over time. For poor NE States like Assam it’s only half per capita gdp to that of Bangladesh. In a decade or so it will be 3-4 times.

Regarding bigger economy than Bangladesh it is only one state not states and it is Maharashtra. But the gap is closing in and next 3-5 years Bangladesh will overtake it as well if not already done which can be seen if updated gdp of India comes out soon.
There is absolutely no point in belabouring this nonsense.

I would let them get on with their wet dreams of the NE merging with Bangladesh.

So yes carry on. NE will merge with Bangladesh and the Indian Union will wilt at the ferocious Bangladeshi economy currently sustained by Least Developed Country tariffs given in kindness by the West.
No doubt since , as Bilal says, every Bangladeshi drives a Lamborghini or a Porcha these days, I am sure the NE will be envious of Bangladeshi riches and plead to join it. Bangladeshi after a great deal of reluctance in accepting such poor backward people will out of generosity accept their poor NE compatriots.

There you have it, by fellow Indians, the future is thus writ and there aint notin yous can do about it.

Oh by the way the Bangladeshi economy is smaller than the economy of a few states in India.

Stop calling people in the seven sisters your 'fellow Indians'. They have their distinct identities.

The only interest Sanghis have in the region for supposed 'fellowship' is to exploit its natural resources, like the center is doing with lifting millions of barrels of oil yearly in Assam.

Get a puppet Sanghi govt. planted in Guwahati and all is good.
Lol Indian per capita gdp is going to be lower than Bangladesh within months. The difference will only increase over time. For poor NE States like Assam it’s only half per capita gdp to that of Bangladesh. In a decade or so it will be 3-4 times.

Regarding bigger economy than Bangladesh it is only one state not states and it is Maharashtra. But the gap is closing in and next 3-5 years Bangladesh will overtake it as well if not already done which can be seen if updated gdp of India comes out soon.

Well I understand that base year for calculating GDP per capita in India will change soon and the numbers will change too in the future. Unless they employ vedic math in which case all bets are off... :-)
Lol Indian per capita gdp is going to be lower than Bangladesh within months. The difference will only increase over time. For poor NE States like Assam it’s only half per capita gdp to that of Bangladesh. In a decade or so it will be 3-4 times.

Regarding bigger economy than Bangladesh it is only one state not states and it is Maharashtra. But the gap is closing in and next 3-5 years Bangladesh will overtake it as well if not already done which can be seen if updated gdp of India comes out soon.
Congratulations on your growth. It is truly commendable. We should learn from your success story as well. Hope your growth continues at the same rate even after coming out of LDC status.
Let us collaborate more for even better development for BD, India and especially NE India.
I know that over past decades, many Indians have looked at BD with superiority complex. Hence, it is a natural phenomenon for our BD friends to now gloat when they are doing well. But lets be careful that this gloating does not result in long-term mistrust between India and BD.
If that happens, then we will never be able to reach our true potential. I am sure neither you nor my fellow countrymen would want that.
Stop calling people in the seven sisters your 'fellow Indians'. They have their distinct identities.

The only interest Sanghis have in the region for supposed 'fellowship' is to exploit its natural resources, like the center is doing with lifting millions of barrels of oil yearly in Assam.

Get a puppet Sanghi govt. planted in Guwahati and all is good.

Well I understand that base year for calculating GDP per capita in India will change soon and the numbers will change too in the future. Unless they employ vedic math in which case all bets are off... :-)
Mr. Bilal, all Indian states have their distinct identities. Punjab is distinct, Kerala is distinct, so is Assam, Andhra, Tripura etc. But we are all Indians. So what should we call NE Indians if not 'fellow Indians'?

If my fellow Indians in NE feel that they are being exploited, they will tell us directly. They did not appoint you as their lawyer.

I have no objections on your GDP figures.
If what you say is true, I would want to hear this from my countrymen in North eastern states and not from you. I hope you do not mind me requesting you to not interfere in our internal affairs.
Your complaint is valid when we use your excuse for our issues.


Don't count us to be like Sanghis at the Indian center, who are only in it for exploitation. We Bangladeshis respect people's sovereignties, unlike your Sanghi "friends".

Our only interest is geographic closeness and a useful convenient source for raw materials (clinker, stone, lumber, other building materials), agri-products and anything else you can sell us, which will gather a fair price. Don't let Sanghis dictate that policy, because your border obviosuly in some case is next to ours.

Bangladeshi folks are under no delusion and do not want to take advantage of you economically.

It is a business relationship.

The seven sisters might also be able to export some items by using our road networks and modern ports - four at last count, all having container facilities and having far larger capability among all Eastern India ports.

Don't count us to be like Sanghis at the Indian center, who are only in it for exploitation. We Bangladeshis respect people's sovereignties, unlike your Sanghi "friends".

Our only interest is geographic closeness and a useful convenient source for raw materials (clinker, stone, lumber, other building materials), agri-products and anything else you can sell us, which will gather a fair price. Don't let Sanghis dictate that policy, because your border obviosuly in some case is next to ours.

Bangladeshi folks are under no delusion and do not want to take advantage of you economically.

It is a business relationship.

The seven sisters might also be able to export some items by using our road networks and modern ports - four at last count, all having container facilities and having far larger capability among all Eastern India ports.
We are happy to have a fruitful business relationship with you. I am happy that you share that sentiment. Why do you need to muddy that sentiment with an uncalled for rant trying to pit our states against each other.
These two and other Indian NE states should actively demand autonomy from that Satan country called India and seek a better relationship with BD to form a common market for the betterment of their respective peoples.

The Indian NE states have no economic future unless their economy merges that with BD's.
Why a negative comment on something positive?
The GDP per capita for Bangladesh is now double or more that of WB and Assam, probably more than that of Nagaland and Manipur as well.

Are the people and their leaders in Dispur, Shillong, Imphal and Kohima happy with this economic state of affairs? Are they happy with their land being simple backward picturesque touristy backwaters and live off the measly few tourist Dollars/Rupees dispersed by kanjoos cow belt tourists every year? So be it.
There are other states in India who have better GDP per capita than BD. So shouldn't you guys merge with us then?
Bangladesh govt. encourages and preserves cultural heritages/languages of the non-Muslims such as Chakma, Garo, Mro, Khasi and Tenchangya peoples. These populations are taught using their own languages and alphabets. There also job and educational quotas for non-Muslims and non-Bengali speaking folks.
Please can you post a link? Thanks. Because I had previously read that all Bangladeshis are taught Bengali but I maybe wrong as well.
Coming to the Indian side, we too recognize the different languages in other states and promote them. Otherwise, we wouldn't have been a union, you see.
Regarding bigger economy than Bangladesh it is only one state not states and it is Maharashtra. But the gap is closing in and next 3-5 years Bangladesh will overtake it as well if not already done which can be seen if updated gdp of India comes out soon.
There are plenty of states with better GDP per capita than BD. Please re-check your data :-).
There are plenty of states with better GDP per capita than BD. Please re-check your data :-).

We are talking about GDP not gdp per capita of Maharashtra. GDP per capita is applicable for surrounding states of Bangladesh which all has lower than BD’s.

For your info this year BD is projected to overtake India in terms of per capita gdp.
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