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Assad is an ethnic Roman / Byzantine, not an ethnic Arab


Sep 16, 2015
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United States
Assad is Russia the new Byzantine empire's puppet in the Levant. The Levant used to be part of the Roman / Byzantine empires for thousands of years. Many white people came to settle there. Damascus was not even an Arabic speaking city until the Ummayads made it the capital of the Arab caliphate.






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And? So what is the problem? Being an ethnic Roman?

A quarter of Syria's population who are Alawites and Christians are not ethnic Arabs. They are ethnic Romans / Byzantines who speak Arabic. They are backed by Russia the new Byzantine empire. Actually, Alawites are Christians who adopted some aspects of Islam. They have Trinity and celebrate Christmas and are essentially Christians with some bizarre beliefs, sort of like Mormons.
A quarter of Syria's population who are Alawites and Christians are not ethnic Arabs. They are ethnic Romans / Byzantines who speak Arabic.
Ok. Most of the Arab world is not racially Arab. North Africa is a mix. Lebanon is a mix. Iraq is a mix. What is your point though?
Ok. Most of the Arab world is not racially Arab. North Africa is a mix. Lebanon is a mix. Iraq is a mix. What is your point though?

Ethnic Romans / Byzantines such as Alawites and Christians are backed by Russia the new Byzantine empire. Alawites are Christians who adopted some aspects of Islam. They have Trinity and celebrate Christmas and are essentially Christians with some bizarre beliefs, sort of like Mormons. Alawites do not have mosques.

Alawite flag

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That's why he is a true Secular leader
Assad is a Hero. He is victim of western imperialists and their local ME puppets.
Assad is a Hero. He is victim of western imperialists and their local ME puppets.

Yes we know your affinity towards suckular despots. As for the puppets of the western imperialists, why don't you name some of them like the sheikhs of the ME such as the Makhtoum of UAE or the despots of the SA? Who has love affairs with these despots? India and the regime in BD are just a few of those suckers.

A quarter of Syria's population who are Alawites and Christians are not ethnic Arabs. They are ethnic Romans / Byzantines who speak Arabic. They are backed by Russia the new Byzantine empire. Actually, Alawites are Christians who adopted some aspects of Islam. They have Trinity and celebrate Christmas and are essentially Christians with some bizarre beliefs, sort of like Mormons.

Yes, you're right about it. These Alawites are basically charlatans, all ME despots are. So, shouldn't single out the Alawites. They sit in their thrones with bloody legacy. The anti-Islamic powers simply love to crush political Islam by using these low lives. The only loose end is Erdogan's Turkey. I sometimes wonder how long that will last.
Why would Assad be a Roman? He is an Arab, at most some prople say that Alamitos and Druze may have Iranian origins from the Persian garrisons in the Levant during Achemenide rule. That however is probably way wrong. All that region has been invader, traveled to and through since before written history so no particular people can claim to be this or that. Everyone is mixed. At this time the population is either Arabic or Arabized. The only skin color variations are inconsequential. Only major group not Arabi zed is the Kurdish people, they still speak some sort of Irani language derivative. However there really is no somatic difference between the people of the area.
Ultroll at it again.

Modern-day Syria was part of the Roman/Byzantine empires for a total of approximately 500 years only. Far from your nonsense claims of 1000's upon 1000's of years. However the native Semitic and Arab population remained largely the same nor was Syria or the Levant some isolated place with no human presence, rather the opposite. Some of the oldest continuously inhabited cities, if not the oldest in the world, are found in Southern Levant. Damascus and Byblos for instance.

Also Arabs are Caucasian people as well. Moreover Southern Europeans such as Romans and Greeks are closely related, genetically, to Arabs and other MENA populations due to ancient (since Neolithic times) ties and migrations. In fact most of the Southern European population descends (paternally) from Middle Eastern populations. Of course this occurred long before modern-day ethnicities evolved. Long before any Arabs, Turks, Iranians, Jews etc. existed. Or Sumerians for that matter.

As for the Alawites they are an Arab people. Look at their DNA. They cluster with other Arabs from the Arab Near East. Druze are Southern Levantines and closely related to Jordanians, Hijazis etc. across the border. In fact most of the main clans and tribes among the Druze and Alawites in both Syria and Lebanon descend from Hijazi Arab tribes or the pre-Islamic Christian Arab Ghassanid people who migrated (originally) from Yemen after the ancient Ma'rib Dam (one of the seven architectural wonders of the ancient world) collapsed due to a flood.

Read about the Shibab family (founders of the modern Druze State in Mount Lebanon and subsequent areas) who were/are an Qurayshi tribe originally that converted to Druze religion.

In fact most theories about the origin of Druze point their origin to Yemen or Hijaz. Of course later they intermarried with local populations.

Also you can even find blue-eyed Bedouins as far south as Yemen. Do a simple Google search. However Al-Assad's features do look Arab and he has a distinct local look.

Here are two of the most famous Saudi Arabian clerics. Skin color wise (one of them - the on the right (Saleh al-Fazwan) even has blue eyes) they would fit into Italy and Greece but their facial features look distinctively Arab/Middle Eastern. Those clerics are from Najd. The most isolated region of Arabia and the ME which had little outside influence.


Moreover even several Roman governors and emperors were of Arab ancestry from modern-day Southern Levant. For instance Philip the Arab who was a Roman emperor 1700 years ago. He was a native Arab/Semite who adopted Roman culture and whose wealthy family were Roman citizens.

The Roman Empire was a multiethnic empire. Romans (as in people from Rome and Central Italy) were a tiny (overall) but the most powerful minority.

If what you claim was true many more Arabs would have typical "European" DNA markers but that is not the case. In fact it is the other way around - Southern Europeans posses in their majority (particularly in Greece and Italy) Middle Eastern genetic markers.

Also, which many people do not know, Greek served as a third or even at times as a second language of Arabs in Hijaz (modern-day Western KSA), Northern Arabia, much of the Levant, Mesopotamia and even as far south as Yemen for centuries in pre-Islamic times and during Roman/Byzantine times. The main language of the MENA region was the Semitic Aramaic (closely related to Arabic) for millennia but even this late it served as a second language alongside Greek after Arabic and other Semitic languages native to the MENA region.

Anyway I am not sure why I am even bothering to write a serious reply to a troll thread that was created by a serial troll.

Finally in fact it should be the other way around (as genetics have proven years ago) many/the majority of Southern Europeans descend from us Middle Easterners paternally and not the other way around!

Also I am not saying that Arabs, Middle Easterners and Southern Europeans with similar skin tones cannot look very similar but solely that you can usually make a distinction based on FACIAL features alone. At least this is what I have observed time and time again. Yes, people from Southern Europe might have settled in Roman controlled areas in the Arab world from KSA to Algeria but we are talking about a small minority here that long ago got intermarried with locals. In fact I believe that more people intermarried with European slavs in Najd than the amount of people who intermarried in say the mountainous and isolated strongholds of the Druze and Alawis in modern-day Syria and Lebanon. I mean the reason why such small and indigenous minorities could even survive countless of Islamic and non-Islamic empires is due to their isolation in the first place. Similarly how the Zaydi/Ismaili communities in the heavily mountainous Northern Yemen and Southern KSA managed to survived.

Finally, finally, it is ironical that you are calling an diehard Arab nationalist and Ba'athi for a non-Arab. I guess that Bashar would not take such an insult lightly, I imagine, lol. Nor would his Syrian Sunni Arab wife.
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You will make syrian assad backers cry, they still believe they are in an alliance called "RAS" (short for russia, Iran, Syria) that is lead by Syria and assad and that they are the protectors of Arab nationalism (Lol) and now it turns out that their supreme Arab leader is a freaking crusader. Goddamn it Rofl
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