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Asiana crash pilots named as Sum Ting Wong, Ho Lee Fuk by NTSB officials


Nov 25, 2009
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ASIANA NAME GAFFE | Crash pilots named as Sum Ting Wong, Ho Lee Fuk by red-faced NTSB officials - InterAksyon.com

WASHINGTON - US officials apologized late Friday for mistakenly confirming false and offensive names identifying the pilots of the Asiana flight that crashed in San Francisco last weekend, leaving three dead and scores injured.

Fox network affiliate KTVU news Channel 2 in Oakland identified the pilots in their noon broadcast Friday as "Sum Ting Wong," "Wi Tu Lo," "Ho Lee Fuk," and "Bang Ding Ow."

KTVU cited the National Transportation Safety Board as their source, but quickly realized the mistake and apologized.

"These names were not accurate despite an NTSB official in Washington confirming them late this morning," KTVU said.

The NTSB later apologized for the "inaccurate and offensive names that were mistakenly confirmed" as those of the Asiana pilots -- and blamed the mistake on an intern.

"In response to an inquiry from a media outlet, a summer intern acted outside the scope of his authority when he erroneously confirmed the names of the flight crew on the aircraft," the statement read.

The NTSB "does not release or confirm the names of crewmembers or people involved in transportation accidents to the media," the board said.

"Appropriate actions will be taken to ensure that such a serious error is not repeated."

The NTSB told the San Francisco Chronicle that the offensive names "originated at the media outlet," and that the intern did not realize they were offensive and was "acting in good faith and trying to be helpful."

Three people died when Asiana Airlines Flight 214 crashed while landing at San Francisco International Airport on July 6 and more than 180 were injured.

In Seoul, Asiana Airlines earlier identified the pilot flying the Boeing 777 that crashed as Lee Kang-Kuk, 46.
Asiana says it may sue over bogus pilot names report
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — Asiana Airlines said Sunday its reputation was damaged by a report on a San Francisco TV station that used bogus and racially offensive names for four pilots on its plane that crashed earlier this month and is considering legal action.
Asiana should sue.

The NTSB said that it was an intern, not an actual employee, who committed this prank. If so, the NTSB should be punished for failure to properly police those under its authority, employee or not. For the NTSB, it should fire the intern and expose his/her name for all to see. Let future prospective employers take their chances with this person's professionalism or lack thereof.

The TV station should be punished for neglect and incompetence. Freedom of the press is a great thing, but if the power to expose, to sway public sentiment, to embarrass figures of authority, or to foment discontent, is not exercised with caution, then it is abuse, intentional or not. If it was intentional as in malice with the goal to libel, the punishment should be severe. There seems to be no such intent here, but only sheer incompetency but with the power of the press behind that incompetency. Punishment should be less severe, but punishment nevertheless.

Asiana should pursue legal actions to the fullest allowed by law.
It was creative and funny, but in poor taste because it was about an accident and had racial undertones and some people may get offended.

What is "bang ding ow" ?-
Rest are easy-

Going by the order in which they appear, that means they finally crash (bang, ding) and say ouch (ow)!

That's what I could make out.
It was creative and funny, but in poor taste because it was about an accident and had racial undertones and some people may get offended.

If this appeared on a comedy show, then we can discuss whether it is an offensive joke of poor taste. But no, this was aired as news due to lack of media integrity and professionalism.
If this appeared on a comedy show, then we can discuss whether it is an offensive joke of poor taste. But no, this was aired as news due to lack of media integrity and professionalism.

One person screwed up, media immediately acknowledged mistake and apologized.

Integrity or professionalism does not mean errors, mistakes and such willful sabotage is fully eliminated, but it DOES mean errors are acknowledged.
It was creative and funny, but in poor taste because it was about an accident and had racial undertones and some people may get offended.

Going by the order in which they appear, that means they finally crash (bang, ding) and say ouch (ow)!

That's what I could make out.

Haha- it made sense- :rofl:-
This is a joke....Come on bad humor.
If you read the comments from other medias covering such incident. Sadly, most of the comments expressed are "not a big deal", and in one way or another, praised the intern for his/her cleverness.

The incident they were making fun of was a tragedy which makes it un-f*ucking-believable that the public is still making positive remarks about the intern.

I'm not offended by the name calling, but I'm offended by the reaction of the public.
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