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As India Collaborates With Japan on Islands, It Looks to Check China


Sep 20, 2014
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PORT BLAIR, India — India and Japan are in talks to collaborate on upgrading civilian infrastructure in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, an Indian archipelago seen as a critical asset to counter China’s efforts to expand itsmaritime reachinto the Indian Ocean.

The first project being discussed is a modest one — a 15-megawatt diesel power plant on South Andaman Island, as described ina proposal submitted late last monthto the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

But the collaboration signals a significant policy shift for India, which has not previously accepted offers of foreign investment on the archipelago. The Andaman and Nicobar Islands are northwest of the Strait of Malacca, offering control of a so-called choke point that is one of China’s greatest marine vulnerabilities.

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It is also testimony to the unfolding relationship between India and Japan, which is also funding a $744 million road building project in the northeastern Indian border regions of Mizoram, Assam and Meghalaya. Like the Andaman and Nicobar chain, the northeastern region is a strategic area that has remained relatively undeveloped because of its separation from the mainland.

Japan’s marshaling of official development assistance in the region has drawn less attention than the effort that China calls “One Belt, One Road,” a network of roads, railways and ports intended to link China to the rest of Asia and to Europe.

But it fits logically into the web of strategic projects taking shape as Prime MinisterNarendra Modiof India enters intocloser relationshipswith Japan, Australia and the United States, as well as regional powers like Vietnam, to counter China’s growing influence.

A senior Indian official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations, said that China’s project would be answered by “a more decentralized, local but organic response.”

The official described proposed infrastructure projects in the Andamans as “not of a big scale, and not of a big value,” but added that New Delhi is intent on developing its “frontier” regions.

“The idea that the frontier should be left undeveloped, I think people have rejected that approach,” the official said. “There is a realization that it doesn’t help to leave part of any part of India undeveloped.”

Japan’s vision for contributions in the island chain goes far beyond the proposed power plant. The plan was submitted in Tokyo more than a year after Japan’s ambassador made a visit to Port Blair on South Andaman Island and, in a meeting with the territory’s top official, offered financing for “bridges and ports.”

Akio Isomata, minister for economic affairs in the Japanese Embassy, said the country’s aid agency, Japan International Cooperation Agency, could only respond to “formal requests” from the Indian government.

He added that Japan would consider “any other requests” on the Andaman and Nicobar chain or elsewhere and was eager to use official development assistance to enhance India’s “connectivity” with countries that are members of theAssociation of Southeast Asian Nationsor the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation.

“We usually start with small projects and go bigger,” he said.

He said construction of the power station could start in the next fiscal year, which begins in April.


Port Blair on South Andaman Island. There is a feeling in the town that the outside world, once distant, is drawing nearer.CreditDeshakalyan Chowdhury/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
The Andaman and Nicobar chain is made up of 572 islands, all but 34 of them uninhabited, stretching around 470 miles north to south.

Used as a penal colony by the British Raj, the island chain was occupied by Japan for three years during World War II, a period that older islanders recall with dread. Jawaharlal Nehru, a former prime minister of India, secured the archipelago for his country in the hurried distribution of property that accompanied the British withdrawal from the subcontinent, beating out bids by Australia and Pakistan.

The islands’ importance has increased along with China’s naval expansion. The chain’s location makes it an ideal base for tracking naval movements in the Strait of Malacca, a long, narrow funnel between Malaysia and Indonesia. The strait provides passage for China’s fuel imports from Africa and the Middle East, around 80 percent of its total fuel imports.

Nevertheless, change has come slowly to the islands, where almost all the undeveloped land is set aside for indigenous tribes and wildlife. A plan to lay undersea optical fiber cable from Chennai on India’s east coast, so that residents can finally have high-speed Internet access, has been under discussion for more than a decade. Until last year, no flights landed after dark because there were no runway lights at the Port Blair airport.

Defense analysts from the West regard the island chain with envy and a degree of confusion.

“Almost every year, I see some senior Indian military official say we have major, major plans in store for the Andamans, and you’re going to see them soon,” said Jeff M. Smith, author of “Cold Peace,” a book on the Chinese-Indian rivalry. “Everybody waits for the big story to hit on the Andamans, year after year, and it doesn’t happen.”

A decision to accept Japanese investment there, he said, “would be a sign that the Modi government is getting out of this feedback loop and moving on some of these aspirations.”

India has taken “serious note” of the presence of Chinese submarines in the Indian Ocean in recent years, Adm. Robin K. Dhowan, the chief of India’s navy staff, told a news channel in 2014. In January, India announced that itwould deployIsraeli-made aerial “Searcher” drones and two Boeing P-8I maritime surveillance aircraft, developed for antisubmarine warfare, to the Andaman and Nicobar chain.

Airstrips at the northern and southern tips of the archipelago are being lengthened to accommodate the long-range surveillance planes.

Japan is hardly the only country interested in taking a role in developing the island chain. India and the United States are said to be close to concluding a maritime logistics agreement, meaning that American ships might be allowed to make port calls in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands in the future, defense analysts say.

The chain’s location provides a “perfect geographic position” for maritime aerial surveillance, said Rory Medcalf, head of the National Security College at Australian National University.

“If India were more open to allowing friendly foreign countries access and awareness in the Andamans, it would find them more forthcoming as well,” he said.

In Port Blair, there is the feeling that the outside world, once distant, is drawing nearer.

The front page of the Andaman Express, a daily newspaper, is typically devoted to small-town news about motorcycle accidents and stove explosions. But a recent report on the presence of a Chinese naval submarine in Andaman waters mentioned, almost as an aside, that the archipelago “would become the primary target of the People’s Liberation Army if China and India go to war.”

Talk like that has brought an edge of apprehension to the quiet life on the island, said R. V. R. Murthy, a professor of history at Mahatma Gandhi Government College. Mr. Murthy lives on a hilltop, and in January, when officials in New Delhi announced the positioning of aerial drones at Port Blair’s airport, he could peer down from his house and spot them.

“In the old days,” he said, a little wistfully, “this was the safest place in the world.”

Hari Kumar contributed reporting from Port Blair, and Makiko Inoue from Tokyo.

It is a good thing Pakistan has also allowed China access to Gwadar i.e. the Indian Ocean. I call it checkmate.
But the collaboration signals a significant policy shift for India, which has not previously accepted offers of foreign investment on the archipelago. The Andaman and Nicobar Islands are northwest of the Strait of Malacca, offering control of a so-called choke point that is one of China’s greatest marine vulnerabilities.

How relevant is this choke point? India has no geographic advantage over China as I point out on other thread, when we control Tibet, we control India, we can make India a "Navy-less" nation if Indian strategists thinks they can exploit our greatest marine vulnerability in IOR. Virtually all Indian warships and cargo are within our DF-21D's range if we decide to dispatch its on Tibet plateau. And if we decide to put S-400 near Aksai-Chin, Indians aircrafts will have to ask PLA ground control for the permission to land to New Delhi including Modi's private jet :rofl:....of course all these are only possible when both nations are hostile...but I don't think neither side will let the relation to degenerate to the point that each side to exploit the vulnerability of other.
How relevant is this choke point? India has no geographic advantage over China as I point out on other thread, when we control Tibet, we control India, we can make India a "Navy-less" nation if Indian strategists thinks they can exploit our greatest marine vulnerability in IOR. Virtually all Indian warships and cargo are within our DF-21D's range if we decide to dispatch its on Tibet plateau. And if we decide to put S-400 near Aksai-Chin, Indians aircrafts will have to ask PLA ground control for the permission to land to New Delhi including Modi's private jet :rofl:....of course all these are only possible when both nations are hostile...but I don't think neither side will let the relation to degenerate to the point that each side to exploit the vulnerability of other.
How relevant is this choke point? India has no geographic advantage over China as I point out on other thread, when we control Tibet, we control India, we can make India a "Navy-less" nation if Indian strategists thinks they can exploit our greatest marine vulnerability in IOR. Virtually all Indian warships and cargo are within our DF-21D's range if we decide to dispatch its on Tibet plateau. And if we decide to put S-400 near Aksai-Chin, Indians aircrafts will have to ask PLA ground control for the permission to land to New Delhi including Modi's private jet :rofl:....of course all these are only possible when both nations are hostile...but I don't think neither side will let the relation to degenerate to the point that each side to exploit the vulnerability of other.

I really don't get it how can setting up power plants for civilians be against any nation.

Well China is investing in quite a few power plants in India, it doesn't mean we are conspiring against Japan.

NY needs to grow up and stop writing Bull Crap.
I really don't get it how can setting up power plants for civilians be against any nation.

Well China is investing in quite a few power plants in India, it doesn't mean we are conspiring against Japan.

NY needs to grow up and stop writing Bull Crap.

Don't get me wrong, I just quote a passage of the article, of course India can do anything with Japan which it's not our concern but the funny thing it's that China is mentioned in this article, I think the author is trying to be provocative.
Don't get me wrong, I just quote a passage of the article, of course India can do anything with Japan which it's not our concern but the funny thing it's that China is mentioned in this article, I think the author is trying to be provocative.

Ofcource, I got your point of view. Yes you see its NY TIMES,and keep bucket loads of salt while reading it.

The closest distance between Delhi and Chinese border is 336 Km

The max range of S-400 systems is 400 Km.

So if China places S-400s on the border, Indian Army mortar team will have field day blowing up and $200 million missile system with 600$ mortar rounds

If China places S-400 systems 60 KM from the border, IA artillery team will have the field day again blow up with Smerch rocket artilley $14 million system.

DF-21D a missile which so far not tested against moving targets, no point discussing further

I am not at all surprised with such silly fantasies on S-400 deployment considering this user once even proposed sending Chinese submarines into Bay Bengal through Brahmaputra river.
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How relevant is this choke point? India has no geographic advantage over China as I point out on other thread, when we control Tibet, we control India, we can make India a "Navy-less" nation if Indian strategists thinks they can exploit our greatest marine vulnerability in IOR. Virtually all Indian warships and cargo are within our DF-21D's range if we decide to dispatch its on Tibet plateau. And if we decide to put S-400 near Aksai-Chin, Indians aircrafts will have to ask PLA ground control for the permission to land to New Delhi including Modi's private jet :rofl:....of course all these are only possible when both nations are hostile...but I don't think neither side will let the relation to degenerate to the point that each side to exploit the vulnerability of other.
this check point is very relevant, all your merchant ships 85% move through Malacca straights, we have the fire power to sink your ships while the Americans and Australians engage your navy in SCS, it will be big punch on your economy we will see to it that China will no more be an economic power and if you don't believe go and have some chat with your naval commanders
, and making India navy less is like a lunatic dreaming about lala land, it seems Chinese propaganda machinery portrays India like Vietnam where you bully with their fishing boats, and about your subsvwe have the ability to tail them and our P8i are ready for them, and there are surprises in store for you, and as for DF 29 first show to the world about its capability, we are installing barak 8 for such missiles, as for aksai chin, we are watching you from the heights, we are readying answers for you, as for gwadar best of luck to you we can blow it up any time which will take years to rebuild, if you are dreaming of 1961 where you lost even after winning, this is 2016, we may loose a lot but we will see that China is taken back 100 years back in all fields.
The closest distance between Delhi and Chinese border is 336 Km

The max range of S-400 systems is 400 Km.

So if China places S-400s on the border, Indian Army mortar team will have field day blowing up and $200 million missile system with 600$ mortar rounds

If China places S-400 systems 60 KM from the border, IA artillery team will have the field day again blow up with Smerch rocket artilley $14 million system.

DF-21D a missile which so far not tested against moving targets, no point discussing further

I am not at all surprised with such silly fantasies on S-400 deployment considering this user once even proposed sending Chinese submarines into Bay Bengal through Brahmaputra river.

Sure Indian army have multi-platform to deal with S-400 but I think you missed the point, when S-400 can directly menace the heart of India, a capital city that all important decisions have to be made, you're become vulnerable, imagine if your 4 stars generals or any government official plane become a turkey shoot for S-400, we can disrupt the India's central decision or chain of command even without having to cross the border. As for your mortar and artilleries, S400 is mobile, we can use shoot and run tactic, there is over thousand flight to New Delhi per day, S-400 can easily lock, shoot and move away from the original location to excape the motar attack. each S-400 missile cost 5 millions, how much cause Indian's airplane.

As for DF-21D, assume for now that it can't hit the mobile target, what about those Indian cargo ships or Warships dock at the sea port for servicing especially your 2.9 billions mighty Vikramatiya aircraft carrier.

And it's not at all a fantasy regarding S-400 deployment, because Modi went to Moscow try secretely to convince Putin from selling these machines to China.

this check point is very relevant, all your merchant ships 85% move through Malacca straights, we have the fire power to sink your ships while the Americans and Australians engage your navy in SCS, it will be big punch on your economy we will see to it that China will no more be an economic power and if you don't believe go and have some chat with your naval commanders
, and making India navy less is like a lunatic dreaming about lala land, it seems Chinese propaganda machinery portrays India like Vietnam where you bully with their fishing boats, and about your subsvwe have the ability to tail them and our P8i are ready for them, and there are surprises in store for you, and as for DF 29 first show to the world about its capability, we are installing barak 8 for such missiles, as for aksai chin, we are watching you from the heights, we are readying answers for you, as for gwadar best of luck to you we can blow it up any time which will take years to rebuild, if you are dreaming of 1961 where you lost even after winning, this is 2016, we may loose a lot but we will see that China is taken back 100 years back in all fields.

Sure 85% of ships move through Malacca but not without escort during conflict, unless you claim that India navy is far superior than PLAN, you can only deal with small SA countries but never try with China. And don't forget 100% of your cargo ships need to load and unload at Indian sea port, they will become a turkey shoot for DF-21D. Each Df-21D is estimated around 5 to 6 millions, if we invest 6 billions to buy thousand of these, we can literally wipe out any warship, cargo at Indian coasts...it's not far from true to call Indian Navy-less. A 6 billions budgets to make India navy-less or Boat-less is worth the price to pay.

As for big punch to the economy, China's economy is at the coastal cities, we diversify our oil procurement, we get its from Russia and central Asia, the Indian ocean route is important but not the life line of China. I can't say the same about India, your mighty New Delhi is within the range of S-400 and key cities are within the range of our Artilleries, we can pound your economy infrastructure or even your ISRO to zero ground thanks to Tibet geographic location. As for the calculation of who will lose more, it think it's pretty obvious.
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Sure Indian army have multi-platform to deal with S-400 but I think you missed the point, when S-400 can directly menace the heart of India, a capital city that all important decisions have to be made, you're become vulnerable, imagine if your 4 stars generals or any government official plane become a turkey shoot for S-400, we can disrupt the India's central decision or chain of command even without having to cross the border. As for your mortar and artilleries, S400 is mobile, we can use shoot and run tactic, there is over thousand flight to New Delhi per day, S-400 can easily lock, shoot and move away from the original location to excape the motar attack. each S-400 missile cost 5 millions, how much cause Indian's airplane.

As for DF-21D, assume for now that it can't hit the mobile target, what about those Indian cargo ships or Warships dock at the sea port for servicing especially your 2.9 billions mighty Vikramatiya aircraft carrier.

And it's not at all a fantasy regarding S-400 deployment, because Modi went to Moscow try secretely to convince Putin from selling these machines to China.

Sure 85% of ships move through Malacca but not without escort during conflict, unless you claim that India navy is far superior than PLAN, you can only deal with small SA countries but never try with China. And don't forget 100% of your cargo ships need to load and unload at Indian sea port, they will become a turkey shoot for DF-21D. Each Df-21D is estimated around 5 to 6 millions, if we invest 6 billions to buy thousand of these, we can literally wipe out any warship, cargo at Indian coasts...it's not far from true to call Indian Navy-less. A 6 billions budgets to make India navy-less or Boat-less is worth the price to pay.

As for big punch to the economy, China's economy is at the coastal cities, we diversify our oil procurement, we get its from Russia and central Asia, the Indian ocean route is important but not the life line of China. I can't say the same about India, your mighty New Delhi is within the range of S-400 and key cities are within the range of our Artilleries, we can pound your economy infrastructure or even your ISRO to zero ground thanks to Tibet geographic location. As for the calculation of who will lose more, it think it's pretty obvious.

Why its so hard for you to understand, S-400 cant be placed few kms from International border a commando raid can take that out, S-400 is for protecting major targets like 3-gorgeous damn or chengdu area,
other thing DF-21 is a ballistic missile, India will not wait to know if this is conventional or nuke mounted,
war will go nuclear.
In nuclear exchange between India and China only west is the winner.
Why its so hard for you to understand, S-400 cant be placed few kms from International border a commando raid can take that out, S-400 is for protecting major targets like 3-gorgeous damn or chengdu area,
other thing DF-21 is a ballistic missile, India will not wait to know if this is conventional or nuke mounted,
war will go nuclear.
In nuclear exchange between India and China only west is the winner.
Not to forget at 336Km from Delhi the Chinese border is completely made of up of snow-bound Himalayan mountains averaging the height of 5000m


Wondering how China will manage to place an S-400 system there in the first place and then move away to "excape the motar attack."
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Not to forget at 336Km from Delhi the Chinese border is completely made of up of snow-bound Himalayan mountains averaging the height of 5000m


Wondering how China will manage to place an S-400 system there in the first place and move away to "excape the motar attack."

major disadvantage for a land based air defense system specially in mountainous region with so many blind spots it makes a cruise missile that too a super sonic one lethal for any air defense system in the world, India has a advantage here which PLA understands very well, that's why they are trying to build redundant supply lines to Tibet but in a war of attrition India will win with most of supply line taken out PLA will be stuck between harsh Tibetan terrain and mounting Indian army presence with local support from our Tibetan brothers.
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