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Arundhati Roy Says ‘Kashmir should get Azadi from bhookhe-nange Hindustan’

^^^^ Do you think people at the Jury for Nobel Prize are retarded enough to award her or any-other lunatic with this prestigious prize? Your Nehru never got this award, is one such example, though he went ahead and caused more destruction to India than Pakistan, but still Peace Committee never even considered him. :)
Now some people were criticizing China for the detention of Liu Xiaobo(including me),his crime-misuse of freedom of speech

China was called a miserable pseudo super power who was apprehensive of the political will of a single man

Now actually what Arundhati roy is doing here,sometime i think,we should have some rules like China
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Arundhati Roy is a novelist/essayist who has now turned to writing comic books and fictional stories. :woot:

Maybe inspired by JK Rowling. :cheers:

Some interesting aspects...

a) These maoist sympathisers are nowhere to be seen when 170 people, citizens of India, who do not have anything to do with anything perished as a result of a well crafted sabotage conducted in case of the Gyaneshwari express.

The whole of India saw it with eyes wide open with anger, horror and a deep sense of anger, what these people who claim themselves to be the messiah of the "Other India" and "Poor India", have done to these innocent people who were killed in the sabotage. No, you will not see these people raising their voices. These "High Circuit" "Cocktail" drinking people will only be seen in certain circumstances when they sense and see an opportunity to challenge the writ of the Indian state

b) Syed Ali Shah Geelani and his cohorts dare not open their respective traps across the Line of Control. It is a well known and a documented fact that the voices of the people and the media in the so-called "Azad Kashmir" stands trampled underfoot.

So they turn their repsonse towards India, because they perceive it to be a soft state and additionally they think since the Constitution of India has given a fundamenetal right to its citizens of expressing their dissent, they can be taken for a ride and the whole nation would stand on their knees and cant do anything about it

c) Geelani and Umer Farooq have lost all credibility in the minds of its fellow citizens whom they claim to be leading. They have not won elections nor are they populist leaders, corrupt or otherwise

d) All those people who contunually harp about the atrocities of the Indian armed forces in Kashmir, should do well to keep in mind that Sajjad Lone and Shabnam Lone's father was not killed by the Indian security forces. They were killed by their own brethren from across the Line of Control. So any move instigated by these people should be highlighted to public that they do not represent popular views on Kashmir

e) The ongoing Intifada in Kashmir is the result of these peoples' efforts, the plight of the Kashmiri Hindus need to be highlighted to the global media. If these people are so confident then they should sderiously think of participating in elections. If they represent the popular opinion of thr Kashmiris then they should easily win the elections. But they do not have the balls to do so. We all know the case of Sajjad Lone and how he got defeated.

f) Serious efforts should be made by the UPA Government to initiate action action on the separatists and Maoists who were present that day on the dais including Arundhati Roy and charge them with treason, inciting violence, instigating communal hatred and sedition. The Indian Constitution is very clear about Sec 124A of the Indian Penal Code. The UPA Government needs to show some balls.

g) All the naysayers here and outside need to be reminded strongly that the Government of India seriously follows a position vascillating between use of Hard and Soft powers. At no point in time, the message should go out that the GoI is weak and is unable to take coercive actions and hard power to establish the writ of the Constitution and the state

h) The message should go out loud and clear that there is "NO" "Freedom Struggle" going on in Kashmir and the Indian citizens need to sensitized about this aspect. Let there be no doubt. It is only the instigation of the separatist leaders who have made this issue religious with the blessings of our western neighbors. It is only the miniscule Sunni Muslims of the valley who are creating and fometing trouble. It is time to quell and remove any vestige of such a movement.

If at all the Government of India so wishes, it should include all the other relevant parties to the Kashmir dispute to come to the table for negotiations and that includes:

People of Pakistan O c c u p i e d Kashmir, The Kauls, the Razdans, the Kachroos and the Uzuwaal's of Jammu, the Buddhists of Ladakh and of course the Shias of Kargil.

Message must go out that anything which comes up without each and every aspect mentioned above is a NON STARTER and NULL AND VOID

h) Finally, Kashmir can only acceed to Pakistan or assert freedom if and only if (friends across the border please note) the Government of India desires so. Nothing, absolutely nothing (that includes proxy wars and direct military action) can make Government of India give up on Kashmir :usflag:

So let us keep things civil and see what steps the Government takes to assuage the fears of the Indian Citizens
^^^^ Do you think people at the Jury for Nobel Prize are retarded enough to award her or any-other lunatic with this prestigious prize? Your Nehru never got this award, is one such example, though he went ahead and caused more destruction to India than Pakistan, but still Peace Committee never even considered him. :)

Actually after Obama got the peace prize... I have high hopes of winning a Nobel peace prize as well.
Comparing the greats with her is not worthy. Even Mahatma Gandhi didn't get a peace prize. Maybe she wants to release a new book and thats why trying to create some chatter about here in the circle.
This women support Kashmiri seperatist

she criticized INDIAs nuclear weaponization

she raised questions on 2001 Indian Parliament attack,She had called for the death sentence of Mohammad Afzal to be stayed while a parliamentary enquiry into these questions are conducted and denounced press coverage of the trial....

She even raised question on 26/11

Roy has criticized Government's armed actions against the Naxalite-Maoist insurgents in India....calling it as WAR ON POOREST PEOPLE OF COUNTRY...........

why is she so much ANTI - INDIAN
she is a bigot of highest order, she was crying when azaad (a Maoist) was killed by security agencies because she thinks it was a cold blood murder. but she does not cry when this bastards maoist kills security forces in the same manner. what a shameless lady.
Aur ek baat.........jab kashmiri logo ko mara zata hai ........ya fir Naxalites ko maara zata hai.........to yeh HUman Rights wale aa zate hai mooh uthake....par zab ek naxalvadi ek CRPF officer ko marta hai [ dantewadi massacre ] ....aur zab kashmiri militants hamare INDIAN army ke zaawano ko marte hai ....tab ye human rights walo ko yaha pe human abuse hua hai wo nahi dekhta.......
She also famous for supporting mavoist/ULFA/FFK, by showing im here by getting a news article often...

Democracy @ its BEST..

If its in china/Myanmar/N.Korea/Iran, may be even in US/EU/PAK they will be in their grave now itself
She is indeed a good journalist even better than many in ToI, HT, and so on.

And my dear if Indians can take NFP. Fasizaka type people as journalists who are even NOT even authors or writers in the first place then Arundhati is atleast a working professional journalists visiting conflict areas where even Indian army fears to step in.

A wrong stupid remark and notion by those who are afraid of speaking about ills in Indian society and all those insurgencies.

forgive me but a good journalist gives an un biased and factual news . which part of her comments are unbiased?
Geelani, Arundhati may be booked under sedition charge

A go ahead to file a case of sedition against hardline Kashmiri separatist leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani and activist Arundhati Roy has been given to Delhi Police by Union Home Ministry. However, it is far from clear now whether the police will proceed with the case although legal advice received by it says that a case has been made out under Section 124 of IPC which applies to cases where disaffection against the State is advocated.

The police is now mulling over possible ramifications of proceeding with the case and is likely to seek political clearance to go ahead.

Delhi Police is said to be having some hesitation on going ahead with filing the case because once registered then arrests would have to be effected of those named in the FIR.

Officials of the Delhi Police met Union Home Ministry officials and had a detailed discussions in this regard earlier in the day, the sources said.

An unfazed Geelani said in Kashmir that there were already 90 cases have been registered against him. "I have 90 FIRs registered against me already, this will be 91st," he said.

The legal opinion of the Home Ministry was received by Delhi Police yesterday giving a go ahead to Delhi Police for registering a case against firebrand separatist leader Geelani and Roy besides others for purportedly giving "hate speeches" at a seminar held in New Delhi last week.

The legal department had favoured registering a case against them under Section 124-A of Indian Penal Code which states "whoever by words, either spoken or written, or by signs, or by visible representation, or otherwise, brings or attempts to bring into hatred or contempt, or excites or attempts to excite disaffection towards" the State and can be sentenced to five years of rigorous imprisonment.

The seminar, in which Geelani was also speaking, had triggered sharp comments from the BJP.

BJP leader Arun Jaitley had accused the government of "looking the other way" when a number of separatist groups met at a conference to instigate session and to say that India cannot be one and must be broken.

However, rejecting the BJP leader's charge, Home Minister P Chidambaram had said Delhi police will take action in accordance with law over the speeches made by Kashmiri separatist leader Syed Ali Shah and others at a seminar on October 21.

At the convention on 'Azadi--The Only Way', Geelani shared the stage with writer Roy and pro-Maoist leader Vara Vara Rao among others. Geelani was heckled by the audience with one of them throwing a shoe.
I am talking about blasphemous references on Islam, which is common these days, you wud never understand now wud you :disagree:

Pakistan's blasphemy law is an extreme one. arresting some one for creating social unrest is different. but your law carries a death sentence and it can be misused and it has been misused. You cannot equate with laws against sedition which might carry a few months behind bars at the max.
In India blasphemy against Hinduism is quite common. some political parties have it as a tool. But they do not tolerate blasphemy against other religions.
1. Kashmir is occupied so there is no question of inciting for breaking India as its not part of India according to international Laws.

2. Since Maoist infested areas are part of India according to International Laws so in this case if Arundhati advocates separatism then you can come up with this blame on her for breaking India.

3. BUT as far as the world goes and have seen Arundhati is not speaking for separation for Maoist areas.

4. Arundhati is speaking about the plight of Maoist areas and why and for what they are struggling.

5. You and your other Indian fellows here tell me what do you take Maoist for ? being Terrorists? or otherwise ?

what is international law?i dont get it.Who punishes you and how when you break it?you keep mentioning international law many times,can you tell what is that law and when was it put in use and where?
Roy: I spoke against brutality

Srinagar/New Delhi, Breaking her silence, Booker prize winner and self-appointed right activist Arunathi Roy on Tuesday said she pities the nation that tries to jail its writers for speaking their mind while communal elements, rapists, murderers and corporate scamsters went scot free.

Reacting to moves by the Centre to slap sedition charges on her, she refuted allegations that her speeches on Kashmir were seditious.

"I write this from Srinagar, Kashmir. This morning's papers say that I may be arrested on charges of sedition for what I have said at recent public meetings on Kashmir. I said what millions of people here say every day. I said what I, as well as other commentators have written and said for years," Arundhati said in the statement from Srinagar.
She claimed that she had called for justice in her speeches and accused the Indian state of indulging "in one of the most brutal military occupations in the world".

"Anybody who cares to read the transcripts of my speeches will see that they were fundamentally a call for justice.:smitten: I spoke about justice for the people of Kashmir who live under one of the most brutal military occupations in the world; for Kashmiri Pandits who live out the tragedy of having been driven out of their homeland; for Dalit soldiers killed in Kashmir whose graves I visited on garbage heaps in their villages in Cuddalore; for the Indian poor who pay the price of this occupation in material ways and who are now learning to live in the terror of what is becoming a police state," :P she said.

"Yesterday I traveled to Shopian, the apple-town in South Kashmir which had remained closed for 47 days last year in protest against the brutal **** and murder of Asiya and Nilofer, the young women whose bodies were found in a shallow stream near their homes and whose murderers have still not been brought to justice. I met Shakeel, who is Nilofer's husband and Asiya's brother. We sat in a circle of people crazed with grief and anger who had lost hope that they would ever get 'insaf' -- justice -- from India, and now believed that Azadi -- freedom -- was their only hope. I met young stonepelters who had been shot through their eyes. I traveled with a young man who told me how three of his friends, teenagers in Anantnag district, had been taken into custody and had their finger-nails pulled out as punishment for throwing stones," said Arundhati.

She said that whatever she said in Srinagar on Monday and at the convention on 'Azadi - The Only Way' in New Delhi came from love and pride.

"In the papers some have accused me of giving 'hate-speeches', of wanting India to break up. On the contrary, what I say comes from love and pride. It comes from not wanting people to be killed, raped, imprisoned or have their finger-nails pulled out in order to force them to say they are Indians," she said. She also accused the Government of trying to muzzle her voice.

Meanwhile, terming the remarks made by Hurriyat hardliner Syed Ali Shah Geelani and writer Arundhati Roy at a seminar here as "most unfortunate", Law Minister M Veerappa Moily on Tuesday said freedom of speech cannot violate patriotic sentiments of the people.

"Yes, there is freedom of speech...it can't violate the patriotic sentiments of the people," he said.

While terming their remarks as "most unfortunate", the Law Minister said in India there are people who support one view or the other since the time of Ramayana. On BJP's allegations that government remained silent on the developments, he said, "Politics cannot be mixed with statements which border sedition."

Asked whether his ministry had received a request from the Home Ministry seeking its legal opinion on whether the two can be booked for sedition, the Law Minister said, "I was away for three days...I have not seen the file so far".

The remarks made by Geelani and Roy at the seminar had evoked a strong reaction from the BJP with its leader Arun Jaitley accusing the government of "looking the other way" when a number of separatist groups met at a conference to instigate sedition.

Arundhati had whipped up a storm by stating rather vocally that Kashmir was never a part of India.

The Jammu and Kashmir Police is looking into the controversial speech of Arundhati Roy on Jammu and Kashmir's accession to India and does not rule out taking action against the high profile writer and activist. In fact, sources in the government said that a case under 124-A under Indian Penal Code for sedition is possible against Hurriyat Conference Chairman Syed Ali Shah Geelani and writer Arundhati Roy for their anti-India speeches.

Highly-placed sources in the state home department said the transcript of the speech delivered yesterday at a seminar 'Wither Kashmir: Freedom or enslavement' organised by Coalition of Civil Societies (CCS) here has been handed over to the legal department for examination.

Meanwhile, the law officers of Delhi Police have concluded that there is a case for booking writer Arundhati Roy and hardline separatist leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani for sedition under Section 124A of the Indian Penal Code. But the decision on whether to actually take action will be made only after further consultations at the highest level, sources in the Home Ministry said.

Delhi Police sources said they had sought legal opinion on the nature of charges, if any, against Geelani and Roy, and clearance from the Home Ministry.
If legal opinion favours registering a case against the Booker prize winner, the state police would register the same, sources said. Roy is alleged to have questioned Jammu and Kashmir's accession to India.

"Kashmir has never been an integral part of India. It is a historical fact. Even the Indian government has accepted this," she said, and also alleged that New Delhi became a "colonising power" soon after its independence from British rule.

This is not the first time the writer has run into rough weather over her speeches. Earlier, her pro-Naxal write up and speeches had forced Chattisgarh Police to seriously think of booking her for waging war against the country.

On another occasion, Biswajit Mitra, a former BSP leader, had accused her of supporting naxals and demanded action against her following which Director General of Chattisgarh Police Vishwa Ranjan had asked the state legal department to give their opinion.

Roy has come under criticism for her article on naxals -- "Gandhian with guns". The Chief of Chattisgarh Police had said in April this year, "I do not know whether Arundhati Roy has been wrongly influenced by others or she is actually a mole in the civil society. How do I know?"

Cong wants Arundhati to withdraw J&K statement​

A senior Congress leader asked noted writer and activist Arundhati Roy to withdraw her statement on Kashmir, saying it was 'contrary to historical facts' and could mislead the nation and the international community.

Reacting to the comment made by the writer at a seminar in Kashmir on Sunday, AICC member Satya Prakash Malaviya said, "It was really surprising to see such an irresponsible statement from someone who is one of the country's best-known writers.

"She must withdraw her statement which is contrary to historical facts and could mislead the nation as well as the international community," he said. The Booker Prize winning author had said "Kashmir has never been an integral part of India. It is a historical fact. Even the Indian government has accepted this."

The former Union Minister said that Roy "would do better to brush up her knowledge of history and know that the princely state of Jammu and Kashmir had acceded to the Union of India after its erstwhile ruler Maharaja Hari Singh duly signed the Instrument of Accession on October 26, 1947.

"And the state, consequently has become as much an integral part of India as all the other erstwhile princely states have."

Source: Agencies

Roy: I spoke against brutality -  National News ? News ? MSN India
1. Kashmir is occupied so there is no question of inciting for breaking India as its not part of India according to international Laws.

Bogey.. UN also recognizes J&K as administered by India and IPC is applicable in the state. Also Arundhiti is not a resident of J&K state. So the whole International law piece is cr@p
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