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Arrogance of China

is China more "Arrogant" than US??like if you are not obedient to me then I will travel thousands of miles from my home to beat the light out of you.

---------- Post added at 12:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:39 PM ----------

China is way way more modest comparing to US,why not you Indian posters post US arrogance first?

because many either have hidden motives, or are too scared of US to criticize it.
LOL! Your traumatic brain is still debating yourself whether Chinatown in US is in US? Poor boy!

Your British masters have already altered your elite’s brain through British education system to inscribe you with persistent inferiority complex. Read how Malaysian (not Chinese, not American, not British) comments on you: Indian elite’s minority and inferiority complex syndrom. P.Uthayakumar’s 25 Nov Hindraf Rally book in daily segments No. 263 (10/11/11). | Human Rights Party Malaysia

So the answer is: Yes, the British are still ruling you, and you are still British slave, a mental slave which is worse than a physical slave.

You are frustrated when you think your democracy will win over Chinese authoritarian system because you copy it from your master and your master conquered you completely, but that doesn’t happen. LOL!

You need a medical attention to your psychosis. You should stop debating whether Chinatown in US is US or not, you should start debating why a democracy India being left behind by China, and further so year after year.

No. You are a false American. You attempt to hijack America to serve your venting of your personal hatred against an ever growing China that leaves India further behind in dust, day by day, but in vain.

Back to topic.

Is China arrogant? To some Indians, of course. How dare an authoritarian system arrogantly outperform a "democracy" India?


It is the poster who is arrogant.

All that to try and prove a non existent theory in the case of Indians aka serving Brit masters- while you and your family ran away to be under the American master to escape china's shizthole. It is you Chinese that have " restaurant cook and server" as the top profession in the US. It is you guys that are called the most racist of all immigrant population. It is you guys who are know for being seditious group... It is you who have failed and are a shunned group because of your history of under performing in the US- to the extent where more and more of your women are defecting into black and white men's arm. And you are still stuck on trying to prove superiority ?

Don't forget, Chinatown USA is not china's town.
You wonder why these inferior Negroes from India are only good at being Internet warriors like on this forum and many others but when it comes to taken action such as the Olympic games or any peace time sporting event they fail so miserably.

Just look at their decrepid, starving, malnourished children below, how the hell can you produce an Olympic champion or world class athlete from such genetically poor and pathetic weak starving children? It’s all in the genes and unfortunately the Negro tree blessed the Africans with superior athletic ability and fortitude to produce memorable international stars like Michael Jordan, Usain Bolt, Shaquille O'neal.
Indians are probably the most useless of the Negro race.
Another arrogant, stupid, dim-witted repulsive post from a Chinese newbie who needs urgent medical help. Just reflects the obtuse mindset of the Chinese posters on PDF. This is a manifestation of total intellectual bankruptcy. I wonder what the Olympic games have to do with this topic pertaining to Chinese arrogance? You guys talk as if you're God's chosen ones sent to rule the Earth! Get real and smell some fresh air.

A newbie like you needs to read the terms and conditions of PDF before posting useless derogatory, insulting, and offensive crap.

Bah! The clowns we have to put up with! :tdown:
U.S is not linked with any of the dispute but you are and your behavior causes facepalm like claiming whole east sea:lol:

US territory stretches around the world,their island is next to Japan and Taiwan,they took a lot of land from neigboring Mexico and made them their own land.if China follows what US always has been doing,China will be also not linked with any of the dispute.
All that to try and prove a non existent theory in the case of Indians aka serving Brit masters- while you and your family ran away to be under the American master to escape china's shizthole. It is you Chinese that have " restaurant cook and server" as the top profession in the US. It is you guys that are called the most racist of all immigrant population. It is you guys who are know for being seditious group... It is you who have failed and are a shunned group because of your history of under performing in the US- to the extent where more and more of your women are defecting into black and white men's arm. And you are still stuck on trying to prove superiority ?

Don't forget, Chinatown USA is not china's town.

not only indian women feel proud to be whites or blacks 'lover' but men too, just by watching your incrdible bollywood they all appear to be 'white' lol```and when CWG passed to india it became like a national day which says very well to whom you lot serve (a foreign laddy).

guys its your fate, so quit bashing china or more humiliation will come
All that to try and prove a non existent theory in the case of Indians aka serving Brit masters- while you and your family ran away to be under the American master to escape china's shizthole. It is you Chinese that have " restaurant cook and server" as the top profession in the US. It is you guys that are called the most racist of all immigrant population. It is you guys who are know for being seditious group... It is you who have failed and are a shunned group because of your history of under performing in the US- to the extent where more and more of your women are defecting into black and white men's arm. And you are still stuck on trying to prove superiority ?

Don't forget, Chinatown USA is not china's town.

Australia is richer than the US.

4102.0 - Australian Social Trends, 2000

60% of Chinese female citizens in Australia marry Chinese male citizens. This is the highest rate of female intraracial marriage in Australia. Only 10% of Chinese female citizens in Australia married Australians.

40% of Indian female citizens in Australia marry Indian male citizens. 20% married Australians.

This data was from 1998, when China was poorer than sub-Saharan Africa. We can only expect the numbers for China to decrease. India, on the other hand, is only now approaching sub-Saharan Africa.
India is not poorer than sub saharan africa.

Then the BBC must be lying , how dare they ...LOL ...:bounce:

But no worries , soon USA may well surpass India in the poverty level , with nearly 40% of the Yanks living at poverty levels now .

BBC News - 'More poor' in India than Africa

13 July 2010 Last updated at 05:18 GMT

'More Poor' in India than Africa
The new measure of poverty assesses household poverty
Eight Indian states account for more poor people than in the 26 poorest African countries combined, a new measure of global poverty has found.

The Indian states, including Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal, have 421 million "poor" people, the study found.

This is more than the 410 million poor in the poorest African countries, it said.

The Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) measures a range of "deprivations" at household levels.

Developed by Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI) with UN support, it will feature in the upcoming UNDP Human Development Report.

The measure assess a number of "deprivations" in households - from education to health to assets and services.

"The MPI is like a high resolution lens which reveals a vivid spectrum of challenges facing the poorest households," said OPHI director Dr Sabina Alkire.
Before coining new racial slurs for Indians, Chinese must look their face in the mirror.Should I remind them that they have more racial slurs than Indians?

Going by no of 'medal tally' ,Indians are better looking than Chinese.Just compare no of beauty titles won by Indians vs Chinese.The funny thing is that Chinese have conducted several beauty pageants at Sanya.

Don't forget that your country was pathetic and worst in Asia two decades back. (and still is ,only if we get to know what is happening inside).
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