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Arrogance of China

"Arrogance of China"

WOW! Another anti-China thread posted by Indians in such a short span of time: China in right place, China emotion,... blahbalh. Looks like China's growth and wealth indeed touch some Indians' fragile raw nerve. :lol:

Indeed China is arrogant!

How dare China not adopt western political system, like imbecile India’s simply copy/paste?

How dare the Chinese turn their cold fat @sses towards financially bankrupted Westerners when the latter begging for help?

How dare China insist its own way of development?

But your curse serves as yet another fertilizer for the China's growth... :lol:

But last time i checked it was foreigner Manchus were ruling china for 1644-1910 apart from half of the world from japan to Britishers to Portuguese and what not. :flame:

This same foolish arrogance we are taking about. :angel:

The difference is “foreign” Manchurians are now a part of the Chinese, whereas foreign British is still your foreign master that your copy/paste your system from.
"Arrogance of China"

WOW! Another anti-China thread posted by Indians in such a short span of time: China in right place, China emotion,... blahbalh. Looks like China's growth and wealth indeed touch some Indians' fragile raw nerve. :lol:

Indeed China is arrogant!

How dare China not adopt western political system, like imbecile India’s simply copy/paste?

How dare the Chinese turn their cold fat @sses towards financially bankrupted Westerners when the latter begging for help?

How dare China insist its own way of development?

But your curse serves as yet another fertilizer for the China's growth... :lol:

The difference is “foreign” Manchurians are now a part of the Chinese, whereas foreign British is still your foreign master that your copy/paste your system from.

a seditious chinese who has emotional tanturms but continues living under american rules today - is talking about Indians living us british " masters". Now I've heard it all :lol:

Psst Chinatown USA, is not China's Town- don't ya forget!
You indians don't even know your humiliation is so much worse than China's.

india was subjugated totally by Central Asian conquerors for 800 years and exploited by Anglos for another 200 years (1000 years) while China was only colonized for 106 years (1839 to 1945).

And the last time you bragged about how you were going to beat us, we smacked you down in 1962.

Of course we are arrogant. The natural reaction to india is contempt.
What I noticed is, other than HongWu, a known troll, no Chinese has spoken even a word on this thread.

Yet it turned into typical China bashing about eating dogs, cheap copies, etc etc.

What we really should be writing about is the arrogance of India and the US.
What I noticed is, other than HongWu, a known troll, no Chinese has spoken even a word on this thread.

Yet it turned into typical China bashing about eating dogs, cheap copies, etc etc.

What we really should be writing about is the arrogance of India and the US.

You mean lies of america (remember they are liars WMD) and jealousy of Chinas achievements by indians?
a seditious chinese who has emotional tanturms but continues living under american rules today - is talking about Indians living us british " masters". Now I've heard it all :lol:

Psst Chinatown USA, is not China's Town- don't ya forget!

LOL! Your traumatic brain is still debating yourself whether Chinatown in US is in US? Poor boy!

Your British masters have already altered your elite’s brain through British education system to inscribe you with persistent inferiority complex. Read how Malaysian (not Chinese, not American, not British) comments on you: Indian elite’s minority and inferiority complex syndrom. P.Uthayakumar’s 25 Nov Hindraf Rally book in daily segments No. 263 (10/11/11). | Human Rights Party Malaysia
At the Malaysian Bar Law Conference in December 2003 I had presented a paper on the need for the formation of the Independent Police Complaints Commission. I had then outlined the victims of police shooting to death and death in police custody cases that I had attended to. Almost all the names of victims were Indian names. An Indian lawyer told me that it would be good if I could show in my paper more non Indian names. :lol: My reply to that was that it was not my wish to determine more non Indian names. It was the police top brass that had decided on the largely Indian names to shoot dead or to brutalise and leading to their deaths in police custody. This is yet another classical Indian “multi-racial” set mind who would shy away, downplay wanting to take the middle line or avoid wanting to address the very serious human rights issues as the victims are fellow Indians and perhaps the fear of being labelled as a communalist racist, extremist,losing the 90% malay and Chiness clientale/ business et-cereta but never mind the gross injustices.


So the answer is: Yes, the British are still ruling you, and you are still British slave, a mental slave which is worse than a physical slave.

You are frustrated when you think your democracy will win over Chinese authoritarian system because you copy it from your master and your master conquered you completely, but that doesn’t happen. LOL!

You need a medical attention to your psychosis. You should stop debating whether Chinatown in US is US or not, you should start debating why a democracy India being left behind by China, and further so year after year.

No. You are a false American. You attempt to hijack America to serve your venting of your personal hatred against an ever growing China that leaves India further behind in dust, day by day, but in vain.

Back to topic.

Is China arrogant? To some Indians, of course. How dare an authoritarian system arrogantly outperform a "democracy" India?


It is the poster who is arrogant.
Get used to it because you are too weak to do anything about it. You did it to the British before, now it's the Chinese.

We know what we can do and what we cannot, but please tell what has Super duper power China done other then mouth blabbering, threatening every second country
Is the PLA trying to rearrange the system in China on the Pakistan model where the civilian leadership (Party in China’s context) is the official power center but it is the army which really calls the shots? In March this year, Maj. Gen. Luo Yuan said in the interview, “It is the communist party that commands the gun, never the other way round”.

Gradually, but surely, the PLA has been wresting turf from the political, diplomatic, and intelligence apparatus. From 2008 a shift to independent voices from the PLA became noticeable as they were more assertive and, at times jingoistic. Among there who were more vocal were Maj. Gen. Luo Yuan and Admiral Yang Yi. In tandem, the offensive activities of the PLA navy and air force in the South China Sea Spratley Islands and in the East China Sea (with Japan) turned from assertiveness to threat.

The bottom line is that in the PLA’s perception the party leadership is becoming weak in defending the country’s imperatives and major power status. The Chinese government is seen by the PLA as a secretariat of the party to implement decisions. It was made clear by the PLA that it does not function under the government.

That's why you see a sudden turn in the policies of the Chinese, which are becoming more and more aggressive by the day as the PLA now holds the reins of power under the Communist Party and not the Chinese Government.

The world should now be prepared for more aggressiveness and arrogance from China in the coming days.
Is the PLA trying to rearrange the system in China on the Pakistan model where the civilian leadership (Party in China’s context) is the official power center but it is the army which really calls the shots? In March this year, Maj. Gen. Luo Yuan said in the interview, “It is the communist party that commands the gun, never the other way round”.

Gradually, but surely, the PLA has been wresting turf from the political, diplomatic, and intelligence apparatus. From 2008 a shift to independent voices from the PLA became noticeable as they were more assertive and, at times jingoistic. Among there who were more vocal were Maj. Gen. Luo Yuan and Admiral Yang Yi. In tandem, the offensive activities of the PLA navy and air force in the South China Sea Spratley Islands and in the East China Sea (with Japan) turned from assertiveness to threat.

The bottom line is that in the PLA’s perception the party leadership is becoming weak in defending the country’s imperatives and major power status. The Chinese government is seen by the PLA as a secretariat of the party to implement decisions. It was made clear by the PLA that it does not function under the government.

That's why you see a sudden turn in the policies of the Chinese, which are becoming more and more aggressive by the day as the PLA now holds the reins of power under the Communist Party and not the Chinese Government.

LOL, you like to see things through a South Asian viewpoint.

In fact, PLA is the military arm of the CPC. There is no question of the PLA turning on the CPC, because the top leaders of the civilian government and the military are the same people.

Hu Jintao for instance, is the President of the PRC, the General Secretary of the CPC, and also the Chairman of the Central Military Commission.

Who is he supposed to turn on, himself? :lol:
But last time i checked it was foreigner Manchus were ruling china for 1644-1910

foreigner Manchus??I dont see how Manchus be foreigners,haha,they are Chinese.China has 56 minorities.

They sure as hell were foreign when they conquered China along with Tibet and Mongolia. Ya, recent history they've integrated..

You wonder why these inferior Negroes from India are only good at being Internet warriors like on this forum and many others but when it comes to taken action such as the Olympic games or any peace time sporting event they fail so miserably.

Just look at their decrepid, starving, malnourished children below, how the hell can you produce an Olympic champion or world class athlete from such genetically poor and pathetic weak starving children? It’s all in the genes and unfortunately the Negro tree blessed the Africans with superior athletic ability and fortitude to produce memorable international stars like Michael Jordan, Usain Bolt, Shaquille O'neal.

Hell there are NBA players like Stephon Marbury, Steve Francis, JR Smith and probably half the 2005-2009 Houston Rockets playing in China to entertain Chinese crowds in the CBA. Who can ever imagine genetically inferior Indians EVER playing in the NBA or any world renown sport? Indians are probably the most useless of the Negro race.

Good, show your arrogance and racist mentality to us.
You indians don't even know your humiliation is so much worse than China's.

india was subjugated totally by Central Asian conquerors for 800 years and exploited by Anglos for another 200 years (1000 years) while China was only colonized for 106 years (1839 to 1945).

Interesting but ...., Hongwu but unfortunately Your analysis of "Your $hit smells worse than our $hit" sells on your side of the border !!! :tdown:
is China more "Arrogant" than US??like if you are not obedient to me then I will travel thousands of miles from my home to beat the light out of you.

---------- Post added at 12:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:39 PM ----------

China is way way more modest comparing to US,why not you Indian posters post US arrogance first?
Always remember this quote: "虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后"。

This is as true today as it was back then. We will continue to move forward, no doubt about it.
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