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Arresting the Indian diplomat was just. She isn't the victim, her maid is


Dec 14, 2008
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United States
Arresting the Indian diplomat was just. She isn't the victim, her maid is

The outrage in India is completely misplaced. This isn't about US overreach, it's about the mistreatment of Indian domestic help

The arrest and strip-search of India's deputy consul general in New York triggered an escalating diplomat dispute on Tuesday, as Indian politicians boycotted a visit by US congressmen and Delhi threatened to remove privileges for US diplomats.

Devyani Khobragade was released on bail two hours after being arrested last week for visa fraud and making false statements on an application for her Indian housekeeper to live and work in New York. prosecutors in New York say Khobragade, 39, claimed she would pay her maid $4,500 (£2,800) a month when applying for a visa at the US embassy in Delhi – but actually paid her $573 (£350) a month, or $3.31 – less than the US minimum wage.

But her public arrest and subsequent treatment as "a common criminal" has prompted outrage at home. India's national security adviser called the treatment of Khobragade on Tuesday "despicable and barbaric".

Nancy Powell, US ambassador to Delhi, was summoned by the Indian foreign secretary, Sujatha Singh, last week and on Tuesday officials said that US diplomats would be asked to reveal full details of how much they paid their own domestic staff in India to ensure compliance with local laws.

Earlier on Tuesday bulldozers removed security barriers outside the US embassy in Delhi – the most visible evidence of the anger in the country sparked by the incident last week.

Politicians – including Rahul Gandhi, the scion of the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty and vice-chairman of the ruling Congress Party, and Narendra Modi, the prime ministerial candidate of the Hindu nationalist opposition – refused to meet a visiting US congressional delegation.

Indian government officials told the Guardian that they were "hurt and shocked".

"No Indian diplomat has been treated this way for decades. [The US] is our friend and strategic ally and you can't just treat a friendly country's representatives like this. This is major, major ill treatment and is totally inexplicable," one said.

The arrest quickly became a major story in India, dominating TV bulletins. According to Indian officials, Khobragade was arrested and handcuffed as she dropped off her daughter at school, then strip-searched and kept in a cell with drug addicts before posting $250,000 bail.

India is acutely sensitive to its international image and status, and in the past far less serious incidents have provoked major clashes. Standard security checks in the US regularly are front-page news here when they involve visiting Indian dignitaries, who are largely exempt from being frisked while at home.

US diplomats in consulates across India have been asked to surrender identity cards issued to them and their families, which entitle them to special privileges. India has also withdrawn all airport passes for consulates and import clearances for the embassy.

The new demand for details of salaries of US consular staff's domestic workers in India could prove embarrassing for the embassy. Many are likely to be found in breach of local standards. "We are applying a principle of strict reciprocity," said the Indian government official.

Khobragade, 39, has pleaded not guilty to the charges, which could lead to a 10-year prison sentence, and plans to challenge the arrest on grounds of diplomatic immunity, her lawyer said last week.

In Washington, the US state department has said that standard procedures were followed during Khobragade's arrest. Officials argue that her immunity from prosecution extends only to actions directly connected to her position.

The consular official's father, Uttam Khobragade, told the TimesNow TV news channel on Tuesday that his daughter's treatment was "absolutely obnoxious".

"As a father I feel hurt, our entire family is traumatised," he said.

In 2010 there was uproar after India's UN envoy, Hardeep Puri, was reportedly asked to remove his turban at a US airport and detained in a holding room when he was refused. A hands-on search of India's US ambassador, Meera Shankar, at an airport in Mississippi that year also prompted claims that India had been "insulted".

In 2009 Continental Airlines apologised to the former Indian president APJ Abdul Kalam for searching him in Delhi before he boarded a flight to the US, and in 2005 India's former speaker of parliament Somnath Chatterjee refused to attend an international meeting in Australia without a guarantee that he would not have to pass through security.

Chatterjee said even the possibility of a security screening was "an affront to India".

India escalates diplomatic row after consul's arrest and strip-search in US | World news | theguardian.com
Ohh gaawd!!
How many threads?? How many discussions will I have to put in my watch list???

idune said:
This isn't about US overreach,
Yeah right....Its about US's heavy handedness.:coffee:
Today is the 26th Dec. The OP posted an article dated Tuesday 17 December 2013!!!! A lot of water has flowed under the bridge, friend!

Go update yourself first before posting stuff just for the heck of it. And next time kindly check out the dates of an article you want to post, otherwise you'll land up looking silly again. :P
india play victim to cover its crime - Now US and western countries are getting aware of indian deception tactics.
india play victim to cover its crime - Now US and western countries are getting aware of indian deception tactics.
Hahahaha...This guy definitely has psychosis about India.
Maid is a liar. The American Embassy evacuated her family two days after maid's family arrived in America.

Why would US government evacuate Indian citizen from India, when the charge by Preet Bharara is flimsy. Even the US senior judges of the circuit court have started to say so. It is a conspiracy to hide something and the Indian Diplomat is the scape goat.

The maid and her family had been working in US Embassy in Delhi as domestic help for years. They may have been used by the Embassy as CIA couriers. This fact had to be hidden and the best way to hide it to blame it on the Indian Diplomat on flimsy grounds. To prevent further disclosure, the whole family had to be evacuated.

With the legal case getting weaker by the day, US is searching ways to get out of this mess. They almost got away but public opinion in India forced Indian Foreign Office into a strong retaliatory action.

The case if goes to trial would be dismissed on the first hearing. That would be an egg on Preet Bharara' face. The other actor in the case a US State Department official, stayed in the background, although he was one who initiated the whole affair. He has a questionable cowboy type of attitude with political connections. He is known to have shot himself in his foot while pulling the gun out of his holster. He was never charged. This misdeed was termed as minor. Filling a visa application incorrectly was considered major by him.

The insult heaped on Devyani K by US Marshall's with cavity search should never be forgotten. A US diplomat in India would have to be subjected to the same on a flimsy charge of not filling the Visa application incorrectly or simply said lying. That would satisfy India and calm the public opinion.
The State Department Official who started the mishandling of this whole affair is:

Gregory Starr
Chief of the Bureau of Diplomatic Security.

As I said he himself escaped a grave firearm misconduct by shooting himself with a gun kept in his ankle holster. A real cowboy of the US Western movies type. Buying a gun is no crime in US. Public display and its discharge is a great misconduct.

Alas! he is head of the diplomatic Security in Washington.

Devyani Khobragade case: Did US state department overplay heavy hand? - Times Of India
This salve practice by indian diplomat and indian govt and media support exposed one fact - indian "democracy" is just farcical. How could india look down and repress people based on lower class and cast and claim to be democratic? When basic human rights abused and supported by indian so called "democratic" institutions, media and large section of well off class, how could india claim to be "secular"?

These are all valid questions in light of what india did and doing. US and western countries are grappling with these facts about democratic label of india laid bare in front of them.
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This salve practice by indian diplomat and indian govt and media support exposed one fact - indian "democracy" is just farcical. How could india look down and repress people based on lower class and cast and claim to be democratic? When basic human rights abused and supported by indian so called "democratic" institutions, media and large section of well off class, how could india claim to be "secular"?

These are all valid questions in light of what india did and doing. US and western countries are grappling with these facts about democratic label of india laid bare in front of them.

Yo, the diplomat herself is a dalit.. You know what that means right?
This salve practice by indian diplomat and indian govt and media support exposed one fact - indian "democracy" is just farcical. How could india look down and repress people based on lower class and cast and claim to be democratic? When basic human rights abused and supported by indian so called "democratic" institutions, media and large section of well off class, how could india claim to be "secular"?

These are all valid questions in light of what india did and doing. US and western countries are grappling with these facts about democratic label of india laid bare in front of them.
Ooooo. It means all this useless Bullshitting just to show democracy and secularism is farce. are u even a bangladeshi? Bongs never undermine Democracy.
Oh man.
How can someone be so ignorant
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