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Arquus trials unmanned 4×4 Dagger


Apr 28, 2011
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The unmanned Arquus Dagger 4×4 vehicle has recently been demonstrated in France. Source: Arquus

French company Arquus has developed an unmanned version of its 4×4 Dagger light protected vehicle (LPV) using internal research and development funding.

The vehicle was demonstrated at the Mouvement des Entreprises de France (MEDEF) Summer Seminar, which took place at the HEC Business School at Jouy-en-Josas in late August. MEDEF is essentially a think-tank and union of French company directors that aims to advance French business interests.

The Dagger unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) is regarded by the company as a technology demonstrator with potential production vehicles being customised to meet the end users’ specific operational requirements. These include deployment by security or Special Forces operating in hazardous areas.

Arquus launched its robotisation programme in 2017, with the Dagger UGV being the first initiative under this effort. The vehicle was tested for the first time in May this year, although the company declined to disclose its details.

The prototype UGV is currently operated using a hand-held controller but the eventual aim is to develop a fully autonomous vehicle.

The baseline Dagger LPV is the export version of the Petit Véhicule Protégé (PVP), which was originally developed to meet the operational requirements of the French Army by the then-Panhard Defense.

The French Army took delivery of 1,113 PVPs while international customers include Chile, Romania, and Togo.

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