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Army, DRDO test Pinaka rocket system in Pokhran


Jul 6, 2009
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Army, DRDO test Pinaka rocket system in Pokhran | idrw.org

The development trials of Pinaka multi-barrel rocket launcher system has begun at the Chandan firing range in Pokhran on Sunday. Officials of DRDO and Army, who are conducting the trials, said the tests would continue for the next two days.

Pinaka, a state-of-the-art weapon system for destroying areas of enemy troop concentration, communication centres, air terminal complexes, gun/rocket locations etc, has been developed by DRDO. High operational mobility, flexibility and accuracy are the major characteristics, which give the weapon system an edge in modern artillery warfare.

“The rocket system is meant to neutralise a large geographical area with rapid firing of rockets. With a strike range of 40 km, Pinaka could fire a salvo of 12 rockets in 44 seconds. It was also put into field testing for assessing its capability during the Kargil conflict,” said an Army officer.

“The ongoing trials at Pokhran field firing range in western Rajasthan by Army and scientists from Defence Research and Development Organisation was for advanced stage of development of the weapon system,” said Ravi Gupta, DRDO spokesperson.

The trials will continue and the weapon is expected to enter service this year, he added.

“Its quick reaction time and high rate of fire give it an edge to the army during low-intensity war. The system’s capability to incorporate several types of warheads makes it deadly for the enemy,” said defence spokesperson S D Goswami.
B.S- Well FYI Pinaka alreay inducted in Army in some 90NOS ,even srilanka use them. This might be some upgraded version.
The Pinaka is in the process of further improvement. Israel Military Industries teamed up with DRDO to implement its Trajectory Correction System (TCS) on the Pinaka, for further improvement of its CEP. This has been trialled and has shown excellent results.[11] The rockets can also be guided by GPS to improve their accuracy. A wraparound microstrip antenna has been developed by DRDO for this system.[12]
While the Pinaka will not be developed further into a larger system, its success and the experience gained from the program has led the ARDE and its partner organizations, to launch a project to develop a long range MRL similar to the Smerch MLRS. A 7.2-metre rocket for the Pinaka MBRL, which can reach a distance of 120 km and carry a 250 kg payload will be developed. These new rockets can be fired in 44 seconds, have a maximum speed of mach 4.7, rise to an altitude of 40 km before hitting its target at mach 1.8 and can destroy an area of 3.9 km2. Integrating UAVs with the Pinaka is also in the pipeline, as DRDO intends to install guidance systems on these rockets to increase their accuracy. Sagem completed delivery of its Sigma 30 laser-gyro artillery navigation and pointing system to be equipped with the Pinaka multiple launch rocket system in June 2010.[13] The Sigma 30 artillery navigation and pointing system is designed for high-precision firing at short notice. Development and trials will continue and the rocket is expected to enter user trial by 2012.


three regiments of Pinaka have now been inducted by the Army. The Indian Army will induct an additional number of regiments of the Pinaka during its next planning period (2012–2017) as the older Grad MLRS regiments are retired
What is the name of the Launcher Vehicle? Is this the same which launches BrahMos?
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