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Are all Sayyid (Syed in South Asia) Shia's or former Shia's?

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Jan 4, 2009
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United States
Please post if you have first hand information about this topic. So far I found this online:

Sayyid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Joshua Project - Sayyid Ethnic People in all Countries
Syed Shias and Syed Sunnis - Prophets and Ahlulbayt Forum - ShiaChat.com
I am syed, can I still be Sunni? [Archive] - sunniforum.com - a resource for the propagation of authentic Islamic teachings

From information in above links, it looks like almost all Sayyid or Syed (as they are called in South Asia) are either Shia or former Shia.
In my personal and family experience yes that is the case. In BD I am not aware of any syeds ( allmost all my family are syeds) that are Shia now but all would have been Shia at one point. Syed is an exclusive Shia title although that was a very long time ago. I have only once meet a Shia syed but she was Afgan.
In my personal and family experience yes that is the case. In BD I am not aware of any syeds ( allmost all my family are syeds) that are Shia now but all would have been Shia at one point. Syed is an exclusive Shia title although that was a very long time ago. I have only once meet a Shia syed but she was Afgan.

No it is not and it never was. It just seems that way because so many shias become syeds the minute they wear a black turban.
In my personal and family experience yes that is the case. In BD I am not aware of any syeds ( allmost all my family are syeds) that are Shia now but all would have been Shia at one point. Syed is an exclusive Shia title although that was a very long time ago. I have only once meet a Shia syed but she was Afgan.

Not true at all. A syed is a descendant of Hazrat Ali (r.a) and Hazrat Fatima (r.a).

There are countless sunni syeds as well. Many people (even sunnis but mostly shia) also afflex the title of Syed even if they are not!
No, not at all
In Indonesia most of them are Sufi and some of them are Salafi

They even have anti-Shia Organization called al-Bayyinat

That is because they bypassed Iran and came by boat to Indonesia. I am a Syed whose family migrated through Iran but we are all Sunni because we passed through before the spread of shia Islam in Iran. Then there are some Syeds who left Arab lands because they were shia and felt persecuted (like some bohra people).
Please post if you have first hand information about this topic. So far I found this online:

Sayyid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Joshua Project - Sayyid Ethnic People in all Countries
Syed Shias and Syed Sunnis - Prophets and Ahlulbayt Forum - ShiaChat.com
I am syed, can I still be Sunni? [Archive] - sunniforum.com - a resource for the propagation of authentic Islamic teachings

From information in above links, it looks like almost all Sayyid or Syed (as they are called in South Asia) are either Shia or former Shia.

We have traced our geniology all the way beack to Imam Ali Reza and none of our anceaters were shias. So the answer has to be No.
No it is not and it never was. It just seems that way because so many shias become syeds the minute they wear a black turban.

I do not claim to be an authority on this, simply stating what have been passed on to me within my family setting. We were Syed claim to be ahlul byat and were Shia. Over time via various places ended up in the subcontinent and became Sunni hanafi but retained Syed.

It could entirely be that my family is very atypical I do not know, but from my fairly limited understanding of this is that there can be no original Sunni Syed as only those of the prophets family who identified with Shiaism took the title Syed. Those who subsequently returned to mainstream but retained Syed as a title are the Sunni Syeds of now. There can not be any original (whatever that means) Sunni Syed.
I do not claim to be an authority on this, simply stating what have been passed on to me within my family setting. We were Syed claim to be ahlul byat and were Shia. Over time via various places ended up in the subcontinent and became Sunni hanafi but retained Syed.

It could entirely be that my family is very atypical I do not know, but from my fairly limited understanding of this is that there can be no original Sunni Syed as only those of the prophets family who identified with Shiaism took the title Syed. Those who subsequently returned to mainstream but retained Syed as a title are the Sunni Syeds of now. There can not be any original (whatever that means) Sunni Syed.

So Hassan RA and Hussain RA were Shia then? :cheesy:
So Hassan RA and Hussain RA were Shia then? :cheesy:

No not at all. My understanding and I reiterate not an expert on this topic at the point of the Shia Sunni division only Shias retained the Syed title. The schism occurred post Karbala.

As a kid that was what I was told within my family setting. I never had any cause to doubt it nor ever looked into it. As a Sunni the title of Syed is irrelevant but we maintain it for the sake of history and in deference to those who have gone before us within my family.

My opinion in this topic is purely based on the history of my family it is not an authoritative statement. It might be possible for there to be original Sunni Syeds and if anyone comes up with something definitive I will happily accept that to be the case.
@kalu_miah @MuslimConscript @mb444 @babajees @
...I am a Syed whose family migrated through Iran ...
We have traced our geniology all the way beack to Imam Ali Reza ...

That's an amazing feat. How did you do that...! Araz.

Most if not ALL so-called syeds are families whose ancestors changed their cast from whatever -to- syed. This phenomenon started in Shia & some sunni especially brailvi followed suit. All the time in indo-pak region we hear families (poor ghetto mostly) changing their cast & becoming syed.

Looking at distribution pattern of syed, looks like all progeny of Hazrat Ali decided to come live in iran/india/pak/bangla etc... Iranians are persians, a different race from Arabs. yet they became syed. In subcontinent those who converted from hinduism etc became syed. Those sort-of asian-looking Malasians became syed... Yeah right.

This is a BS. So-called syed have NO link to Prophet or Ali. They or their ancestors made that up.
Just go & ask most-foul-mouthed guy in ur class or community. He will be a syyed. etc etc etc.

I met an Afghan(pushtoon). I asked him if he believed pushtoon were from Bani-Israel(Bani-Ishaaq)? He said yes. I asked him then how come you are Syed. To be a syed you have to be Arab(Bani-Ismail)... !!! He didn`t have an answer.


In most cases it is FALSE claim. Adopted by forefather & blindly accepted by progeny & still being adopted (ppl changing their casts to syed all the time).

Concept OF Syed By Bilal Philips - YouTube


Being a relative of prophet have NO value. Ibraheim's father. Adam's son. Loot's wife. Noah's son. etc etc.

Abu-Lahab was Prophet's uncle (father's brother)... Read surah-Lahab:


Sura 11:42-43:...and the son(of Prophet Noah) was among those overwhelmed in the Flood.

Q:11:81: except your(Lot's) wife; indeed, she will be struck by that which strikes them.


& Prophet's OWN mother:

Narrated Abu Hurairah:The Messenger of Allah visited his mother's grave and wept and cause those around him to weep. The Messenger of Allah then said: I asked my Lord's permission to pray for forgiveness for her, but I was not allowed(P.S.Quran:9:113). I then asked His permission to visit her grave, and I was allowed. So visit graves, for they make one mindful of death.

Sunan Abi Dawud 3234,,, In-book reference :Book 21, Hadith 146,,, English translation:Book 20, Hadith 3228

تو يھ سيد كس كهيت كي مولي هيں

محلے كا سب سے بد كردار گهرانه سيد نكتا هے

برائيوں پے پرده ڈالنے كا آسان طريقه ٠٠٠ سيد بن جاؤ

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