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Arab tyrants better for Israel


Apr 13, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
United States
Israel better off with Arab tyrants - Israel Opinion, Ynetnews

Egyptian polling stations opened Monday morning across the country. Tens of thousands of inspectors-judges, representatives of civil organizations, foreign diplomats and even representatives of the Arab League have arrived to ensure that no one would try to tamper with the ballots.

The truth is that there is no need for that. Barring any dramatic surprises, "Egypt's strongman," Field Marshal Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, will be the president. All surveys grant the second candidate, Hamdeen Sabahi, symbolic success. Sabahi himself is already offering his services, hoping that they'll just take him, as the prime minister or vice president.

Egypt-Israel Ties

Israel in danger without Egypt's army in Sinai, says al-Sisi / Roi Kais, Attila Somfalvi

'If the consequences of terror in Sinai necessitate changing the peace accord, then we will and Israel will not object to that because it is aware of the gravity of the situation,' Egyptian presidential candidate says.
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Next week will be the turn of the sweeping victory in Syria. After arranging two anonymous "rivals" for himself and forcibly taking the right to vote from the six million refugees who have run away from him, Bashar Assad will be the "rais" for the third time. He will of course justify himself by saying that "that's what the nation wants," and no one will be able to force him to keep promises or create reforms.

The reason is so prosaic: Up until this moment he hasn't even bothered presenting a political platform or economic programs. He doesn't have to. Bashar will win for certain, and after the elections, as they say, everything will work out (for him).

In the past few days I have been hearing more and more complaints from people I talk to in the Arab world that Israel – and the criticism focuses constantly on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu – only wants dictators in our neighborhood. We democrats don't care about the Arab Spring, the protests, the terrible economic distress, the refugees and the terror attacks.

My interlocutors present irrefutable proof of their claim, how Israeli messengers are lobbying vigorously, as we speak, for the waiting president al-Sisi among the high echelons of the administration in Washington. Netanyahu, they say instinctively, is insisting on not getting in Bashar's way. He is the only one he wants in the palace.

It's not our problem
Between you and me, they're right. We're better off with dictators. A look at the 22 states of the Arab world provides a feeling that it's more helpful for us to have a rais with iron fists in charge of the security and army systems. Any other adventure, in the name of freedom of expression and human rights, is asking for trouble.

Al-Sisi has already thrown a crushing remark towards all those developing high expectations, that this is not the time to dream about democracy. First of all, he will build the country, and the economy, and the investments, and the tourism, and will settle the score with the Islamists. Good for him.

From our angle, the important thing is that he promised Sinai would not be a center of resistance against Eilat, and all the rest is the problem of 90 million people in Egypt. It's not our problem.

Two-thirds of the citizens of the neighboring countries – Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan – and the countries in the second circle – Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Tunisia and Iraq – are young people under the age of 30. Some of them are university graduates, the large majority is unemployed and frustrated, and the government only gives a hoot about them when they go out to protest against it.

We have no access to them. They can continue tweeting on the social networks. Their blogs, believe me, are fascinating. But when it comes to government versus government, we only want contact – above or under the table – with dictators.

At the end of the day, this is not the time for the bleeding hearts.

In the name of the egoistic interest, we vote for Bashar, we support al- Sisi, we are willing to make an effort for the Jordanian royal family to live on, and in the meantime it doesn't matter that Hassan Nasrallah is interfering in the election of a new president in Lebanon or that Iraq's manipulating prime minister, Nouri al-Maliki, runs to Tehran for operating instructions.

We will not prevent the dictators' from giving food to the masses, raising investments, building factories, and throwing whoever they want in jail. Let the government in Washington rack its brains about democracy and freedom of expression. We are not taking any chances. We are better off with tyrants.


@Full Moon @haman10 @ResurgentIran @al-Hasani @1000

Of course I know some Iranians and Arabs don't want to hear this...
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@Hazzy997 You are the one supporting Iran and Nasrallah & you are against them interfering in Iraq ?

You support Iran and Hezbollah, at the same time you are against Maliki ( should he turn into Khamenei for you to be happy ? ), your pro MB, while they hate the Shi'a, against Bashar on day, the next pro Bashar depending on how other Arabs view the US/Israel.

Makes no sense, so theres no answer that will make you agree, close the thread for the better!
@Hazzy997 You are the one supporting Iran and Nasrallah & you are against them interfering in Iraq ?

Who told you I support Hezbollah? I support Iran in one aspect only. I no longer care about Hezbollah although I won't justify an Israeli war against Lebanon.

What brought up Iraq and where have I said anything about Iraq?

at the same time you are against Maliki ( should he turn into Khamenei for you to be happy ?

This is funny because these two are similar and work with each other.

your pro MB

I'm fine with MB.

while they hate the Shi'a

Bullshit, Shia terrorist hate Sunnis.

against Bashar on day, the next pro Bashar depending on how other Arabs view the US/Israel.

More unfounded bullshit.

Makes no sense, so theres no answer that will make you agree, close the thread for the better

You make no sense doofus. This thread is about what Israelis see preferable for them. So preferable they'd lend a hand to keep the status quo this way. It's not about my views fucking dumbass.
Pay zakat to clean yourself from those insults.

You don't have a country, Iraq is a Sunni Arab nation and it belongs to us. You're a disloyal person to Iraq who doesn't consider himself Arab. Maliki is a cancer to Iraq and so is the Shia establishment. Things need to cleaned up very soon. The Sunni movement is nothing like it used to be, we used to do work.
ok Hazzy997 i have 2 points
1 we should not think about isreal before we do anything sometimes you just see what is best for you and do it
2 as someone from gaza would you prefer organized IDF with their air force and high tech as your enemy or some militias . who would be a bigger threat
ok Hazzy997 i have 2 points
1 we should not think about isreal before we do anything sometimes you just see what is best for you and do it

I know I don't, very few of our problems have anything to do with Israel. Us as Arabs. Although there's a status quo. We already know this is bad for Palestinians. That's not what's important to me as we're doing what we can. I'm a person that believes we need to get our affairs straight. I can't believe we're just watching around while all of this happens in Syria, Iraq, Libya, etc....

Us Sunnis don't realize how important Iraq is strategically to win all these conflicts. Shia are triumphing us in every way, of course it's no secret we Shia and Sunni hate each other's ideologies. I'm fine admitting this in front of Iranians as they don't want anything with our beliefs too. Where we agree with each other is about pursuing our interests and containing Israel. Shia do this much better than we do.

I'm a person that wants to see our dignity and honor gained back. And I believe Shia won't want to be part of a Sunni power/axis. And they're actively tried to prevent it and spread their hold on the region. Why can't be powerful? Why do we have to surrender/accept our conditions in every way or just give up??? If this keeps up you're going to have a Shia dominated Arab world in 30 years. I really don't understand why we're just watching this and Sisi is also against the Syrian opposition.

2 as someone from gaza would you prefer organized IDF with their air force and high tech as your enemy or some militias . who would be a bigger threat

For me personally, militias since if they're based in Gaza they're all united against Israel have massive support from the population with the exception of small salafi militias which we can take care of easily.

For Arab nations, I understand what you mean. Although this war between armies and militias exists because Arab armies stand so far away from our views and goals. They don't make any contribution at all to support our interests. This is why we're getting many extremist militias who attack our armies.

Maybe organized militias in North Africa could be better when it comes to pursing interests. Of course they can't serve government sector so they need to develop a strategy in Libya and see if it works. Im not against Arab armies although I'm not a fan either. I wish I could root for them and have a smile on face due to their care for our people. However, they don't serve anything near what purpose we want them to be.

As I've said, the Shia are doing a great job. They go in Arab nations, claim persecution and spread this way. Then Iran arms them and they're taking over our nations at a fixed pace. We have two options:

1. Organize, pursue our interests, develop proxy militias to help.

2. Do a very barbaric thing, threaten all Shia in Arab nations with death or conversion. Then we solve Syria following this and concentrate our efforts there.

Number 2 is very unlikely, and all of this sounds like a fantasy. But, if you people want to survive from this threat whilst at the same time contain Israel we need to act. Or else we're all going to become like this in the future:

@JUBA @al-Hasani @Full Moon
You don't have a country, Iraq is a Sunni Arab nation and it belongs to us. You're a disloyal person to Iraq who doesn't consider himself Arab. Maliki is a cancer to Iraq and so is the Shia establishment. Things need to cleaned up very soon. The Sunni movement is nothing like it used to be, we used to do work.

Says who ?

You should join Hamas or be an activist instead of being the forum mujahid since your always seeking war.
How about the Arab/Semitic world should try to regain their position as the center of civilization that they held for millenniums instead of all this political/sectarian nonsense for once?

How about we as Arabs or citizens of Arab country x or y try to advance on aspects such as technology, science etc.?
How about coming close to Israel's level (the highest in the world per capita) or maybe even surpassing them? What's stopping us? We got all the land we can wish for, a population nearly 500 million big, enormous resources (more than most others if not all) and the history.

Yet it seems that not only the Arab world but the entire Muslim world have stagnated to pathetic levels.

Yes, I know all about the scientific and technological decline in the Muslim world since centuries ago (basically 1258), colonialism, Western hegemony for the past 500 years or so etc. But that should be the past now.

Something is terribly wrong. I can't pinpoint the sole most important thing that causes all of that but it's worrying.
How about the Arab/Semitic world should try to regain their position as the center of civilization that they held for millenniums instead of all this political/sectarian nonsense for once?

How about we as Arabs or citizens of Arab country x or y try to advance on aspects such as technology, science etc.?
How about coming close to Israel's level (the highest in the world per capita) or maybe even surpassing them? What's stopping us? We got all the land we can wish for, a population nearly 500 million big, enormous resources (more than most others if not all) and the history.

Yet it seems that not only the Arab world but the entire Muslim world have stagnated to pathetic levels.

Yes, I know all about the scientific and technological decline in the Muslim world since centuries ago (basically 1258), colonialism, Western hegemony for the past 500 years or so etc. But that should be the past now.

Something is terribly wrong. I can't pinpoint the sole most important thing that causes all of that but it's worrying.

( fake ) Islamists like Hazzy are stopping everyone, he bows for weaponry from Iran but wants to slaughter all Shia.
Like the British Jew Palmach says, you can't trust a Palestinian.
( fake ) Islamists like Hazzy are stopping everyone, he bows for weaponry from Iran but wants to slaughter all Shia.
Like the British Jew Palmach says, you can't trust a Palestinian.

I am not sure what personal fraud you two have but Islam and science and technology are not opposites. Rather the opposite actually if one studies Islamic history more closely. The Palestinians are desperate to get their own country (legitimate wish) so any other people in the same situation would be desperate too.

Nobody here is interested in doing all that otherwise they would have done it long ago. It's just PDF and the internet.
You don't have a country, Iraq is a Sunni Arab nation and it belongs to us. You're a disloyal person to Iraq who doesn't consider himself Arab. Maliki is a cancer to Iraq and so is the Shia establishment. Things need to cleaned up very soon. The Sunni movement is nothing like it used to be, we used to do work.

If all Palestinians think like this, I can assure you, you won't be able to take back even one inch from Israel in another century.

Instead of getting in to sectarian debates and trying to expel Shias, fight for your own land that is now called Israel.

Btw, what you are saying about Iraq is exactly what ISIS says to justify its murders and terrorist attacks. Calling a Shia majority country a 'Sunni Arab nation' is like what AQ groups preach in areas they are operating.

So, we better cut this sectarian nonsense.
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