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Anybody have Lasik done?


May 9, 2013
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I have poor eyesight. My power is -3.00 in both eyes with some astigmatism. Fed up with glasses. I am thinking of getting Lasik. If anyone got it done please share the experience. Did it hurt? Do you see clearly now without glasses?
Lasik is quite safe. I had -12 in left eye and -3 in right eye. After laser treatment the number came down to 0.30 and 0.10. I had this treatment in 2007 and alhamdullah i didn't face any problem. You have to careful from sunlight for the first 4-5 months and water for 1 month.
It does not hurt.
Lasik is quite safe. I had -12 in left eye and -3 in right eye. After laser treatment the number came down to 0.30 and 0.10. I had this treatment in 2007 and alhamdullah i didn't face any problem. You have to careful from sunlight for the first 4-5 months and water for 1 month.
It does not hurt.

Hope you have great vision for your life. Glasses are pain and if you are totally depend on them then its hell. I have -3.00 and I walk into the walls without glasses. Blind as bat without them. Can't imagine having -12.

They cut eyes with a blade, so I am scared. I heard there is also another similar treatment called Lasek-PRK where they don't cut eyes but scrap off a thin layer and burn tissue underneath then put a contact lens to grow the upper layer back smoothly.

me too interested, but very costly in India somewhere between 30000 to 100000 rupees...

It is also costly in BD. Around 50000 BDT needed to have that operation.

Last year I had a consultation with a doctor. After evaluating me he said I am a good candidate. He rejected a candidate just before me and the patient was so upset. She went there with her parents. They were very upset. I felt bad for them :( I was scheduled to have the surgery but I got so scared after watching you tube video of the operation that I cancelled it. But this year I have decided finally to go for the surgery. Glasses are affecting my day to day life badly. Want to enjoy life. If I had some functional vision without glasses then i would not have thought of operation. I just want to improve my quality of life. If I get thick glasses in my 50 I will gladly accept it but don't want to ruin my 20's and 30's with this stupid thing. Also glasses don't suit my face at all. I don't look good in them. Looks a nerd with them.
If Shahrukh Khan, Adnan Sami can do lasik I can also do lasik. SRK was blind as bat before surgery. Now he is glasses free. I am looking forward to be glasses free also. :D
guys is it safe? I am thinking of doing it, I have been wearing glasses since I was 10, enough is enough

Its safe to the right patient and under experienced surgeon but there are few horror stories as well. Serious complications happen in 1% case. The worst complication a person can have is ectasia. but its rare. It happens if too much tissue is burned or patient has preexisting condition. 20 to 30 million people have done it. I will also do it. Yeah..

If you don't want to take risk then don't do surgery. I am willing to take risk thats why I am going for surgery. Can't live half blindly in my youth. When I get in my 50's I will gladly wear glasses even if its 3 inches thick. Not now. Sorry.
guys is it safe? I am thinking of doing it, I have been wearing glasses since I was 10, enough is enough

dont they usually recommend after certain age only.. ?

Its safe to the right patient and under experienced surgeon but there are few horror stories as well. Serious complications happen in 1% case. The worst complication a person can have is ectasia. but its rare. It happens if too much tissue is burned or patient has preexisting condition. 20 to 30 million people have done it. I will also do it. Yeah..

If you don't want to take risk then don't do surgery. I am willing to take risk thats why I am going for surgery. Can't live half blindly in my youth. When I get in my 50's I will gladly wear glasses even if its 3 inches thick. Not now. Sorry.
can you do one eye at a time..that way reduce the risk? :cheesy:
I think at the moment this is the best and safest lasik avaible. Without lifting the surface of the cornea which mean post operation complications are less like for example dry eyes.


Nueva técnica Lásik Relex SMILE para corregir miopía. Dr. Güell. IMO Barcelona - YouTube

Its as if you never done Lasik, your eye stay the same. They don't need to lift the surface of cornea which mean post operation complications like dry eyes are gone. The cost here is around €3000 compared to €2000 for normal Lasik. Well worth it even for €1000 extra because eyes are priceless.
I think at the moment this is the best and safest lasik avaible. Without lifting the surface of the cornea which mean post operation complications are less like for example dry eyes.


Nueva técnica Lásik Relex SMILE para corregir miopía. Dr. Güell. IMO Barcelona - YouTube

Its as if you never done Lasik, your eye stay the same. They don't need to lift the surface of cornea which mean post operation complications like dry eyes are gone. The cost here is around €3000 compared to €2000 for normal Lasik. Well worth it even for €1000 extra because eyes are priceless.

This is new procedure. Lasik and Lasek are around for almost 30 years. So long term affects are known better than Relex Smile.
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