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Any 1965 Veteran Here?


May 24, 2011
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Any 1965 War veteran here in the Forum of any nationality? Why not exchange notes?
1.Yesterday, 23 Sep a Cease-Fire was declared. This was a great disappointment in the battle-field. Soldiers had been primed to finish this at the Red Fort, Delhi. Similarly the people of Pakistan had been aroused to fight till a visible advantage had been gained.

2. Bakhtiar Rana, Musa and Ayub visited the troops at the FDLs and gave talks. Everywhere they were asked embarrassing questions. The reason for pulling out of Kashmir was questioned. The explaination that India had attacked Pak mainland unexpectedly, was not accepted by anyone.
Muradk (Pakistan Air Force) He has flown F86 in 1965 War and Flew Mirage in 1971 War.
Pshamim (Pakistan Air Force)
well my grandfather is 65 veteran and he cant use the net so i write on his behalf :sniper:
My Khalu(Uncle) fought in 1965 & 1971 wars under PAF.. unfortunately few years back he had a stroke & lost his memory
the younger veterans would be in their 60's and the older in their 80's. some of them have passed away (like my father) and may not know much about the new technology this generation operates.
the younger veterans would be in their 60's and the older in their 80's. some of them have passed away (like my father) and may not know much about the new technology this generation operates.

your father was a veteran of 65 war. Wow, you must be proud. . :pakistan:
My father has passed away. He was there in 65 and 71 and continued his Services to the Air Force till 93.
Followed the first gulf war he had the privilege to serve RSAF (Air Defense Command) till 1998.
My father has passed away. He was there in 65 and 71 and continued his Services to the Air Force till 93.
Followed the first gulf war he had the privilege to serve RSAF (Air Defense Command) till 1998.

My father was an aeronautical engineer stationed in Karachi. He ran from military in terms of not giving an interview to PAF before emmigrating. He never compromised secrets of PAF, but they came to our village on several occasions since he did not leave the force based on protocol. After trying to apply for jobs in the United States Military, and other private companies, he led his life in a civilian status.

He is a Pakistani Patriot as well as being a loyal citizen of the States of America.

1 East Bengal Regt, the Senior Tigers, deployed around Lulliani blunted the major Indian assault on Lahore. When the War ended The Senior Tigers collected the maximum number of decorations that any unit received in the '65 War.
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I think that T^3 Sir was an active soldier during the 65 war(Don't know accurately!)
yes i know eastbengal regiment helped us a lot and alot of people from eastbengal regiments especially the veterans settled in pakistan and are now well settled and a part of pakistan society.
People from here served in Pak armed forces in Kashmir Ops 1948 (Gen Osmani), Op Gibraltar - I, Rann of Kutch Ops and the '65 War. Our youth have also fought the Soviets as Mujahadeen. Many volunteers took part in Kashmir "jihad".
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