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Antony urges Russia to induct Brahmos missile in its armed forces

If that is the case then why isn't Russia running to integrate this missile into its Armed Forces?

Russia is not a erstwhile USSR, Russia lacks finance. Russia sells modern weaponry which even it has not inducted into it's army like Mig 35 which is the most modern Mig till date offered to India but India choose Rafale instead.

Same goes to Brahmos, Brahmos is a versatile missile (can be launched from air water and land) but costly so Russia has cheap alternative like P 800 yokhont(specialized missile to attack ship).

Why is the Indian Defense Minister peddling this missile to Russia?

It's simple as more missile goes into production it will reduce the cost of missile.

Why aren't any other foreign buyers lining up to purchase the greatest cruise missile ever produced in the history of the world?

1. Not every country can afford costly missiles.
2. Brahmos was not intended to be export oriented as cheap Yokkhont of Russia is.

Why isn't China quaking its its boots at the very thought of this missile being deployed and China having no counter-measures against this formidable missile that has made the Super Power of Asia?

Beijing, Aug 1: India’s plans to deploy BrahMos supersonic missiles in Arunachal Pradesh along the border with China is a matter of “concern”, a state-run daily here said today.

Referring to the successful testing of 290 km range BrahMos supersonic cruise missile by India on Sunday, a report in the state-run Chinese edition of the Global Times said “the concern is because India has declared the deployment of three groups of these missiles to enhance deterrence” at the Sino-Arunachal Pradesh border.
Chinese media objects to deployment of BrahMos missile in Arunachal Pradesh
Dude, if your brahmos is an hot sale item, A.K. Antony will has no such need as urge Russia to Induct it :rolleyes:

Because Russia might not be interested as cost factor is one big reason but Brahmos is smaller than Yakhont and more accurate. So may be that's why he just gave a suggestion after discussing with the companies. But its Submarine launch version will be the most lethal. High chances that Russia will induct it.
No need to create a fuzz out of this.
You are again forgetting that Brahmos is developed by India and Russia.

come again? :rofl:

Are you remotely aware that you're replaying exactly the other half of the joke in the OP:

This Antonio is so beyond redeem that he's comsumed his own delusion that painting sth on top is equal to co-development technically, to the point that he really starts to believe, :rofl: like in Matrix, that he is the generous one who decides "sharing" the tech of Brahmos with the Ruskies or not.:lol:

--- it is the same delusion that most Indians suffer, such as what that Indian minister suffered when he bragged about the scam (i.e.40% of scientists of NASA, MS, HP, IBM, etc.are Indians) in public speeches during his official visit to Canada. :rofl:
Because Russia might not be interested as cost factor is one big reason but Brahmos is smaller than Yakhont and more accurate. So may be that's why he just gave a suggestion after discussing with the companies. But its Submarine launch version will be the most lethal. High chances that Russia will induct it. No need to create a fuzz out of this.

You didn't reply to my post #99, what prevent from Russia to develop their own sub lauched version of Yakhont with all the knowledge they earned in Brahmos join venture?
they wont use it, because it's a downgrade version of yakhont. look at vietnam, they bought a few land-based yahont batteries straight from russia instead of the cheaper bhramos.

Are you a nut ?

Brahmos cost more than double as compare to P800 Onik aka Yokhont.

Brahmos~ $2.73million Yokhont~$1.12 million per unit !

Read something before opening your mouth !
What use does Russia have of this obsolete missile?

first of its type( super sonic cruise missile) to be launched from SSBN

You didn't reply to my post #99, what prevent from Russia to develop their own sub lauched version of Yakhont with all the knowledge they earned in Brahmos join venture?

when It can be developed in a JV with sharing cost and technology what is the use of doing it all alone. India is a trust worthy partner of Russia!
You didn't reply to my post #99, what prevent from Russia to develop their own sub lauched version of Yakhont with all the knowledge they earned in Brahmos join venture?

Money bags as simple as that !

Same thing as in case of 5th generation fighter plane they know everything about 5th gen plane from late 80's and early 90's still abandoned the project due to lack of finance.
when It can be developed in a JV with sharing cost and technology what is the use of doing it all alone. India is a trust worthy partner of Russia!

I don't doubt that India is a trustworthy partner but with Yakhont, Russia won't have to share any profit with India, they own 100% of the intellectual property, they have very right to develop the sub launched version of Yakhont, I bet you will see it in near future.
I don't doubt that India is a trustworthy partner but with Yakhont, Russia won't have to share any profit with India, they own 100% of the intellectual property, they have very right to develop the sub launched version of Yakhont, I bet you will see it in near future.

When they have already spent in Brahmos to make it an SSBN launched SSCM along with India what is the use to start from scratch? I do not get any point. They are more concentrating in building long range quasi BM. Meanwhile Brahmos is smaller and slimmer than Yakhont.
Indian army is being 'forcefed' with an unwanted missile because 'india made it' or was it Russia?
Russian and indian army...
Not just indian army...
Both fircefed with an unwanted missile
When they have already spent in Brahmos to make it an SSBN launched SSCM along with India what is the use to start from scratch? I do not get any point. They are more concentrating in building long range quasi BM. Meanwhile Brahmos is smaller and slimmer than Yakhont.

The point is if they buy Brahmos, they will have to split the profit with India while with Yakhont, they dont have to. And they don't start from scratch since they already learn the sub lauched technologies from Brahmos, basically they don't need to redo the research and development and save all these money.
Are you a nut ?

Brahmos cost more than double as compare to P800 Onik aka Yokhont.

Brahmos~ $2.73million Yokhont~$1.12 million per unit !


that's why sometimes you gotta envy those ruskies :hitwall: , at least those in the defence sector, that they are not bad at all (in Chinese standard) on sales & marketing. even armani or hugo boss alike could take a page from their book.

then, of course, not everyone are lucky enough like ruskies to have really one-of-a-kind indian buyers... :rofl:

...in case you still haven't got it, we have a term for this, it's called "marked-up". :lol:
The point is if they buy Brahmos, they will have to split the profit with India while with Yakhont, they dont have to. And they don't start from scratch since they already learn the sub lauched technologies from Brahmos, basically they don't need to redo the research and development and save all these money.

that is different story which is more related with business and profit but this does not questionthe capability of the weapon. Meanwhile there is no harm in sharing profit and India did not say that they cannot develop their own version. Infact they will be more in Profit since it will cost them only half.
It is just me or someone else also think that this guy talk a lot without saying anything concrete? :coffee:

This guy belong to Zaid Hamid class i.e. need Psychiatrist treatment.

come again? :rofl:

Are you remotely aware that you're replaying exactly the other half of the joke in the OP:

This Antonio is so beyond redeem that he's comsumed his own delusion that painting sth on top is equal to co-development technically, to the point that he really starts to believe, :rofl: like in Matrix, that he is the generous one who decides "sharing" the tech of Brahmos with the Ruskies or not.:lol:

--- it is the same delusion that most Indians suffer, such as what that Indian minister suffered when he bragged about the scam (i.e.40% of scientists of NASA, MS, HP, IBM, etc.are Indians) in public speeches during his official visit to Canada. :rofl:

that's why sometimes you gotta envy those ruskies :hitwall: , at least those in the defence sector, that they are not bad at all (in Chinese standard) on sales & marketing. even armani or hugo boss alike could take a page from their book.

then, of course, not everyone are lucky enough like ruskies to have really one-of-a-kind indian buyers... :rofl:

...in case you still haven't got it, we have a term for this, it's called "marked-up". :lol:
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