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Antony:China-Pak military ties a “cause of worry”

Sep 5, 2010
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India is raising an offensive Corps and taking other steps to gear up its preparedness along China border to meet the challenges, Defence Minister A.K. Antony said as he pitched for a substantial hike in defence budget to meet this changing threat perception.

Terming the growing military ties between Pakistan and China as a “cause of worry”, he said the armed forces have been issued a new directive to change their strategy to meet the challenges.

“Now we have given a new directive to our armed forces to meet the new challenges in context of the new threat perception faced by the country,” he said.

Mr. Antony said, “After analysis of the threat perception, we have found that the picture is problematic. We will need to have a second look at the defence budget... We have been given Rs 1.93 lakh crore this year but as per the estimated requirement of the armed forces, we would want Rs 2.39 lakh crore. We want Rs 45,716 crore more. I have asked the Government to provide us more money.”

The Minister was replying to a discussion on the performance of his Ministry in the Rajya Sabha.

On steps taken by the Government to strengthen defence capabilities, Mr. Antony said, “Under 12th Defence Plan, we have sent a proposal to Finance Ministry to raise an offensive Corps with two special divisions and it is in final stages. The force-level has been increased substantially.”

He said the Government had earlier approved raising of two mountain divisions along with a Special Forces battalion, an artillery brigade and an armoured regiment for deployment in the northeast sector.

The Hindu : News / National : China-Pak military ties a
If we have a foolish clown like him for DM and his callous mistress for a virtual PM, then obviously even Maldivian police' arms purchase is a cause of worry for us...

Wonder whether Anthony has the spine to do anything good for his country or not..
it's the message to US since Clinton is in India these days.
So Indian defence budget going to be 47-48billion $$$$
He has a budget of $39 billion and he wants $48 billion instead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
atleast we should spend 3 to 5 billion $$ in research......
These are needed for the troops on the border:

1500 155/52 towed

145+ 155/39 ultralight

20,000 plus gpmgs

1 million plus Ballistic helmets

1 million plus modular BPJs

2 million plus modern assault rifles with ubgl's and night vision

1500 air defense guns

2000+ IFV's/ light tanks

and thats just the army....

Anthony is a disgrace. he has done so little for the forces in all of his years as DM. Its time for someone like Fernandes to come back. At least he purchased arms when they were needed and didn't hold multiple trials with no contracts being signed.
of-course China-pak military ties are a "cause of worry" Mr. Defense minister!

But the real question is despite knowing all that what the hell are you doing ?

* speedy Acquisition of Hardware? No!
* Quick clearance/buildup of Infrastructure projects along border with china? No!
* Private-public partnership? No!

We already have money, and its good if we will increase our Defense budget more! But nothing will change unless and until you will speed up the acquisition of hardware and invest in R&D heavily.
These are needed for the troops on the border:

1500 155/52 towed

145+ 155/39 ultralight

20,000 plus gpmgs

1 million plus Ballistic helmets

1 million plus modular BPJs

2 million plus modern assault rifles with ubgl's and night vision

1500 air defense guns

2000+ IFV's/ light tanks

and thats just the army....

Anthony is a disgrace. he has done so little for the forces in all of his years as DM. Its time for someone like Fernandes to come back. At least he purchased arms when they were needed and didn't hold multiple trials with no contracts being signed.

The simple reason he's a disgrace is because he has no power of his own.. he has to take orders from a callous foreign loser called Maino Madam who is least bothered about our country. The same goes with the rest of key union ministers who are just toothless slaves of the Italian mafia queen.

Bl[i]tZ;2914623 said:
He has a budget of $39 billion and he wants $48 billion instead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The problem is not budget. It is the will to do anything. Since saber rattling will involve money that politicians are now hoarding away in swiss banks, they prefer taking the liberal/spineless stance while continuing to stash public money in private accounts.

Appoint a DM like general Manekshaw with NaMo as a PM by absolute majority in votes... then see what these two chaps could make out of even $ 39 billion.

It is the dedication one has for the country man... not the money.
Anthony is a disgrace. he has done so little for the forces in all of his years as DM. Its time for someone like Fernandes to come back. At least he purchased arms when they were needed and didn't hold multiple trials with no contracts being signed.

I remember being 'thrashed' left and right for suggesting that we need a minister who will 'eat' a little but get the forces the equipments they need rather than a honest minister who gets nothing done.
Asking for an increase it seems. Even if he gets the additional allocation (which I am personally not in favour of), it will be 2.35% of GDP.

Defence ministry seeks additional outlay of Rs. 45k cr - Hindustan Times

The defence ministry will seek an additional outlay of Rs. 45,000 crore from the Centre this year to build a range of military capabilities, factoring in "changed threat perception" — euphemism for the possibility of China and Pakistan coming together.
If the government agrees to
loosen its purse strings further, India's defence outlay for 2012-13 will rocket up to Rs.2.39 lakh crore ($47.8 billion) from Rs. 1.93 lakh crore ($ 38.6 billion). The proposed increase will take defence expenditure from 1.9% of the GDP to 2.35%, defence minister AK Antony told Rajya Sabha on Tuesday.

The demand comes two months after the Centre announced a 17% hike in military expenditure in Budget 2012, increasing it from Rs. 1.64 lakh crore in Rs. 1.93 lakh crore.

"We need to take a second look at the defence budget in the wake of changed threat

perception. The budget of Rs. 1.93 lakh crore is good, but less than the military's estimates," Antony said, replying to a discussion on the working of his ministry.

Several MPs flagged concerns about Beijing's growing military appetite and the possibility of China and Pakistan coming together if hostilities were to break out. Antony said the "growing proximity" between China and Pakistan was a cause of "serious worry."

China's defence outlay for 2012 may be officially pegged at $106.41 billion ( Rs. 5.3 lakh crore), but its actual military spending could be twice as much.

BJP leader Arun Jaitley asked, "How do we defeat Pakistan, how do we hold China…do we have the defence preparedness to do so?"
India should be spending money on Hundreds of millions of its citizens living below poverty line istead of spending Billions of Dollars on Defence.
Modi will not get a majority in parliament, it will be a coalition, and all that entails, the strong regional parties in india make a consensus on national security very hard to achieve.
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