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Dec 26, 2005
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United States
With as much enthusiaism as pakistan wants to stick its head in the sand, the taliban want to pull it out of the muck with an equal amount of zeal, excitement and candor. Whereas the pakistanis want to hide their faces from facing the truth that is looking them right in the eyes, the taliban keep bringing the mirror right in front of them.

The pakistanis are fooling themselves into believing that, no, it is not the taliban---it is not the muslims who are doing this----the taliban keep on harping that yes it is them who are doing these acts of terror---yes they are the so called muslims who are doing it to the pakistanis---their brethren in belief and faith.

It has been long overdue, but today's actions have brought daylight to the issue in a newer and different manner. The taliban have gone on an all out assault on the integrity of pakistan and its very existence.

To counter that---pakistan needs to do something equally radical. It is an absolute neccessity and it is imperative that pakistan install a homeland seurity department and and install an anti terror CZAR to oversee this department.

The anti terror czar would have the same authority as indian General Brar had during the blue star operation. There would also be a sort of emergency enforced in the country----there would be a seperate wing incharge of dealing with security and anti terror activities. that same organization would also be in charge of the anti terrorist courts---which will prosecute and pass judgements at an expedited pace and the executions of the culprits will be carried out on a fast track basis.

The initial 30---90 days would be a massive cleanup operation wherein the anti terrorist forces will strike at any and every religious organization with any links to taliban, al qaeda or any other fanatic group. Their leadership will be taken out and neutralized in a similiar manner as it would have been taken out under the rule of any muslim KHALIFA.

The rules of engagement will be similiar to what the great khalifas of islam enforced aganist any insurrection and any terrorist anctivities against the state.

As a matter of fact, it would be in the benefit of the state to call up on a previuos example of isurrection and terrorist activity in the past history of the islamic states, find similiarities and act accordingly in an expedited and fastrack manner and show the people how it was crushed by the state, just to give legitimacy to its actions.

Islamic history, british history or the history of any nation breathing on the face of this earth----each and every free nation had its fair share of terrorists and insurgents who wanted to force their agendas on the state. They stretched the patience of the state thin in each and every state and nation---only the successful nations with built in character of strength, courage, vitality and perseverence to survive fought of these ruthless killers and murderers.

Pakistan had the choice and options open to it to nip it in the bud and kill the monster right at its infancy---you innocent fools---only fooling yourself into a make-belief----you nurtured it and it grew up into a monster and it is ready to consume you, devouver you and destroy you. It is high time that you take a stand to protect your integrity and honor and do something to stand up as a proud and free nation. Otherwise you will be slaughtered into a piecemeal---either in groups or one by one.

There is no escaping the jaws of the monster that we have created---only way possible is to show it the jaws of the state.
Prevent too much power getting into one man's hand; that's the basic rule of a true republic.

As the saying goes: Who will protect us from the guards ?
With as much enthusiaism as pakistan wants to stick its head in the sand, the taliban want to pull it out of the muck with an equal amount of zeal, excitement and candor. Whereas the pakistanis want to hide their faces from facing the truth that is looking them right in the eyes, the taliban keep bringing the mirror right in front of them.

The pakistanis are fooling themselves into believing that, no, it is not the taliban---it is not the muslims who are doing this----the taliban keep on harping that yes it is them who are doing these acts of terror---yes they are the so called muslims who are doing it to the pakistanis---their brethren in belief and faith.

It has been long overdue, but today's actions have brought daylight to the issue in a newer and different manner. The taliban have gone on an all out assault on the integrity of pakistan and its very existence.

To counter that---pakistan needs to do something equally radical. It is an absolute neccessity and it is imperative that pakistan install a homeland seurity department and and install an anti terror CZAR to oversee this department.

The anti terror czar would have the same authority as indian General Brar had during the blue star operation. There would also be a sort of emergency enforced in the country----there would be a seperate wing incharge of dealing with security and anti terror activities. that same organization would also be in charge of the anti terrorist courts---which will prosecute and pass judgements at an expedited pace and the executions of the culprits will be carried out on a fast track basis.

The initial 30---90 days would be a massive cleanup operation wherein the anti terrorist forces will strike at any and every religious organization with any links to taliban, al qaeda or any other fanatic group. Their leadership will be taken out and neutralized in a similiar manner as it would have been taken out under the rule of any muslim KHALIFA.

The rules of engagement will be similiar to what the great khalifas of islam enforced aganist any insurrection and any terrorist anctivities against the state.

As a matter of fact, it would be in the benefit of the state to call up on a previuos example of isurrection and terrorist activity in the past history of the islamic states, find similiarities and act accordingly in an expedited and fastrack manner and show the people how it was crushed by the state, just to give legitimacy to its actions.

Islamic history, british history or the history of any nation breathing on the face of this earth----each and every free nation had its fair share of terrorists and insurgents who wanted to force their agendas on the state. They stretched the patience of the state thin in each and every state and nation---only the successful nations with built in character of strength, courage, vitality and perseverence to survive fought of these ruthless killers and murderers.

Pakistan had the choice and options open to it to nip it in the bud and kill the monster right at its infancy---you innocent fools---only fooling yourself into a make-belief----you nurtured it and it grew up into a monster and it is ready to consume you, devouver you and destroy you. It is high time that you take a stand to protect your integrity and honor and do something to stand up as a proud and free nation. Otherwise you will be slaughtered into a piecemeal---either in groups or one by one.

There is no escaping the jaws of the monster that we have created---only way possible is to show it the jaws of the state.

Mr. Mastan, you've this uncanny ability to simplyfy everything into your preconceived notions and that is the Talibans and the Islamists are the roots of all evil, just as it was communism a decade ago. I must add that the Talibans are only one spectrum of the Islamic movement, it is in no way the mainstream. You keep on blabbering about it thinking that you and your uncle sam are the only ones who have access to facts. Terrorism and corruption are equally destructive to any state be it Pakistan or the US for that matter. In Pakistan, terrorism is rather a recent addition to its predicaments. During the sixties and seventies terrorism was no issue at all, yet Pakistan's existence was as precarious as it is today and do you know why? It was because of the corruption and hunger for power of those who have been ruling Pakistan ever since its birth, the secular generals and politicians. So, don't try to be smart with your borrowed brain, try it in Washington, you just might get the f****** Nobel Prize for your zeal to blame everything on the Islamists.
Sending a few tactical nukes in the land of terrorist sympathic tribes of FATA shall send a clear message. If you want to die you dont have to take dozen of innocents with you. We can do the job much more effectively. Some times reading history with a different angle, the great purges of stalin do make a lot of sense.

The talibans do not enjoy any kind of support from horizontal or vertical Islamist movements yet they keep getting fundings, arms and manpower. Something raises a suspicion here. Who is actually funding and arming AQ and TTP?? It could only be one of our enemies.

The kind of impersonation tactics showed by PNS Mehran attacks have usually been the tool of Israel and USA in recusing personal or high key value.

Anyone recall Eli Cohen or Jewish rescue from Uganda where the Israel mossad successfully impersonated an entire convoy of president?
Sending a few tactical nukes in the land of terrorist sympathic tribes of FATA shall send a clear message. If you want to die you dont have to take dozen of innocents with you. We can do the job much more effectively. Some times reading history with a different angle, the great purges of stalin do make a lot of sense.

The talibans do not enjoy any kind of support from horizontal or vertical Islamist movements yet they keep getting fundings, arms and manpower. Something raises a suspicion here. Who is actually funding and arming AQ and TTP?? It could only be one of our enemies.

The kind of impersonation tactics showed by PNS Mehran attacks have usually been the tool of Israel and USA in recusing personal or high key value.

Anyone recall Eli Cohen or Jewish rescue from Uganda where the Israel mossad successfully impersonated an entire convoy of president?

Accusing an entire community or punishing it for the crimes of a few is in itself the worst kind of terrorism. Those who hide behind the innocents do not advertise their presence, just as the top generals of PA had no idea that OBL was hiding only a kilometre from them.
Accusing an entire community or punishing it for the crimes of a few is in itself the worst kind of terrorism. Those who hide behind the innocents do not advertise their presence, just as the top generals of PA had no idea that OBL was hiding only a kilometre from them.

Nuking a terrorist hide out like caves and tunnels will make them inhabitable for dedaces to come until we can get out house in order that is the logic. PA flushing out terrrorist is not helping as they keep taking over the hideouts and caves once PA withdraws.
Nuking a terrorist hide out like caves and tunnels will make them inhabitable for dedaces to come until we can get out house in order that is the logic. PA flushing out terrrorist is not helping as they keep taking over the hideouts and caves once PA withdraws.

Using nukes for flushing out terrorists is like using the father of all bombs to destroy a colony of ants! It will be a complete waste of resources and a sign of utter disregard for the environmental consequence.
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