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'Anti-national' JNU students demanded beef and worshipped demons: Delhi Police

How come demanding beef is listed first, and worshiping a demon is listed second?
you will not understand India in another 100 years, Brits went fed up understanding all these years

How come worshiping Demons is bad , Those who want can do it ?

Their names were Aditi, Diti, Danu, Arishta, Surasa, Khasa, Surabhi, Vinata. Tamra, Krodhavasha, Ila, Kadru and Muni. Aditi's sons were the twelve gods known as the adityas. Their names were Vishnu, Shakra. Aryama, Dhata, Vidhata, Tvashta, Pusha, Vivasvana, Savita, MitraVaruna, Amsha and Bhaga.

Diti's sons were the daityas (demons). They were named Hiranyaksha and Hiranyakashipu, and amongst their descendants were several other powerful daityas liked Bali and Banasura. Diti also had a daughter named Simhika who was married to a danava (demon) named Viprachitti. Their offspring's were terrible demons like Vatapi, Namuchi, Ilvala, Maricha and the nivatakavachas.
and todays mysore was the capital of mahishasur, people of mysore think that he was a bad evil ruler where godess chamundi liberated them from him, and a temple is built on the hill where she announced war on mahishasur, why people who are not concerned worry.
Any action against national interest is deemed anti national. Breaking the law is part of that.

Do you have any proof that there are law breakers in the ruling govt ? Or did you just pull that out of your @ss ?
Still crawling here and there in your male and female ids??
Blasphemy law used by illiterate jahhils in Pakistan as a weapon, over there it's "beef Slaughter" or "evil demon" or "anti national/ISI" charge. Stupidity at its finest
these anti nationals are going to rot in jails, and for the information for those who have studied in JNU ratan TATA has asked all his companies to verify any one who have studied in JNU with the investigating agencies and he is not going to give jobs to all those who shouted these slogans
Mahisasur may be a demon to Brahmins but he is a King to low cast Hindus.

Ravan was a Brahmin not a demon .But some people says he is a demon and Mahisasur is also from the same root according to myth.
Now what about that ?

I checked a bit and Mahishasur is an Asura, do you guys consider Asura to be the same as demons?

In Chinese Buddhism Asura are not necessarily the same as demons.

Same story in India .People says Ravana was an asura .But he was a Brahmin.
And Brahmin means noble in character and behaviour not due to their birth right.
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Are you admitting no one told your mom to close her twat ? :cheesy: Damn shame. Open for business ?
It's not admitting, it's confidence that's not understandable for someone having the background of having their mom's got raped repeatedly from the invaders.
Ravan was a Brahmin not a demon .But some people says he is a demon and Mahisasur is also from the same root according to myth.
Now what about that ?

Same story in India .People says Ravana was an asura .But he was a Brahmin.
And Brahmin means noble in character and behaviour not due to their birth right.

Rishi Pulasya was a Brahma Rishi. His son Rishi Vishravas had two wives. First was the princess of the Yaksha's, Princess Mandakini and the second was a Rakshasa maiden Kekasi.

Rishi Vishravas son from the Yaksha Mandakini is Kuber (god of wealth). He went to Lanka and occupied it and became its King.

Rishi Vishravas children from the rakshasa Kekasi were Ravana, Kumbhakarna, Meenakshi (surpanakha) and Vibhishana.

Because Ravan was the child of a Rishi and a Rakshasa and was taught Brahma gyan, he was a BrahmaRakshasa. (remember what Lalu called Modi during Bihar election ?) Knowledge of a Brahmin but deeds of a Rakshasa.

Yaksha and Rakshasa comes across are different races in the Valmiki Ramayana. Not Gods and Demons.

Kuber later became the god of wealth after Ravan threw him out of Lanka and Kuber prayed to Lord Shiva and sought that boon.

Finally here, Brahmin is someone with brahma gyan.
In TN no one will live after saying any woman to do so, no worries about our woman here. Take care of you and your woman's before someone screws like the invaders of the past. :lol:

Bitch, you should know some basic difference between a nation and a state, before pooping about national interest here.
Using curse words like b***ch ? Post reported

Things r getting out of hand here
Needs ur danda !
@Chinese-Dragon On a Side note, you might be interested to know that the figure popularly know as "Laughing Buddha" is the statue of the god of wealth, Kuber (half brother to Ravana)


This is the Indian equivalent.


It's not admitting, it's confidence that's not understandable for someone having the background of having their mom's got raped repeatedly from the invaders.

I am from south India and the only mass rape I know in recent times is of Tamilians by the Sinhalese. :P ....... heard a bunch of them came running into India seeking refuge and give birth to mix breeds. Know anyone like that ?
We live in the 21st century. Its crazy that bullshit like this is still brought up in some regions in the world.
@Chinese-Dragon On a Side note, you might be interested to know that the figure popularly know as "Laughing Buddha" is the statue of the god of wealth, Kuber (half brother to Ravana)


This is the Indian equivalent.


I am from south India and the only mass rape I know in recent times is of Tamilians by the Sinhalese. :P ....... heard a bunch of them came running into India seeking refuge and give birth to mix breeds. Know anyone like that ?
Last time when i check its the tamil militants who raped IPKF black and blue in srilanka and they came back to india as pussies without completing their mission and even they whipped the ex pm in India and the whole world saw you pussies not able to do anything for decades.

They didn't came to india, they came to tamil nadu seeking refuge.
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