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Anne Frank's Diary vandalised in Japan libraries

BBC News - Anne Frank's Diary vandalised in Japan libraries

Great job. There are a lot of contradictions with Anne Franck diary, for example: Anne Frank has written her book with a BIC pencil appeared in 1951
Ya no idea how people missed that bit...There are soo many over exaggerated rubbish associated with the holocaust!

Most of which were def written after the event pretending to be during the event ....and getting the name "experience"

A noteworthy decision of the New York Supreme Court confirms this point of view, in that the well known American writer, Meyer Levin, has been awarded $50.000 to be paid him by the father of Anne Frank as an honorarium for Levin’s work on the “Anne Frank Diary.”

Mr. Frank, in Switzerland, had promised to pay to prominent Jewish author, Meyer Levin. not less than $50,000 because he had used the literary creation of author Levin in toto, and represented it to his publisher and the public as his late daughter’s original work.

Inquiry of the County Clerk. New York County. as to the facts of the case referred to in the Swedish press, brought a reply on April 23, 1962, giving the name of a New York firm of lawyers as “attorneys .far the respondent.” Reference was to ”The Dairy of Anne Frank 2203-58.”

A letter to this firm brought a response on May 4, 1962 that “Although we represent Mr. Levin in other matters, we had nothing to do with the Anne Frank case.”

On May 7, 1962, came the following reply from a member of a firm of New York lawyers to whom the original inquiry had been forwarded:

“I was the attorney for Meyer Levin in his action against Otto Frank and others. It is true that a jury awarded Mr. Levin $50,000 in damages, as indicated in your letter. That award was later set aside by the trial justice. Hon. Samuel C. Coleman. on the ground that the damages had not been proved in the manner required by law. The action was subsequently settled between the litigating parties, while an appeal from Judge Coleman’s decision was pending.

I am afraid that the case itself is not officially reported, so far as the trial itself, or even Judge Coleman’s decision, is concerned. Certain procedural matters were reported. both in 141 New York Supplement. Second Series 170. and in 5 Second Series 181. The correct file number in the New York County Clerk‘s office is 2241-1956 and the file is probably a large and full one which must include Judge Coleman’s decision. Unfortunately, our file is in storage and 1 cannot locate a copy of that decision as it appeared in the New York Law Journal early in the year 1960.”

The Diary Of Anne Frank was first published in 1952 and immediately became a bestseller. It has been republished in paperback, 40 printings. It is impossible to estimate how many people have been touched and aroused by the movie production.

Why has the trial involving the father of Anne Frank, bearing directly on the authenticity of this book, never been “officially reported”? In royalties alone, Otto Frank has profited richly from the sale of this book, purporting to depict the tragic life of his daughter. But is it fact, or is it fiction? Is it truth or is it propaganda? Or is it a combination of all of these? And to what degree does it wrongfully appeal to the emotions through a misrepresentation as to its origin?

In 1980, Otto sued two Germans, Ernst Romer and Edgar Geiss, for distributing literature denouncing the diary as a forgery. The trial produced a study by official German handwriting experts that determined everything in the diary was written by the same person. The person that wrote the diaries had used a ballpoint pen throughout. Unfortunately for Herr Frank, the ballpoint pen was not available until 1951 whereas Anne was known to have died of typhus in 1944.

Because of the lawsuit in a German court, the German state forensic bureau, the Bundes Kriminal Amt [BKA] forensically examined the manuscript, which at that point in time consisted of three hardbound notebooks and 324 loose pages bound in a fourth notebook, with special forensic equipment.

The results of tests, performed at the BKA laboratories, showed that “significant” portions of the work, especially the fourth volume, were written with a ballpoint pen. Since ballpoint pens were not available before 1951, the BKA concluded those sections must have been added subsequently.

In the end, BKA clearly determined that none of the diary handwriting matched known examples of Anne’s handwriting. The German magazine, Der Spiegel, published an account of this report alleging that (a) some editing postdated 1951; (b) an earlier expert had held that all the writing in the journal was by the same hand; and thus (c) the entire diary was a postwar fake.

The BKA information, at the urgent request of the Jewish community, was redacted at the time but later inadvertently released to researchers in the United States.
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If at all, Anna Frank's diary is full of lies about holocaust, why the Japanese are riled about it? What they have to do with holocaust?
If at all, Anna Frank's diary is full of lies about holocaust, why the Japanese are riled about it? What they have to do with holocaust?

Anti-semitism is traditionally non-existent in East Asia.

Japan was the first to start importing these anti-semitic ideas from the West.

Jews have nothing to do with East Asia. This anti-semitism is simply imported crap from Western countries that doesn't mean a damn thing.

When the Westerners say "Oh look all our Bank executives are Jews", that doesn't make sense but it fuels their conspiracy theories. It makes even less sense in East Asia, our banks are run by locals.
Anti-semitism is traditionally non-existent in East Asia.

This incident reminded me the news of a Japanese guy who was hell bent upon denying Japanese war crimes. I am not sure but the present Shinzo Abe government is partly to be blamed for the growing ultra nationalistic movement in Japan today where a secluded sympathy for the imperial Japan already existed since long. South Korea and China do keep coming with the demand of an apology from Japan which really makes their nerves off too some extent.
When the Westerners say "Oh look all our Bank executives are Jews", that doesn't make sense but it fuels their conspiracy theories. It makes even less sense in East Asia, our banks are run by locals.

Setting aside the question of Jewish influence in Western financial institutions (which can never be debated logically since people are scared to death of being labeled anti-Semite), the world is far too interconnected to dismiss the influence of Western financial institutions.

Watch this documentary.

All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace

The first part is about the exploitation and destruction of East Asian economies in the 80s and 90s by Western institutions. George Soros single handedly destroyed Malaysia's currency.
Setting aside the question of Jewish influence in Western financial institutions (which can never be debated logically since people are scared to death of being labeled anti-Semite), the world is far too interconnected to dismiss the influence of Western financial institutions.

Watch this documentary.

All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace

The first part is about the exploitation and destruction of East Asian economies in the 80s and 90s by Western institutions. George Soros single handedly destroyed Malaysia's currency.

Sure, but they are not doing it because they are Jews.

They are doing it as a "part" of the American Empire. Their actions push forward American interests, not Jewish interests.

Jews are merely the scapegoat, the real player here is the American state. It just so happens that "many" of the most powerful people in America are Jews, but in their actions they are American.

Look at how the USA rejected Israel's demands over Iran, and made a deal with Iran instead. Look at how furious Israel was when that happened. These American Jews push American interests.

The conspiracy theories against Israel are merely a distraction, in my opinion.

In reality it is the American state that is the world hegemon, and they will even throw Israel under the bus if it serves their interests. (Though admittedly, they will defend Israel more than anyone else in the world).
As documented in the book The First Holocaust, the Zionists have continuously and hysterically attempted to claim that six million Jews were dead, dying or in grave danger in Europe and Russia since the late 1800′s. Any time there was turmoil in Europe, albeit turmoil often instigated by Jews in the first place, prominent Zionist figures and Jewish-controlled media organizations world wide continuously whipped up a frenzy with phony sob stories to get people to feel sorry for Europe’s Jews and donate money to Jewish charities. It turns out that this mythical six million figure, long since discredited even by mainstream Holohoax historians, comes from a Jewish-Talmudic religious myth that says “ye shall return minus six million” or “you shall return to the land of Israel with six million less”, and of course WW2 birthed the modern state of Israel which was established in 1948. Israeli Jews often excuse their systematic genocide of Palestinians and theft of Palestinian lands by bringing up the so-called Holocaust™ of WW2, which any serious researcher and critical thinker knows by now is a fraud of collosal proportions. The Zionists have so much influence that they turned a delusional Jewish religious prophecy into “historical fact”.
The “Six Million” Myth
The Holocaust ’6 Million’ LIE ! Population of Jews: 1938 – 15.748 Million, 1948 – 15.753 Million! « Socio-Economics History Blog

During the first months of the Hitler regime, leaders of the Zionist movement concluded a controversial pact with the Third Reich which, in its various forms, transferred some 60,000 Jews and $100 million--almost $1.7 billion in 2009 dollars--to Jewish Palestine. In return, Zionists would halt the worldwide Jewish-led anti-nazi boycott that threatened to topple the Hitler regime in its first year. Ultimately, the Transfer Agreement saved lives, rescued assets, and seeded the infrastructure of the Jewish State to be.
Transfer Agreement - Introduction 2009
Haavara Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
LOL just LOL
Their actions push forward American interests, not Jewish interests.

I would say that their agenda is even narrower: to increase the wealth and power of their company and themselves. They would sell America down the river if they could. (In fact, they did just that during the last GFC.)

The point of the documentary is to show that Western governments and their global financial institutions have become servants of the financial giants, not the ordinary people. The US govt. bailed out the mega-millionaries in the latest GFC at the expense of the ordinary taxpayers. The main beneficiaries of IMF bailouts are the foreign (Western) financial investors, not the local taxpayers.

As to any Jewish agenda, it need not be conscious and, in any case, it depends if one accepts or rejects the notion that there is ethnic nepotism going on. If you have two candidates for a job -- both equally qualified -- and you give that job to your golf buddy, it may not mean much. But if this goes on a lot and the organization accumulates enough golf fans, it may impact the company's decision to subsidize golf club membership v/s a gym membership.

Given that many Jews are obsessed with the notion of victimhood, and that they must look out for each other since no one else will, the concept of ethnic nepotism is not so far fetched. Ironically, this engenders resentment in the wider community and the vicious cycle continues.
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I would say that their agenda is even narrower: to increase the wealth and power of their company and themselves. They would sell America down the river if they could. (In fact, they did just that during the last GFC.)

The point of the documentary is to show that Western governments and their global financial institutions have become servants of the financial giants, not the ordinary people. The US govt. bailed out the mega-millionaries in the latest GFC at the expense of the ordinary taxpayers. The main beneficiaries of IMF bailouts are the foreign (Western) financial investors, not the local taxpayers.

As to any Jewish agenda, it need not be conscious and, in any case, it depends if one accepts or rejects the notion that there is ethnic nepotism going on. If you have two candidates for a job -- both equally qualified -- and you give that job to your golf buddy, it may not mean much. But if this goes on a lot and the organization accumulates enough golf fans, it may impact the company's decision to subsidize golf club membership v/s a gym membership.

Given that many Jews are obsessed with the notion of victimhood, and that they must look out for each other since no one else will, the concept of ethnic nepotism is not so far fetched. Ironically, this engenders resentment in the wider community and the vicious cycle continues.

I agree entirely.
Look at how the USA rejected Israel's demands over Iran, and made a deal with Iran instead. Look at how furious Israel was when that happened. These American Jews push American interests.
Are you joking or something? It's always Israel who want to bomb Iran.
Israel is always pushing to war against Iran, and JEW USA don't bomb Iran because they can't yet.

Iran is still under embargo, and JEW USA only give peanuts for Iran tomake the comedy again.

We are cut from Iran just because it's good for Israel

Israel has everything for free from USA even the lastest laser tech

The JEWS have made Israel to hide the money they steal everywhere, they send JEW USA to make their wars in Iraq, Libya, Syria, Ukrania...


Here are Sarkozy & Bernard Henry Lévy (new Trotsky mass murderer) taking the fruits of the bombings of Libya & making a speech in Ukrania

Bush the JEW is awarded by AIPAC (1st lobby of USA) and ADL


ADL awards its highest honor to President George W. Bush
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Setting aside the question of Jewish influence in Western financial institutions (which can never be debated logically since people are scared to death of being labeled anti-Semite), the world is far too interconnected to dismiss the influence of Western financial institutions.

Watch this documentary.

All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace

The first part is about the exploitation and destruction of East Asian economies in the 80s and 90s by Western institutions. George Soros single handedly destroyed Malaysia's currency.

One area that is near impossible to get Chinese people to believe is a Zionist Jewish conspiracy to control Asia, especially China. They do not realize China is being built up by Zionist Jews since the early 80s as their next America.
Chinese do not think it's possible due to population size of jews, etc.

That is the fallacy of Chinese and one of their downfall.
its so typical BBC only cares about jewish casualties. I bet there tons of cases where historical facts about chinese and russian casualties were vandalized in japan but bbc doesnt care about those

Most people who died in ww2 were not jews but chiense and soviets. Belarus even lost 25% of their population so dont come with percentage. China and Russia need more to invest into filming to show their genocides they experienced to the world done by first world countries like the jews who made all the american holocaust propaganda with schindlers list movies.

Its disgusting how jews are over represented when people talk about ww2, americans dont want their people to feel sorry for their enemies so they educate strongly about the holocaust to undermine soviet and chinese cause.

its so typical BBC only cares about jewish casualties. I bet there tons of cases where historical facts about chinese and russian casualties were vandalized in japan but bbc doesnt care about those

Most people who died in ww2 were not jews but chiense and soviets. Belarus even lost 25% of their population so dont come with percentage. China and Russia need more to invest into filming to show their genocides they experienced to the world done by first world countries like the jews who made all the american holocaust propaganda with schindlers list movies.

Its disgusting how jews are over represented when people talk about ww2, americans dont want their people to feel sorry for their enemies so they educate strongly about the holocaust to undermine soviet and chinese cause.

In fact, both Russia and China have lost 30 million of lives during the WWII thanked to the two fascist regimes that was initially supported by the West.

Remember how the West supported the Imperial Japan to defeat Russia and annex the territory from China, they also supported the Nazi Germany to become more hostile towards USSR.

However, the West just thrown those two fascist twin brothers under the bus when the dogs grown up and started to harm their own interest.
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