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An intolerant nation


Sep 13, 2009
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DAWN.COM | Editorial | An intolerant nation

We are reaping the harvest of the seeds of hatred sown in the seventies and eighties. Pakistan is becoming an increasingly intolerant nation where religious and sectarian minorities live in fear and are awarded little or no protection by the state. Difference is unacceptable to the obscurantists who want everyone to toe their line. And if that takes intimidation, torture or even murder, then so be it, for no option is unavailable to the self-righteous who believe that they alone have seen the light.

This mindset is not limited to the Taliban who kill in the name of religion. There is no shortage in Pakistan of sectarian and other militant outfits that feel justified in murdering Shias, Christians and Ahmadis — or indeed anyone who doesn’t share their views. Most of these organisations have their genesis in the Zia era, a dark chapter in the country’s history which is responsible for rending our social fabric and fanning the flames of intolerance.

Take the case of Friday’s bloody events in Quetta. First the son of a prominent Shia leader was shot dead outside a bank. And when his body was taken to hospital, a suicide bomber blew himself up outside the emergency ward. Responsibility for the deadly attack was taken by the banned Lashkar-i-Jhangvi, an offshoot of the Sipah-i-Sahaba Pakistan.

It is even more extreme in its views than the outlawed SSP (now called the Ahl-i-Sunnat Waljamaat) and has a history of killing Shias and destroying their property in various parts of Punjab. The Lashkar-i-Jhangvi is active elsewhere in the country as well, as evidenced by Friday’s killings in Quetta. Consider also the plight of Ahmadis living in Faisalabad. As this paper reported on Saturday, the government is looking the other way even as they are robbed, threatened and killed. This terror spree is attributed to the defunct SSP which became emboldened when some Ahmadi students were expelled from a medical college after being falsely accused of blasphemy.

Instead of taking the accusers to task, the authorities punished the victims. Meanwhile a shadowy cleric has apparently decreed that robbing and killing Ahmadis is permissible.

The Punjab government needs to act, and act now, to protect Faisalabad’s Ahmadi community and other minorities in the province. But that is perhaps asking too much of an administration whose law minister consorts openly with known extremists. Organisations such as the SSP and Lashkar-i-Jhangvi are proscribed only in name. Their strength remains undiminished and the leader of the Ahl-i-Sunnat Waljamaat is granted audiences with provincial chief ministers and at least one governor. This double-game must end if extremism is to be curbed.
Recognizing and highlighting our failures and social evils counts as self loathing? I would have expected this from some other members on this forum, but not you.

Yeah, but they highlighted the whole nation, as in ALL OF US! :undecided:


I think a better title could have at least brought a little order. 'An Intolerant Government' or 'An Intolerant Minority' or 'An Intolerant Mindset of a Minority'

Also, you know, I really don't see intolerance in the Pakistani government when the writer points a finger at the government. It's just laziness of the government from what I can interpret.
Also, you know, I really don't see intolerance in the Pakistani government when the writer points a finger at the government. It's just laziness of the government from what I can interpret.

Not laziness. They expect backlash and more troubles from SSP if they pursue this case.
Sparklingway :

Brother i am gonna need your suggesion on how we can deal with these banned groups ?
To be honest with you; there exists a very intolerant vocal minority being fed oil money (hint) to make things bad in Pakistan. Some circles have realised this and are countering this group, hopefully with enough highllight on this topic and real Pakistani's showing their tolerance and love for others would settle this matter.

I like where we are heading becuase after Zia and his satanic laws, people were repressed and media was not able to highlight the plea of suffereing people.
A Load of crap from a bunch of retards, they will only try to pinpoint what fits their agenda. On one hand they will go on and say that Pakistan this and Pakistan that, our society is so intolerant and other stuff to go with it. And on the other hand they will support the biggest of terrorists, and murderers if it fits their agenda.
And Brother T-Faiz its very simple to point a finger at the oil money, but why dont we look inside us and see where the problem lies. Its the same oil money that is also helping our economy and has been doing it for ages. We have started to act like the Indians in many ways, we will criticize the Arabs by calling them lazy and all. But when it comes to their money hell first in line baby.
A Load of crap from a bunch of retards, they will only try to pinpoint what fits their agenda. On one hand they will go on and say that Pakistan this and Pakistan that, our society is so intolerant and other stuff to go with it. And on the other hand they will support the biggest of terrorists, and murderers if it fits their agenda.
And Brother T-Faiz its very simple to point a finger at the oil money, but why dont we look inside us and see where the problem lies. Its the same oil money that is also helping our economy and has been doing it for ages. We have started to act like the Indians in many ways, we will criticize the Arabs by calling them lazy and all. But when it comes to their money hell first in line baby.

Provide me with proof that Oil Money has helped our economy, just because you are earning there does not mean you have to over exagerrate claims of aid from Middle East.

Always remember, they did not extend a hand to us when our country was founded, instead they went to India. Similarly they have asked us to not operate Gwadar so we do not become self dependent but rather relaint on their meagre aid so they can kick us around and act like they are in charge. We are the most powerful Islamic nation, and we have the resources to become one of the richest too. In order to do this, we have to make ourselves better and come out of our intolerant attitude.

And please do not provide me with the news that Saudi offered Pak oil so we can conduct nuclear tests. Nawaz drank all the oil himself.
Provide me with proof that Oil Money has helped our economy, just because you are earning there does not mean you have to over exaggerate claims of aid from Middle East.

Pakistan ? Saudi Arabia relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I know that WIKI is not considered the best source of information but something to read from.

Pakistan has received more aid from Saudi Arabia than any country outside the Arab world since the 1960s. For example, in May 1998 when Pakistan was deciding whether to respond to India’s test of five nuclear weapons, the Saudis promised 50,000 barrels per day of free oil to help the Pakistanis cope with the economic sanctions that might be triggered by a counter test. The Saudi oil commitment was a key to then Prime Minster Nawaz Sharif’s decision to proceed with testing. It cushioned the subsequent U.S. and EU sanctions on Pakistan considerably. Official aid is matched by large investments from Saudi princes and from religious institutions. Much of the Pakistani madrassa educational system, for instance, is Saudi funded by private donors.

The Saudis’ leverage to ensure a favorable outcome of the crisis is significant if limited. With oil prices hovering around $100 to a barrel, cheap subsidized Saudi oil is critical to the Pakistani economy and energy can be a major leverage point. Their close connections with the Pakistani army and intelligence services, their longstanding ties with the Sharif family and their connections with the Sunni religious establishment give them more clout than most outsiders, but they are also widely resented in the country for encouraging the fundamentalists in the 1980s and 1990s. Should Sharif emerge as the next kingmaker in Pakistan after the February 18 elections, the Saudis will probably do all they can to smooth his transition to power and encourage the army to work with him. Ironically, that could make Musharraf the next recipient of an exile in the kingdom.

Saudi Arabia: Nervously Watching Pakistan - Brookings Institution

If you want to read the whole article.

Always remember, they did not extend a hand to us when our country was founded, instead they went to India. Similarly they have asked us to not operate Gwadar so we do not become self dependent but rather relaint on their meagre aid so they can kick us around and act like they are in charge. We are the most powerful Islamic nation, and we have the resources to become one of the richest too. In order to do this, we have to make ourselves better and come out of our intolerant attitude.

A rubbish argument, give me a source for your claim,

Read this one

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Main article: Pakistan-Saudi Arabia relations
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has helped Pakistan in many fields since Pakistan gained independence in 1947. Since the inception of Pakistan, Saudi Arabia has provided Pakistan with assistance in the form of fuel credit, fuel donation, loans, aid, donations, and gifts. Most famous example of Saudi Arabia's relationship with Pakistan is the Faisal Mosque, the National Mosque of the country in Islamabad, Pakistan. More recently, Saudi Arabia has given Pakistan hundreds of millions of dollars as a donation for the 2005 Earthquake in Pakistan. In fact, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was the number one donor, having contributed $600 million.

And please do not provide me with the news that Saudi offered Pak oil so we can conduct nuclear tests. Nawaz drank all the oil himself.

Dude do you have anything to support your claim so what do you suggest that we should have rejected the Saudi oil, and the outcome would have been. As I said its very easy to point finger at some one. And only a few people I have seen on this forum who keep bashing Sauids and Arabs for the sake of an argument. We have to get our house in order first. And what I do in Kuwait and or any Arab country in non of your business and unlike you I have no intentions of basing my arguments over my blind loyalties. I see the things the way they are and also point them out the way they are, there are faults in what the Arabs do. It’s their Business.
Also I would need something from you to prove that the Arabs or a certain Arab country have asked us not to use Ghawader. Also just for your information’s sake it was from the Iranians that the pressure came not to dig for oil, and not the Arabs.

We are the most powerful Islamic nation, and we have the resources to become one of the richest too. In order to do this, we have to make ourselves better and come out of our intolerant attitude.

No we are not the most powerful Muslim country in the world or Mars or Jupiter or where ever. We are strong but not the strongest. So please stop living in denial. What is wrong with Pakistan today is the fault of our own and not some outsider. And what intolerant attitude are you talking about.
Dude do you have anything to support your claim so what do you suggest that we should have rejected the Saudi oil, and the outcome would have been. As I said its very easy to point finger at some one. And only a few people I have seen on this forum who keep bashing Sauids and Arabs for the sake of an argument. We have to get our house in order first. And what I do in Kuwait and or any Arab country in non of your business and unlike you I have no intentions of basing my arguments over my blind loyalties. I see the things the way they are and also point them out the way they are, there are faults in what the Arabs do. It’s their Business.
Also I would need something from you to prove that the Arabs or a certain Arab country have asked us not to use Ghawader. Also just for your information’s sake it was from the Iranians that the pressure came not to dig for oil, and not the Arabs.

We are the most powerful Islamic nation, and we have the resources to become one of the richest too. In order to do this, we have to make ourselves better and come out of our intolerant attitude.

No we are not the most powerful Muslim country in the world or Mars or Jupiter or where ever. We are strong but not the strongest. So please stop living in denial. What is wrong with Pakistan today is the fault of our own and not some outsider. And what intolerant attitude are you talking about.

I told you not to provide that Oil for Nuclear test BS, provide me a link which specifically says that Pak economy was helped by Saudi Finance.

Did they help us when we were about to collapse in 1979

1979-1991: Criminal BCCI Bank Repeatedly Saves Pakistan from Financial Ruin

By 1979, Pakistan’s economy is on the brink of collapse. Pakistan owes large debts to international organizations such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), but lacks the money to pay off its loans. The criminal BCCI bank led by Agha Hasan Abedi comes up with a scheme to save Pakistan’s economy. In 1979, the IMF says that if Pakistan increases its hard currency reserves by at least $50 million for 90 days, Pakistan’s State Bank can raise the lending limits for commercial banks. With banks able to make more loans, the economy will be able to perform better. BCCI secretly loans the State Bank the hard currency until the 90 days are over and then takes it back. Having established this system, BCCI helps Pakistan’s State Bank numerous times in subsequent years to avoid financial limitations placed on Pakistan. BCCI will finally collapse in 1991 (see July 5, 1991). [Beaty and Gwynne, 1993, pp. 292-293]

1983: Pakistani Government Allows Drug Traffickers to Deposit Profits in BCCI Bank
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According to Alfred W. McCoy, author of The Politics of Heroin, in 1983 Pakistani President Muhammad Zia ul-Haq allows Pakistani drug traffickers to deposit their drug profits in the BCCI bank without getting punished. The criminal BCCI bank has close ties to the Pakistani government and the US funding of the Afghan war. It will be shut down in 1991. BCCI also plays a critical role in facilitating the movement of Pakistan’s heroin money. By 1989, Pakistan’s heroin trade will be valued at $4 billion a year, more than all of Pakistan’s legal exports. [McCoy, 2003, pp. 480]

Pakistan has been repeatedly saved by Pakistani's, not arabs.

I am at work now, will post the other refrences later.
I told you not to provide that Oil for Nuclear test BS, provide me a link which specifically says that Pak economy was helped by Saudi Finance.

Did they help us when we were about to collapse in 1979

1979-1991: Criminal BCCI Bank Repeatedly Saves Pakistan from Financial Ruin

By 1979, Pakistan’s economy is on the brink of collapse. Pakistan owes large debts to international organizations such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), but lacks the money to pay off its loans. The criminal BCCI bank led by Agha Hasan Abedi comes up with a scheme to save Pakistan’s economy. In 1979, the IMF says that if Pakistan increases its hard currency reserves by at least $50 million for 90 days, Pakistan’s State Bank can raise the lending limits for commercial banks. With banks able to make more loans, the economy will be able to perform better. BCCI secretly loans the State Bank the hard currency until the 90 days are over and then takes it back. Having established this system, BCCI helps Pakistan’s State Bank numerous times in subsequent years to avoid financial limitations placed on Pakistan. BCCI will finally collapse in 1991 (see July 5, 1991). [Beaty and Gwynne, 1993, pp. 292-293]

1983: Pakistani Government Allows Drug Traffickers to Deposit Profits in BCCI Bank
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According to Alfred W. McCoy, author of The Politics of Heroin, in 1983 Pakistani President Muhammad Zia ul-Haq allows Pakistani drug traffickers to deposit their drug profits in the BCCI bank without getting punished. The criminal BCCI bank has close ties to the Pakistani government and the US funding of the Afghan war. It will be shut down in 1991. BCCI also plays a critical role in facilitating the movement of Pakistan’s heroin money. By 1989, Pakistan’s heroin trade will be valued at $4 billion a year, more than all of Pakistan’s legal exports. [McCoy, 2003, pp. 480]

Pakistan has been repeatedly saved by Pakistani's, not arabs.

I am at work now, will post the other refrences later.

I would suggest you to read a little on the History and back ground of the BCCI bank, and where the bank was getting all of its revenues from. And why was that bank forced to shut down and by pressure from where. If you will blame me for sitting in an Arab country and taking sides. I would definitely like to let you know that it was your beloved western countries ie. where you are earning your money from who were behind the banks closure.
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