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Amritsar replicating Lahore’s food street model

Whenever i'm abroad,i always try to eat street food,not expensive,extremely delicious..
If i make my way through India and Pakistan,no way i won't try it. :)
You and @Providence do let me know,if you two ever visit Pakistan,especially Karachi..and I will surely recommend you to visit series of food restaurants near sea view.One of them is charcoal:



Then,you can also visit restaurant such as Sajjad Hotel at Do Darya(2 rivers)


.................and there are a lot more:)
Inshallah,you won't feel like stranger.You will surely have fun like you and providence do used to at France and USA.There is a lot fun in here.

Nothing wrong in replicating successful models, even if its from Pakistan...
Indian's copy Lahoris, not a new thing....lol

Well Amritsar the future capital of Khalistan of Sikh commmunity needs these type of food streets for get togther, food parties and profit for local shops.
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