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American's Brain Drain


Which is why you Americans are overpopulating Dubai.. Oh wait, doesn't USA give more rights than backwards Mooslim and Commie nations do? Hahaha....

What about SOPA? Haha...
A large number of these overseas Americans are immigrants who got American nationality and now moved back home.

So if ever things get bad there, they can easily move back to USA.
You just provided the gist of this topic. Thanks. :)


Which is why you Americans are overpopulating Dubai.. Oh wait, doesn't USA give more rights than backwards Mooslim and Commie nations do? Hahaha....

What about SOPA? Haha...
Bro, it is all business.
So asked the muslim who live in free Australia. But you should ask yourself, as a muslim, the more important question: Was the death of 3000 Americans worth the troubles your world is experiencing today?

What is your point of asking a Muslim about deaths in America..? Is your thesis that Islam attacked America and killed those 3000 Americans?

Anybody who would support killings of innocent people would be a terrorist the first place.. but again.. whats your point here??? World has lots trillions of dollars and millions of people because 3000 Americans had died.. I ask you the same question, was using stupid and false flags to attack Iraq and Afghanistan worth it??? By trying to reverse this question on me, you cannot justify American genocide and economic terrorism which it has willingly brought upon its countrymen.
Here is the GAO report for war costs.


Do Americans feel more safe? In matters of terrorism yes, but we also know that sooner or later there will be another large terror hit. US intelligence has broken up many plots and terror cells since 9/11 but nothing goes perfectly forever. as far as hidden costs add another 600 billion a year and it still wouldn't be enough to tube an America with 130 trillon 10 year GDP or 40 trillon 10 year tax revenue

You are speaking the line which has been spoon fed to Americans. Justify collapse of 3rd building? you guys are raged to take revenge and this obsession has stopped you from rationalizing that can things like that even happen? Human history is yet to see 3rd engine evaporate as the result of aircraft crash as only 2 engines which evaporated after crash were in Pentagon. Gosh.. you still consider this rational and like to "toe" your government's line that there were more terrorist attempts which were stopped from happening. No one is saying it wasn't Osama, but what I am saying is Word Trade Center Buildings collapsed at a free-fall rate. Is there any answer how Osama did that? But that is going in another direction. My point from above mentioning is... do you still consider what your government says is truth?

Regarding cost, I don't have numbers to tell you and you would know more on that than I do but I am not talking about money spent here.. I am talking about indirect cost which your Nation is paying because its money was spent elsewhere (non-returnable investment) and projects which if had received this money and had started to pay-benefits back to economic cycle actually don't exist today . Am I not able to make my point clear yet?
Don't you just LOVE guys like this ? ALWAYS quick to tell the West they suck but trip over themselves to get there. Isn't there a word for that ?

They go for economic reason, not for your brand of thought. Now Americans are going out of America - how would you translate that.. they are going for Iranian Version of mindset or German Version????

On the side note, I can sense anger in your words.

As per bold part, are you joking? Which country is safer than US today, here you can move around freely. Do not go by media reports to make your opinion that they are feeling insecure, I have not met a single american who has changed one bit of their lifestyle thinking about their safety. In-fact they do not even talk about all this, I have seen they care two hoots about Afghanistan and Pakistan or war on terror. All these is only discussed by politicians, normal people of US do not give it a damn.

Also any country that has successfully controlled terror on their soil it is US.

As per bold part, are you joking? Which country is safer than US today, here you can move around freely. Do not go by media reports to make your opinion that they are feeling insecure, I have not met a single american who has changed one bit of their lifestyle thinking about their safety. In-fact they do not even talk about all this, I have seen they care two hoots about Afghanistan and Pakistan or war on terror. All these is only discussed by politicians, normal people of US do not give it a damn.

Also any country that has successfully controlled terror on their soil it is US.

One of the ways to treat cancer is to cut that body part and that makes you cancer free - but you may still bleed to death is a different aspect of the same story. Today America is "terror-free".. one may agree to that but is bleeding leading to death not visible to anybody at all?
Two words: hypocrite and coward.

We suck but theirs suck more. They realize it but because they cannot stand the reflection in the mirror so they have to force themselves to hate the society that protects them and give them the freedoms and rights they never would have elsewhere.

We suck but theirs suck more. They realize it but because they cannot stand the reflection in the mirror so they have to force themselves to hate the society that protects them and give them the freedoms and rights they never would have elsewhere.

This re-posing of message will give you an opportunity to read it loud to yourself and listen how sensible it sounds. May God have mercy upon you.
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