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American Embassy School in Crisis after Khobragade Row

Some even find religious angle in it!!
Dude the point is not religion.
Do you know CIA used a polio vaccine worker to track down OBL.
They operate through these seemingly benign organizations.
In india they mostly operate through these "churches". (suspected)
Easiest to get visa in the name of religion.
This is the only thing i really admire abt indians that they really know how to **** the americans. I guess we need to learn from Indian examples.
Good that it happened though.
The liberal secular fraction in india is in love with the west.
Maybe this episode disillusioned a few of them.
Although the old timers are still cajoling them.
A majority of Indians like US. And I am among those who think of themselves as liberal and secular.

But please don't insult our intelligence here. We also know that US will do what is in US interests, even if that screws up India. And so we know there are no permanent friends and no permanent enemies.

While I may like US, I will give no quarters when interests of my country are compromised. I will be equally ready to screw over other countries when it comes to Indian interests.

We(as a country) are not like our neighbours to the west who happily buy every title thrown at them and invent new ones - 'brother country', 'all weather friend', 'ally', 'ummah/brotherhood'.

And for the record - Secular is not what Congress says it is. I think BJP is more secular than Congress. The right meaning of secular.
A majority of Indians like US. And I am among those who think of themselves as liberal and secular.
But please don't insult our intelligence here. We also know that US will do what is in US interests, even if that screws up India. And so we know there are no permanent friends and no permanent enemies.
While I may like US, I will give no quarters when interests of my country are compromised. I will be equally ready to screw over other countries when it comes to Indian interests.
We(as a country) are not like our neighbours to the west who happily buy every title thrown at them and invent new ones - 'brother country', 'all weather friend', 'ally', 'ummah/brotherhood'.
And for the record - Secular is not what Congress says it is. I think BJP is more secular than Congress. The right meaning of secular.
Liking the US on a personal level is a different thing.
Being against US policies is different.
There is a reason even though having a pro-US middle class, India is not BFF with US.
As far as secularism is concerned , I am not going to let the Left have another chance at resurgence. This word has to die.
Liking the US on a personal level is a different thing.
Being against US policies is different.
There is a reason even though having a pro-US middle class, India is not BFF with US.
Then we are of one view on this.

As far as secularism is concerned , I am not going to let the Left have another chance at resurgence. This word has to die.
I agree here as well. Left has to be drastically curtailed. The only way to do that I think is to bring about a change in JNU. That is ground zero for Leftist thought and leaders in India.
Then we are of one view on this.

I agree here as well. Left has to be drastically curtailed. The only way to do that I think is to bring about a change in JNU. That is ground zero for Leftist thought and leaders in India.

Honestly, I want the JNU and its India hating scholars to be dismantled for their fanatic communist views. They take money using a modern system for their rusted archaic ideology , sime even supprting communist terror like that case of JNU student cayght a few months ago.
I agree here as well. Left has to be drastically curtailed. The only way to do that I think is to bring about a change in JNU. That is ground zero for Leftist thought and leaders in India

The only effective weapon against the Left is ridicule. But to berate and ridicule them , you have to be in the position of strength. Their key weapon is credentialism and closed peer groups of elitism. They wield propaganda as their weapon. But being the left they are inherently parasitical and depend on others for sustenance. Thats why their occupations are economically secondary. Journalists , mass media and writer-editor.
As long as you produce something tangible (product or service) that is economically fundamental and produces value in and of its own. They will be beholden to you. THIS IS THE TIME YOU STRIKE.
Dude the point is not religion.
Do you know CIA used a polio vaccine worker to track down OBL.
They operate through these seemingly benign organizations.
In india they mostly operate through these "churches". (suspected)
Easiest to get visa in the name of religion.

Not suspected.. it is real. If Kudankulam was any hint imagine what shit we face here in NE with these churchist taliban conspiring and attacking non Christians when they refuse to convert.
i am in full agreement with you. The US woefully underestimated the Indian response to such an act, they probably thought India would cave like everyone of their poodles across the globe, I guess those in the USG just aren't used to a country standing up to them like this.

As for what they could gain, that too is a complete mystery but there was clearly some agenda at work because, as I've said, these actions were authorised by very senior officials in the USG.

Perhaps this is related to the IPR/WTO issues the US is raising with India? I really don't know- it is an enigma because I would have thought the last thing the US would want to do right now was pi$$ of India when it is trying to court India to take a bigger role in the region.
In my opinion US was merely testing waters regarding indias will and did india turn into their poodle yet or not.If india dismissed devyani case without protest that meant india reached a pliable state,where us could take charge and mould our foreign relation and other things as per it's wishes.Apparently were not in that stage US got to know recently.You Should see the ex-KGB guy video where he talks of how to brainwash a nation.:D
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He could, if US could help him in some favourable way for India somewhere in the global arena.

After all, such lynchpins come to use only when one needs a geostrategic favour.

You people have been under the protection of the Americans for the last 10 years in Afghanistan, what more do you want from them ?
You people have been under the protection of the Americans for the last 10 years in Afghanistan, what more do you want from them ?
we have number of disputes with US.
trade, IPR, visa and free movement of people.
list is long.
plus CIA has sabotaged our Cryo engine by a decade.
they use NGO's to foment trouble in our country.
What protection???
we have number of disputes with US.
trade, IPR, visa and free movement of people.
list is long.
plus CIA has sabotaged our Cryo engine by a decade.
they use NGO's to foment trouble in our country.
What protection???

lol... you cannot deny that the americans gave you a free pass after they took over in afghanistan , tell me what battle did you fight to get a foot hold in afghanistan ? None! the americans thought that having you in afghanistan will be good to counter Pakistan , the yanks showed a lot of ugliness in doing this but as far as you ( india ) are concerned , then America DID let to hide under its wings , although you never reciprocated
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