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America wants to sanction German Banks too


Jun 26, 2012
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Russian Federation
USA to fine German bank $500 million - English pravda.ru
08.07.2014 | Source:


German Commerzbank may face the fine of $500 million. U.S. authorities suspect that the bank used its American branches to make sanctioned wire transfers from Iran and Sudan.

According to sources of the New York Times, the bank was offered to enter into an agreement, under which the U.S. federal government would refuse from prosecution in exchange to large financial payments to the treasury. Negotiations with Commerzbank are underway; the agreement can be concluded already this summer.

Experts note that the case of Commerzbank is like to be come an "exercise" before lodging similar claims against Germany's largest bank Deutsche Bank. It was reported that U.S. authorities suspected the bank of conducting prohibited transactions with Iran, Syria and Sudan.

Last week, French bank BNP Paribas admitted to violating sanctions against Sudan, Iran and Cuba. The bank pleaded guilty and agreed to pay the fine of $9 billion for illegal services.

@MarkusS @Götterdämmerung @boomslang
The picture becomes clearer by the day. The US knows that a strong EU is counterproductive to US dominance and thus via its puddle; the UK, it pushed the EU to let beggar countries like Romania and recently the UKraine and even worse candidates, e.g. Moldova and Georgia into the Union to slow down integration and thus weakening the EU. It doesn't help that countries like Romania and Georgia receive direct instruction from Washington that counter the interest of the EU.

In Germany, more and more people start to realise this US scheme but our politicians are trapped in a web of US infliltrated institutions or they have too many skeletons in their closets which the US via NSA knows how to exploit.

The AAA rated toxic financial products, the inclusion of eastern European US-puppet countries into the EU, the Ukraine Nazi putsch, all of them are designed to weaken the EU.
USA to fine German bank $500 million - English pravda.ru
08.07.2014 | Source:


German Commerzbank may face the fine of $500 million. U.S. authorities suspect that the bank used its American branches to make sanctioned wire transfers from Iran and Sudan.

According to sources of the New York Times, the bank was offered to enter into an agreement, under which the U.S. federal government would refuse from prosecution in exchange to large financial payments to the treasury. Negotiations with Commerzbank are underway; the agreement can be concluded already this summer.

Experts note that the case of Commerzbank is like to be come an "exercise" before lodging similar claims against Germany's largest bank Deutsche Bank. It was reported that U.S. authorities suspected the bank of conducting prohibited transactions with Iran, Syria and Sudan.

Last week, French bank BNP Paribas admitted to violating sanctions against Sudan, Iran and Cuba. The bank pleaded guilty and agreed to pay the fine of $9 billion for illegal services.

@MarkusS @Götterdämmerung @boomslang

the anglosaxons of today are like the popes of yesterday: kept excommunicating people until they found themselves supported only by spineless italians and brown-skinned hispanics and daughter-pimping filipinnos. a lot of good that did the catholic church. a lot of good this will do for angloamericans.

no need to court @MarkusS's opinion, though: this sickly dude is an italian and a catholic who molests cats. he sees the same infallibility in angloamericans sanctioning german banks as he does in his church fathers' molesting children
USA to fine German bank $500 million - English pravda.ru
08.07.2014 | Source:


German Commerzbank may face the fine of $500 million. U.S. authorities suspect that the bank used its American branches to make sanctioned wire transfers from Iran and Sudan.

According to sources of the New York Times, the bank was offered to enter into an agreement, under which the U.S. federal government would refuse from prosecution in exchange to large financial payments to the treasury. Negotiations with Commerzbank are underway; the agreement can be concluded already this summer.

Experts note that the case of Commerzbank is like to be come an "exercise" before lodging similar claims against Germany's largest bank Deutsche Bank. It was reported that U.S. authorities suspected the bank of conducting prohibited transactions with Iran, Syria and Sudan.

Last week, French bank BNP Paribas admitted to violating sanctions against Sudan, Iran and Cuba. The bank pleaded guilty and agreed to pay the fine of $9 billion for illegal services.

@MarkusS @Götterdämmerung @boomslang
yesterday france and today germany , interesting :pop:
The picture becomes clearer by the day. The US knows that a strong EU is counterproductive to US dominance and thus via its puddle; the UK, it pushed the EU to let beggar countries like Romania and recently the UKraine and even worse candidates, e.g. Moldova and Georgia into the Union to slow down integration and thus weakening the EU. It doesn't help that countries like Romania and Georgia receive direct instruction from Washington that counter the interest of the EU.

In Germany, more and more people start to realise this US scheme but our politicians are trapped in a web of US infliltrated institutions or they have too many skeletons in their closets which the US via NSA knows how to exploit.

The AAA rated toxic financial products, the inclusion of eastern European US-puppet countries into the EU, the Ukraine Nazi putsch, all of them are designed to weaken the EU.

The EU (read Germany) included EE countries in the EU you puppet. Not the USA.

Edit: why are you using the word "EU" when you refer to Germany?
Germans was made a great trade deal with China ,China and Russia,Russia and Germany, I and my girlfriend.... but dollar everybody hates.
The EU (read Germany) included EE countries in the EU you puppet. Not the USA.

Edit: why are you using the word "EU" when you refer to Germany?

Having difficultiy understanding my post? The push to include most EE countries came from no other by the UK, the one that incidentally doesn't want a more integrated EU. It's also the UK that pushes to include Turkey. Their goal as well as the US' is to make the EU a mere economic bloc similar to NAFTA as a political bloc would be a threat to US domination.
This was priceless my friend.

the anglosaxons of today are like the popes of yesterday: kept excommunicating people until they found themselves supported only by spineless italians and brown-skinned hispanics and daughter-pimping filipinnos. a lot of good that did the catholic church. a lot of good this will do for angloamericans.

no need to court @MarkusS's opinion, though: this sickly dude is an italian and a catholic who molests cats. he sees the same infallibility in angloamericans sanctioning german banks as he does in his church fathers' molesting children
Cool !! Dirtbag countries and banks might like to do business with the likes of Iran and Sudan, but that shit don't play here. They knew the rules and they STILL f#cked up. They got GREEDY and now it's time to pay.:enjoy:
the anglosaxons of today are like the popes of yesterday: kept excommunicating people until they found themselves supported only by spineless italians and brown-skinned hispanics and daughter-pimping filipinnos. a lot of good that did the catholic church. a lot of good this will do for angloamericans.

no need to court @MarkusS's opinion, though: this sickly dude is an italian and a catholic who molests cats. he sees the same infallibility in angloamericans sanctioning german banks as he does in his church fathers' molesting children
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Cool !! Dirtbag countries and banks might like to do business with the likes of Iran and Sudan, but that shit don't play here. They knew the rules and they STILL f#cked up. They got GREEDY and now it's time to pay.:enjoy:

Its not even one percent of the momey we pumped out of small US housekeepers.
the anglosaxons of today are like the popes of yesterday: kept excommunicating people until they found themselves supported only by spineless italians and brown-skinned hispanics and daughter-pimping filipinnos. a lot of good that did the catholic church. a lot of good this will do for angloamericans.

no need to court @MarkusS's opinion, though: this sickly dude is an italian and a catholic who molests cats. he sees the same infallibility in angloamericans sanctioning german banks as he does in his church fathers' molesting children

Pray may i ask...what is wrong with you?
Pray may i ask...what is wrong with you?

pray tell me: you still cannot tell that i am just a superior human being with sharp eyes that see through perverts like you and the italian for what you are, have endless stock of contempt for your inhumanity, and thus have no mercy in exposing your sort? pray tell me: you are really that blind?

for those i disdain, be it jews, anglosaxons, turkicists, and sex predators like you and @MarkusS, i can also be endlessly bullying and demeaning. live with it, your pedophiliac sicko!
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