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America Should Bet on Bangladesh

Your Muslim brothers call you Miskin, toilet cleaners and fish eaters yet you want to lick their butt. Whereas China, USA, India and other non islamic countries are contributing the most to the development of Bangladesh. Where are your Islamic brothers?

Muslim world cannot survive without Western technology and Western support. Bangladesh is no exemption.

When did I mention Muslim brotherhood and a call for it?

Afghanistan was actually a progressive state in the 60's u.s turned it into a backward country. Iran too. Know the world history.
When did I mention Muslim brotherhood and a call for it?

Afghanistan was actually a progressive state in the 60's u.s turned it into a backward country. Iran too. Know the world history.
America applied its knowledge in science and technology to subdue countries that it perceives as enemies of the west. Before America, it was European countries as well as Japan that has been continuing for the last ten centuries.

But the question that remains to be answered is why the Muslim countries are not able to acquire the needed knowledge and technologies to build their respective countries' industries and economies and repulse the western countries.

It is the lack of many qualities among Muslims that they cannot produce the same technology goods that westerners produce. If so, why to blame America and others instead of blaming themselves by the Muslims countries?

For the last one thousand years the Muslims are being kicked hard on their *** by the westerners and I have reasons to believe, the Muslims are quite unable to overturn their status.

Why lament and blame others when the superstitious Muslims are at fault.
KID just stay away from this hell fire . its good for you .
America applied its knowledge in science and technology to subdue countries that it perceives as enemies of the west. Before America, it was European countries as well as Japan that has been continuing for the last ten centuries.

But the question that remains to be answered is why the Muslim countries are not able to acquire the needed knowledge and technologies to build their respective countries' industries and economies and repulse the western countries.

It is the lack of many qualities among Muslims that they cannot produce the same technology goods that westerners produce. If so, why to blame America and others instead of blaming themselves by the Muslims countries?

For the last one thousand years the Muslims are being kicked hard on their *** by the westerners and I have reasons to believe, the Muslims are quite unable to overturn their status.

Why lament and blame others when the superstitious Muslims are at fault.

You have a blatant inferiority complex, where did these principles of modern education and modern science come from ?

It was mu'tazila caliphate, which collapsed due to the final straw of the crusaders.

In the 60's there could have been a resurgence of forward thinking Muslim countries, but u.s and britian put backward theological powers in these countries. Iran and Afghanistan...

(At an earlier date) at heart of the muslim world they also put into power a a hardline fundamentalist group into power also the wahabi family. So the u.s and Britain have a lot of blame... which spread its tentacles all over the langished pre-colonial Muslim world to brain wash people who were extorted slaves of the British and were illiterate to no fault of their own into wahabi wannabes. Further setting back the Muslim world .
KID just stay away from this hell fire . its good for you .

You talking to me?
You have a blatant inferiority complex, where did these principles of modern education and modern science come from ?

It was mu'tazila caliphate, which collapsed due to the final straw of the crusaders.

In the 60's there could have been a resurgence of forward thinking Muslim countries, but u.s and britian put backward theological powers in these countries. Iran and Afghanistan...

(At an earlier date) at heart of the muslim world they also put into power a a hardline fundamentalist group into power also the wahabi family. So the u.s and Britain have a lot of blame... which spread its tentacles all over the langished pre-colonial Muslim world to brain wash people who were extorted slaves of the British and were illiterate to no fault of their own into wahabi wannabes. Further setting back the Muslim world .
Why are you going through so many reasonings for the backwardness during only for the last 1000 years? Prepare many other reasonings in writing for the not so glorious present and future million years for the Muslims.

The issue is industrial and technological development. See all the Muslim countries here and there. No one can match with even a tiny western country.

What kind of complex do you have? Superiority or inferiority? Both? Linguists should come out to invent a new word for the "big-talking" people like you.
Why are you going through so many reasonings for the backwardness during only for the last 1000 years? Prepare many other reasonings in writing for the not so glorious present and future million years for the Muslims.

The issue is industrial and technological development. See all the Muslim countries here and there. No one can match with even a tiny western country.

What kind of complex do you have? Superiority or inferiority? Both? Linguists should come out to invent a new word for the "big-talking" people like you.

Thats due to western imperialism, as soon you understand the depth of this then you will understand. Bare in mind every Muslim country has broken out post colonialism in the last 60 yrs has been meddled with in ways you can't imagine. So what you expect.

The common folk of these post colonial countries were meddled with by the wahabi family and its fundamental extremeist mercenaries. Whilst at the other end the govs were pilivegded by the imf and world bank including western govs. In post independence it was not like the countries were rich they were short of something, and during imperialism it was not Britain's agenda to educate the subjects of those countries.

The answer is not simple, it goes back to u.s paranoia about communism and Islam's naturally has socialist ideals or principles there fore muslims countries were kind of a problem.

A simple answer does not exist, and for looking for an simple answer than your conformist to racist and islamaphobes
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Thats due to western imperialism, as soon you understand the depth of this then you will understand. Bare in mind every Muslim country has broken out post colonialism in the last 60 yrs has been meddled with in ways you can't imagine. So what you expect.

The common folk of these post colonial countries were meddled with by the wahabi family and its fundamental extremeist mercenaries. Whilst at the other end the govs were pilivegded by the imf and world bank including western govs. In post independence it was not like the countries were rich they were short of something, and during imperialism it was not Britain's agenda to educate the subjects of those countries.

The answer is not simple, it goes back to u.s paranoia about communism and Islam's naturally has socialist ideals or principles there fore muslims countries were kind of a problem.
Learn technoly and talk big, idiot. Without education and technology a country cannot rise in today's era. BD people are certainly not learning technology nor they are building industries that produce higher value goods. Only garments at low labor costs.

Big-talking is another of qualities of BD and Indian people. Remain complacent with this for the next million years. Socialism is no problem, problem is addiction to certain religious rituals. Rather, people should be addicted to education, knowledge and technologies.
Learn technoly and talk big, idiot. Without education and technology a country cannot rise in today's era. BD people are certainly not learning technology nor they are building industries that produce higher value goods. Only garments at low labor costs.

Big-talking is another of qualities of BD and Indian people. Remain complacent with this for the next million years. Socialism is no problem, problem is addiction to certain religious rituals. Rather, people should be addicted to education, knowledge and technologies.

Let me guess you are the one that advocates for Bangladesh to master needle technology and out price the u.s for your recreational habits. So you can have clean and safe needles. At least its a noble cause.
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I don't think anyone in Bangladesh is seriously thinking about attracting FDI from the US. Maybe a little in power generation and energy (even renewable energy) if returns seem attractive, but that is up to very adventurous US investors. Bangladesh has and will have infinite demand for generated power, lots of room for expansion. That has been the traditional area of US investments here. If you forget, there are expat Bangladeshis living in the US too.

Although Bangladesh is a power-surplus country right now, things won't stay like that forever, there are 100 SEZ being built and a quarter of them have gone into production.

The main point of these fluff articles is protecting (and if possible, expanding) the markets for Bangladeshi exports to the US. Mainly Textile products and eventually other things like footwear, ceramics/porcelain, some pharma and eventually electronics in small quantities. So that Bangladeshi workers don't starve.

These articles are published with the aim of helping lobbyists ease US policies for Bangladeshi exports.

A oblique tangential aim is to deflect US thinking from lumping together US policy towards India - applicable towards Bangladesh. That has been the impetus and focus in Bangladesh foreign service circles for at least the last three decades.

I fully agree. Articles such as these are syndicated accross the netverse and serves an important point.

Its how you project your view over to the public in general. Proliferation of these will change minds.
Let me guess you are the one that advocates for Bangladesh to master needle technology and out price the u.s for your recreational habits. So you can have clean and safe needles. At least its a noble cause.
So, you are implying that BD is still unable to produce even small needles. Very bad. How about sewing machines? will it take another million years to produce these items?

So, without doing even the smallest homework why do you blame others for your own backwardness?
Learn technoly and talk big, idiot. Without education and technology a country cannot rise in today's era. BD people are certainly not learning technology nor they are building industries that produce higher value goods. Only garments at low labor costs.

Big-talking is another of qualities of BD and Indian people. Remain complacent with this for the next million years. Socialism is no problem, problem is addiction to certain religious rituals. Rather, people should be addicted to education, knowledge and technologies.
Thats due to western imperialism, as soon you understand the depth of this then you will understand. Bare in mind every Muslim country has broken out post colonialism in the last 60 yrs has been meddled with in ways you can't imagine. So what you expect.

The common folk of these post colonial countries were meddled with by the wahabi family and its fundamental extremeist mercenaries. Whilst at the other end the govs were pilivegded by the imf and world bank including western govs. In post independence it was not like the countries were rich they were short of something, and during imperialism it was not Britain's agenda to educate the subjects of those countries.

The answer is not simple, it goes back to u.s paranoia about communism and Islam's naturally has socialist ideals or principles there fore muslims countries were kind of a problem.

A simple answer does not exist, and for looking for an simple answer than your conformist to racist and islamaphobes

British imperial India, only had a education budget that was the same I think it was new York state or City. When British left India only 3-5 % Indian were literate (not educated) just literate.

Just admitt what you are and go back to your recreational habit.
British imperial India, only had a education budget that was the same I think it was new York state or City. When British left India only 3-5 % Indian were literate (not educated) just literate.

Just admitt what you are and go back to your recreational habit.
And after 1947, 73 years have passed. Now more than 60% are literate and not all of them are educated. I believe some of you guys with superstitious minds belong to this literate/ uneducated group.

You are as usual blaming British India govt. You will blame Pakistan govt and people love to blame India for everything that goes wrong in BD.

Do you think it is logical? During the British period, most of the Hindu students learned important subjects and they became educated. But Muslims as usual has the mental standards of Madrassah education. They cannot grasp science and technology and they remain as uneducated as before. Many still believe the Earth is flat and the Sun is revolving around this flat Earth.

Rise above criticizing others and take the path of real education that can be seen in the countries that have developed themselves with their own efforts and not with foreign money or technologies.
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