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'Aman ki Asha' blasted !


Peace with India is a myth, only thing that can be maintained is 'status quo'.

Exactly Sir their can be no peace in fact India doesn't have any good relation with any of its neighbor but they try to have good relations with the neighbor of their neighbor for example Russia and Afghanistan that is why we need to keep any eye on Afghanistan situation more seriously Sir
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Exactly Sir their can be no peace in fact India doesn't have any good relation with any of its neighbor but they try to have good relations with the neighbor of their neighbor for example Russia and Afghanistan that is why we need to keep any eye on Afghanistan situation more seriously Sir

What justifies our existence is our military strength- the day we give it up, we'll lose our liberty to India as other small states have. India has alienated itself from its neighbors, thanks to its 'triumphant' attitude and using fist every single time. We need to take as many nations in South Asia as we can in our pack with China and isolate India further. It will respond to its frustration by hard power projection on any country in the region, just like an elephant does.

That is a mistake we need them to make, using hindu extremists as a catalyst. We should be funding existing groups like Sangh Parivar and its organs like RSS, VHP. Indian strength is its secularism - we need to work to get them to give up secularism [in practice]. There is no better way of doing that than funding right wing Hindu groups through proxy bank wires and drugs revenue.
What justifies our existence is our military strength- the day we give it up, we'll lose our liberty to India as other small states have. India has alienated itself from its neighbors, thanks to its 'triumphant' attitude and using fist every single time. We need to take as many nations in South Asia as we can in our pack with China and isolate India further. It will respond to its frustration by hard power projection on any country in the region, just like an elephant does. That is a mistake we need them to make, using hindu extremists as a catalysts. We should be funding existing groups like Sangh Parivar and its organs like RSS, VHP. Indian strength is its secularism - we need to work to get them to give up secularism [in practice]. There is no better way of doing that than funding right wing Hindu groups through proxy bank wires and drugs revenue.

1. "India has alienated itself from its neighbors, thanks to its 'triumphant' attitude and using fist every single time" - http://india.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/09/11/impact-of-downturn-on-indias-aid-program-for-neighbors/?_r=0

2. "It will respond to its frustration by hard power projection" - It never has. Hopefully never will.

3. "Indian strength is its secularism - we need to work to get them to give up secularism" - Wrong assessment. Besides, India will always remain secular. Does not matter if BJP comes to power(it came once before)

4. "funding right wing Hindu groups through proxy bank wires" - this coming from a near-bankrupt country? :azn:

I don't want an inch of Pakistani territory. You live with yours, we with ours. There are enough problems already :crazy:

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/political-videos/277518-aman-ki-asha-blasted.html#ixzz2elYHMXU2
What justifies our existence is our military strength- the day we give it up, we'll lose our liberty to India as other small states have. India has alienated itself from its neighbors, thanks to its 'triumphant' attitude and using fist every single time. We need to take as many nations in South Asia as we can in our pack with China and isolate India further. It will respond to its frustration by hard power projection on any country in the region, just like an elephant does.

That is a mistake we need them to make, using hindu extremists as a catalysts. We should be funding existing groups like Sangh Parivar and its organs like RSS, VHP. Indian strength is its secularism - we need to work to get them to give up secularism [in practice]. There is no better way of doing that than funding right wing Hindu groups through proxy bank wires and drugs revenue.

MOD openly favouring drug ?? Funding to RSS, VHP?? They have more money than whole Pakistan .....
MOD openly favouring drug ?? Funding to RSS, VHP?? They have more money than whole Pakistan .....

Ow come on, what are we 13 year old? - We funded the Afghan war by selling opium bought from the Red Army to India, using Khalistani 'patriots' as smugglers, invested accumulated revenues in your stock exchange before wiring it to the communist states as well as to the Red Army to buy weapons and ammo which we used against the same people we bought the drugs and weapons from.

We live in a funny world my friend.
What justifies our existence is our military strength- the day we give it up, we'll lose our liberty to India as other small states have. India has alienated itself from its neighbors, thanks to its 'triumphant' attitude and using fist every single time. We need to take as many nations in South Asia as we can in our pack with China and isolate India further. It will respond to its frustration by hard power projection on any country in the region, just like an elephant does.

That is a mistake we need them to make, using hindu extremists as a catalyst. We should be funding existing groups like Sangh Parivar and its organs like RSS, VHP. Indian strength is its secularism - we need to work to get them to give up secularism [in practice]. There is no better way of doing that than funding right wing Hindu groups through proxy bank wires and drugs revenue.

Sir Problem we are facing is our economy we need money to fulfill our future programs for our Air Force and Navy specially also Army but first two needs priory right now and yes we need to maintain strong relations with China and the more China have problem with India the more we can gain
Sir Problem we are facing is our economy we need money to fulfill our future programs for our Air Force and Navy specially also Army but first two needs priory right now and yes we need to maintain strong relations with China and the more China have problem with India the more we can gain

Nope - conventional defense is green - strategic defense is green. Yes we need to work for a better economy but the war we need to fight against India is going to be won if the Right Wing Hindu groups take control of the country, we need to help them do it.
Nope - conventional defense is green - strategic defense is green. Yes we need to work for a better economy but the war we need to fight against India is going to be won if the Right Wing Hindu groups take control of the country, we need to help them do it.
What do you mean Sir ? :what: O I think I know what you are talking about you mean that would create hatred among minorities and may be a civil war with in India ?????????????
What do you mean Sir ? :what: O I think I know what you are talking about you mean that would create hatred among minorities and may be a civil war with in India ?????????????

We don't need to kill anyone in India - what we have to do is to help the right wing Hindu groups gain political dominance. What that will do is that Indian union's [Federation of 80+ nations] core strength [Secularism] will rot as the Hindu parties project their newly accumulated power on their fellow citizens.

* Destroy their political unity by helping the extremists gain power. [Their parliament should look like a 'fish market']

* Work to have Indian military spread all over the country to a point of ineffectiveness.

* Isolate India regionally -further- it has followed that path since long, we need to help them finish it off.

You will get the results you want without ever firing in combat.
We don't need to kill anyone in India - what we have to do is to help the right wing Hindu groups gain political dominance. What that will do is that Indian union's [Federation of 80+ nations] core strength [Secularism] will rot as the Hindu parties project their newly accumulated power on their fellow citizens.

* Destroy their political unity by helping the extremists gain power.
* Work to have Indian military spread all over the country to a point of ineffectiveness.
* Isolate India regionally -further- it has followed that path since long, we need to help them finish it off.

You will get the results you want without ever firing in combat.

Man you are really an evil genious good Idea I must say you are a ka... from inside if Modi wins and rules for that would be enough to make India bleed from inside

and if Modi proves more dumb as we expect and starts messing with China Man China could unleash havoc On India
We don't need to kill anyone in India - what we have to do is to help the right wing Hindu groups gain political dominance. What that will do is that Indian union's [Federation of 80+ nations] core strength [Secularism] will rot as the Hindu parties project their newly accumulated power on their fellow citizens.

* Destroy their political unity by helping the extremists gain power.
* Work to have Indian military spread all over the country to a point of ineffectiveness.
* Isolate India regionally -further- it has followed that path since long, we need to help them finish it off.

You will get the results you want without ever firing in combat.

fan boy dreams
this was atleast not expected from a Mod :offpost:
Nope - conventional defense is green - strategic defense is green. Yes we need to work for a better economy but the war we need to fight against India is going to be won if the Right Wing Hindu groups take control of the country, we need to help them do it.

BJP started Golden quadrilateral :yahoo:
Nuclear tests conducted:yahoo:
High level diplomatic relations with israel to wards USA :yahoo:
river inter linkage planned (if it implemented no floods,water shortage,water ways all over india....):yahoo:
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