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Allama Iqbal : Great philosopher poet of Pakistan


Jun 14, 2010
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Allama Iqbal : Great philosopher poet of Pakistan
Iqbal’s role in awakening the Muslims to a new consciousness began in 1899 when he recited a poem at the annual session of the Anjuman-i-Islam, Lahore. His moving Nala-i-Yatim was symbolic of the echoing cry of the faceless masses of the Indian Muslims, who had long felt themselves sidelined and neglected


Dr Allama Iqbal

Nature gives birth to great philosophers and poets when the need arises. Natural calamities, wars, epidemics, storms and earthquakes etc causing human sufferings have always given birth to creative minds. Plato was born in 420 BC when his country had almost been ruined as a result of Peloponnesian war. Iqbal was born in 1877 AD when the inhabitants of India were suffering from miseries and deaths while struggling for the Independence of their country from British rule.

The people of Muslim community of India were the worst hit. They were being crushed ruthlessly. At that time Iqbal’s poetry played miraculous role. It awakened the people from slumbering hopelessness, made them stood on their own feet. They were united and then fought courageously for Independence with the result that they achieved a free homeland for them within a few years time.

Creative thinker​

This means that despite being a creative thinker, Iqbal was addressing the situation at hand. The ideas he enunciated, though intrinsically creative in themselves and abiding in appeal beyond a particular time and place, were yet primarily meant to salvage the bleak Muslim situation in India and the world at large. This makes Iqbal, in a sense, oriented towards the Indian Muslim psyche and situation.

This framework makes his periodic forays into discussing and suggesting solutions to the problems of the Muslim world at large and his consuming concern with the ‘Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam’ (1930) - a logical extension of his role as a modern Muslim ideologue, attempting to analyze and, see Muslim India’s problems and predicament on a wider canvas and in a total context. After all, Iqbal regarded India, if only because of the Muslim numerical strength, as ‘the greatest Muslim country in the world’, to quote his own words. These tasks, both critical and onerous as they were, he fulfilled squarely.

Effective medium​

His emotion-leaden and soul-lifting poetry was the medium Iqbal chose to bring his people a new awareness of the depths of degradation to which they had fallen, to diagnose their ailments, their predicament and the prime cause of their decline and to warn them of the dire consequences if they failed to mend themselves in good time. A more effective medium he could not have possibly chosen.

For one thing, poetry is the most powerful medium for touching the deepest emotions of people and for driving a message into their subconscious. For another, the Indian Muslims had been among the most poetry-oriented people in the wold, with a long tradition of readily taking to heart what was written in verse. Political orations may stir and audience into action, but their impact is bound to be restricted to a particular audience and dissipate with time and events. In contrast, a poetic message seeps through the ethos of a nation, working on its psyche all the while.

Political leaders​

Hence Iqbal achieved through his poems what a thousand speeches could not. But for the silence mental preparation that had gone on for long decades, the people would not have responded to the call of political leaders - in this case, especially of Jinnah during the 1937-47 epochal decade. No wonder, the pandals of the League sessions from Lucknow (1937) onwards were plastered with Iqbal’s couplets, calling on Muslims to rise and take their destiny in their own. Iqbal was quoted oft and on to rouse Muslims to a new awareness of their destiny. All this had an electrifying effect on the audience since Iqbal, though generally complex and couched in an appropriate idiom, was, straightforward and yielded clear guidelines.

Besides being a poet of extraordinary merit, Iqbal was a thinker of a high order. Thus, while Syed Ahmed Khan, Maulana Mohammed Ali and Jinnah provided political leadership to Muslims, Iqbal took upon himself the task of setting the intellectual tone for Muslim thought and action. (Previously, this was done by Sir Syed’s, writing and the Aligarh school). In addressing himself to this task, Iqbal brought a revolution in Muslim thinking at various levels, he also made a significant contribution to keeping them stolidly anchored to their pristine ideology and historical legacy.

New consciousness​

His role in awakening the Muslims to a new consciousness began in 1899 when he recited a poem at the annual session of the Anjuman-i-Islam, Lahore. His moving ‘Nala-i-Yatim’ was symbolic of the echoing cry of the faceless masses of the Indian Muslims, who had long felt themselves sidelined neglected.

What pained him most was the impact of nationalism on various Muslim countries, eroding the pan-Islamic concept, enfeebling the Muslim world and laying it open to European aggression and exploitation.

To the ailments the Muslim world was afflicted with, Iqbal found the solution in Islam and its message. In order to reach the innermost recesses of their consciousness, he invoked the past glory of Islam, telling Muslims of the accomplishments of their ancestors. In so doing, he tried to fight off the prevalent slough of despondency, raising drooping spirit of Muslims and replacing it with a sense of soaring confidence.

Message of hope​

Next, he gave them a message of hope. He told them that they could still redeem themselves if they could only recapture their soul and regain their pristine moral and spiritual values.

He emphasized the imperative need to develop human qualities and the right type of character. He attributed their degeneration to their taking to a life of passivity and resignation for several generations. That debilitating trend could be reversed by opting for initiative and endeavour which, he believed, Islam stood for. To him, an active, struggling non-believer was preferable to a sleeping Muslim.

But if Muslims were to be beckoned to a new destiny, they must first be confirmed as Muslims and they must own up their pristine values. This was all he more necessary in the context of the rise of positivism and skepticism, which posed a serious challenge to the modern Muslim.

Modern Muslim​

To Iqbal, the task before the modern Muslim is to re-think the whole system of Islam without completely breaking with the past. And this crucial task he undertook in a series of lectures since compiled as ‘The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam’ (1930). In these he argued that Islam represented a philosophy of action, for faith without action was a life bereft of any significance. Seldom does a poet exert such profound influence on the course of history and in changing the destiny of a nation. But Iqbal did because his accomplishments extended far beyond the realm of mere imagination and into the sphere of objective realities, because in the final years of his eventful life he donned the mantle of an ideologue, besides being a national poet. And, to be sure, all of Iqbal’s efforts throughout the whole span of his active life were directed towards the regeneration of Muslims and the resurgence of Islam.

Human rights​

The question, ‘do we need Iqbal today?’ The reply is a clear ‘Yes’. It is a need of the time, because the honour of humanity is at stake. The preachers of human rights are abusing humanity. Masses of men are being trampled ruthlessly under the heavy feet of the powerful. There is dearth of love in the world these days. Iqbal is a messenger of love. His message of love is universal... the humanity needs him.. we do need him without any doubt.

Features | Online edition of Daily News - Lakehouse Newspapers
No doubt iqbal was a great thinker but it would be interesting to see what was behind all this thinking. The circumstances and environment at the time shapes a person into what one may ultimately become.

Iqbal like any other thinking people kept on changing his views as he learned more and more. One needs to look at oneself how one changes one's views as one grows up from the day one is born.

A person is born ignorant of all things and over life time one only knows what one experiences in one's life. None is born all knowing this is why we learn from each other and knowledge is our heritage that we must not lose or play hide and seek with. People who learn from the past generations and build on that are really entitled to be called human beings, all others are like animals ie no sense nor intertested in having sense. Being born ignorant is no one's fault but staying ignorant despite having an opportunity for learning is nothing less than being utterly stupid and useless.

From people like alaama iqbal, m ali johr, abul kalam azad, m ali jinnah etc we should learn how despite our differences we can work together for the greater good of humanity.

Today pakistan is in big trouble thanks to leadership of such people who lacked vision for the nation after its founder.

If we want to solve problems in pakistan, we need to become thinking, active and realist people ie lively. Brain dead, lazy and superstituious people are useless whoever they may be and whereever they may be.

If we want to build pakistan into a great country, we must unite. The only way we can unite is by helping each other. Beside helping each other for basic surivival our objective should be education for all.

We do not need paid teachers and fee paying students but each of us can be a teacher for whoever is near to us who is willing to learn. The problem is definition of education ie what are we going to learn and teach each other? This definition is so important that it has never been realised ever before by our leadership.

The country whose education is divisive is never going to produce generations that will ever unite. Education is not about being able to read and write or get a job but to build minds of people, their personalities and characters that serve the country and all its people anf beyond.

Our education system and what is taught as education has been failing us very badly because it is not what it should be and it is not done the way it should be.

We must have same schools for all, same colleges for all and same universities for all.

In them we must teach all the subjects necessary for living in the world today as a nation state, taking aboard concerns of all sections of our community. We must not divide or exclide our people on basis of their religions or sects. We must not divide our people on basis of their languages or geographical locations. We must not divide our people on basis of tribalism and feudalism. It will also be a serious mistake to divide our people on basis of race and gender etc.

The idea is to create a society that is at ease within itself. This cannot happen unless people are educated enough to see the very fact that each of us must be willing to compromise and cooperate to such a degree that our unity is not only possible but guranteed for common good and our progress as a people or a nation state.

So long as we do not learn to accommodate each other we are never going to be anything worth the name.

Education is all about knowing each other so that we are no longer suspicious of each other. Ignorance of each other breeds suspicions and mistrust and distrust of each other which ends us in animosity towards each other. To eliminate misinformation and disinformation or conspiracies between us we must get to know each other better so that we could trust each other and be able to work with each other for our common good.

If our future generatrions are educated this way they will know each other better and will be able to see problems between themselves and also be able to solve them as well without pointing guns at each other.

Today there is infighting between us because we have been brought up that way through brain washing divisive education system that turned our generations against each other.

In our country, tribal people have been instilling their tribal values in their future generations, religious minded have been instilling that in their generations and likewise secular minded people have been instilling that in their children's minds and so did the feudals etc etc. One can clearly see why we are fighting today. If all of us have been learning each and everyone of these things together and discussing things thoroughly to see what was good or bad with each of these things then things would never have come to this today. Instead we would have been better aware of things and united having some good common purpose to aim for.

Pakistan is a nuclear power but what is the point if we are only going to fight with each other? The more weapons we invent or have are only going to hasten our own destruction instead of playing the necessary role for defensive. We do not need weapons to kill each other or anyone else but to have them as deterent to keep peace through balance of power. The role of army is not to go and attack other countries but to police our borders just as we need police in side our country to keep public safe from crime.

People who are building army to wage offensive jihad for conquest of infidels have no sense what religion is about or what jihad is about. Had they any sense they would not commit acts of terrorism in the name of islam. This has ruined our reputation around the world.

The people whose religious and political leadership has failed us should be kicked out of the power seats of religion and poitics because they have not been able to provide the kind of leadership that is necessary for pakistan to become a great nation.

Pakistan needs leaders with vision who can lead people from the front as well as behind. Why? Because only educated people can be led from the front but uneducated can only be driven from behind in the same direction. It is necessary till we have all our voting population sufficiently educated. So far all so called leaders have been moving the public at large in circular motion so we have been ending up back to square one.

If we want to do better, we must know where we are and where we want to go as well as how we are going to get their. The question is, have we got what it will take to do so? If we have it we will get there but if we do not then first we must get that before anything else. This is what education should be all about.

regards and all the best.
Great writer/Philosopher of india-- Great contribution -- Sare Jahan se Achchha Hindostan hamara..
Great writer/Philosopher of india-- Great contribution -- Sare Jahan se Achchha Hindostan hamara..

Let me share a not so secret thing with you. Iqbal wrote many things other than that poem you quoted. They might not suit your taste but he did wrote many other poems than that poem.;)
Sabaq phir padh sadaqat ka shujaat ka adalat ka
Liya jayega tujh se kam, duniya ki imamat ka
Let me share a not so secret thing with you. Iqbal wrote many things other than that poem you quoted. They might not suit your taste but he did wrote many other poems than that poem.;)

Yes ..I know..

But its a matter of taste..You can choose to remember him for what he wrote other than this ..
We indians remember him everyday for this poem...

A great poet..No doubt..Lets agree on this..:cheers:
A great poet indeed...

सारे जहाँ से अच्छा हिन्दोस्तान हमारा ।
हम बुलबुले है इसकी ये गुलसिता हमारा ॥धृ॥

घुर्बत मे हो अगर हम रहता है दिल वतन मे ।
समझो वही हमे भी दिल है जहाँ हमारा ॥१॥

परबत वो सब से ऊंचा हमसाय आसमाँ का ।
वो संतरी हमारा वो पासबा हमारा ॥२॥

गोदी मे खेलती है इसकी हजारो नदिया ।
गुलशन है जिनके दम से रश्क-ए-जना हमारा ॥३॥

ए अब रौद गंगा वो दिन है याद तुझको ।
उतर तेरे किनारे जब कारवाँ हमारा ॥४॥

मझहब नही सिखाता आपस मे बैर रखना ।
हिन्दवी है हम वतन है हिन्दोस्तान हमारा ॥५॥

युनान-ओ-मिस्र-ओ-रोमा सब मिट गए जहाँ से ।
अब तक मगर है बांकी नामो-निशान हमारा ॥६॥

कुछ बात है की हस्ती मिटती नही हमारी ।
सदियो रहा है दुश्मन दौर-ए-जमान हमारा ॥७॥

इक़्बाल कोइ मेहरम अपना नही जहाँ मे ।
मालूम क्या किसी को दर्द-ए-निहा हमारा ॥८॥

sāre jahāñ se acchā hindostāñ hamārā
ham bulbuleñ haiñ us kī vuh gulsitāñ hamārā

ġhurbat meñ hoñ agar ham, rahtā hai dil vat̤an meñ
samjho vuhīñ hameñ bhī dil ho jahāñ hamārā

parbat vuh sab se ūñchā, hamsāyah āsmāñ kā
vuh santarī hamārā, vuh pāsbāñ hamārā

godī meñ kheltī haiñ us kī hazāroñ nadiyāñ
gulshan hai jin ke dam se rashk-e janāñ hamārā

ay āb-rūd-e gangā! vuh din haiñ yād tujh ko?
utarā tire kināre jab kāravāñ hamārā

mażhab nahīñ sikhātā āpas meñ bair rakhnā
hindī haiñ ham, vat̤an hai hindostāñ hamārā

yūnān-o-miṣr-o-rumā sab miṭ gaʾe jahāñ se
ab tak magar hai bāqī nām-o-nishāñ hamārā

kuchh bāt hai kih hastī miṭtī nahīñ hamārī
sadiyoñ rahā hai dushman daur-e zamāñ hamārā

iqbāl! koʾī maḥram apnā nahīñ jahāñ meñ
maʿlūm kyā kisī ko dard-e nihāñ hamārā!

سارے جہاں سے اچھا ہندوستاں ہمارا

ہم بلبليں ہيں اس کی، يہ گلستاں ہمارا

غربت ميں ہوں اگر ہم، رہتا ہے دل وطن ميں

سمجھو وہيں ہميں بھی، دل ہو جہاں ہمارا

پربت وہ سب سے اونچا، ہمسايہ آسماں کا

وہ سنتری ہمارا، وہ پاسباں ہمارا

گودی ميں کھيلتی ہيں اس کي ہزاروں ندياں

گلشن ہے جن کے دم سے رشک جاناں ہمارا

اے آب رود گنگا، وہ دن ہيں ياد تجھ کو؟

اترا ترے کنارے جب کارواں ہمارا

مذہب نہيں سکھاتا آپس ميں بير رکھنا

ہندی ہيں ہم وطن ہے ہندوستاں ہمارا

يونان و مصر و روما سب مٹ گئے جہاں سے

اب تک مگر ہے باقی نام و نشاں ہمارا

کچھ بات ہے کہ ہستی مٹتی نہيں ہماری

صديوں رہا ہے دشمن دور زماں ہمارا

اقبال! کوئي محرم اپنا نہيں جہاں ميں

معلوم کيا کسی کو درد نہاں ہمارا
Yes ..I know..

But its a matter of taste..You can choose to remember him for what he wrote other than this ..
We indians remember him everyday for this poem...

A great poet..No doubt..Lets agree on this..:cheers:

If it is about poetry than don't just read one single poem out of hundreds of poem he wrote. Especially that poem which has already been negated by dozens of other poems. It looks a bit stupid I think. :cheers:
If it is about poetry than don't just read one single poem out of hundreds of poem he wrote. Especially that poem which has already been negated by dozens of other poems. It looks a bit stupid I think. :cheers:

Matter of choice..BTW he has also written a lot of poems which are different in theme to those you are talking about..

Kaha na.. Its a matter of choice..

Iqbal sahib-- Zindabad..
A great poet indeed...

सारे जहाँ से अच्छा हिन्दोस्तान हमारा ।
हम बुलबुले है इसकी ये गुलसिता हमारा ॥धृ॥

घुर्बत मे हो अगर हम रहता है दिल वतन मे ।
समझो वही हमे भी दिल है जहाँ हमारा ॥१॥

परबत वो सब से ऊंचा हमसाय आसमाँ का ।
वो संतरी हमारा वो पासबा हमारा ॥२॥

गोदी मे खेलती है इसकी हजारो नदिया ।
गुलशन है जिनके दम से रश्क-ए-जना हमारा ॥३॥

ए अब रौद गंगा वो दिन है याद तुझको ।
उतर तेरे किनारे जब कारवाँ हमारा ॥४॥

मझहब नही सिखाता आपस मे बैर रखना ।
हिन्दवी है हम वतन है हिन्दोस्तान हमारा ॥५॥

युनान-ओ-मिस्र-ओ-रोमा सब मिट गए जहाँ से ।
अब तक मगर है बांकी नामो-निशान हमारा ॥६॥

कुछ बात है की हस्ती मिटती नही हमारी ।
सदियो रहा है दुश्मन दौर-ए-जमान हमारा ॥७॥

इक़्बाल कोइ मेहरम अपना नही जहाँ मे ।
मालूम क्या किसी को दर्द-ए-निहा हमारा ॥८॥

sāre jahāñ se acchā hindostāñ hamārā
ham bulbuleñ haiñ us kī vuh gulsitāñ hamārā

ġhurbat meñ hoñ agar ham, rahtā hai dil vat̤an meñ
samjho vuhīñ hameñ bhī dil ho jahāñ hamārā

parbat vuh sab se ūñchā, hamsāyah āsmāñ kā
vuh santarī hamārā, vuh pāsbāñ hamārā

godī meñ kheltī haiñ us kī hazāroñ nadiyāñ
gulshan hai jin ke dam se rashk-e janāñ hamārā

ay āb-rūd-e gangā! vuh din haiñ yād tujh ko?
utarā tire kināre jab kāravāñ hamārā

mażhab nahīñ sikhātā āpas meñ bair rakhnā
hindī haiñ ham, vat̤an hai hindostāñ hamārā

yūnān-o-miṣr-o-rumā sab miṭ gaʾe jahāñ se
ab tak magar hai bāqī nām-o-nishāñ hamārā

kuchh bāt hai kih hastī miṭtī nahīñ hamārī
sadiyoñ rahā hai dushman daur-e zamāñ hamārā

iqbāl! koʾī maḥram apnā nahīñ jahāñ meñ
maʿlūm kyā kisī ko dard-e nihāñ hamārā!

سارے جہاں سے اچھا ہندوستاں ہمارا

ہم بلبليں ہيں اس کی، يہ گلستاں ہمارا

غربت ميں ہوں اگر ہم، رہتا ہے دل وطن ميں

سمجھو وہيں ہميں بھی، دل ہو جہاں ہمارا

پربت وہ سب سے اونچا، ہمسايہ آسماں کا

وہ سنتری ہمارا، وہ پاسباں ہمارا

گودی ميں کھيلتی ہيں اس کي ہزاروں ندياں

گلشن ہے جن کے دم سے رشک جاناں ہمارا

اے آب رود گنگا، وہ دن ہيں ياد تجھ کو؟

اترا ترے کنارے جب کارواں ہمارا

مذہب نہيں سکھاتا آپس ميں بير رکھنا

ہندی ہيں ہم وطن ہے ہندوستاں ہمارا

يونان و مصر و روما سب مٹ گئے جہاں سے

اب تک مگر ہے باقی نام و نشاں ہمارا

کچھ بات ہے کہ ہستی مٹتی نہيں ہماری

صديوں رہا ہے دشمن دور زماں ہمارا

اقبال! کوئي محرم اپنا نہيں جہاں ميں

معلوم کيا کسی کو درد نہاں ہمارا

hindo stanis only appreciate his poetry where hindo stan is mentioned, they dont appreciate this poet as a whole

---------- Post added at 12:03 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:02 AM ----------

yes..of india..:smitten:

he was born in pakistan, died in pakistan, and became hindo stani????, how come??
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