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Allama Iqbal Day today - 09-11-2010

do you know that he has alot more poetry in farsi than urdo? once i thought he was from afghanistan(school time). apart from poetry work, he was a great man and philosopher.

Indeed the bulk of his poetry is in Farsi, a tongue he appreciated much. He composed some 12,000 verses in prose of which 7,000 were entirely in Farsi, with the remainder being what is often termed as being Persinate-- i.e Farsi word conjunctions with Urdu verb connectors (for example using, 'parr' instead of the Farsi 'bar' or using the Urdu 'kaa' instead of the Farsi 'waa') as similarly found in the Pakistani national anthem. When asked in relevance to this, he responded in one of his poems:

گرچہ اردو در عذوبت شکر است
لیک پارسی ام ز هندی شیرینتر است
ay tayer e lahooti us rizq se maut achi
jis rizq se aati ho parwaaz mein kotahi


Mullah ko jo hai Hind main sajdey ki ijazat
nadaN yeh samajh betha hai ke Islam hai azaad

(something like that)

Zaki, it is like this...

Nada'n yeh samjhta hai kay Islaam hai aazaad!
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For Ahmad and Pasban

Persian (Farsi) Poetry by Allama Iqbal ( Eghbale Lahori) " Mokalemeh mabine Ensan wo Khoda

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Iqbal Tere Des ka Kya Haal Sunaon,

Be’Baaki-o-Haq’Goyi se Ghabraata hai Momin,
Makkari-o-Farebi pe Itraata hai Momin,

Jiss Rizq se Parwaaz mein Kotaahi ka Darr ho,
Woh Rizq Ab Barray Shauq se Khaata hai Momin,

Kirdaar ka, Guftaar ka, Aa’amal ka Momin,
Qaa’il Nahin Ese Kisi Janjaal ka Momin,

Sarhad ka Momin hai to Koi Punjab ka Momin,
Dhoonde se bhi Millta Nahin, Qur’aan ka Momin,

Iqbal Tere Des ka Kya Haal Sunaon…!!

Not by Allama Iqbal but related to him.
From the book "The Idea of Pakistan and Iqbal: A disclaimer" ...

Dr. Sir Mohd Iqbal, M.A., Ph.D. Barrister-at-Law

Lahore 4 March 1934

My Dear Mr. Thompson,

I have just received your review of my book. It is excellent and I am grateful to you for the very kind things you have said of me. But you have made one mistake which I hasten to point as I consider it rather serious. You call me a protagonist of the scheme called “Pakistan”. Now Pakistan is not my scheme. The one that I suggested in my address is the creation of a Muslim Province – i.e; a province having an overwhelming population of Muslims in the North-West of India. This new province will be, according to my scheme, a part of the proposed Indian Federation. Pakistan scheme proposes a separate federation of Muslim Provinces directly related to England as a separate dominion. This scheme originated in Cambridge. The authors of this scheme believe that we Muslim Round Tablers have sacrificed the Muslim nation on the altar of Hindu or the so called Indian Nationalism.

Yours Sincerely,

Mohammed Iqbal

source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/current-events-social-issues/61165-two-nation-theory-20.html#post941413
I have had the honor of studying Iqbal for 50 years but Iqbal remains an enigma to me.

His mother tongue was Kashmiri/Punjabi but his kalaam is mostly in Persian and in Urdu.

In his famous poem “ Ek maulvi sahib ke sonata hoon kahaani…’ he describes himself as a Muslim with a slight Shia tilt, but goes on to say that even he doesn’t know what he is in the Bulhe Shah mode.

At one place he is democratic and says,
Sultani’ ay jamhoor ka aata hai zamana, jo naqshe kuhan raah me nazar aaey mita do.

At other place he says that Jamhoriat is a way of government where heads are counted but not ‘weighed’.

At one place he says that the worst ‘Idol’ is patriotism. At other times he is an Indian, singing praises for his mother land. He was strongly influenced by the Fascists Goethe, & Nietzsche, but by writing:
Jis khait say dehqaan ko mayassar na ho roti, us khet key har khosha 'ay gandum ko jala do, he exhibits love for Socialism.

He fell in love with Farsi and Maulana Rum and therefore his poetry has Sufi colour. However he was also enamored of Mirza Ghulam Ahmed of Qadian until early 1930.

He makes a strong case for separate homeland with his two nation theory. At the same time he was Unionist and against a totally independent Pakistan as he wrote in letter noted in an earlier post.

Methinks he was all things to all men, you can make of him what you want. In short he was a man for all seasons. I love his poetry and admire him immensely as an intellectual.

But for heavens’ sake, would some one please explain to me what Iqbal was really about?
He wanted to induce the spirit of adventure, keenness to acquire knowledge and truth, freedom from dogmatism in the youth. he wrote in his poem (Chand Aur Taray)

"My friend, the movement of the world is life.
And this is an old truth
Rest is impassable
For in the rest there is death."

More he address to Aligarh students he said to them

"Thou hast heard the cries of the bird in cage
But hear the different cry of the bird that's fly high".

to students he said

خدا توجےکسی طوفان سی آشنا کر دے
کی تیرے بہر کی موجوں می اضطراب نہی
توجے کتاب سے ممکن نہی فراغ
کے تو کتاب خواں ہے مگرصاحب کتاب نہی

For those who believe on almighty god....he said

یقین مثل خلیل آتش نشینی
یقین الله مستی خود گزینی
سن آہ تہذیب حاضر کہ گرفتار
غلامى سے بتر ہے بے یقینی

:smitten:No doubt he was a great philosopher,true lover of Muhammad(PBUH).

Magnificent poet and a philosopher. He was for ummah and Islam. I can never get bored by reading or listening to Jawab-e-Shikwa.

I like this song...:cool:
YouTube - Jawab-e-Shikwa
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