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Allah - the supreme, but is god, different in other religions ?

No ALMIGHTY ALLAH is for every one and he is supreme no doubt but the probleum is most of religions think BHAGWAN,BUDHA was GOD but it is not truth there comes probleum ALLAH is for evey one but not that BHAGWAN which you think is GOD how can some be a GOD who will gets made by the hands Human beings
Do you guys know what GOD stands for.
G : for Generator ,The Brahama.
O : for Operater, The Vishnu.
D : for Destructer , The Shiva.
The Trinity.

But stll I believe that no religion is greater than the one's innerself. If u feel guilty for what u have done than its the biggest sin u have performed.
Do you guys know what GOD stands for.
G : for Generator ,The Brahama.
O : for Operater, The Vishnu.
D : for Destructer , The Shiva.
The Trinity.

But stll I believe that no religion is greater than the one's innerself. If u feel guilty for what u have done than its the biggest sin u have performed.

To me, this sounds like the chaos theory.

The world, however, is highly functional, organised, methodic, balanced. If there is intelligent design, it is not of a conflicting nature. There must be One God, or none.
The word God, Bhagwan, Khuda, Allah is not important. It is the attributes which we ascribe to them that matter.

For Arabic speaking christians and jews, Allah is God, just as Khuda is for persian/urdu speakers.

What we must ask is, What constitutes this God/Bhagwan/Allah?

For us, He is the creator.

So calling someone other than the creator of the universe, God/Bhagwan etc, would be wrong.

Other attributes include, Knwoledge, Power, etc. The Real True God must have perfect knowledge, wisdom, power, must not be born, and must not die.

If these and other attributes area affirmed, then Allah can be God,Khuda, Bhagwan.

Another important aspect is worship. As muslims, we believe that Allah/God is the only one that deserves to be worhispped, as He is the only creator.

If this worhip is given to someone other than the creator, this is an act of ungratefulness.

We must not confuse good with god. Just because something is beneficial to us, doesn't mean it deserves to be worshipped.

Just because someone or something is good to us, doesnt mean we should declare it as god. godly yes, but god, no.
Tornado as per u God is destroyer so is there a problem with God being a destroyer now u'll tell God what he should be like and what he shouldn't be like and exactly that is where religions like Hinduism Christianity etc comes up to take what is right in mind and what is wrong reject it even if its right sorry without any disrespect but this is what it seems to be hope you don't mind. Brotha i've all the time to explain and convince you regarding the real The God but than again if someone has set their mind not to accept it it would be a waste of my time to give lectures and explanations any time you want to know anything precise let me know i'll help ya with laters..
No ALMIGHTY ALLAH is for every one and he is supreme no doubt but the probleum is most of religions think BHAGWAN,BUDHA was GOD but it is not truth there comes probleum ALLAH is for evey one but not that BHAGWAN which you think is GOD how can some be a GOD who will gets made by the hands Human beings

i think my brother your english went past me like a jet plane....
but if you mean Allah is for all and bhagwan, buddha, god for only some, then you are being really biased and drawing conclusions as per your comfort,

he is ONE, and people who feel there is more than 1, are illusioned
After reading major relgious books, i have found one similiar theme regarding God. And that is, in every book he wants from us an unconditional love towards him. And if one thinks for himself, whom can one give unconditional love too? Personally, I came up with only one answer, and that was my two daughters.

So anyone with good religious background explain to me, What would God benefit from giving him unconditional love?
Allah is only ONE. We Muslims believe there is only ONE God.

Hindus believe vishnu, ganesha, cow, shiva, etc, etc are their gods.

There's absolutely no similarities between the two religions.

Islam has more similarities with Judaism and Christianity than Hinduism thats why we refer to Jews and Christians as the People of the Book.
For us, He is the creator.
Creation is one of the processes of Nature. That which is created will exist for a while and must also face Destruction.

So "God" is not only the Creator but also the Preserver and Destroyer. But the ultimate formless Reality is beyond the processes of Creation, Preservation and Destruction.

Other attributes include, Knwoledge, Power, etc. The Real True God must have perfect knowledge, wisdom, power ... If these and other attributes area affirmed, then Allah can be God,Khuda, Bhagwan.

That is called the "Sa-Guna" conception of God. "Guna" means attribute, and "Sa-Guna" means "with attributes". Yet the sages say that the ultimate and sole Reality is "Nir-Guna", formless and beyond all attributes. That Reality cannot be described, and must be experienced through Self-Realization. "He who knows, tells not - He who tells, knows not."

Another important aspect is worship. As muslims, we believe that Allah/God is the only one that deserves to be worhispped, as He is the only creator.

If this worhip is given to someone other than the creator, this is an act of ungratefulness.
Before we address this, it is important to first understand what worship is.

Consider the following analogy: Imagine a Lake on a full-moon night. If it is windy, there will be waves, and you will not be able to properly see the reflection of the moon on the lake. But if the wind were to die down, the surface of the Lake will become perfectly still, like a mirror, and you will be able to see a perfect reflection of the moon thereon.

Similarly, when the consciousness becomes perfectly calm, the sole Reality (or God, if you will) can be perceived.

The purpose of worship is attain that perfect quietness of mind that enables perception of the ultimate Reality.

The most effective way attain perfect quietness is through proper control of the Prana or Life Energy. Control of the Prana is called Pranayama. The higher meditation techniques of Raj Yoga enable us to achieve this control of Life Energy.

In Sanatana Dharma, other methods to attain perfect quietness are also acknowledged. Some people may benefit by continuously repeating the Divine name mentally. This is called Japa. Others may immerse their minds in a symbol such as a Christian crucifix, or an image that represents aspects of the Divine. A Buddhist may use a statue of the Buddha. The most effective path, by far, is Raj Yoga, but Sanatana Dharma is not fanatical about this. Each individual can use a technique that is most suited to him, under the guidance of his Guru.

What is important is the goal, which is the perception of the ultimate Reality through perfect calmness.
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Allah is only ONE. We Muslims believe there is only ONE God.

Hindus believe vishnu, ganesha, cow, shiva, etc, etc are their gods.

There's absolutely no similarities between the two religions.

Islam has more similarities with Judaism and Christianity than Hinduism thats why we refer to Jews and Christians as the People of the Book.

You could be right about the dissimilarity between Islam and Sanatana Dharma.

You are quite wrong in your understanding of Sanatana Dharma. See this post: http://www.defence.pk/forums/members-club/22536-very-quick-introduction-sanatana-dharma.html
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Since we leave our DNA behind with our dead bodies, I don't see how DNA can possibly transmit past life memories. In a new life, the DNA would be quite different.

We also pass on our DNA to our children.
There is a tv show on the BBC called "who do you think you are" which traces the lifes of famous back in time using various techniques such as census records,DNA,bloodlines ect to find out where they originally came from.....if you a chance to watch the show you will have a better understanding of what i am talking about.
If our genetic make up can be passed on over generations then why cant the memeories of our ancestors also be passed on?
We also pass on our DNA to our children.
There is a tv show on the BBC called "who do you think you are" which traces the lifes of famous back in time using various techniques such as census records,DNA,bloodlines ect to find out where they originally came from.....if you a chance to watch the show you will have a better understanding of what i am talking about.
If our genetic make up can be passed on over generations then why cant the memeories of our ancestors also be passed on?

Well, somebody who has past life memories may not be the direct descendant of his supposed previous incarnation. In any case, the experiences we undergo are not reflected in our genes.

See the first few pages of the book I recommended here I Have Lived Before: The True Story ... - Google Book Search .
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