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Al Qaeda returning to Afghanistan



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NationalJournal.com - Al-Qaida Returning to Afghanistan for New Attacks - Monday, October 18, 2010

It is an old article, from October 2010 (not that old) but many Pakistanis I have spoken to have told me that this is proof that the militants have successfully been beaten by Pak army. Is this true? Because Pak army has done major operations against the militants and lost thousands of people so I think it's stupid to say Pakistan is sheltering militants.

I also speak to people of the opinion that Pakistan wouldn't need to seal the border, and drone strikes would not be necessary, if the U.S. and NATO could get their act together in Afghanistan. Do you guys also believe this to be correct? Because apparently the Pakistani side of the border has hundreds more checkpoints than the U.S/NATO side of the Afghan border.
Also, Al Qaeda and Taliban create what is called a "reverse safe haven". So, due to NATO's poor use of checkpoints and border security, militants cross into Afghanistan and use it's relative safety to plot attacks on Pak army and Pakistani cities.

It is interesting considering NATO believes that Pakistan knowingly shelters militants and allows them to create safe havens in their territory. But this article gives some credibility to the "reverse safe haven" theory.
Think logical.
How do they arrive?
with visa or without visa?
If without visa than how many borders do the cross before entering Afghanistan?
So, in reality, only way to come to Afghanistan is via Indian air landing at Kabul airport, after immigration hope a taxi and check in a luxury hotel in Kabul, after freshening up, going to local market for currency exchange and hiring a translater and shopping for guns stolen from US army stock.

Rest assure in Pakistan people hate these scum bags more than the people of any other part of the world.
Think logical.
How do they arrive?
with visa or without visa?
If without visa than how many borders do the cross before entering Afghanistan?
So, in reality, only way to come to Afghanistan is via Indian air landing at Kabul airport, after immigration hope a taxi and check in a luxury hotel in Kabul, after freshening up, going to local market for currency exchange and hiring a translater and shopping for guns stolen from US army stock.

Rest assure in Pakistan people hate these scum bags more than the people of any other part of the world.

I don't know the logistics of how they cross, I'm sure they keep that to themselves.

The point of the article is to discuss the return of militants to Afghanistan, and the reverse safe haven which directly contradicts public statements by NATO. If the reverse safe haven is true, then Pak army is doing a great job in flushing out terrorists.
After 9/11 till pr today Americans and all other countries join forces have killed so many of them. How can they come back in action?
I don't know the logistics of how they cross, I'm sure they keep that to themselves.

The point of the article is to discuss the return of militants to Afghanistan, and the reverse safe haven which directly contradicts public statements by NATO. If the reverse safe haven is true, then Pak army is doing a great job in flushing out terrorists.

I was being sarcastic... but seriously, air travel is the only practical way to arrive in a land locked country, with heavy baggage.
After 9/11 till pr today Americans and all other countries join forces have killed so many of them. How can they come back in action?

lol.... ironically, we captured all declared al-qaeeda leaders, while they were fleeing carpet bombing.

Falkner tried his best but failed to beat us. :pakistan:
I was being sarcastic... but seriously, air travel is the only practical way to arrive in a land locked country, with heavy baggage.

OK, I didn't understand context. But in your opinion would it be a wise move to shift the drones to Afghanistan?

Because I remember reading an article that says more high value terrorists are hiding in Kunar and Nuristan than all of Pakistan combined. So maybe drones there would take out some big guys.
OK, I didn't understand context. But in your opinion would it be a wise move to shift the drones to Afghanistan?

Because I remember reading an article that says more high value terrorists are hiding in Kunar and Nuristan than all of Pakistan combined. So maybe drones there would take out some big guys.

If you have credible info. than why not? why delayed for 10 years?

But you see there is a cheaper and cleaner way out.... just follow what Mr. Bush did.
Announce the names and head money and lot of volunteers from across the globe will find those targets to you and alive.
If you have credible info. than why not? why delayed for 10 years?

But you see there is a cheaper and cleaner way out.... just follow what Mr. Bush did.
Announce the names and head money and lot of volunteers from across the globe will find those targets to you and alive.

Um... nope.

The information I gave you is less than 4 months old, not 10 years. Credible info I see is read from article such as the one I provided in my opening post.

Your bush rant was incoherent.
I mean just put the faces of wanted on net.. with some award money,, poor Afghans will hand over those persons to you.. alive and you can save operational costs and this is how Bush use to do it.

I don't think it is good idea to start shedding hell fires......following lead of a news paper.
My advise.......hire some mature people to handle such affairs.
So, does anyone else besides BATMAN have any thoughts on this new development, of Al Qaeda moving back to Afghanistan? What do you think about the reverse safe havens, and the fact that Pakistan has more checkpoints than the U.S/NATO has on the Afghan side?

I would really like to hear a real Pakistani opinion on this.
After 9/11 till pr today Americans and all other countries join forces have killed so many of them. How can they come back in action?

We have a saying among the legionnaires deployed in afghanistan."For every terrorist you kill, six more are made". Terrorist shortage was never a problem for us. Infact they always have a surplus to meet the demand. Even when the foreign forces landed, taliban, al qaeda were already well dug in . The militants were well established in pakistan territory as well. Not to mention supply lines to militant via central asia and pak.
So, does anyone else besides BATMAN have any thoughts on this new development, of Al Qaeda moving back to Afghanistan? What do you think about the reverse safe havens, and the fact that Pakistan has more checkpoints than the U.S/NATO has on the Afghan side?

I would really like to hear a real Pakistani opinion on this.

its not pakistan's fault your native country(afghanistan)is a failiure.

go begg somewhere else for sympathy.

take your ungrateful refugees with you.
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