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Al Qaeda militants moving from Pakistan to set up in Syria: NYT


May 28, 2011
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A New York Times report has claimed that Al Qaeda militants and planners traveled from Pakistan to Syria where they are seeking to establish a base in order to carry out strikes against the United States and Europe in the future.

Director of US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), John Brennan, recently expressed apprehensions over the issue before a House panel saying “we are concerned about the use of Syrian territory by the Al Qaeda organisation to recruit individuals and develop the capability to be able not just to carry out attacks inside of Syria, but also to use Syria as a launching pad”.

The militants in question are part of an Al Qaeda group that has been extensively targeted by US drone strikes during the past decade.

Quoting intelligence assessments, the report also claimed that the senior Al Qaeda leadership in Pakistan, including chief Ayman al-Zawahiri, was developing a much more organised , long-term plan as opposed to creating specific cells in Syria to identify, recruit and train these Westerners.

The report said that the development raises the possibility that Syria could become the next Afghanistan and despite the new assessment, American policy toward Syria is not likely to change any time soon, but it does put pressure on the Obama administration and its allies.

Talking about the number of militants, two top counter-terrorism officials said, there were perhaps “a few dozen” Qaeda veterans in Syria who had fought in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

“What we’ve seen is a coalescence in Syria of Al Qaeda veterans from Afghanistan and Pakistan, as well as extremists from other hot spots such as Libya and Iraq.”

Al Qaeda militants moving from Pakistan to set up in Syria: NYT - DAWN.COM

So the new battleground for terrorists is going to be Syria, after Afghanistan? All thanks to the US of A which is screwing up the world for the interests of its powerful military industrial complex, and the American oil cartels.

From Korea to Vietnam, to West Asia/Middle East, from Afghanistan to the 'color revolutions' in the Central Asian Republics, the Americans have made a mess of our civilization.

Also read:

First batch of fighters reaches Syria, confirms Pakistani Taliban

PESHAWAR: The first of batch of Pakistani Taliban fighters has reached Syria and has established a command and control center to launch operational activities alongside Syrian rebels against President Bashar al-Assad’s regime.

So it seems some of the TTP are re-locating to Syria. That should probably give a breather to the Pakistani security forces.
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Syria has transformed into a massive garbage disposal site. All sorts of fanatics end up there.
Syria has transformed into a massive garbage disposal site. All sorts of fanatics end up there.
Great News. Get this PLAGUE out of Pakistan and I don't care which Hell-Hole they move to and call their new HOME.
Thanks to Syria Pakistan will be a safer place.
So fighting against a blood thirsty dictator al-assad is crime?

Mujahideens are fighting for a noble cause, keep your liberal bs to yourselves
Please don't come back! Pakistan doesn't want you filthy people.
Stupid monkeys will fight in a foreign country and lose their base in Pakistan

Zionist Al Qaeda of course avoid Israel
Another joke.

I think Russia should base its military in Syria to ensure no further invasion attempts happen.
Another joke.

I think Russia should base its military in Syria to ensure no further invasion attempts happen.

Russia will deliver weapons for self defence. Russian personal will operate S-300 batteries and train syrian military in guerilla warfare. But Russia will not take any further actions, because it could turn easily to another afghanistan.
I hope these so-called Islamic warriors indoctrinated by CIA and released on us as a plague perish in Syria with the type of death they deserve.
Russia will deliver weapons for self defence. Russian personal will operate S-300 batteries and train syrian military in guerilla warfare. But Russia will not take any further actions, because it could turn easily to another afghanistan.
I think an assault with Syria and Iran against KSA is needed to cut the supply lines to Chechenia and Dagestan
Pakistan should send a few soldiers to Syria and assist the Syrians in eradicating these TTP and AQ fighters before they come back to Pakistan from Syria.
Pakistan might get lucky and these bastards might come back in coffins.
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