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Ajmal Kasab Said "He was arrested 20 days before Mumbai attacks"


Nov 10, 2009
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Mumbai accused says he was framed

The man alleged to be the sole surviving gunman in last year's Mumbai attacks, Mohammad Qasab, has retracted a confession that he took part.

Mr Qasab, a Pakistani national, said he had been forced by police to confess after repeatedly being beaten up.He said he was not the man seen in pictures wielding an assault rifle during the attacks.

Giving evidence in court, Mr Qasab said that all previous confessions he had given in relation to the attacks were false and made under duress. He said that an identity parade in which he took part had been "manipulated" by police.

He said that he had never been to any of the locations where the attacks took place and prior to his appearance in court had never even seen an AK-47 rifle.
He said that numerous eyewitness accounts of his role in the attacks were "completely wrong".

Mr Qasab said that Mumbai police had arrested him 20 days before the incident so that they could frame him. He said that the man widely photographed as the sole surviving gunman in the attacks "was not me, but someone who resembles me".

BBC News - English
BBC News- Urdu
hahaha, then why did he wait a year to say this?

Friday, 18 December 2009
29 November, 2008

after his all court trials, and this "drama" then for a year. He speaks now?
Nice attempt in diverting; and you people obviously believe it so much now. It's ok because our courts won't let him out either way Kasab. Nice attempt though.
Mr Qasab said that Mumbai police had arrested him 20 days before the incident so that they could frame him. He said that the man widely photographed as the sole surviving gunman in the attacks "was not me, but someone who resembles me".

I think the Mumbai police should take over the business of RAW. :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
Now he will say he is from mars..!!!! well evidence don't lie, no matter what he say,s his bloody face was seen by the world....and now he is making up a twin. i would say enough of this drama.. i would like a verdict soon that hangs this killer for good..!!!!
It was his twin brother Farouk who they filmed killing all those people and his twin brother died a few days later in Pakistan and his body is still missing. No records exist of the birth of his twin brother as his parents forgot to register the twin. Ajmal was in India on business. He entered illegally as he did not want his business competitors to know he was there. His business involves the buying and selling of tea in overseas markets and donating 10% of his earnings to UNICEF. He was walking innocently down Grant Street when the cops picked him up a few days before 26/11. They detained him and after 26/11 shot him a few times, beat him up and paraded him as Farouk who in fact the Kasab family and ISI always suspected of being a R&AW agent since he spoke so highly of India and hindus. Suspicions were also that Farouk was a middleman for supplying R&AW weapons to the TTP. Case solved. Pakistan and poor Ajmal were just victims of an elaborate Bollywood style conspiracy by India to embarass Pakistan in the international stage :bunny:
And...dogs just landed on Jupiter.....and found an ant running after an elephant...with a samurai sward in her hand...the elephant strapped ...supersonic jet engines to his four legs...used his ears as rudders......and he then flew into a crater on Jupiter's surface crated by impact of a asteroid full of radioactive uranium.....he got mutated ....by radio activity.....and converted into a fire ant....
I am still not accepting it as a plot by Lashkar. It all plotted by Indian Intelligence agencies controlled by Sanghi minded to bring BJP back to power but they miserably failed even after doing so much efforts. see the string of terrorist events just before Indian parliamentary elections and you will know everything. Aamir Kasab might be blonging to the same group of people declared missing by Pak govt from Nepal.
Try to read and understand Brahminical mindset. Much more surprises will be coming for Pakistan in near future.
It all started not from Karachi but right from Fascist stronghold of Gujarat headed by Gujarati Hitler, "Modi". Remember he came in first to declare compensations in the drama staged under his command.
29 November, 2008
after his all court trials, and this "drama" then for a year. He speaks now?
Nice attempt in diverting; and you people obviously believe it so much now. It's ok because our courts won't let him out either way Kasab. Nice attempt though.

He Said because of Police violence he stated false .. I think in real life there are many examples of changing statement due to police violence.

Also his accent was not Pakistani or punjabi during confession.

I think there is some thing in bottom..

I am still not accepting it as a plot by Lashkar. It all plotted by Indian Intelligence agencies controlled by Sanghi minded to bring BJP back to power but they miserably failed even after doing so much efforts. see the string of terrorist events just before Indian parliamentary elections and you will know everything. Aamir Kasab might be blonging to the same group of people declared missing by Pak govt from Nepal.
Try to read and understand Brahminical mindset. Much more surprises will be coming for Pakistan in near future.
It all started not from Karachi but right from Fascist stronghold of Gujarat headed by Gujarati Hitler, "Modi". Remember he came in first to declare compensations in the drama staged under his command.

Do they allow you to smoke that stuff you have been smoking in the UAE? Your mind boogling drama would be paid for in Bollywood but really where did you conjure this up from?
If there had been a govt headed by a real patriotic leader and ministers in Pak during that period they might have asked for the direct access to Kasab and the India drama was over at that moment itself.
Planet Warrior, some thing is burning, I can feel it clearly.
If there had been a govt headed by a real patriotic leader and ministers in Pak during that period they might have asked for the direct access to Kasab and the India drama was over at that moment itself.
Planet Warrior, some thing is burning, I can feel it clearly.

No Pakistani government asked for access to Kasab. ISI Chief was invited to India and if I recollect correctly he did accept the invite to discuss the issue. Thereafter Pakistani nationals were arrested and a trial is underway in Pakistan. Simple facts which speak for themselves and not the hoody goody stories which emanate eveywhere else after a puff at the malta or a drink of the bhaaji juice
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