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Air Staff of the Bangladesh Air Force visits Burma


Mar 21, 2011
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Vice-Senior General Min Aung Hlaing receives Chief of the Air Staff of the Bangladesh Air Force

NAY PYI TAW, 2 April- A goodwill delegation led by Chief of the Air Staff of the Bangladesh Air Force Air Marshal Shah Mohammad Ziaur Rahman, ndc, fawc, pcs paid a call on Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Vice-Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, at Zeyathiri Beikman, here, this morning.

Also present at the call together with Vice-Senior General Min Aung Hlaing were Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Soe Win, General Hla Htay Win of the Office of Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services, Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Admiral Nyan Tun, Commander-in-Chief (Air) General Myat Hein and senior military officers from the Office of Commander-in-Chief and the Commander of Nay Pyi Taw Command. The Chief of the Air Staff was accompanied by Air Officer Commanding Bangladesh Air Force Base Bashar, Air Commodore M Naim Hassan, fawc, psc officers from Bangladesh Air Force and the Bangladeshi military attaché to Myanmar.

Vice-Senior General Min Aung Hlaing said that he strongly believed that goodwill visit of the Bangladeshi Chief of Air Force to Myanmar would strengthen further amity between two armies.

Exchange visits of army leaders from both sides showed that there were friendships between two countries. He was very heartening to see more strengthening of relationships between two countries and of amity between two armies. Myanmar would coordinate some border disputes.

He was very happy to see personal friendships between two countries due to exchange visits of both leaders. He assumed that cooperation between the two countries would be successful.

Vice-Senior General Min Aung Hlaing said that he took pride for exchanging goodwill visits of both sides. Bangladesh would make more multicooperation between two countries in the future. Myanmar was sharing border with Bangladesh and same climate conditions. In addition, both countries were located under one umbrella and like brothers.

According to the history of Myanmar-Bangladesh relation since last 150 years, Bangladesh always remembered that Myanmar government and people had extended helping hand to Bangladeshi war victims. Myanmar was the earliest country which recognized Bangladesh as an independent country when Bangladesh set up on 16 December, 1971. Taking a look back at the history, there had been amity between two countries. Bangladesh remembered Myanmar’s helps from Bangladesh’s struggles for independence to date and thanked Myanmar government and people.

In addition, Myanmar Air Force had helped him a lot. Bangladesh would like to promote cooperation as air forces of both sides were in brotherhood. Bangladesh home to more than 160 million people thanked for food aids of India and Myanmar. Bangladesh would like to make cooperation in protecting against illegal business in the territorial waters of both sides. The period his paying visit to Myanmar was a historic time for Myanmar, and he strongly believed that it would be success.

After the meeting, Vice-Senior General Min Aung Hlaing and the visiting Chief of the Air Staff exchanged gifts and had documentary photo taken
Will it increase friendship between this two countries????????
Very nice,things should be always like this.We are dying to connect with China,SE Asia and only our Burmese brothers can help us out here.Long live Bangla-Burma friendship:cheers:
btw i love Burmese achar :D
Lets call the country Myanmar, as I think its the official name of the country. Long live Myanmar-Bangladesh friendship.:tup:
Its necessary to make friendship with mayanmar it will strengthen our power.
We have a very good future in mayanmar, so keep it up.
we need close tie with them
And why is that bro??
Rather we should take initiatives that can flourish our relationships,they are our only gateway to China & SE Asia.So no hanky panky with Burma unless they do something silly !!
good development.............the region needs stability:tup:
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