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AIDS infested India - deadly threat to Bangladesh


Dec 14, 2008
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AIDS Threat to Bangladesh from India

Mohammad Zainal Abedin - 10/24/2005

Indian demand for corridor, under the guise of transit must be thwarted to keep it free from HIV/AIDS, as it will spread the menace in the country rapidly. India is now the largest AIDs and HIV contaminated country in the world. According to Feacham, Executive Director of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, India has outstripped South Africa and has more people living with AIDS than any other country. Being the second largest populous country in the world, it will not be strange if India have already outstripped South Africa. While UNAIDS puts the Indian figure at 5.1 million, Feacham said that, with the speed at which the disease was spreading, the figure in India must by now exceed the South African figure of 5.3 million. Feacham suspected that the figure in India might already have crossed 1 per cent of the population and what really set the alarm bells ringing, as WHO, UNAIDS and Indian Council of Medical Research, some experts put the figure at 8 million (India sitting on AIDS bomb? - India - NEWS - The Times of India).

On the other hand the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency has forecast the number of people with HIV/AIDS in India could touch 20 million by 2010.

The rapid spreads of the menace among the Indian security forces, particularly deployed in the India's Northeastern states having common borders with Bangladesh, indicates how seriously the disease is spreading in India, which poses serious threat to Bangladesh. Indian security forces, particularly, Assam Rifles, officially admitted the presence of HIV/AIDS virus among many of its jawans. Sensing the imminent danger, Indian Defence authorities have asked soldiers battling violent separatist insurgencies in India's troubled northeast to carry condoms to prevent contracting HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.

Assam Rifles jawans top in the list to have endured with AIDS/ HIV while among the three defence forces Army jawans rank highest to have contacted with this dreaded diseases, said Director General of Armed Forces Medical Services (DGFAMS), V.K. Singh.Assam Rifles Chief, Lieutenant General Bhopinder Singh revealed that 141 of his jawans have been tested AIDS/HIV positive and presently are undergoing medical treatment while 32 others have died(http://northeasttribune.com/4805.htm).

As a preventive measure, on the other hand, India's President A J Abdul Kalam said all new recruits to the country's armed forces would be tested for the HIV virus after the deaths of some 200 soldiers due to AIDS in the past two years.

"The military will be testing for HIV in new recruits and undertake pre-natal examination of wives of personnel in the services," President Abdul Kalam said recently at an army seminar in Shillong in India's restive northeast where thousands of troops are posted to "fight separatist rebels." Officials said the HIV testing would start this October.

"HIV/AIDS has become a security threat to India ," Lieutenant-General Bhupinder Singh told the seminar. "AIDS is no less destructive than war itself. We want to keep our force fighting fit." Government records show more than 300 soldiers are currently infected with the HIV virus


To avert the disease, Vice Admiral V.K. Singh, Director General of the Armed Forces Medical Services, told soldiers at an army cantonment in the Meghalaya state capital Shillong to use condom during extra-marital sexual intercourses. "We have instructed our men to carry stocks of condoms to prevent contracting HIV-AIDS while working in vulnerable areas," he acknowledged.

The directive to carry condoms comes after army and paramilitary authorities in the northeast confirmed that scores of soldiers deployed in the region were struck by HIV, with promiscuous sex being the main reason for contracting the deadly virus.

The paramilitary Assam Rifles was the first to officially acknowledge the presence of a large number of soldiers afflicted with HIV-AIDS, although other army and paramilitary units in the Northeast are yet to come up with a formal
assessment(Condoms for troops battling N-E rebels - India - NEWS - The Times of India).

The instruction for precautionary measures and warning from the head of the state did not come without sufficient reason. But they deliberately bypassed one reason of taking so much precautionary measures, including testing the wives of the jawans. The most serious reason was the threat of the Northeast rebels. The Times of India in a despatch on September 26, 2005, said, "Insurgent groups in the Northeast are now threatening to use a new weapon against India's security forces."

The Assam Rifles has received threats from the militants that they would let loose HIV infected women to spread the disease among jawans posted in the region. The DG of Assam Rifles, Lt. Gen. Bhoopinder Singh acknowledged that they received threats from the insurgent groups fighting to secede their regions from India. "The insurgent groups will unleash women infected with HIV to spread the disease among our jawans as a way to neutralising the security forces. . Criminals groups are also trying to infect gullible young girls of this region with the virus in order to leave a trail of HIV in the region."

The Additional Project Director of National Aids Control Organisation (NACO) N S Dharmashaktu informed, "Insurgent groups are now trying new, less expensive ways to attack our forces. Biological warfare has become a reality. AIDS can be quite a deadly weapon. It does not need money, sophisticated weapons and manpower. All they have to do is infect young hapless girls of the region with AIDS and let them inflect our security forcers with the disease."

The precautionary measures taken by the concerned Indian authorities indicate that AIDS emerges as such a menace for Assam Rifles that it has already claimed the lives of 40 Assam Rifles jawans, while 139 other are lying infected. Assam Rifles is spending Rs. 2 crore annually on the caretaking programmme of the inflected jawans. It has established a three-tier HIV/AIDS control faciltieis in the regin. An AIDS centre at CPAR Hospital at Sukhoi is being set up. Over 40 treatment detection centres have also been established. It is also upgrading 30-bed existing unit to 50-bed nodal centres in Shilong of Meghalaya. Over 275 testing and reporting centres have also been built at all company posts where the samples will be collected. Knowledgeable sources believe that the situation in other branches of Indian security services are equally dangerous, which are kept hidden under the blanket of secrecy. Indian authorities for obvious reason do not disclose the deteriorating health situation in the Armed Forces. The comments of several officials, even the suggestion of the President, to test the jawans before their recruit and even their wives unveils the gravity of AIDS menace in the Armed Forces and the common people as well.

This also reveals the truth that Indian soldiers are morally bankrupt and India officially allows them to be bankrupt through commiting such immoral and illegal act of sexual relations. If the jawans are officially allowed to have illegal sexual transactions, the wives of these jawans will automatically indulge in same immoral acts with their boyfriends. The process will automatically lead India to a greater Bothell

Sex is now a booming industry in India. India now earns crores of rupees every by selling the flesh of its girls and young women. People of different age group from several countries particularly from Bangladesh and Middle Eastern countries throng India to buy sex. As a result, HIV and AIDS virus spread in India in an alarmingly way.

Security forces of any country, are to maintain generally restricted and regulated life. If the position of the Indian security forces is so serious the condition of the common people is more dangerous. The disease surely has spread among the common people more horribly. So being a neighbouring country Bangladesh faces a serious threat to HIV/AIDS virus. It can spread in Bangladesh in various ways. Indian truck drivers, helpers and labourers who illegally enter and stay inside Bangladesh territory near the land ports exchange sex with the local prostitutes.

About 2,000 Indian trucks enter Bangladesh daily. If even a microscopic number these Indian truckers, are infected with HIV or AIDS virus, it will surely spread in Bangladesh.

The disease can also spread in Bangladesh through the Indian businessmen and tourists and illegal Indians, who frequently enter Bangladesh. Indians can enter Bangladesh from three sides and all the states neighbouring Bangladesh have strong presence of HIV/AIDS.

Preventive measures should be taken immediately. Number of truckers, businessmen, tourists and illegal Indians must be restricted immediately.

Illegal intrusion should be stopped at any cost. Law enforcers should remain vigil to deter the entrance of the illegal Indians. Bangladesh missions in India must seek health certificates from the Indians before issuing visa.

HIV/AIDS virus testing machines, if possible, in all the entry point of Bangladesh to avert the spread of the disease.

Under this situation, if transit is given to India, Bangladesh will not be able to get rid of the menace of HIV/AIDS virus. So the pressure of providing corridor to India in the name of transit must be thwarted not only for economic and military reasons, but also keep Bangladesh free of the AIDS threat from India.

Global Politician - AIDS Threat to Bangladesh from India
Why are you posting an article published in 2005? How is it relevant to anything? This article is outdated and inaccurate.

I just read first couple of lines when I came across this - "India has the world's largest AID infested population."

Fact#1 -

India does not have the world's largest AIDS population. It has the world's third largest behind South Africa and Nigeria.

India HIV caseload seen dramatically lower | Reuters - UN USAID revised figure

Fact#2 -

India's AIDS population is in the range of 2.5 million (not 5+ million).

This has been mentioned in the source above and also, most AIDS cases in India are restricted to certain pockets in south and NE India.

Fact#3 -

India's AIDS prevalence rate is 0.30%, not 1%


Compare this with AIDS prevalence rates in developed countries -

USA - 0.6
Spain - 0.5
Portugal - 0.5
Canada - 0.4
Italy - 0.4
France - 0.4

Therefore, the AIDS prevalence rate in India is lower than that of several developed nations. As a matter of fact, the global figure is 0.80% and India's figure is 0.30%.

Yet, some people here keep presenting outdated information to taunt India. Lame really.
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India 'has most people with HIV'

Prevention strategies are having some effect in India
India now has more people living with HIV than any other country, a UNAids report has revealed.
The report shows that India now accounts for two-thirds of HIV cases in the whole of Asia.

An estimated 5.7 million Indians were infected by the end of 2005, overtaking the 5.5 million cases estimated in South Africa.

However, While 18.8% of South African adults were living with HIV, the figure in India was 0.9%.

Estimates of total deaths in India since Aids was first identified in 1981 range from 270,000 to 680,000.

Most of the infections there were caused by unprotected heterosexual intercourse, according to UNAids.

States in southern India have traditionally been the hardest hit by the disease.

A study of prostitutes in Tamil Nadu found 50% had been infected with HIV.

However, UNAids said these regions had made progress in combating the spread of infection.

In contrast, little or no progress had been made in cutting infection rates in the north of the country, where injecting drug use is thought to be the main driver of infection.

The UN agency estimates that only 7% of Indians who needed antiretroviral drug therapy actually received it last year.

In addition, only 1.6% of pregnant women who needed treatment to prevent mother-to-child HIV transmission were receiving it.

UNAids also sounded a warning about neighbouring Pakistan, where around 85,000 people were estimated to be infected with HIV by the end of 2005.

It said the country would have to improve its prevention efforts if it is to avoid a more serious situation.


The report said that China had improved the way it monitors HIV.

Health experts had feared that failure to acknowledge the growing problem of HIV in the country would hamper efforts to combat the spread of infection.

But UNAids said it had now been able to estimate the number of cases in the country - 650,000 - with some degree of confidence.

The report estimated that 45% of injecting drug users and 25% of sex workers are now being targeted by prevention programmes in the country.

However, it estimated that just 8% of male heterosexuals were being reached by prevention programmes in 2005.

It is thought that around 25% of people with HIV in China receive antiretroviral drugs - above the Asian average of 16%.

The report also highlights significant progress in Thailand, which threatened to become an HIV black spot.

The prevalence rate in the country is now 1.6% - a third lower than in the previous decade.

It is thought prevention efforts have encouraged men to stop buying sex. Condom use has also increased.

BBC NEWS | Health | India 'has most people with HIV'
If you dont want these people entering BD ask them to take tests before entering your country. Who knows how many of the people who are coming to BD with legal visas everyday have HIV?
Let me give you a quick lesson on how this topic was selected by our Keen member

Check this link! Its a google search link ! :P

India threat bangladesh - Google Search

1) The Bangladesh Threat
First Link is threat of bangladesh to India due to Illegal immigrants . So cant use that
2) India as a Threat: Bangladeshi Perceptions -- Vinayaraj 16 (1): 101 -- South Asian Survey - Similar topic! Bd's threat to India
3) Bangladesh's Foreign Policy Approaches to India by Dr. Subhash Kapila - Bangladesh's misconceived threat perceptions from India stand reflected in the Defence Cooperation Agreement with China and providing bases to Pakistan's ... - Cant use this either
4) Bangladesh is big threat for india, what should to do? - Yahoo! Answers India - Hi All, till date it was formed, this country never thankful to our country, ... My parents moved to India from Banglades (East Pakistan) in 1955 through proper .. Some Yahoo answer stuff... So cant use
5) Kirsten warns of India threat at CT - Cricket Stuff - Cant use this here ;)
6) Illegal Bangladeshi immigrants threat to India: court - Illegal Bd immigrants - will back fire ;)
7) Global Politician - AIDS Threat to Bangladesh from India - Atlast ! Salvation!! Something to malign India in this forum.. Wow! That made my day!! Hey Wait a minute... This stuff was written in 2005!!!! But hell! Who cares!! As long as there is stuff against India, I will recieve thanks and pats on the back and the Indians would start arguing mindlessly !!! No one will bother to check the date..

And so This is how this news was posted here :D
Indian Truckers Spreading HIV Across Subcontinent

By Davey G. Johnson, 4:17 PM on Tue Nov 29 2005

As history has taught us, mobility is often a double-edged sword. In India, quite a few indigenous truck stops, or "dhabas," offer free food to long-haul truckers, provided they pop for a quick stress-reliever with a prostitute, kinda like free drinks while one gambles in Vegas. Unfortunately, many, if not most of the drivers are uneducated about the dangers of HIV, and many of the (often very young) prostitutes at dhabas don't have the leverage to insist on condom use, if they've even been educated about its benefits at all.

All of this, as anyone with a couple of spare brain cells to rub together can imagine, is making the subcontinent a ripe target for infection, and in fact, it ranks only behind South Africa in the number of people living with HIV and AIDS, although given India's massive population, the per-capita infection rate is far lower.

Indian health officials are obviously worried, but proper truck-stop schwanz-wrapping procedures aren't being taught in trucking schools, and if drivers do become too sick to drive (given the lack of healthcare), they're simply replaced. With India's expanding economic growth, unless drastic measures in HIV-prevention education are taken, India could well become the next Africa.

Indian Truckers Spreading HIV Across Subcontinent - India - Jalopnik
Indian Truckers Spreading HIV Across Subcontinent

By Davey G. Johnson, 4:17 PM on Tue Nov 29 2005

As history has taught us, mobility is often a double-edged sword. In India, quite a few indigenous truck stops, or "dhabas," offer free food to long-haul truckers, provided they pop for a quick stress-reliever with a prostitute, kinda like free drinks while one gambles in Vegas. Unfortunately, many, if not most of the drivers are uneducated about the dangers of HIV, and many of the (often very young) prostitutes at dhabas don't have the leverage to insist on condom use, if they've even been educated about its benefits at all.

All of this, as anyone with a couple of spare brain cells to rub together can imagine, is making the subcontinent a ripe target for infection, and in fact, it ranks only behind South Africa in the number of people living with HIV and AIDS, although given India's massive population, the per-capita infection rate is far lower.

Indian health officials are obviously worried, but proper truck-stop schwanz-wrapping procedures aren't being taught in trucking schools, and if drivers do become too sick to drive (given the lack of healthcare), they're simply replaced. With India's expanding economic growth, unless drastic measures in HIV-prevention education are taken, India could well become the next Africa.

Indian Truckers Spreading HIV Across Subcontinent - India - Jalopnik

India 'has most people with HIV'

India possibly has the most number of ppl in the world, by any law of averages it would have the most No of HIV cases at least among the nations who honestly disclose such facts.

So .. whats the fuss about ?

Google is not the answer to everything Idune..sometimes you get wrong info.
Country Situation

Bangladesh is still considered as a low HIV/AIDS prevalent country. However, it is at a critical moment in the course of its AIDS epidemic. It is estimated that there are 13,000 HIV-positive people in the country and that HIV prevalence in the adult population is less than 0.01%. However, the country's vulnerability is very high. National HIV surveillance indicates that the rate of HIV infection among street-based sex workers in central Bangladesh is high compared with sex workers in other parts of South Asia. HIV among injecting drug users is already 4%.

The presence of covert multi-partner sexual activity and denial, the low level of knowledge and low condom use, unsafe professional blood donations, lack of a desirable environment and violation of Human Rights, all contribute to the spread of HIV in Bangladesh.

Source: WHO, Bangladesh - HIV/AIDS
i think this is not the question that wich country is highly infected .the question is how we protect the others from it
there is no question of indian bd usa pakistan or else every one is human and i am realy sad to see that on this sereous topic some people fighting this is not good we all are brothers no indian no pakistani no bangladeshi

And again you post an outdated article published in 2006.

Go through the revised figures

by World Factbook -


by UN AIDS -


Both CIA and UN list India below Nigeria and South Africa regarding the absolute number of AIDS patients. And they also list India much below several developed nations in terms of percentage of population living with AIDS.

So stop this India-bashing. Nobody is going to fall for your outdated piece of information.
I think the threat is the other way round. The sex trade in cities like Delhi and Mumbai is increasingly being increased by the influx of Illegal Bangladeshi prostitutes. The Ghettos housing the illegal Bangladeshis is are flourishing as red light areas in major Indian cities. These prostitutes are high risk prone to HIV-AIDS spread.

Seriously, are you trying to bring out an important health issue that troubles the world for discussion or trying to malign India's name so you and some others here can take a cheap shot at it???

Be honest so we know how to respond accordingly.....

Because frankly this is a serious topic......and should not be made a mockery of!!!
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