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Aid To China Criticised After Beijing Lands Space Probe On The Moon


Jan 10, 2014
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China, the world's second-largest economy, is still receiving millions of pounds in aid from Britain - despite having its own space programme.

The Government has been criticised after figures seen by the Daily Mail show the UK distributed £27.4 million to the country last year.

China celebrated at the weekend when it successfully landed a space probe on the moon.

The Government said it no longer gives aid to China directly, but via non-governmental partners working to achieve UK objectives such as tackling climate change and building sustainable economies.


China's Chang'e-3 rocket blasts off

But Tory MP Peter Bone called on International Development Secretary Justine Greening to explain why UK money was still going to China.

"The public will be rightly horrified that we are still wasting money on aid to China,' he told the Daily Mail.

"It's extraordinary that we are doing this while they send a mission to the moon.

"If these aid programmes are still continuing then I think Justine Greening needs to come to Parliament and explain what the justification is, because I can't think of one."

China was among a list of 16 countries that the Government said would have its British aid funds cut off by 2016 following a review in 2011 by the then international development secretary Andrew Mitchell.

The Daily Mail said the official figures also revealed a further 14 countries from the list received cash last year, adding up to a total of £131.9 million.

Vietnam was given £51.5 million, Cambodia £14.5 million, Indonesia £11.3 million and Kosovo £10.2 million. Russia did not receive any aid.

Matthew Sinclair, chief executive of the TaxPayers' Alliance, told the newspaper: "Taxpayers expect UK aid to be helping people in the world's poorest nations."

A spokesman for the Foreign Office said: "Since 2011, we have stopped or are in the process of stopping bilateral aid to over a dozen countries that are becoming more prosperous like China and Russia.

"This has allowed us to concentrate our efforts where the need is greatest and where we can have most impact.

"It is right that where these programmes have closed that Her Majesty's Government continues to work with non-governmental partners on global issues like sustaining economic growth and climate change which affect us all."

Last year the Government announced it was to cut foreign aid to India by 2015 because of the country's growing economy, after repeatedly coming under fire for sending over an average of £280 million a year despite its multi-million space programme.
Aid To China Criticised After Beijing Lands Space Probe On The Moon
These a$$holes will always crib! First they needle India saying that their aid money is being used for fancy stuff like sending a Mars probe and now they're castigating China for the same reason of sending a Moon probe.

Instead of hollering from the rooftops about the so called misuse of their paltry aid to India and China, why the heck don't the Brits just stop it? :pissed:
And also
These a$$holes will always crib! First they needle India saying that their aid money is being used for fancy stuff like sending a Mars probe and now they're castigating China for the same reason of sending a Moon probe.

Instead of hollering from the rooftops about the so called misuse of their paltry aid to India and China, why the heck don't the Brits just stop it? :pissed:
And also return what they looted continously for 200 years.....
These a$$holes will always crib! First they needle India saying that their aid money is being used for fancy stuff like sending a Mars probe and now they're castigating China for the same reason of sending a Moon probe.

Instead of hollering from the rooftops about the so called misuse of their paltry aid to India and China, why the heck don't the Brits just stop it? :pissed:

Is there any Space program of Brits or they are envy that their 'Subjects' are ahead of them
Even earth rotates, monsoon arrives and river flows because of British aid. :omghaha::omghaha:
How can it be China's fault, if UK has that much money to spare for such aid :lol:

Britain is a member but has not adopted Euro,i could be wrong.......
Even if they are in EURO, they cannot boast about it...
Individually, their space budget is $100 million...
Either they are not wise to spend their money wisely or they are not capable of achieving something in space...

Britain is a member but has not adopted Euro,i could be wrong.......

@dontsuspendme ,

Britain never adopted Euro, if you talk to British, many of them still live with fantasy of British Empire and don't want to erase that hangover though getting more integrated in EU. Some of them even think of forming such economic block with Commonwealth Countries.
Britain never adopted Euro, if you talk to British, many of them still live with fantasy of British Empire and don't want to erase that hangover though getting more integrated in EU. Some of them even think of forming such economic block with Commonwealth Countries.
They are just JOKERS in global arena...
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